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when you played how did you balance great nutrition for your body we like that when I played we didn't give it D we best shoot we was eating oxtails and going out of the practice what's going on world I'm George kill and welcome to a brand new episode of athletes where we show you how student athletes are fueling themselves across the country through nutrition next up sko Buffs all right coach Prime you always say if you look good mhm you play good well you feel good you got feel good you got to feel good first now if you eat good mhm you live good and you live right that was one of the first things that we attacked when we came two major things components that would make a mother or father or parent Guardian feel comfortable what is my baby going to eat where is my baby going to sleep you know growing up I didn't realize how important nutrition was until I started getting older it demand a lot of us as an athlete and I think having the right nutrition can help you you know perform at the highest level you need to honestly in high school I would not eat well at all it was fast food after practice and if I had to rush out the door before school I wouldn't eat breakfast things like that and so now being a student athlete and having more loads every day it's really important to fuel your body correctly we have nutrition sessions like every other week we're super educated on our nutrition so I think that's something that's really played a big part in like my transition from high school to College athletics and just like the resources that we have available here nutrition has been such a big part of my career at CU especially as a a large endurance athlete I'm abnormal for an endurance athlete being 65 180 lbs that's it's big and so I have to consume so many calories not just to run but to maintain and then also to grow as an athlete to get stronger to get faster the thing that I've learned the most see you to do really well is run a lot but eat a lot and actually treat eating just as important as I have to treat running we have tremendous support staff and we just happen to have a diamond that all he needed was opportunity the lions are pack but it's it's unbelievable because he's a chef at heart but he understands the appeal and the attractability for all ethnicities because now we got to do a little season with this we got to do a little this with that the international cuisine here is different we've done highlights on nutrition programs across the country but this is the only one that has nutrition internationally how impactful is that for your program and just we got students from everywhere man and it's like a big happy family because when the football team is eating as well as the coaches they go to soccer team right there guess what there goes the ski team there goes the volleyball team that's the basketball players let's not forget the track runners and the cross country Runners so we all Gather in one place and uh it's a wonderful atmosphere but we've created a tremendous atmosphere that could not be established if the necessity of the food was good I've noticed your influence in there as well I see the international but I know where you're from we we're from the same area so I see sweet tea I see cornbread I see oh when they did the sweet tea oh was over Chef has been excellent even opening his heart and his soul cuz he's a chef man you know some chefs are egotistical he is willing to listen and learn even at his age and stage of his Excellence honestly since coach Prime has got here you have seen a big shift in culture I think there's a lot more diversity within the school now and so you've see that with a lot more Southern type of foods which is nice yesterday we had chicken katsu in Asian Cuisine and that's like my favorite thing that we stay serve here for sure they added like things like a salad bar a burger bar and a pasta bar along with the Smoothie Bar so it's really easy to find something things Prime came in suddenly we got dinner every night which we didn't have previously to Prime suddenly I can get done with practice and then instead of having to go home and get ready and cook to be done in time to do homework and go to bed I can maybe spend an extra 45 minutes doing rehab in the training room or spend a little extra time in the cold tub some days they have steak days Lobster days um it's balanced though it's not just straight meat you know there's vegetables you know the nutritionist here they they h on having a balanced diet today I had salmon and it was absolutely delicious and I tell you this little story I've never been very fond of Brussel sprouts I always say I like every vegetable except brussel sprouts but I had them here last week and I like them what he does with brussel sprout is out of this world they were really good being a big guy it's great to be big and strong and I think now it's more key to F my body with the right things to stay big and strong working with the nutritionists to say hey I think by your your your blood panel you know your vitamin D is a little low and so here's some foods and some supplement vitamin D that we can take that would help that and then oh it looks like you know you're an endurance athlete so you need 70% of your diet has to be carbohydrate so here's some good healthy carbohydrates we had a hydration session like a pre fueling information session and we learned a lot lot in them and then we also have check-ins throughout the semester with our nutritionists through all the sports here I think it's just really important to see how we're creating Pro players here and that's the goal and that doesn't just start with practicing off the field and weightlifting that also comes with