What Malty's Trial Should've Been Like! The Queen's Dark Nature | Shield Hero Episode 21 Cut Content

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His content is super good

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Maxim2912 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

wow is this late.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/KingFatass 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Personally, I hated the anime trial scene, because the LN version is so much darker

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Chenzy0 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Maybe they could've fit all this in if they hadn't spent two and a half episodes on the pope fight

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sparkleaf 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
did you know that the queen is actually kind of crazy I mean not like all the time but for most of what should have happened in episode 21 she really made it seem that way and honestly after you see what the anime had left out her borderline unstable attitude is actually kind of justified yeah sure the trial as we saw in the anime was quite satisfying but some of the things that the Queen and now for me came up with as potential punishments for mine and the king were borderline sadistic in ways that for a second I thought I was reading overlord so let's see what this queen is really like as we go through all the events that was skipped from episode 21 let's begin episode 21 now foamies triumphant return covering chapter 11 from volume four of the light novel and chapter 32 32 from the manga two days had gone by since now for me passed out after the battle he was carried to a specialized treatment facility located in a town near the castle you see aside from his physical wounds and now Fumi was cursed by the blood sacrifice and no amount of medicine or magic could heal him and now Fermi opened his stats to check what was up and it showed that all of his attributes other than defense had dropped by 30% the only way to recover those lost stats was to make a full recovery which the doctors estimated would take about a month this meant that he wouldn't be in his best shape once the next wave came around something that now Fumi wasn't a very fond of the Queen then entered the room and although she was hiding her face behind her fan she was quite visibly angry a furious even with all this anger pointed towards mine in the Kingford doing what they did while she was away so much so that melty says she saw her tearing up their portraits and burning them to ash of the Queen even had her shadows carry around extra portraits just so that she could use them as target practice whenever she felt the need to express her anger but that wasn't enough to sate her rage it was like the betrayal of her own family had made her unstable then in a way that seemed a borderline deranged she told now Fumi that she wanted to see their faces twisted in fear it was clear she was harboring some very intense emotions which also made it apparent that she was only telling the truth because of this he decides that he could trust her for now and by her request proceeds to accompany her back to the castle upon entering the throne room both mine and the King were there at first the king was shocked to see the Queen with the shield hero finding it so unbelievable that he even attempted to convince the soldiers that she was an impostor let's just say that that comet didn't pass by the Queen very well she imprisoned the king and ice then walked over and slapped him across the face several times all while scolding him for not listening to her orders while she was away stating how she trusted him to take care of the kingdom in her absence yet during these crucial times of world crisis he put his own selfish desires ahead of the country's every time the king would try to get a warden she just slap him again not wanting to hear any excuses now you may think that this was a bit excessive based on how the Queen was portrayed in the anime but we're actually just getting started the Queen focused her attention towards my next mine tried to convince her mother that now for me did what he was accused of the thing is even if he did the Queen didn't seem to care she was already aware that mine had been doing it with Motoyasu so she didn't see why it mattered if it was with now fool in fact the Queen actually said that if mine did in fact have some sort of relationship with the shield hero then she probably could have saved her from her current situation one now from he heard this he could only cringe at the thought the Queen then goes on to say that at least there was still hope for melty referring to the fact that because melty and now Fumi were close acquaintances they could still potentially end up in a relationship together now everyone including now for me was a bit confused by the statement cuz melty was stole just this little girl and now for me really didn't want to be known as the guy with the lolly complex but after thinking about it the Queen's statement did start to make a bit more sense remember silk belt was an enemy to mal remark but they also worshiped the shield zero so if the royal line of mal remark adopted now for me into its lineage through say a marriage with melty a mal remark would then become this holy country in the eyes of silk belt meaning the whole marriage would be this political move to improve relations between the two nations and hopefully eventually bring the two together as al of course melty had no intentions of being used as a political pawn so with the red face she quickly said no to all of her mother's requests knowing that melty was just being shy her mother simply tells her that she just needs to try her best melty also couldn't help but feel a little