What math and science cannot (yet?) explain

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flat-earthers hey I hope you guys enjoy that if you did be sure to LIKE and subscribe don't forget to follow me on social media let me know your thinking those comments down below and okay I'm kidding here's the real video posted by the way this was sponsored by Norden VPN I just wanted to put that joke in first okay here we go on August 15th 1977 the US radio telescope picked up a strange and rather strong signal coming from deep space the signal lasted for 72 seconds but afterwards we were never able to detect it again and to this day we aren't exactly sure what it was when one researcher saw the sequence of numbers that indicated the signal he wrote the word Wow on the original printout giving it the name the WoW signal so no the signal didn't say Wow which would have been pretty cool doesn't sound like any radio signal I've heard anyway the WoW signal had no encoded information and it was unmodulated sound signals in our hearing range lie between 20 and 20,000 Hertz but we don't just send those wirelessly we first moved the signal so it's centered around a much higher frequency like let's say ninety six point five million Hertz otherwise known as 96.5 FM when dealing with radio this right here is modulation that is then sent over the Airways and then a receiver moves the frequencies back down so we can hear the sound that's kind of the basics of how radio works the while signal on the other hand didn't use any of this modulation however almost two decades before the signal was ever discovered two physicists predicted that if intelligent alien life tried to communicate with us through radio emissions they might do so using a frequency of 1420 megahertz and that's because that would match the electromagnetic radiation naturally given off by hydrogen the most common element in the universe this would be like a mutually understood value between advanced civilizations and the WoW signal is picked up at almost that exact frequency in fact we think it's so likely that alien life would use this frequency that it's illegal for anyone in the world to use it for broadcasting now of course this signal could have come from a variety of sources a few years back one researcher said that a comet which would have been right around the same ocation as the signal could have produced it as a result of the hydrogen within it heating up but he also said a comment producing this strong of a signal is unlikely so at the moment we still aren't sure where this came from and many say it is the strongest can deny but that's not the only strange signal we've picked up from space for example in 2007 the first-ever fast radio bursts was discovered fast radio bursts are very intense but very short bursts of radio emissions usually lasting just a few milliseconds they appeared throughout the sky but their source and what's causing them are unknown we've only detected a few dozen of these bursts where each one comes from different locations in space but one really threw us a curveball and that was FRB 12 1102 because unlike other bursts this one repeated in fact in one day in August 2017 ninety three of these pulses were detected all coming from the same source see if first researchers thought fast radio bursts came from one-time events like colliding black holes and that's because once we detected a radio burst we'd never detect one again from that same location which is still usually what happens but things totally change with this new discovery whatever was causing these bursts was ongoing so could this be alien life well probably not because the FRB 12 1102 signal for example is said to be coming from a galaxy 3 billion light-years away and the amount of energy that needs to be released to send these signals back far across space given the power level we receive the met exceeds almost anything else in the universe so something really powerful way beyond human capabilities must be causing these rotating neutron stars and black holes all the way to alien life have been theorized sources but overall fast radio bursts still leave scientists very puzzled and I honestly could go on about all the strange space related phenomena that we can't explain classic examples would be like dark matter or dark energy which could help explain galaxy formations and why the universe is expanding respectively or a lesser-known example would be something like tabbies star located almost 1500 light-years from Earth this star experiences large dips and brightness sometimes up to 22% at strange intervals this reduction in brightness indicates that something must be blocking nearly half the width of the star but scientists aren't sure what's causing that some have proposed a large dust ring comets and more however we just don't know but what about things here on earth things that we experience every day but still can't fully explain because actually more than you might think for example did you know that science cannot yet fully explain why bikes can stay upright without a rider on them because I mean if you take your bike and push it hard enough it will move forward on its own and given smooth enough terrain it won't fall over until it slows down enough there are several factors that help explain this but there's no single explanation that science currently has for why this happens I mean we do know a good amount we've learned that gyroscopic effects do help with steering but those effects overall aren't as important as we once thought and we know that specifics and the layout of the bike such as the contact point being behind the steering axis help the bike make corrections when it starts to turn on its own so we know a lot about what does and doesn't have an effect on this but the analysis is not complete if you want more