What Losing Weight Does To Your Body And Brain | The Human Body

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[Music] here's what losing weight does to your body and brain during the first week you may find it easy to lose weight by simply switching to a healthier diet but as your metabolism adjusts you won't burn as many calories as you used to so losing additional weight will become harder making matters worse as the fat melts away you'll start to experience an increase and appetite after a meal fat cells release a hormone called leptin into the bloodstream this surge in leptin level signals to your brain you're full and should stop eating but with less overall fat people who lose weight show a measurable dip in leptin brain scans of obese patients who had lost 10% of their body weight reveal less leptin leads to increased activity and regions of the brain that control our desire to eat the end result isn't just an increased appetite but an even stronger urge to eat fatty high-calorie foods because your brain is trying to restore the body's leptin levels to normal however finding that early impulse to gorge on pizza and donuts is worth it in the long run besides the decreased risk of heart disease hypertension high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes scientists studying overweight people discovered that losing just one pound of body weight reduces four pounds of pressure on me joints losing excess weight also reduces strain on the blood vessels increases blood flow to the brain and boosts overall brain function several studies have shown that people who underwent weight-loss surgery saw an improvement in memory concentration and problem-solving skills in as soon as three months plus brain scans indicate that people who lost weight and kept it off for nine months reacted differently when shown images of high-calorie foods than before they lost the way the brain regions that process reward motivation and taste didn't react too strongly whereas the areas that promote overall self-control had a boost in activity so fighting those cravings early on might make them easier to control later turns out like an thing else losing weight can get easier with practice [Music]
Channel: Insider Tech
Views: 13,038,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tech Insider, TI, Tech, Science, Innovation, Digital culture, Design, Technology, weight loss, Health, mental health, Kent State University, obesity, brain, body, appetite, dieting, exercise, cholesterol
Id: _KGEkwSRoF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 24sec (144 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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