What I've bought for the NEW House! (I'm doing things differently this time) 😊🏠

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hey guys welcome back I hope you're having a great Summer Wherever You Are it is hot here in Ohio we have a heatwave this week we're almost 100Β° today oh my word I feel like it's hot everywhere right now so today I'm especially grateful for air conditioning being inside and of course IC coffee and I thought today it would be fun to sit down and share some new items that I've picked up for the new house we are on the final stretch we're going to be moving in the next month or so we're so excited and I actually haven't been buying anything home related home decor related since 2024 I made it my mission to kind of have a no spend 6 months or so I was very intentional about not buying things knowing we're going to be moving and in the last two weeks or so I've kind of pulled the trigger and said okay I can start buying as the house is getting wrapped up as painting is happening I'm starting to see it come to life and just starting to get excited and so today I have a handful of different items from Decor to kind of housewares to some thrifted things some plants just some things I've gotten for the new house that I'm excited to share with you but before we do dive into that I kind of just wanted to share my heart and just share where I'm at with the move and what I'm most looking forward to so goodness I filmed a video just like this I think I even titled it new home haul or yeah I think new home haul back in 2021 as we were preparing to move into this house and goodness gracious that was almost 4 years ago it feels like a lifetime ago feel like I've grown so much as a homemaker since filming that video and since that season of life during that season um I I don't want to like be harsh on myself because I was still learning and growing so much but I was definitely in a season of bye bye bye more more more I feel like I wasn't satisfied I didn't have contentment I was always striving for the next thing I was always excited to film the next video and while I don't regret That season of My Life um this time as we move as a content creator who creates home related content here on this platform I want you to know my heart and I want you to know that I'm trying so hard to be intentional with every purchase with every item that I'm bringing into my home not only for the content but also for my family I let us get to a point several years ago where we just had so much excess of stuff that I decluttered a ton of it I donated a ton of it I sold a lot of it in garage sales and for the last few years that we lived here this beautiful historic home has taught me so many valuable lessons I've truly learned to appreciate that less is more both in life and decor and with decorating you can decorate on such a low Thrifty budget and make a home feel unique make a home feel full of character whether it's new or not and really do it on a budget and so that's my heart as we move into this new house of course there will be new items but a lot of what's here is going to come with us and as I purchase new things which there's quite a few items here today but just know I'm trying very hard to make sure when I purchase something it's not buying to buy but it's making sure it's a quality item it's making sure that it's something I truly need to buy and something I want and truly love so that I'm not sick of it in a few weeks and declutter it and feel like I need to buy more so um as we dive into the Hall today I I just felt like I needed to say that I hope that's an encouragement to you because at the end of the day as we move as we make intentional purchases for the new house house ultimately it's so that we can create a home that's easy to manage and easy to care for one that feels like a breath of fresh air that can be cozy and warm and inviting with the decor but also very functional and minimal and easy to clean because everything has a home and while no house is perfect no household is ran perfectly we will never see that this side of Heaven I really again just want to be intentional and and have that be the goal that I continue to strive for and I'm very excited to have this opportunity to kind of get a fresh start um moving is always an easy way to ignite that spark and passion for caring for your home and and really evaluating where you're at with the inventory inside your house and so it's been fun to kind of think and plan and now buy some new items so I'm excited to share that was a lengthy intro guys sorry um let's go ahead and just Dive Right into what I've picked up for the new house okay guys before we move on I kindly wanted to thank Beam for sponsoring today's video I have shared beam several times on my channel and on my other social media platforms and I'm so grateful to be working with them today because beam specifically Dream by beam has been a lifechanging luxurious drink that I make before bed that has has completely changed the game for me when it comes to a good night's sleep so I've never been somebody who struggled to fall asleep that is not my issue what tends to happen for me is that I'll fall asleep quickly but then in the middle of the night I would wake up and have a hard time falling back asleep so when I discovered Dream by beam I was so excited to try because this is a guilt-free luxurious drink mix one scoop for one serving cost less than a cup of coffee when you look at it that way and there are so many good for you ingredients in here that are going to promote a good night's rest which will ultimately lead to increased energy mood stabilization improved memory healthier skin immune function and boost and so much more sleep is so important you guys dream by beam has been a major part of my nighttime routine for months now it is just so luxurious and delicious I have the cinnamon cocoa flavor I love to drink it hot even in the summer months um I love to put on a kettle and just have a hot cup of cocoa it's just a great way to relax and unwind and feel like you're treating yourself guilt-free which is great but this is also delicious over ice with some ice cold milk of choice I love to use this with oat milk Caleb is also hooked on this you guys he has it pretty much every single night and he can tell a big difference too there's zero added sugars there's no artificial sweeteners it's sweetened with monk fruit there's only 15 calories in a serving so that is basically completely guilt-free you can definitely fit this into your diet or lifestyle it tastes delicious it tastes like a treat and there's so many good for you ingredients in here like Rishi