dejected when now fool me further dismissed her mother's statements as absurd this eased a bit of the tension in the room because at least the other heroes now knew that now Fumi wasn't a total creep however the Queen seemed rather insistent on melty bear now from his child in a way that seemed as if she wouldn't let him return to Earth unless he did but that may just have been now for me jumping to conclusions the Queen then continues to berate mine sitting how she knows all about her nasty habits of taking advantage of others also demanding to know the truth of the entire situation but mine showed no signs of admitting to her lies so the Queen had no choice but to bring out the tools to administer a slave seal meanwhile Motoyasu was growing restless as he watched this person he trusted so much be held down on the ground and put through this pain he raised his spear as if he was about to prep an attack but now Fermi casted shield prison and he kept him inside of it until the scale timed out giving the Royal Guard enough time to implant the seal now this slave seal was slightly different it's a more powerful iteration of the one that Roth Talia has rather than staying as a permanent mark on the skin it'll disappear when not in use and only reappear when it's punishing the host so when the first question was asked mine tried to lie saying that everything that now for me did was true this caused the seal to appear and activate itself inflicting intense bits of pain to mine only after admitting the truth to the seal disappear again a motorist who stole being the idiot he is believed that this method was just to force words out of mines mouth he didn't think that any of what she was saying was the truth that's why in order to make sure that no one would have any misconceptions regarding the outcome of this trial mine was temporarily registered as Motoyasu slave it may be information regarding how slave seals work appear in his built-in Hut allowing him to understand that what was happening was in fact the truth everything from the forest fires to her plot to remove melty from the line of succession revealed to the people and slowly but surely now Fermi's name was being cleared but even with all this evidence Motoyasu still refused to believe it he even continued to blame now Fumi but that's either how faithful he is to his friends or just how dense he is the king's trial came next but he didn't really have much to say other than that everything was the shield hero's fault which didn't really matter anyway since the Queen had already heard enough now throughout the entire trial now fool me was growing anxious neither mine and nor the King were going to apologize and though that was frustrating to him what was more frustrating was being in the same room as them even being in the castle in general was an overall sour experience he just didn't want to be there things did become a bit more entertaining though when the Queen finally delivered her verdict she first disowned them from their royal status stating how they were both unfit to have such power following it up by giving context to the gravity of their actions you see every nation was suffering heavy losses from the waves so the kings and queens of each of them agreed to a single meeting to discuss this crisis leading to the decision that each major nation would agree to set aside their differences and summon one hero at a time with Mal remark being the last but by the time they had come to that agreement malar mark had already summoned all of the heroes for themselves and of course every other nation wasn't very happy about that it resulted in the poor diplomatic relations that we see today this made the other heroes question why the Queen would leave such an irresponsible person in charge of an entire country but we find out that the King wasn't her first choice she actually had someone that she trusted as her right hand pretty much what we would know as the hand of the Queen and it was this person who was supposed to take care of the kingdom in her absence now the reason this person was so trusted by the Queen was because his values aligned very closely with hers he was a noble who spent a lot of time earning the trust of the deme humans but when the first wave hit He gave His life protecting them you see this Nova was committed to a larger plan to improve relations between malar mark and silt belt if mal remarks showed that they were trying to create the quality between humans and deme humans then silt felt would likely do the same and for a while it actually worked at least until this novel died and everything fell apart because that Nova wasn't there anymore the king even went and ordered the demolition of an entire demi-human district that was supposed to be protected by mao remark and yeah that was Raph talia's district meaning ruff Talia's entire tragic backstory was a direct result of the king's orders now the Queen just couldn't believe that despite her true enemy being the church that the king did almost the same amount of damage she slapped the King for every wrong action she could list and it seemed like that list went on forever why the Queen seemed so unstable began to make more sense and now for me even began to sympathize with her I mean everyone she had trusted had either died or was not so trustworthy to begin with this meant that she now had to carry the entire country's weight and all of its problems by herself the next declaration the Queen made was that the Church of the three heroes was now a heretical religion and the only religion that mal remark would now follow was the Church of the four holy heroes which was one that actually already existed but not followed due to the three heroes Church being so deeply rooted into the foundation of mal remarks creation as it would turn out this religion had put a