nutrition nutrition is almost like an offense and a defense and the Special Teams if nutrition is not on point you can forget it cuz not everyone comes in package and ready to go some guys need to gain some guys need to lose some guys need to lean out you know Chef got to Chef can't just give you the plate he got to do all his stuff and you know his presentation is everything to him man he does the dog on thing and then let me tell you something man first of all he need a raise let's just get this straight but he's worth every dime that they because as much as our staff is a Difference Maker to the university he's a Difference Maker to this University he's a true game changer all right so yeah we're getting ready for dinner service right now kind of doing that classic Americana steakhous type menu so we brought in some whole chickens we cut those into eight pieces and we put a dry rub marinade on them we're also doing riye steaks tonight we fabricate those in house we bring in whole RI eyes lip on and we clean those guys up and we cut some really thick steaks we grill those as well then we got crab cakes probably my signature dish something I really love cooking and that surf and turf feel we're going to do some maple butter cornbread that we made from scratch my Sue Chef Anthony he has an incredible cornbread recipe it blow your mind we're doing a lobster mac today took some claw meat and some tail meat from some lobsters and we made a white cheese sauce also known as a mouret and we're going to top that with some toasted breadcrumbs we got baked potatoes got a have steak and potatoes all the toppings with bacon bits green onions sour cream and cheese then we're doing a broccolini tonight grilled broccolini and then a Caesar salad probably the guy's favorite thing to eat as far as veggies go is Caesar salad so we're looking to get get some some good veggies in them Caesar salad's the way to go and then up front we have kind of a little U selfs serve Island we mix that up so tonight we're going to do grilled cheese sandwiches we get some really nice local sourdough we do provolone yellow American and yellow cheddar and then you got a pair of grilled cheese with some nice tomato soup okay Chef Carl nutrition what does that mean to you when you think of that word and how you use it and implement it here it means the fuel for these guys and girls to to train compete at a really high level you know they're not like your average person you know working out hitting the gym uh they're at a D1 power five school really high demand on them physically and we know that if you're not fueling your body properly that you know you have less of a chance of performing at a high level what is your approach for your student athletes and wanting them to have an expansive diet and be able to try new things education is huge right as somebody that's been cooking for a while and and loves you know all kinds of food and you know global Cuisine I think it's important that I do a little part in that to educate and you know show these guys something different and something new Colorado Boulder there's a lot of different people that that come here very reflective of your staff your staff is from a lot of different countries our team has increased in size significantly from when I started here just to name a few I have several colleagues from Tibet and Nepal and China and India all over the United States I'm from Texas originally one of my Su chefs is from Florida my friend of the house manager she's from North Carolina our student workers like you said a lot of international students so we has some from Spain uh Venezuela India China so they're all over the place if my guy from Spain could give me a little insight on how to make that best paa how they do it back home or how his mom did it you know I love hearing about that so it's really cool to glean some some knowledge and experience from these guys another thing I noticed is the atmosphere food is going to bring any at osphere to a higher level um but you guys had a DJ in there all of these different various bars the camaraderie is just amazing in the nutrition area I'm getting a little Spotlight here and thank you for that but uh there's a whole team of people in there that are making this happen you know I'm not doing this by myself and it's in the kitchen that's in admin HR and all across you know athletic department everybody's playing a huge role I kind of came up in that classic kitchen upbringing and had some crazy chefs that you know are always screen and throwing plates and just verbally abusive and just hard to work in that environment so I just always told myself you know when I get to be in that place you know when I'm the leader of the kitchen that's not going to be how I do it you earn that respect we have a really hard job down there so you know if I'm not earning their respect and and putting my work in too like they're not going to put up with the demands of the job so I think that's super important to get the job done and to put out the best food that we can [Music] [Applause] [Music] a
Channel: Sports Dissected by COISKI
Views: 321,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coach Prime, Deion Sanders, Coach Prime Colorado, Coach Prime Interview, Colorado Football, Colorado Football Facilities Tour, Colorado Buffaloes, Colorado Recruiting, Sports Dissected, Coiski, Sports Dietician, Sports Nutrition, Sports Nutrition for College Athletes, Athlete Diet, How College Athletes Eat, What College Football Players Eat, Cooking for Football Team, Cooking for Football Players, Chef Cooking Videos, Cooking Videos, University of Colorado
Id: u_UEJtBLiI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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