magnesium melatonin that are going to help you fall asleep stay asleep and wake up feeling great beam also has dream capsules if you're traveling if you just prefer quick and easy and you don't want to drink something that's a great way to go as well I definitely recommend the subscription option when you order your Beam products when you sign up for the subscription you'll get this fro which is great for mixing up your favorite beam drinks plus with the subscription you'll receive free shipping and 20% off every single month one scoop of Dream by beam is clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster sleep through the night and wake up refreshed and for a limited time you can get Dream by Beam for $48 if you use my discount code I'll have it on the screen here as well as linked down in the description below so you definitely want to check that discount out because it's rare and it's only going to be offered for a limited time so if you've been interested in trying Dream by beam now is a great time to shop so again a big thanks to beam for sponsoring today's video and make sure you check out the link down in my description below I'm getting ready to declutter every towel in this house I mean talk about dingy dirty gross I want new and fresh and I didn't buy all the towels I started with five bath towels and if you hand towels um and I figured if I wanted to get more I could order online I really wanted to go in person so I did but I ended up picking up these waffle knit um bath towels from the cassal Luna brand from Target they're 100% cotton which I really liked and I liked this dark color cuz I felt like it'd be easy to maintain and wash and care for it's very soft it's very lightweight I just really liked this towel a lot I ended up buying five of them in this color and um I think I'm going to order more online I just haven't decided if I'm going to order another color or just stick all with the same color so that laundry day is very simple very easy I can throw everything in a load and then just put away accordingly and not have to really think about it cuz again easy to manage is the goal within that same realm I bought some kitchen towels not a ton just enough um I've got four here and I ended up buying um two different styles here so I have this 100% cotton plaid texture it's really pretty really neutral and simple very soft it's from the brand figment um I really liked again that it was 100% cotton and then same thing goes for this style this is another waffle print in like a grayy beige color so I've got four kitchen towels total so that will be good and then something else that is dingy and absolutely disgusting and my current home that I'll be not even donating but throwing away is um my oven mitts oven mitts just get so dingy don't they even after you wash them it's like GH and my favorite style are the rectangular ones that have the little pockets for your fingers I just love this with the silicone makes it really easy to grab hot plates also is a nice shape if you want to put hot plates on your countertop so I got two of these in this kind of dark charcoal color again I was just thinking easy to kind of look and stay clean and then the other sale I got were these stage green ones they just have one big pocket um I liked the size I think these will also be a great size and shape for hot plates and dishes on our kitchen table if you know we don't want to burn the table and I thought the color was really pretty and it's that same brand figment they had a lot of really cool stuff at Target um really liked that brand and I like that everything's 100% cotton I think that's really cool um so yeah got these oven bits and the kitchen towels this is probably the one item I wasn't necessarily looking for today but I saw it and I thought o that has new house written all over it if you guys been around my channel you know I'm a sucker for a good floral block floral print pillow cover and I found these at Target and I thought they were so pretty I got two of them they're from the threshold brand I just love that I love the texture I love the print it has a zipper so it's a removable cover so I can take this insert out and put a down insert in and I get asked a lot about where I get my down inserts most of mine are from Ikea but I have purchased some on Amazon that are great as well um and I will link everything that I can down in the description below for you guys today so one of my absolute favorite design features of our new house is that we have a double-sided fireplace and on one side we have a hearth area in our kitchen which I've never had before I think it's going to be incredibly cozy I picture having a sitting area and sipping on my morning coffee there all winter long when it's too cold to be on the back porch and it just being a really really cozy space in the kitchen but since it is the kitchen I thought well how do you decorate a mantle in a kitchen like you could have a lot of fun with that so I started thinking about my Iron Stone Collection and then I started you know just coming up with ideas but I came across this picture I think it was on Instagram and it was so warm and cozy and just beautiful it was um the mantle had a bunch of antique cutting boards displayed and then there were some plants as well and it was very like simple but warm a lot of warmth with the woods and I thought you know what I think that's the direction I want to go so it's not going to be exact by any means but I have started looking at antique shops for cutting boards and trying to find a good deal and I have a few now but I recently picked up this particular one from a shop on Etsy I'll link it below I just really loved the shape um it's a nice size too I love like the hand carve handle it looks very like imperfect but in the best way possible and the wood color is beautiful so I got that I have a handful of other ones so I'm hoping to display those and it's so funny I was in a local plant shop probably about a month ago now you may have already seen this I think it was in my summer home tour but I saw this two-tier topiary I don't even know if I can get it in the frame it's so pretty I just love how Wom mical and cute it is so I bought it about a month ago it's grown substantially I've already given it two haircuts but my goal is to keep this alive um before we move because I really want to be able to put this on my kitchen mantle with the cutting boards and um yeah that's my goal ask me how my topiary is doing in a few weeks something else that I purchased recently are new dishes I think when we first got married we registered for a dish set um but I guess we did have a dish set that was