lot of funding towards forming mal remark into the kingdom that we see today thus why it had so much influence now the Queen wasn't done there there was still much more punishment to dole out she proceeds to handle buying a piece of paper which we soon find out to be a bill of all the money that mine owed the kingdom it would seem that during her mother's absence mine had assumed that all the kingdom's assets were hers for the taking this included anything and everything from guild resources to treasures and the bill accounted for all of it even including the cost of burning down the forest so let's just say that the total amount was extravagant bringing us now two minds second sentencing in order to pay all this back she would have to work as a slave until she was no longer in debt and if she didn't want to work as a slave then she'd have to contribute to the country some other way this meant joining the heroes to fight the waves on the front lines and that didn't only apply to mine the king also either had to join the front lines or abandon all responsibilities and become an adventurer both didn't seem too the idea since they both immediately began to beg for forgiveness something that the Queen was definitely short of right now she then comes up with an idea and gives now for me the right to decide their next punishment mine scurried to now from his feet and began to beg but once she said his name she made a grave mistake and mispronounced it which really triggered now for me and I mean really made him angry so the only thing that came to his mind after that was the death penalty he didn't even think about it he subconsciously hated these two so much that it was almost like a natural response it's because deep down he knew that death would be the only way to erase all the hatred that he bears even the Queen Renan Itsuki agreed that this punishment was a fitting one especially given how much they had screw to over mell remark at an international level but simply executing them was too plain of a death for the Queen she wanted to give them hope make them feel that they had secured their freedom then torture and execute them after or maybe give them simple jobs and keep them around until they worked themselves to death and now for me in the Queen seemed to really like this idea of having them as pets and domesticating them to death though considering that she was putting so much thought into such gruesome ways of disposing her own family members and now whom he couldn't help but think that maybe it was the queen who was the darkest person in the country in actuality these were just suggestions simply words that embodied the emotions that she was feeling at that time she didn't actually want them to die it was only to show now for me that he could literally ask for anything and the Queen would follow through with it now for me then recommended a crucifixion that way their deaths would send a powerful message to anyone who would try to oppose them in the future normally the Queen would have agreed but crucifying the king wouldn't go well with the other nations you see despite how he currently is in the past many of his deeds as the kingdom strategist gained him recognition all over the world and to this day many people still respect him so much so that if they were to kill him in such a public manner like that then that could go as far as to start a war now for me got the point the king was too famous to kill he recalled melty stories of him having proven himself time and time again in battle as a masters ah just so it made sense why he had so many allies and white killing him wasn't the best course of action so instead now Fermi suggested making them suffer perhaps ripping off their hands and feet would be a good start this only made mine grovel at his feet some more she was crying non-stop and could barely muster out any words when she finally did though she made such a hypocritical statement that everyone in the room could do nothing but just look on in shock she had begged now for me to not do anything as foolish as look for revenge stating how revenge only breeds further revenge now the fact that she could even say something like that given the situation that she was in just absolutely floored now phooey it's what spurred the idea for their final punishment mine would have to become an adventurer and have her name changed to likewise the king would be known as trash and have to become a soldier so to ensure that they understood their new non royal positions the Queen forced them to their knees so that now from his next request could be met it was an old one that he had put forth back at the end of the third wave remember what he demanded that the king crawl on his knees well that's what now whom he wanted and that's what he got shadows and knights surrounded both and trash and forced them to their knees with their heads touching the ground this was what now Fumi wanted to see he felt great especially since they seemed to be in so much anguish just kneeling down like that It was as if this one act was the most humiliating thing that they've ever done in their entire lives for whatever reason they just couldn't swallow their pride and humbly apologize they began to struggle and scream with all their might I mean it looked as if it brought them so much discomfort that it made renin its key wonder if now foon was going too far their state of panic was just so incite ly that no one really wanted to look at it now Fumi was the only one that seemed to be enjoying it even melty and RAF Talia seemed to be disappointed by now from his actions now for me didn't really care them he enjoyed the show while it lasted and after that was finished everyone except for the Queen and now homies party were escorted out of the throne room the Queen still had stuff that she wanted to discuss