What makes X670E "EXTREME"? AM5 Chipsets Explained (featuring Aorus!)

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AMD ryzen 7000 series CPUs actually go up for sale today all the reviews went up starting yesterday and today I had a choice for the video I was going to make I could either continue to stare listlessly ahead as I run Benchmark after Benchmark to supplement my initial 7950x review or I could try to do something else and I've been wanting to focus on the motherboards versus the CPUs because there are now four chipsets to choose from on the am5 platform not just x670 and x670e that are launched as of now but also b650 and b650e that are launching in October at the same time my friends over at gigabyte said hey Paul we have a massive Media Kit to send you and we'd love to sponsor an unboxing video and have you check out our debut am5 motherboard so I said that sounds great I'm going to do that instead of staring listlessly at the benchmarking screen I can pick that up again tomorrow today let's find out about the quartet of chipsets available on the new platform and also find out what gigabyte has in store with their new aorus am5 motherboards excellent so amb's new platform is am5 and that term is typically used to refer to both the socket as well as the overall platform there are some changes this time around for example it's an LGA socket this time so the pins are actually on the motherboard rather than on the CPU itself there's more power delivery available with up to 230 watts of socket power and we have support for ddr5 as well as pcie 5.0 also backwards compatibility with am4 coolers which does ease the upgrade path a little bit for anyone who's already invested in a nice cooler now a specific thing that I've pointed out and will continue to point out is that AMD has promised platform support through 2025 and when they originally launched am4 back in 2016 they said they were going to support that through 2020 and they actually extended that through 2022. so I really like this because it provides an upgrade path for home builders and a little bit more confidence that you will be able to upgrade your system down the line as new hardware launches and then one other tidbit from amd's Keynotes is they say motherboard should start at 125 US Dollars and that's probably going to be the B series chipset other boards that are launching next month but on that note let's get into the tutorial part of this video which is that there are four chipsets for this platform x670 extreme x670 b650 extreme and b650 what is the differences between them should you save some money with the B series chipsets and wait till October or should you drop your cash on an x-series chipset right now so we'll start with a nice chart from this and antec article which I will link in the description and if you're not concerned with IO these are the main differences between the chipsets io is a big difference as well and we'll get to that in just a moment but note everything that's the same you have memory overclocking support and CPU overclocking support across the board you're going to get that no matter what although I will note that less expensive boards and sometimes B series boards can be less effective for overclocking because they don't have quite as good a power delivery especially if you're trying to overclock something like a 16 core 7950x but you're also going to get Wi-Fi 6E support quad Channel ddr5 support up to 14 super speed USB 20 gigabits per second ports 24 total CPU PCI Express Lanes that's on top of the before they go to the chipset itself and for m.2 slot support that's for storage drives m.2 nvme ssds you should have at least one pcie 5.0 slot no matter what chipset you go with so the main differences are all in this first line here the CPU PCI Express support what version pcie 5.0 or 4.0 you get and what type of connectivity basically how many slots you get and For Better or For Worse AMD has provided some flexibility for the motherboard manufacturers to go different routes for it which is why it's a little bit more difficult to explain what you get with what chipset and that's part of the reason why I wanted to make this video with the top end chipset x670e these are going to be the most expensive motherboards you will have a mandatory two pcie 5.0 slots for standard x670u may or may not get pcie 5.0 so you will need to refer to the specific motherboard that you're looking at you will at least get one by 16 tcie 4.0 slot and I feel like that should go without saying but the motherboard manufacturer has the option to make that a Gen 5 slot or a Gen 4 slot of course also with x670 you're basically going to have double the i o available versus the B series chipsets again I'll come back to that in just a second but to round this out for b650e you will also be guaranteed a pcie 5.0 slot or rather it's highly suggested which I feel like could be a little bit more firm but you'll probably be getting One pcie 5.0 slot for your top slot and most v650e chipset motherboards although it's probably worth it to double check just to be sure and finally with standard b650 you'll likely just have a pcie 4.0 slot for your main 16 speed slot for your graphics card but again you might have a 5.0 slot there so you should check the motherboard specs here's a look at the general chipset block diagrams