What makes a great mother's day gift? And shocking how big the babies are getting.

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so my uh I usually do my morning Tuesday Morning videos with the sunrise down at the uh Shoreline but today I thought actually talk about Mother's Day again um and so it kind of made sense to come here and be with all little babies right who aren't very little anymore I mean like if you look at this one right here it's almost as big as his mom and he's what six seven weeks old I don't know how old he is not very big but like that one right there look how big he is compared to a full-sized adult sheep it's crazy how fast they grow it's absolutely amazing but the babies are definitely doing well um it's a wet day well it's been a wet week and so everything's just wet but um they're definitely growing actually if you I'm going before I start talking about Mother's Day uh see if they'll move all the way in the back back there it's the one laying down ah you can kind of see it that one is 3 weeks old absolutely amazing let see if I can get in here without them running off look at those little babies right there that little spotted one and the little brown one next to it three weeks old and that's their mom in between the two of them you healthy happy little babies that are just doing great actually these are actually bigger than this triplet over here that was born about a week before them or two weeks before and triplets are a little harder they just don't get as much milk but they uh just they're all growing so big but so I was just going to talk about Mother's Day which is it's funny because Mother's Day was actually what started all of these videos I was just sitting down on the shore and I was just thinking about back when I was a new mom and really how hard it is on the fathers right to they they want to do the right thing they want to come up with great gifts for their the the mothers of their children and it's a hard thing to do sometimes they just don't know what to do and they think about what gift to get and where to buy things and of course every mom is different but for me I just wanted those dads to know that like it's not about the material of things you know it it's really about just being it's amazing how aggressive they are and they're eating um it's not about the material things or at least for me it isn't it was always just about being seen as the mom and being appreciated as the mom you the thank you right um and so maybe that was just a handmade card or whatever it happened to be but something that just said hey I really appreciate you being the mom of my children and I really appreciate you being the mom so then I spent way too much time on Facebook and I was looking at somebody else's Facebook posting about you know what does make a good Mother's Day gift and I was really surprised by the the wide range of answers and so I thought it would be an interesting post um and I'll add something tomorrow when I get back um from my trip but um just asking what would be a great Mother's Day gift for you and what was your favorite Mother's Day gift and maybe it would help somebody else who's struggling with you know what to do for their mother or what to do for the mother of their children kind of a little sharing thing because honestly I was a little surprised by them and I don't think everybody's the same which is what is great about the world it's wonderful how everybody has different thoughts and different ways of doing things so if you want to post in the comments I would love to know what was your favorite Mother's Day gift or what would have been your most favorite Mother's Day gift and doesn't have to be a material thing maybe it's something somebody said to you maybe it's a feeling that you had so before I sign off I'm just going to say hello so here I am so thanks for joining me this morning I know it's uh very very late but I did want to come out into the Sheep pasture and say hi to everybody um from here so I hope everybody's having a great week I hope you continue to have a great week and as my high school principal would say make it a good day so I'll see you next Tuesday see you
Channel: Retreat & Learn
Views: 80
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RpN31jnJp0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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