information that needed to be shared as well as stuff that she wanted to find out first was an explanation as to why everything turned out the way it did it all comes back to silt felt and Mellor mark these two are like water and oil complete opposites mal remark a mainly human society has demi-human slaves and balls the Church of the three heroes on the other hand silt felt is at demi-human society with human slaves and they follow the Church of the shield both religions diverged from the original Church of the four heroes and it was this difference in faith along with some built-in discrimination that led to the ongoing conflicts between the two nations it essentially meant that now Fumi was summoned right into enemy territory I mean it made sense why the king hated him now he was the saint of mal remarks rival nation and because the king must have fought countless Wars against them it's no wonder he despised their most iconic figure now for me even backed that to the knowledgeable people of mal remark the shield era was probably taught to be seen as a demon and it's likely that the king wanted to make it so that the entire nation saw it that way as for why the king or the Church just didn't kill now for me right away well apparently they were waiting for the other heroes to do it on their own accord but they had to wait until the other heroes became strong enough to do so however by that point the church began doubting their abilities to maintain control which led to the mess of events from the last few episodes that whole time though the Queen was busy with international negotiations trying to avert going to war with literally everyone it was only after this that she could return home of course it wasn't to the greatest news since the priests had come into possession of the legendary weapon replica now for me was told that they were lucky that the replica only carried a quarter of the power of the originals this meant that all the heroes could become four times stronger than how the priest was they just needed enough time finally the Queen gets to asking if now for me will still support her nation as much as now for me wanted to say goodbye and leave he couldn't bring himself to it because of his promise to Victoria the Queen did know that now for me was hesitant so she decides to tell him what will happen if he goes to South belt first the princesses will demand an audience then the female deme humans will make a harem around him now as unlikely as this will sound now for me was turned off by the idea not because it didn't seem like a good time but because he stole wouldn't be able to trust any woman that easily especially those who would try to control or take advantage of him that was something that he was trying to avoid the second thing that would happen would be that SIL thought would literally give him anything that he wished for should he demand an invasion of malar mark then all of them would gladly march to their deaths but that aspect could be taken a bit too far Silva was already known as a rather extreme country and it's because of this that now whom he came to the conclusion that if he went it would be either heaven or hell even so that off chance it would be hell was still better than being here the Queen saw that she had still not yet swayed now from his mind so as a final act of reverence she kneeled down and bowed her head before him everyone including below recognized the significance of this action here we had the highest authority of all of Mela Marc pleading on her knees for the shield hero to stay going so far as to offer her own life and name if it meant soothing his anger this just went to show that the entire future of Mellor Marc relied solely on now Funi I mean in the grand scheme of things the Queen was merely a bigger head now for me knew he had a bigger role to play so he felt that this one time he could trust her after all her shadows did save him once before and if he did continue to doubt everyone then he wouldn't be able to move forward he would never be able to keep Victoria's promise there was no reason to keep making enemies sure he still had many but if he could avoid them whenever possible then that would be a good step in the right direction so it was with this decision that now Fumi had now made a powerful ally and he began to think that perhaps things might start to get better as he looked around the room at each of his companions the friends he made on this long journey he thought no things will get better and that's that episode 21 with all of the gaps filled in not that there were very many but I think it was good to show this kind of Christ's side of the Queen that the anime left out personally I think it would have done well to help develop her character a little bit more I mean it's not like they didn't have time either considering that they were stole four episodes remaining in the season but it is what it is now you know for one season two and three come out which if you haven't heard has been confirmed to be in production so that means much much more cut content and perhaps finally some who is or how strong his videos anyway as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time yeah
Channel: AniNews
Views: 2,233,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shield hero, aninews, rising of the shield hero, shield hero season 2, shield hero season 3, shield hero episode 21, tate no yuusha, shield hero explained, shield hero episode, ani news, skipped content, cut content, shield hero manga, shield hero queen, shield hero trial, shield hero anime, melty trial, king trial, shield hero execution, naofumi, naofumi vs king, cut content shield hero, shield hero new season, what did the anime change
Id: _QqxZO0RZgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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