Hello world! Where I'm from in Japan, this is what dinner is like. Okay Aiko, what does every Japanese meal have? Rice! Is this good? This? Yes. Is it okay? Be careful! So, what are you cutting there? I'm cutting mizuna. That's kind of like a lettuce? Yeah! Oh, is that mummy? Yeah, it's mummy. Yeah, people can see mummy! Only the hands. Alright, so name that food Aiko! Shiitake Tofu Cod We do something and make it to o-nabe food. Ok, cool. Bring it to the table. You're a hard worker, put it over there please. We have some shiitake and maitake (mushrooms). Singing"ko ko ko ko ko kinoko". Shin is dancing the mushroom song. Ok? Cut it please. Can I go? Yes, you can go. Roaster, roaster. Roaster? Roaster! Roaster. Oh, roaster! Yeah, roaster. Are we good? Yes! Yeah? Yep! Timer, timer. Bombay? Gas bombay. Gas bombay? Casette. Cassette gas bombay. The one on the top is shungiku. Then green onion. And then... enoki. You know what that's called? Wakame (a type of seaweed). No, no, konbu (kelp). Konbu (kelp). It makes broth. What time of the year do you eat nabe? Well, December, January, February or something? Oh, in the winter time. Yeah! Well, you use long chopsticks, to um... put the stuff in. Oh, so you use different chopsticks to cook with than you use to eat. Yeah! It has to boil once more. Oh, once it steams up again it's ready? Yes. Okay, I got it. So this is warm underneath, and the kids are hiding under it. Kotatsu. Kotatsu. It's a kotatsu, you can see Shin's legs under there. Yuzu ponzu. Yuzu ponzu. And it's like a citrus-y... Yeah. Sauce. Yeah, soy sauce. Soy sauce. And then you put it in the bowl. So when you put the nabe into that dish... do you take any liquid, or just the food, or what? Just the food. How was the nabe? It was yummy and hot! Okay, so who's house are we at right now? We're at my Aunt's (great) and Uncle's (great) house. If you put it together, it's not good. Only put in what we'll eat. It'll be boil quickly. Do you want to put the shungiku in? Yes. This is shungiku, and this is mizuna. Aiko, do you want to eat this? Yes. Do you want to eat this? Um... yeah, I like enoki. Do you eat the skin? Yeah, of course. Put however much you want in. Shin, how's the fish? Good! Thanks for watching, see you next time, bye! What's dinner like where you're from? You weren't sick? Yeah. But I have footage of you coughing like, "bl*&#bu@#" Hey, stop (kicking me) (cough, cough). I was sick. Ha! I knew it!