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lost 122,000 in 3 months insurer basically pulled the plug back windows smashed in about U 11:00 at night about 6 months ago went to a few Witnesses and they're just like yeah lucky you haven't had your car stolen and I was like sorry how's it going guys and welcome back to the channel we are in London and this is going to be all about what it's like to live in London with a Range Rover so James first of all tell me what car you have what is your model and and uh and why you bought it uh sport P400 HST yeah I mean I bought it because it was honestly in my opinion almost as good as the svr it was cheaper it's almost as quick in real life fuel's not ridiculous in fact it's like twice as economical uh and it does all of the same range rovery stuff that I really wanted space Comfort wafting bit of height so you can see over things absolutely yeah yeah so yeah and honestly it it's been my absolute favorite car ever um and I can't imagine changing away from definitely this format but also as I think you've mentioned before just wedded to wedded to the brand I think yeah and that's a huge uh that's a huge statement from you because you've owned he James has owned a lot of cars true car head nothing like this though what have you tell the tell everybody what you've had what just a brief few Beamers yeah and then M M M Beamers M3 M4 Etc um had the M lights before yeah the m4cs that I mean that that was great and actually looking back that was my favorite sports car right yeah they're different cars yeah then the last time I thought I wanted a bit more space I bought an RS6 um not the latest model the the one before C7 yeah oh yeah 2065 plate right um I didn't have a fond experience with that at all it definitely had some sort of niggling problem just one of these it was low mileage um but well priced I was like perfect like absolutely perfect but it had all kinds of problems I did everything I could to try and fix it the garages couldn't diagnose the problem be saying spent some money on break this and pads and it still did it um and in the end I sold it at just the right time where Co had started to inflate the price of cars so I did on it but not not very much at all um I think less than the deposit I put in so it was it was okay you can't you can't get away with that stuff anymore how long did you have it a year was it it was 6 months yeah we did not get on I did everything I could to make it better and it just didn't didn't play ball didn't play ball um so how long have you had this particular car year and a half year and a half and how how many miles have you done in this car 5 ,000 5,000 miles but you don't tend to do loads of Miles no I do in a around absolutely in around the city no miles yeah um so as you know what's going on with the Range Rover Market um big well actually a lot of people who AR get insured on their Range Rovers and theft is high so if you don't mind um if you're comfortable telling us how much uh your insurance was on this and how much the renewal is if you know or when your renewal is I do I do okay so and has it gone up Bas when I bought this the insurance would have been 35,000 a year which is a lot but three and a half grand three and a half Grand but living where you live in London living where we live in Southwest London it's it's just the cost and other similar cars like x5s and I was about to say Porsche Ken but actually they're a lot cheaper for whatever reason anyway 3 and half Grand it was similar to my Mercedes I knew it was a lot but it was kind of the going r for obviously an area of relatively high crime yeah um I owned it for a few months and then my insurer basically pulled the plug so they wouldn't give me any price for it at all um so I yeah so I moved it onto a company Fleet policy um and without that Fleet policy I'm not exactly sure what we would have done I checked again recently to see what the scenario was and they did give me a quote um like a telematics policy where they chat your driving and put your premium up if you go 71 miles an hour or whatever yeah but they would give me a quote and it was 8 Grand so ridiculous so 700 6 700 quid a month just to ensure it at least they ensure it some people say 8 Grand 8 Grand is that was that last year or sorry this that that was recently because um you know I keep checking just to see because obviously on a fleet policy and getting no no claims and things like that and I'm lucky to have that but without that um I'd have to have a backup plan so luckily um they would give me a quote but it would just be horrendous I mean that's that is it's just it's ludicrous if you didn't have the company policy and that was your quote what would you do that's an important question here I I would have sold it but for everything else that's going on yeah so I've never been upside down on a before I always Finance them but um I always put in a relatively decent deposit and I also try and buy car as well yeah I'm not an expert but I've never gone really too far wrong like lose a bit whatever yeah but this time um for me to even hand the keys back which is what I've always done on my PCP deals and any of them early just to hand the keys back at the moment would be 17,000 p and give them my car that's the difference between