info on all this minutephysics did an entire detailed video which I'll link below because the everyday phenomenon I want to discuss is turbulence not only is this something that math and physics cannot currently explain but if you find a way to you'll win a million dollars well sort of let me explain the millennium prize problems are a list of seven problems in the field of mathematics that are let's just say very difficult to solve some of what you need may be a master's degree in math just to understand but the reward for solving any one of these is a million dollars and so far only one has been solved now of the six remaining the one we're looking at is the navier-stokes existence and smoothness the navier-stokes equations are kind of like f equals ma for fluids whether it be water air or something else these equations essentially tell us how fluids will move and as they often involve turbulence but the thing is these are incredibly difficult to solve I mean solutions do exist but we usually have to make assumptions that simplify the math a lot and in the real world we require computers to just get us good approximations so yeah there is a lot we do know when it comes to fluids but our understanding is not complete in fact the equations are so difficult that the million-dollar prize doesn't require finding a solution it goes to the person who proves that given some initial conditions a solution does or doesn't exist in three dimensions as in answering the million-dollar question won't necessarily lead to a physical explanation of turbulence it might just say that solutions do exist however this would be a starting point Richard Feynman once said turbulence was the most important unsolved problem in classical physics probably since it applies to a bunch of things from submarines to planes to the medical field and more but there's just a lot we can't answer now mathematically or physically and navier-stokes is a crucial step to fixing this problem but of all the other unsolved millennium prize problems there is one that could really change things hmm maybe again let me explain this is P versus NP P versus NP essentially says if a solution to a problem can be verified quickly can it also be found quickly this is an oversimplification that I'll fix in a second now if I handed you a solve Sudoku for anyone who knows the rules it wouldn't take too long to say that yes is in fact solved correctly or no it's not it's easy to verify but solving a blank sodoku cannot be done as quickly and I'm talking algorithmically here we don't know a way to solve a Sudoku very efficiently a problem that is maybe easy to solve but definitely easy to verify is known as an NP problem another example of an NP problem would be prime factorization if I told you that this number is made up of two prime factors it wouldn't be very easy to find those factors without just guessing and checking currently we don't know if there's an efficient algorithm to solve this whereas if I told you that these are the factors it might take like a minute or two by hand to verify that it is correct compare this to pee problems though that are easy to solve and thus easy to verify oh and just to make the correction now easy means can be done and polynomial time to see what that means just take multiplying two numbers this is a P problem if both of the numbers have two digits I will at the minimum have to multiply four values together using traditional elementary style multiplication and then add the results if there are three digit each then I'll have to do nine multiplications and add the results and with four digit each there would be 16 multiplications and so on the number of multiplications is the square of those input digits so even with 20 digits each we need to do a few hundred operations which isn't too tough for a computer this is polynomial time which tells us how complex the problem gets as the input gets larger the scales as the input value squared assuming the two numbers have the same length the polynomial time includes n to the third 4 or n to the 10,000 compare this to fastest route algorithms if there were 4 cities you need to visit finding the fastest route by brute force wouldn't take too long but already by 10 cities there are millions of possible routes the complexity scales much faster in what we call factorial time complexity so of all these problems in P and all the seemingly more difficult problems outside classified as NP computer scientists and mathematicians are looking to see whether in fact these two classes are the same as in maybe all the more complex problems can be solved in polynomial time because if that's true that would change things it wouldn't be by simply saying guests are the same but if along the way researchers also found efficient algorithms to solve those more complicated problems as quickly as the easy ones that would change a lot shortest paths and routing algorithms optimization algorithms and methods to break public key cryptography could all become more efficient with this find in fact public key cryptography itself is a big concern since it's built upon a hard problems to solve dealing with prime numbers and prime numbers or something that we don't fully understand yet either now hero was either going to transition to the things we do and don't know about prime number their distributions and so on or I was going to do cool cryptography stories and I think we're gonna go with the latter because I find these stories really interesting I mean we all know the most famous example the breaking of enigma a German encryption device used during World War two that a team of code breakers cracked which historians believed shortened the war by several years but another example that's less known as the Zimmermann telegram this was also written by Germany but sent to Mexico in 