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hi there and welcome back my name is Peter Vox and I'm the director and principal teacher of Vox singing Academy which has been giving high quality result driven singing lessons since 1993. if we could help you or someone that you know with this singing we'd be absolutely honored we have numerous studios here in Melbourne we also do online lessons worldwide seven days a week with both male and female teachers if face-to-face lessons aren't your thing check out the ultimate online singing course all in this in the description and links below like this channel give it a like Thumbs Up Click like And subscribe we're just not a React channel we have lots of other different great high quality content on here that can help you with your voice tips and hints podcasts so check out all the other great content that we have available as well too without any further Ado let's get stuck into this this next video now these videos are sort of a new segment that I have been doing where people will send me links to vocal performances that aren't that great uh by notable artists um and I'm going to be watching this particular clip now I'm only going to be watching Sweet Child of Mine now this clip goes for 35 minutes but I'm just going to be watching the first song which is Sweet Child of Mine which is live in Paris 2002 um HD high def let's have a listen to Axel this is obviously on the last on the on on the current tour um this is right now let's have a listen actually let's get stuck straight into it possible [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let me just intervene then before slash is going to go off into a huge big solo there okay so this doesn't sound like the normal Axle Rose that we're all used to and the reason being is that he is singing the entire song All In falsetto so it's not in true voice so it doesn't have any of that power and that forwardness that axle normally has so you can hear he was just going oh oh [Music] and it's in false and that's as bad as loud as he as he's singing we're just normally it's normally like that as you can hear the difference so that's why there was no presence to his voice now he got away with it in the verses um uh the she's got eyes she's got eyes for The Bluest guys and if they thought a rain so he was okay then but he was still in false sudo but he got away with it in the verses so my first attempt there was um was in the lower King but everything else was in falsetto um now I'm not quite sure what's happening that he could have a cold uh he could be tired sick whatever it might be but this is not the normal Axel Rose that I've grown to know and love and you know I've done a react video to Axel singing with AC DC and I watched numerous videos I'm a huge AC DC fan being Australian with Axel singing with AC DC and it was fantastic it was in concert pitch so they weren't tuning the songs down a lot they do with Brian Johnson AC DC tune the songs down and axel was in true voice singing it and he was really giving it to it looked like he was you know he was going red in the face but as you can see he's doing this quite easily um he's still doing all the moves um but there's no presence to his voice uh at all um so if Axel came in and sung this song to me I would ask him what's going on now he might say that he is sick or whatever it might be and that's great and this is the way that you would sing the song if you were sick he's still in key he's still singing the song All the Right notes um he's cutting things off shorter probably breath control using more air expulsion in the falsetto um but he's got no he's got no presence or body it sounds weak um lifeless there's no emotion to the song So if you go back and listen to the original version there's a lot of emotion and volume in his voice so if someone came in and sung this song This Way in class or Axel came into my class or something like I would say ax Axel maybe I can call him Max short and abbreviate it can you try to sing those high notes in your true voice like you normally sing it and we'll see what happens um and that's what I'll be doing again possibly trying to maybe tune the song down so he can sing these parts in true voice to make it sound more passionate and more emotive because it just doesn't sound a lot it just sounds like he's going through the motions here at the moment so pardon me it just doesn't sound that great it's just like really walking through the song he's posture and everything seems to be good his microphone technique is good um he's breathing as I said he's running out of breath a little bit that's why he's cutting things a little bit shorter than what he normally does but as I've already given the example in false sort of he's singing all this in false voice artificial voice oh and it expels more air and that's why there's no there's no volume in that either and it doesn't sound great let's watch the uh the rest of the Sun and um I'll see whether I can elaborate any further uh once I see it to the end possibly he's going to flick it into true voice maybe later on [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and now [Music] [Applause] [Music] where do we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay um so when it went to the bridge uh and the real low Parts where do where do we go where do we go now so I'm doing things in the wrong key here aren't I he was he was in true voice and I was really low Parts where do we go but then everything else was in falsetto and it was that was