what I owe on it and what the car is worth it's not meant to be that way but that that's what's happened so this bubble has burst obviously there was a bubble with lots of other cars too I know it's happened with 911s yeah um but the Range Rover bubble seems to be about the worst one that I could have possibly been in so my timing could not have been worse yeah well people are really feeling it aren't they I mean some a lot of people can't they just won't ensure people in London on the newer range ofs I had a quote yeah not I had a quote but I heard of someone being quoted 20 something Grand uh I think it was for a new Defender at least he got a quote I know yeah but that's ridiculous I know at least he got a quote I mean yeah it's useless but you know if you had to maybe pay that for a month um just whil you're selling it or something it's not but if they don't quote you anything which is what I had for so long what the hell do you do with it I don't know well my this run this PCP is 48 months from when I bought it so it's going to run out in 2026 September right that's a long time away yeah but I'm happy to keep it cuz I love the car problem is if nobody will insure me anymore for a reasonable amount or even a half reasonable amount yeah then I have no idea really um I'm just going to have to see what happens um but you know if it was just insurance that was high I'd sell the car if but it's not just that it's it's a big circle of insurance is high because they're being stolen all the time yeah nobody can get insured so everyone's trying to sell them Des like desperation selling so the Market's been flooded with them there are too many for sale and yeah the price of this I was offered trade in 50 50 Grand mid last summer Which is less than I wanted but it was not far off what I thought it was worth yeah um maybe a few grand off the same dealer which is one I bought bought it from um then offered me £37,500 so 12 half grand less 3 months later so it lost 12 half thousand in 3 months um bloody hell so what did if you don't mind what what was the ballpark figure that you actually purchased this for a year and a half ago oh no people want to know you know it's is educational I know uh 69 okay now just put it in context I'm not a complete idiot okay so I usually sort of sense check what a car is worth with we buy any car and when I bought it we buy any car thought it was worth 64 and you're always going to have a dealer trading margin right so I thought 5 grand 6964 I'm paying the right price for the car right but what it was is just everything was so inflated so I didn't overpay at the time but what I did didn't realize is that was quite such a bubble you weren't to know yeah who who was to know I mean I remember you telling me actually that you went on WE b car and you like actually it's not bad I was like yeah it's pretty good I bet I did tell you all about how clever I and then not recently I think a month or two ago you checked on WE Bounty car again what were they offering you I think it's been as low as 33,000 it's disgusting so you've lost sorry I we won say do the ma but you guys can do the math so it's gone up from 33 it's now it keeps like price has gone up the price has gone down so it did recover from 33 to about 40 but it's still so much less than did it did did it when was that Rec yeah I so they they email me all the time so I literally get an update on the value of my car from we bu any car every couple of days really in a couple of days as a the date of filming was the 16th it's the 16th of February so um the fact that it's gone up is uh that's a good sign actually was promising the only way it's going to get back to anything reasonable where I could maybe hand the keys back and kind of dust my hands with it is if the security problem is solved um right and the and sorry the security and the insurance problem because they're interl but the funny thing was when I bought it there was a security problem but there wasn't an insurance problem so like the insurers hadn't um gotten really adjusted their prices in line with um what was actually going on in terms of thefts yeah it was just after that they did so now they won't insure or they put a ridiculous price on it you know what were you saying 10 20 grand a year yeah I mean the car worth 40 I know I know I mean I'm actually quite surprised yeah what you what the insurance was when you first bought it you say three and a half thousand was that right which before this whole thing came out is still hell of a lot of money I guess well because you live in London so they've never really been easy cheap to ensure in London that's for sure any they've never been cheap because of the theft reason I suppose yeah but I mean it it hasn't it nothing has got worse um in terms of the car security hasn't got worse I think I think thefts are actually down on these I'm not 100% sure but I I don't think they're like spiraling spiraling out of control from where they were when I bought it it's just it's taken a while for the insurers to sort of change their mind and things yeah but the weird thing is on the new ones which you've got new security Tech and they're not being nicked um the brand new ones brand new ones so the new Defender new Range um and the new Range sport they've all got the new security