as provided by AMD so this has options for the motherboard manufacturers for how they might implement the different types of i o available but the simplest way to look at the difference between these x670 and b650 chipsets is x670 has two chipsets there's an upstream chipset and a downstream chipset which basically doubles your i o over b650 so here for example people you can have one super speed USB 20 gigabit per second Port whereas for this slot on the x-series chipsets you could have two super speed USB 20 gigabits per second ports likewise with your supplemental PCI Express Lanes you can go with four pcie 3.0 Lanes or eight PCI 3.0 lens note that with the pcie 4.0 Lanes there's actually four of the lanes that connect these two chipsets together that's why it doesn't double here it goes from 8 to 12 versus going from 8 to 16. and here to show you that block diagram implemented with an actual motherboard is a Tom's Hardware article where they happen to have a gigabyte block diagram so here at the top you can see your am5 CPU with all the connectivity associated with it then you have a pcie by 4 connection to an AMD chipset here and since this is an x-series chipset motherboard either x670 or x670e you can see that initial chipset with all the i o connected to it and these are gigabyte selections based on the choices that were shown in that previous block diagram and then you have a second chipset with more i o connected to it and that's what's basically giving you double the chipset I O out with the x-series motherboards versus the B series boards so there's a quick rundown of the differences between the chipsets available on am5 and again with the x-series motherboards you're likely going to see better build quality more expensive boards as well but also boards that are better suited for overclocking as well as extreme applications like using ln2 whereas with the B series chipset motherboards you're probably going to be seeing more bang for the buck type boards and for me that's often where I direct budget Builders so it's nice that AMD has set the debut for the B series boards just one month later and we're expecting those again to launch in October that said I think we can now move on to our feature presentation and that is opening this huge freaking box and seeing what the gigabyte has put inside I'm pretty sure there's at least three am5 motherboards all right here goes this is this is ridiculously huge oh this is metal I have a metal there's actually an actual piece of metal here so apart from the metal piece it says AMD ryzen AMD socket am5x670 we've got a couple motherboards nestled in there this is the x670 Oris Elite ax so this is the only non-e x670 board oh it's just chilly it's really comfortably packed in there Board number two the x670e Aureus master and what's this oh Board number three the x670e aorus extreme I feel like extreme is is a bit of a theme for this uh this launch but I'm extremely unsure where this one actually came from but I'm of course extremely happy that we do get to have three boards instead of two I mean more of the merrier right now let's see what else is hidden in here under the foam ooh we have some auris RGB ddr5 memory oh this is an aorus Gen 4 7000 s SSD I will say I appreciate horus's naming scheme for their ssds because they typically name it the speed that it's rated for so 7000 s is seven thousand megabytes per second sequential reads and roughly that for sequential rights too oh we got a special note I didn't I didn't even read the special note hey Paul's Hardware Christmas has come early and we've bestow upon you the latest in our line of am5 motherboards up obviously the party wouldn't be complete without some friends to play with so we included those two we hope you enjoy the pcie 5th gen connectivity 6000 plus memory compatibility and my personal favorite the easy latch button more foam morph oh wow it's getting it's getting intense down here all right we basically have like a whole computer now this is a power supply nice wow pretty pretty density unit here this is a 1000 watt gigabyte Ultra durable UD gold the ud 1000 GM pcie 5.0 that's a 12 VH power right there 12 huge power look at it look at it it's even got the four extra pins I think so it can do 600 watts I am only slightly running out of space here but the last thing that's in here other than the cables for the power supply is an actual all-in-one liquid cooler so the fans are here and this one isn't in like a box so I gotta pull it out a piece at a time mounting kit and Hardware as well as this AIO which looks like a 280 millimeter all-in-one liquid cooler with an Oris uh pump lock unit there I'm not sure what the model is for this or anything like that but it's got pretty thick kind of sleeve tubes here though and a pretty pretty beastly looking pump block unit there I would say as well and that I mean apart from maybe a cable or two here there appears to be all that's all that's in here we've emptied out our Media Kit but look at that look at all that swag pretty impressive and it's kind of cool that you know you can actually put together a mostly aorus system now since they have like the memory they got the SSD they got the AIO cooler power supply too of course and I am getting uh you know kind of happy that I'm actually seeing psus that have that 12 VH power connector