1917 during World War one along the way was intercepted by British intelligence and it was then decoded the contents of the letter revealed that Germany was proposing an alliance with Mexico if the US were to enter the war against Germany this was released to the public and it was not well-received by Americans and this is said to be one of the biggest reasons for the u.s. entering the war then there's also the Babington plot which was an attempt to assassinate Queen Elizabeth the first this was discovered by decrypting messages from Mary Queen of Scots who was playing the whole thing and she ended up being executed because of it but in the spirit of this video let's see some ciphers and encrypted messages that still to this day we have not yet cracked in 2012 so not too long ago a man in the UK was renovating his chimney when he found the skeleton of a dead carrier pigeon from World War two and around the pigeons leg was a letter containing an encrypted message some believed the pigeon was headed to Bletchley Park exactly where Alan Turing and his coworkers were working to break enigma after this guy around several code breakers attempted to decipher what the message said but it seems that no one has been able to yet then in the 1960s several murders were committed by someone who still to this day remains a mystery the pseudonym given to this person is the Zodiac killer unlike most serial killers who avoid the police this one sent several letters to the press and law enforcement essentially taunting them taking credit for the killings and telling them of more to come he sent dozens of these letters but there's a very famous set of four letters that were encrypted messages the longest one of the four was quickly deciphered which you can see here on the screen and the second longest seems to be partially solved but the other two remain a mystery the shortest of those says my name is followed by the encrypted portion and many think this will never be cracked due to its short length now yes crypto analysts and people on the Internet are very aware of the possibility that these are gibberish and some of the text or letters may just be the killer trying to mess with people but no one is sure whether the Zodiac killer would give up his real name or whether he's even still alive are very much unknown and it still remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries that we know of but I'll end with what may be the strangest unsolved mystery I've ever heard of and that is the mystery of the Somerton man seriously every detail this is just weirder than the last on December 1st 1948 a man was found dead on the Somerton Park beach in South Australia his body was found propped up against the seawall and he was neatly dressed in the suit and nice shoes that were recently polished who this man is even his name and what kill them are still unknown to this day researchers speculate that maybe he was poisoned by something that couldn't be detected but there's no proof of this however the details we do know get weird very quickly like all the name tags and labels hadn't cut from the clothing on the Somerton man's body then found deep within a hidden pocket in his pants was a rolled-up sheet of paper that said to mom should a Persian phrase meaning it's ended indicating maybe was a suicide but even that is still a mystery anyway they determined that the paper had been tore from a book called the ruby odd and thus a search for that book began turns out the book had possibly been tossed into a car in the same area as that's really found the page that had been torn section then in that same book they also found a phone number and an encrypted message that message was sent to crypto analysts and has since been analyzed by many but all attempts to decrypt the message have failed the phone number on the other hand belonged to a woman named Jessica Thompson when she was interviewed about the Somerton man she claimed to not know who he was but when she was presented with his image she apparently looked at it briefly before diverting her eyes to the floor where she continued to look throughout the interview police described her is generally evasive and said it seemed like she had some knowledge of this man's identity but we still just aren't sure what role she played in all of this it wasn't until decades later that they found out a lot of what she said was a lie in fact her daughter even came forward saying I've always had a fear that maybe she was responsible for his death she said that her mother did in fact know who he was but beyond that we really don't have many answers at the time the news of this man spread around the world but not a single person claimed to know him and to this day people are still looking into the case there are several theories that could explain things including his identity but no one knows for sure now there are so many details to this that I'll post below because you could spend days learning about this story in fact several of these cryptography stories which I don't have time to get into can keep you quite occupied the ciphers given to Richard Fineman by a fellow scientists that have never been cracked the crypto sculpture located from the CIA with one still unsolved message all the way to Sakata 3301 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Channel: MajorPrep
Views: 102,328
Rating: 4.8257513 out of 5
Keywords: majorprep, major prep, math, mathematics, science, math mysteries, science mysteries, physics mysteries, what math and science cannot explain, millenium prize problems, millenium problems, difficult mathematics, difficult physics, impossible math, what math cannot explain, what physics cannot explain, unsolved mysteries
Id: phZ4KJbPShU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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