What Makes Cave Story's Music So Good?

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to many people it doesn't take some random YouTuber to get people to know that cave Story's music is good some may say it's really good and I would even go out and say that it is phenomenal something I feel like is getting lost recently though is one of the key reasons to why cave stories music is so dang good sure the songs themselves on their own are great pieces of art but there is one thing I feel is getting lost when talking about the jams and that's the story The Music tells something a lot of series don't do is have storytelling through their music and it is really hard to do take a series like Pokemon for example this Series has bangers all over its discography but its battle themes are something that are replayed over and over again sure it has some emotional pieces when it needs them but the soundtracks of Pokemon games isn't entirely built around the story now let's go back to Cave Story but one more thing before I do I would just like to get give a heads up that I won't be looking at every song or situation that I would like to just some songs I feel like really push the point I'm trying to tell okay let's talk about the tracks I of course I'm going to start with gestation it's the music within the first cave and it's a song that starts so quiet and slowly yet leans itself more with more layers and volumes and simply put it it's a wonderful way to make an intro song Work technically access is the first song you hear but gestation as the first song with gameplay is wonderful it fits into quote having Amnesia and that both the player and quo are slowly easing and discovering this new world that they find themselves in and this level of care and quality in cave stories music is found throughout the entire game even after receiving your first task to fine-sue an egg Corridor mischievous robot starts playing and it kind of plays the same role of starting slow but it doesn't start from nothing like gestation does it starts off jaunty with a few tones but again introduces more layers to the song and I feel the reason it does this is because you finally have some footing at this point you've experienced fighting enemies a boss getting power-ups and items and you even have some form of foundation of a story so you're officially ready to get up and go and mischievous robot does a wonderful job of telling that kind of feel now before I cut into more of how deep cave stories music goes into its story I feel it's important to talk a lot about its soundtrack remakes this whole time I've been referring to about the original organia version of the soundtrack the game has had officially remade soundtracks to try and capture a more modern version and even fans have taken many good cracks at remaking the whole soundtrack and while all these efforts are good there are some things many remakes don't get right easily the most missed song in my eyes is eyes of flame eyes of flame is always the first song I try and listen to when getting into new soundtracks you see at the beginning of the track in the oregonia version there's an intense sequence of notes that most remixes just miss entirely a lot of soundtracks often cut the amount of notes or reduce the pacing of the notes and it really feels like it takes the intensity out of the song while I hope I haven't ruined your soundtrack with this little test I do hope that whenever a new sound shot comes out you try out the patented eyes of flame test that I just got the copyrights for even soundtracks that I love and recommend everybody you listen to like DM dope Bros arranged soundtrack fails the eyes of flame test in my eyes go test it out with your favorite soundtrack and definitely let me know what you feel about it in the comments below getting back into how great organia is I want to look at mimlica Village as a whole mimika village is easily the most visited map in all of Cave Story it's your Hub world really it has a wonderful song that sounds so humbling compared to the rest of the OST that reflects the mimika perfectly even places like graveyard and Yamashita Farm have their own songs to continuously flesh out the village even more membuka Village is a place where you feel safe and you can always go back to when you need some safety or slowness and that is until it isn't after getting to a certain point in the game mimika Village is abandoned and quiet begins to play the mimika are all gone and there's no feeling of safety after realizing the village has been invaded and its inhabitants kidnapped there's a feeling of sadness failure loss and quiet drives those feelings to an 11. it's wonderful and I love quiet because of it despite of how depressing it could be another song with this same feeling as balcony balcony is such low and high tones they contrast each other heavily and there's almost no in between and it works by the time you begin to listen a balcony you know you're approaching the end yet there's almost no reason to go on you progress and see many mimikaans turn to Ravel where you realize they aren't coming back you have done nothing but lose and have always been just barely too late throughout all of Cave Story and balcony really drives us feeling strong it is as calming as it is confusing you have little to no reason to keep going yet you do and this is the song that plays you to your final hurray I'll go a bit more into this moment in a future video you because I debate balcony is one of if not the most important sequence throughout all of Cave Story and I hope I can get you all to agree alright wipe your tears it's time to hear some happier Tunes that's right we're gonna be talking about Hero's end no okay wait hear me out Hero's end is actually really dope for new players the song itself is bad it feels like the wrong buzzer as a song and that's because you got the worst ending the fact that Hero's end plays and you get no shot at hearing the actual real ending theme the way back home is just great the way back home is wonderful it is satisfaction given an audio form and heroes end robs that of you and you don't know you've been robbed of that experience until you decide to make a different change the last song I want to cover for now anyways is Labyrinth fight the song is the theme that plays when you first get to team up with curly and it does a rad job of being the theme that plays when the two robots fight together for the first time this segment of the game is wonderful and satisfying as hell you're constantly teased with curly being another robot like you yet something always holds your back whether it be the mimika or her recovery in The Labyrinth but then you're finally given the moment that you get to fight with who is your one and only known friend the song feels like a team up theme and it's great for doing that it works so well and I used to believe that Labyrinth pipe was Curly's theme because of how well it worked with her come to my 15 year old self-surprise that of course I was wrong but it doesn't take away from the moment that song serves perfectly for where it's at anyways I'd love to take an even deeper look at Cave Story's music and more moments where I feel like it hits harder but I want to save that for a different video after all I gotta talk about moon song some point am I right I hope you all enjoyed the video and I can't wait to hear about your favorite tracks and opinions on this video until my next one nerdio is out [Music]
Channel: Nerdieo!
Views: 2,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo, Nerdieo, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Cave Story, Cave, Story, Nicalis, Studio Pixel, Cave Story+, Plus
Id: irzBXMH0jpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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