even weaker when he got to the bridge where do we go oh where do we go now it was really light and weak it wasn't even giving his false Seto some volume and some present so I'm gonna be presuming that he's probably sick um or or heard his voice maybe from the concert touring before or whatever it might be but this isn't the way that he normally sings the song and uh yeah as I said that's all I can basically say so if he came into classes and he was like this I would be saying if he was sick yes look do it in false today like you are so he's doing the correct thing he's not going to hurt his voice much doing it like this and in this volume he's still doing it in the right pitch he's still getting all the notes you can see his hand movements um he's still putting they're still all putting on a good show but there's no volume to his voice there and it just it just sounds animotiv and with no emotion and if you're coming to classes and his voice was okay and he was feeling fine and if someone was in good health and they had a good vocal range and they were singing it like this I would tell them to sing these high parts in true voice like I gave an example for a little bit earlier on and there are different techniques that we use to sing up higher crying techniques there are lots of different techniques that we'll be working on um supporting with your diaphragm but that's basically my spin on Axel Rose here I know that I would be incredibly disappointed if I was at this Parish show and he sung like that all the way through because it's not what you what I would be paying money for I want to see Axl Rose really being very emotive and giving it to his voice and and possibly tuning the song down so he can sing some of these parts in true voice but I honestly well not honestly he can't do it at the moment he was opting not to do it he could do the really low bits and then he had no other Voice besides that so and he didn't have laryngitis as well too because when you get laryngitis as a norm and I have numerous videos about laryngitis I've actually got some videos called the laryngitis Diaries so you can check that out when I contracted laryngitis I shot um a diary which was basically from day one today I think seven or ten until I was fully recovered and the process and the and the uh how my voice got slightly better every day in the different notes that I could hit um over the course of the seven to ten days um I don't think he's got laryngitis because he's still got false Sido but he's falsetto is really weak so I don't know what's going to possibly he he had laryngitis and that's as as loud as he can push his voice um but it's not what I expect and as I said I would have been bitterly bitterly disappointed if I paid and I know the tickets are good money I know that um I'm not quite sure what he says man Airborne up here I know they supported them at Hellfest um and they were Airborne also supported Iron Maiden through the whole European tour they've just wrapped up that tour actually and also Deep Purple at Hellfest as well too so um anyway that's my spin on it I hope that you enjoyed uh that and if you think that I've missed anything please let me know it's an iconic song It's a phenomenal song the rest of the band were great slash was amazing his solo was was fantastic band looked a little bit flat yeah if you ask me slash just kind of stood there and Duff was was sort of more so interacting with the the bass uh the drummer the band looked a bit flat looked a bit tired um I'm not quite sure maybe they are they're all a little bit secret I mean touring for a long time or whatever it might be but to seem to lack a lot of energy a lot of punch and as I said I would have been extremely disappointed if I went to that uh uh that show there um that's my spin up that's all I can sort of say with it if you think I've missed anything let me know put in the comments below if you're watching from overseas drop up past and just say hello it's a great community that we're building up here uh more so if we could help you or someone that you know with this singing we'd be absolutely honored we have seven studios here in Melbourne we also give online singing lessons worldwide seven days a week we pride ourselves on giving high quality result driven singing lessons if face-to-face lessons aren't your thing check out the ultimate online singing course all in the links in the description below like this channel give it a like thumbs up drop by say hello click like And subscribe if you have any requests of of people that you want me to do please put it in the links below and if it's if I've got enough requests for it or if it's a real if it's a real goodie I'll do one I'll dedicate it to you but more so live each day as if it's your last live with passion Enjoy your music enjoy your singing and until the next video be good to each other peace and much love bye
Views: 133,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: singing lessons, singing coach, singing lessons online, beginner singing lessons, singing lessons for beginners, vocal coach, sing tuition, vox singing academy, Peter Vox, Best singing lessons, Best singing teacher, improve my singing, improve your singing, WHAT IS WRONG WITH AXL'S VOICE FROM GUNS N' ROSES?, What is wrong with Axel Rose's voice, Guns N' Roses, Axl Rose, Axl Rose singing badly, Axl Rose's voice, Is there something wrong with Axl Rose's voice
Id: UFQdMoo6jzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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