because I I will admit that that is a bit handier to plug and unplug than like three of the eight pins and of course Orris makes graphics cards too as well I'm imagining we're going to be seeing some like Radeon 7000 series cards from them but here's the deal to round out this video I've got some of the detailed stats for each of these motherboards so I'm going to take each one out of the box and give each one a closer look and we'll see which one you guys like best let us begin with the x670 aorus elite ax and this is again the only non-e motherboard that we have here from our Trifecta and I have confirmed that this board does not have pcie 5.0 for the main the graphics card slot it has pcie 4.0 but something to keep in mind for anyone who's considering pcie 5.0 versus 4.0 is that Nvidia has just announced their 40 series of graphics cards and they do not even have pcie 5.0 so we're not sure if that's something that's going to be coming with amd's Radeon 7000 series or not but Nvidia decided that that wasn't necessary as far as bandwidth concerns for their 40s Series so for gamers and people on the budget the prospect of the 5.0 is something you may mainly be interested in for storage or again future proofing but here's a quick look at the x670 aorus elite ax for the power delivery on this board you have a 16 plus 2 plus 2 design that's a 16 for the V core two for the soc in memory and then two that are miscellaneous for providing supplemental power for PCI Express for example several m.2 slots on this board two are under this panel right here and then a third up here above your main PCI Express slot I wanted to pop this off really quick so that we could see the thing that David mentioned in his note look it's an easy latch so you don't need to worry about a tiny little screw-free m.2 SSD anymore it just latches there automatically see it just pops up like that you pop it up m.2 Drive drops in and then snaps back down so there's a first quick look at the x670 Oris Elite ax a pretty full featured board as far as I can tell I like that it's got the fixed I O Shield there on the back a USB 3.2 Gen 2 front panel Port easily accessible right there on the side they've even got some nice ease of use features here like a surface mounted power and reset buttons as well as a surface mounted C Master at the bottom next up we have the x670e Horus master so x670e the extreme version of the x670 chipset but not the extreme version of this aorus motherboard that's the x670e Oris extreme which is still back there got to be careful you don't misapply your extreme adjectives with this generation yet I want to take things to extreme but look even though this is not the extreme this is still in the ATX board this is well this is this is big and heavy so uh wow wow gigabyte just just look at this look how huge it is are you sure this is not the extreme there is another board Beyond this that is even more extreme than this is look at these fin Stacks that they have up here uh for cooling of the power delivery that's that's insane this board also has twin digital vrms 105 amp mosfets and it is a 16 plus two plus two phase power delivery setup as well as of course all of the heat sinks and everything that you have on top of here as well as all this lovely lovely plastic that I get to peel like that I love when the plastic comes in layers like there's a layer below and then a layer above you get to peel one and then the other so your full speed pcie Gen 5 ssds are starting to get pretty toasty from the really really fast ones that go up to like 10 gigabytes per second reads and writes so that's why there's again this really really look at it's like a skyscraper sitting on top right there for an extra heat sink for your top m.2 slot you also have a pretty large heat sink over the chipset down here again remember there are two chipset chips down here chipset can technically be a group of chips which is why that term still applies even when there's actually two chips under there oh gigabyte you sneaky board designers look at this right here see this push button see what that did that release latch right there that's a feature that I really liked I I did a video on this feature in the past that you guys may have seen I must say I'm happy to see that coming to more boards but since this is an Aureus master and it is designed for some overclocking and some pretty intense usage of the ryzen 7000 series CPUs you of course have that power delivery set up as well as this area over here but the surface mounted debug as well as that power button I gotta be honest my my arm is starting to get pretty tired just from holding this board up but this does have full fat pcie 5.0 connectivity for your main graphics card slot as well as your m.2 and there's a look at the i o again just to round things out and that is probably something that you'll see a lot more of with the x-series chipsets versus B series it's just more USB more connectivity because again with two chips you've got lots more i o oh look external Q flash plus button too that's nice oh and I didn't even I didn't even point out ah look at that look at the back so eatx board and also a full cover rear back plate as well which is just one of those motherboard features that I like even though I mean practically speaking it's useful for like if you set the board flat on its