What is WebSocket? Why is it used & how is it different from HTTP?

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[Music] So today we're going to learn some Advanced uh slightly advanced concepts but again we're going to take things slow so don't worry too much about it we're going to learn a little bit about distributed computing the reason for this is K backpack does use this for a specific part of their code base well most big companies use distributed C Computing in like some form or fashion uh if you go to a swiigy website uh there isn't like one server that's running on one backet that's running there isn't a single database instance that's running there are a bunch of them they all talk to each other through some form or fashion that is what the high level goal of this week is going to be system designed of a distributed chat system why chat system because backpack uses chat and as you go deep into an organization most company I would say most companies but a lot of companies would have some part of realtime communication that is needed what is realtime communication we will get to but the systems we've built until now follow the client server model very heavily if you might remember huh in our case we have a HTTP server the client hits the HTTP server gets back a response this is different from how realtime systems work how we will see today but that's what we're going to spend our time learning more practically we'll learn about websockets we'll learn about uh how backend systems can talk to each other we'll learn about redis and something called pop sub if we get the time we'll dive a little deeper into redis and understand the other things that reddis provides you red provides you like a mini database what's called like an inmemory database it gives you uh cues it gives you a pub sub it gives you 10 different things so we'll try to cover as many things as we can but more practically we want to be able to look at the chat system of backpack and understand the chat back end which is significantly different from the back end we've seen until now that's the high level of this week system design of a distributed chat system understanding what a websockets understanding redis and contributing to the chat part of an open source codebase which is backpack this is the repository where we have all the checkpoints for today we'll take things slow and slowly uh you know make our way up just just to do a quick check before we start how many of you already know about websockets distributed computing redis do you already know this yes or no and then we will start okay so majorly know which is great so yeah we'll take things slow and let's try to tackle these slightly Advanced backing Concepts this week cool why websockets very important question why do you learn websockets and why were they introduced in the first place to websockets as the name suggests is like it is a socket which basically means it is a connection between a client and a server the way we have done client server connections until now is I apologize for the white screen my bad um is that you have your browser and you have an HTTP server running somewhere these HTTP servers we have deployed on Local Host as well we have deployed them on AWS in various regions as well we have seen okay you can hit this HTTP server through an HTTP request which could be either a get request or a post request so on and so forth can also send some body in here this is one way to talk to a backend server there's one problem here when the problem is okay the server can never push you events directly you always have to ask the server for something when this this does become a problem when is this not a problem this is not a problem for simple websites we have built until now okay H by we have a Todo application and we just hit the back end get back our toos but what if you want to build a realtime too application which means what if our Todo application has a website it also has a mobile app and the person adds a to-do in the mobile app the website should also see that reflected immediately right this happens on notion this happens on Google Docs if you go to Google Docs if you type in one tab you will see your changes in another tab if someone types from from the other side of the world you see those changes being typed in real time so to be able to communicate or like be able to have events being triggered in real time from the server you need a better way to communicate with the server more specifically you need a persistent connection with the server so that the server can keep sending you events okay oh someone added a new too or someone added something at a specific line in Google Docs if the can push you down these events you don't have to worry about sending HTTP requests to get back the response there is a persistent connection that persistent connection always exists and the server can push you things why is this useful in the chat system if you are in a chat system on on whatever is it called messenger SL faceb you type a message you click on send what happens is either an HTTP request or something else communicates this to an HTTP server okay H by someone sent a message let's say hi there let's say your friend has in another part of the world has the same chat window open he should receive this specific message how will he receive it you might say hirat we can just pull every 1 second send an HTP request give me the top 50 messages get back the response so after 1 second we will ask for the new list and the new message will come here I would say that is true this is what is called long polling basically means you send an empty HTTP request k bro any changes that you have anytime you get a change you push it back to me so you can use long polling for this you can also use another standard that was introduced called server side events which pretty much as the name suggests let's you do what we want which is let the server side events lets the server push events onto the client though this these might feel like Optimal approaches I I'm sure you understand why they're not okay by if I'm pulling every 1 second I'm getting back 50 messages every 1 second second and what if there was no change made if there was no change made we don't really want um to keep asking the server every 1 second H give me all the same messages again and again there is a problem here for this websocket as a protocol was introduced how is websocket different from sttp if this is your HTTP server you send it a request it sends back a response it is a request response model and if you actually go through computer networks a little bit and understand how this protocol Works under the hood you will see see there is a handshake that happens if you might have read this in computer networks if you go one level Below in the OSI model how does http work under the H it works on the transport layer it's create creates a