a long time ago though and I'm pretty sure the dishes were red so at some point I decluttered them um but I have not like in recent years had dishes other than from Goodwill Hobby Lobby or not Hobby Lobby HomeGoods TJ Maxx like I just kind of buy an assortment here and there which is a beautiful collected feel but I've decided other than my Iron Stone Collection I'm going to keep that hang on to that I'm going to declutter and kind of the rest of all the hodge podge and buy myself a new dish set so I did I got the set is called the Westfield dinner set it is from Target and I loved it because it wasn't too modern I typically like clean simple classic when it comes to Dish wear it's a pretty off-white color I liked the rim detail so this set came with dinner plate salad plate and bowls which this is what the bowls look like I loved the shape I loved that they weren't like overly massive but not too small they were nice depth and again they have that rimmed detail and I think it'll just be nice clean simple way to store and organize the dishes knowing they're all the same and they'll all have the same home oh and along that same line I did pick up some separate mugs that match the set I loved the shape of these mugs I think they're really really nice it's nice and wide without being too too big and um just really enjoyed the shape I am planning on decluttering pretty much all of my mugs except for maybe one or two super sentimental ones um but the rest are not sentimental at all they're just again kind of random some of them I don't even know where they came from and so having a set will be nice liked this one a lot it has a bunch of imperfections and kind of gives that like handmade feel and I think that kind of gives off like a really pretty organic vibe that um I've been enjoying okay so this next thing is kind of along the same lines as the dishes but I got a new flat wear set I have desperately needed to buy some new flat wear for a while um we had we had boughten a set when we first got married but over the years we've just kind of lost some we've gained some new random pieces and so it's just been kind of again hodge podge I feel like my whole kitchen has been pretty hodge podge for a while now but didn't go any didn't get anything like too crazy expensive it's just nice stainless steel I really love the bevel detailing I ended up picking up two of these so that I can serve eight loved the clean classic look not too modern and I think these will be really pretty with the new dishes and you can't have new dishes and flat wear without some new drinking glasses right now more so than any other item I knew this was on my list I have been thinking about new drinking glasses I've been looking online at different styles this was something I knew we wanted to purchase for the new house um for the same reason as the others more so than the others though we have hardly any glasses left from whatever the last set we bought was between breaking some and just losing them I think in the move we've been using a lot of different Siz mason jars for drinking glasses which work great and we'll plan on keeping some of those mason jars for drinking glasses but I wanted a new set so I really like this style it's again kind of got that beveled detailing I don't know if you can see it there you go and I liked these a lot I could pick them up in the store cuz they sell them individually as well which was something I liked and they were nice and lightweight while still being glass so I liked that aspect and it came with six tall and six short so so I'm going to start with this and if I need to get more I will purchase more okay so I've already talked about a real plant I bought for the house and I definitely enjoy having real house plants I love having fresh cut flowers but I'm realistic and that that's never going to be 100% of my home for me I'm always going to have some form of faux Greenery around my house and it's just easy to maintain and it's great for the winter months and so anyway I was walking down the decor aisle at Target and I was down the Hearth and hand line uh aisle and I yeah saw this little tree and I thought you know what that needs to come home with me because it is so cute it's huge for a table toop tree it's like a really nice size it's got this pretty pot looks very realistic and I just thought it was so so cute I think it'll be really sweet on a tabletop maybe not one this small maybe like an entryway table or something and I just thought it was the perfect clean and classic looking plant for all year round so when I saw it I thought you know what you need to come home with me okay one more item that I recently picked up this was another Super intentional shopping task that I had so in my new office um there is a built-in shelf I'll put a picture or a video here so you can see what I'm talking about and I've been on the hunt for some Nero wicker baskets to be able to put on the shelves to store whatever maybe camera batteries or camera equipment I think is what I'll use it for if you're a content creator you know batteries are everywhere but I found this shape and I ended up getting three of them I may end up needing four so I may have to buy another one online but at least now I was able to go in store and see what they look like um but they just have this little handle detail they're super cute that'll be a great way to hide organization and add some texture to my office space I just really liked these um and I liked that they're going to feel very uniform I have tons of thrifted baskets but it's really hard to find multiple of the same size and shape so I knew I was going to need to buy new and I was really happy that I found them right in store they're the perfect size and I'm excited to see how they turn out in the office well friends I think those are all the items that I have for you today um I hope you enjoyed this video and just kind of hanging out if you're new here consider hitting that red subscribe button before you leave I would love to have you join my YouTube family and um yeah stick around as we move in and decorate our new home I'm so excited for this season I can't wait to share more and I'm thankful that you've come along the journey with me thanks for being here I appreciate you and I'll see you guys really soon in the next one bye
Channel: Amy Fritz
Views: 22,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new home decor, home haul, target haul, new target home decor, new build, new construction home, amy fritz, decor haul, cottage style decor
Id: i2n5D5-Z7Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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