back and everything I've never seen a case that actually shows off the motherboard back plate but I'm still still glad it's there and here it is guys taking it all the way going to the extreme with the x670e Oris extreme this box is so extreme that it like it got attacked by a bear or a wildebeest or something on the way so it's got a little bit of a ding there but that's okay because the hardware inside is still totally fresh and good oh look at that just just lifting it out of the box requires Herculean effort oh my gosh quick glance at the accessories because cyan boards off and have cool accessories we got dual Wi-Fi antenna for for maximum Wi-Fi 802.11 ax we have an external USB DAC for those audio files out there we have the decadence that is braided SATA cables which is really a great way to put the finishing touch on your build of course what motherboard would be complete without a bunch of stickers to put all over your space and then there is the board which is giving me some like kind of chromatic Vibes right now I don't know if this is just the plastic on some of these pieces or what whenever I do motherboard unboxings I'm always like oh I should plug this in and see what it looks like lit up but I really unfortunately I really do not have time for that today although I will definitely be doing stuff with these boards in the future so stay tuned you know get subscribed to my channel if you're not already because I'm going to be putting these to use at some point for now I'm just really enjoying peeling up all these plastic pieces and I will say I appreciate that gigabyte took the extra step of putting little tabs on most of them like this one right I hear like I would never have known that there was a piece of plastic on that tiny little strip there there wasn't this little tab letting me know that oh that's so satisfying I'm gonna get fingerprints all over these now that I've peeled all these plastic pieces off but that's okay so there is the aorus extreme and there's definitely something funky going on with like there's got to be some cool rgbiness going on underneath this panel here that I I can't quite see because the lights aren't actually on but hopefully we'll figure that out at some point but again we have these super convenient release here for your pcie 5.0 slot up at the top and again that's almost necessary now because of these m.2 heatsinks that they're putting on here that are so tall you really wouldn't have any way to access that with a graphics card actually slot it in there so nice that you can release it with that push button over there again we just have absurd fin stacks and cooling arrays on top of our power delivery here at the top of the board this has what I imagine will be the most Overkill power delivery set up by any aorus am5 board who knows maybe they'll go beyond that at some point in the future but for now it's an 18 plus two plus two power phase design and again that's a direct digital vrm design with 105 amp mosfets on the orus extreme so you should be able to overclock your 7950x to your heart's content with this board again we have a lovely back plate on the back and again a lot of those features that I pointed out on the orus master that I liked are carried over of course to the sport as well power button the debug LED there's your i o all in black and red and here you got a couple additional buttons clear CMOS and that Q flash plus button right there too with the Wi-Fi 6 connectivity and a couple USBC 20 gig actually one is USBC 20 gig and one as USBC 10 gigabit right there as well so there you have it guys a breakdown of the new chipsets available for the am5 platform as well as a bit of a hype-laden unboxing of a bunch of gigabyte auris motherboards x670 as well as x670e and I will post links to all these down in the description below I would like to say a huge huge thank you to gigabyte for sponsoring this video and they have suggested that they would like to maybe do further sponsored videos in the future I told them that next time we should probably do a build or giveaway or something like that so if you guys have ideas maybe for some of this Hardware that's arrived leave those in the comments section down below also down there you can find a link to my store at pulsehardware.net where you can support my channel by buying Shirts Mugs pint glasses as well as my new 8-bit designs they're really really nice the shirts are very high quality and the die is a special die that sets into the fabric so it's nice and breathable also if you like this video hit the thumbs up button on your way out and don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more Tech videos coming at you real soon thanks again for watching this one guys and we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Paul's Hardware
Views: 215,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer, PC, PC gaming, personal computer, computer hardware, paulshardware, amd am5, gigabyte, aorus, X670, X670E, B650, B650E, X670 vs X670E vs B650 vs B650E, motherboard, chipset, am5 chipsets, ryzen 7000 chipsets, 7950X, 7900X, 7700X, 7600X, Gigabyte X670 Aorus Elite AX, Gigabyte X670E Aorus Master, Gigabyte X670E Aorus Xtreme, am5 chipsets explained, difference, stats, specs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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