and they're not really being nicked but the weird thing is you can't ensure them either so it's like the whole brand has been tarnished with the these age models Discovery Sports and brain Sports being stolen despite the fact new ones aren't being stolen you can't ensure a new one it's too it's either really expensive or they won't quote you it doesn't make sense it doesn't um but again I had um an order on a new one of these when the market was a totally different place it wouldn't have never haveen I remember you remember also interest rates weren't crazy as well which has made a big big difference um but again when I was looking at yeah a new Defender it was about three grand I was like oh great um you know it's it's similar to what this used to be yeah um I didn't buy it for various reasons and now they are ludicrously expensive or you can't en show them again I can't believe £8,000 well at least you have a quote like you said but I mean most people are most people are not going to spend £8,000 they're just going to be like all right get rid of the car I buy a a Porsche can or a can or something Porsche can man what honestly X5 Q7 the they their premiums are so much lower and I'm sure they're harder to Nick or whatever but I don't know it's bizarre they you know I've seen some quotes on you know quite expensive CN and they're really reasonable in this area in Southwest London yeah how much are we talking still like a couple, 1500 quid oh my so like as much as a 25 25y old would pay on a fiesta or whatever in London H anyway while were you touched on the theft yeah you have a special box for your key don't you got a fire St the relay right is that because sorry for everybody that doesn't know um the range of a system because it's keyless entry yeah uh it's constantly when You' lock it and park it outside your house then go in your house uh the car and the key are constantly passing a signal to each other so a lovely chap will come along with his little antenna or whatever the hell he has and find he walk around and find that signal which will then open the car and you can start it and that's how they get stolen but you thankfully have a what is it like a little uh they call it a Faraday Box Faraday Box you can get pouches as well that you can actually keep on your jacket whatever which is a good idea but I never I never actually use that um but yeah it blocks the signal which is one way that these can be stolen but unfortunately there's so many other ways right yeah I don't know if you've seen the there's one way which is particular disturbing where they literally cut a hole in the boot and there's something in the boot that you can allow you to sort of Kickstart the car um so I have driven past Range Rovers with tape across like a 4in by4 in hole on their Boot and I was like what's that and someone explained to me what it was it's the people that are gaining entry and sting the engine this way yeah I guess they didn't get off with that particular car but and um I noticed um that you always have a uh steering wheel lock on yeah and I actually notic a lot of cars not only Rangers but every pretty much every Range Rover I see that's parked up in London has a steering lock on it um you just have to have one D you you you just be so so so stupid not to right it's the the weird thing about them is there are some which are rubbish and some that are actually really good and would take someone quite a long time to get get off or cut through but the insurance company don't ask you and it makes such a difference such a difference but nobody asks so it's the same premium whether you just park it and you don't have a Tracker or a mobilizer or any of the stuff that someone sensible would have they don't ask you really do do you have a immobilizer yeah yeah I think it's got two immobilizers you have everything man jeez um and the steering wheel lock yeah you got to get a good one disc lock is the brand the others are not good from what I've seen although I do remember one time I think it was last year okay one morning we're went for breakfast and I think we were running late we had uh uh wherever it was and uh took us about 5 minutes to get this steing war lock off but I think that was just a oneoff I don't know what happened that day I think it was just jammed but it was jammed that is also a bit of a problem I reckon that was my fault you know I reckon I reckon I messed up the key in my pocket really yeah I don't know I feel like like it's easier to blame myself so don't mess up the key if you have one um cuz that can cost you time know how you mess up a key but I feel like it's my fault somehow but so you've owned the car for a year and a half and you've done 5,000 miles which is pretty low mileage but uh it's been a lot of City driving right you haven't done many miles it's all City driving so and in London it's like 20 mph which is probably a lot of wear and tear on a car if it's just City driving so my question to you is has it been [Music] reliable
Channel: Adam Von Francis
Views: 11,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Range Rover, Land Rover Range Rover, London, Range Rover insurance, Range Rover theft, Range Rover reliability
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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