TCP connection and after the request is complete it closes the TCP connection there is no persistent connection between you and the server compared to if you have a websocket server the whole goal is if this is your browser and this is your websocket server there is a persistent connection between the two which means the browser at any time can send you request the server can also send you something not a request but like some data whatever the server wants to push down that is the difference between a websocket server and an HTTP server they are both different protocols SL standards there's some sort of interview question here somewhere is websocket HTTP and the answer to this is okay it is not HTTP but the first request that you send out when you want to create a websocket connection if this is your browser if you want to create a websocket connection from your browser to any open server the first request that goes out from your browser is actually an HTTP request only and under the hood then it gets what's called upgraded to a websocket connection and then you have a persistent connection to the back end but this is like a lot of theoretical jargon so let's see this in action and understand what are the use cases and how and where websites are creating these websocket connections HTTP is great but does not cover a few use cases the most important use case it doesn't cover is the server sending events or server side events what if you want to build a realtime system what is a realtime system the binance usdt if you go to Zera if you go to binance if I go to this specific page this is like the current price of uh binance the current chart which sort of keeps updating as you can see this number is updating very quickly this list is updating very quickly this number which is the current price is updating very quickly what do you think is happening do you think binance every second is sending out HTTP requests the answer is no it has has created a single websocket connection to a binance server and the binance server is pushing down events yellow this thing has changed yellow the price has changed yellow the chart has changed so all those events binance is pushing down to the client how can we confirm how did we confirm that an HTTP request is made we used to refresh this and we used to seea an HTTP request goes out the response comes back similarly you can also track um websocket events between a client and a server oh sorry the websocket connection so so you will usually see this one okay if you the webside connection is made between the browser and WSS which stands for websocket secure col binance do sorry stream. binance.com Stream So This is the end point where they've hosted their websocket server and when I send the request I don't just get a single response if I click on messages you will see I am getting a lot of messages in real time H by the depth has changed what is the depth this thing right here yeah you know the price has changed the chart has changed all these are coming back as messages from the binance server to me which is how this page is being updated there's a single web socket connection there aren't a thousand HTTP requests that are going out every second to update this page this is very common in realtime systems what is a realtime system where after you've opened a website you're getting a bunch of changes from the back end a chat application is a basic example of it if you have seen multiplayer games whatever multiplayer Flappy word or if you play Minecraft with your friend or even if that famous fortnite game that people play all of them require the server to give you back the location of other opponents who hit a gun you know you get that gun going right next to your ear or whatever so all of these things come back as events from the server it is never you keep asking the server bro what is the current state what is the current state they're all pushed down by the backend server how sometimes through websockets there are other ways to do it web RTC is also like a decent use case here okay you can actually create a web TC connection and web TC also lets you do data there's a significant difference like there slight differences between websockets and uh you know web RTC is like an interview question when should you use web sockets when should you use web RTC under the hood they are both trying to achieve the same thing if from your browser you create a connection to a websocket server it can send you back let's say we considering fortnite here so it will send you back the an array of let's say oh this person moved here this this person moved here this person pressed a gun Flaka you can do the same thing with uh a web RTC server but like the high level difference the biggest difference is webc uses UDP and websocket uses TCP which means here you will definitely get back all the events here some events might get missed so depending on the use case for example in games a lot of times you don't worry you need you don't need every movement update of the end user you need some movement updates even if one movement update gets missed it's fine so whenever you're getting back at like 30 FPS and you don't really care if one gets missed it's fine you use web RTC if it is something like chat huh by if a chat event gets missed that really that's really bad I I should see every chat message that everyone else is sending me then you use websockets or tcps this is a basically an interview question that me or may not get asked when should you use websockets versus web RTC this is the answer you need all the data definitely web sockets if not web RTC HTTP is not enough for something like this or even something like this what is this this is chat in WhatsApp chat in telegram or even chat in backpack backpack has a chatting section if some of you might have opened it it may or may not work for you because you're not we're not running all the services locally at the moment but if you go into backpack the fourth tab here is like a chat this chat requires it to be scalable real time and the goal through today and tomorrow is going to be how this chat is built and how you can understand the whole thing and start make changes inside it and the way this was built was like super scalable so we'll try to understand how it is super scalable and what are the systems we need to understand to able to make like a production worthy realtime system not necessarily chat you can extend this to other use cases as well HTTP is not enough when you need to uh need real-time updates from the back end you could either use server side events just that there's a technology that was introduced before websockets which tried to solve this problem but like didn't really catch enough heat then there is long pulling can you still use HTTP but every 1 second you send a request k bro anything you have and if the server doesn't have anything the request sort of stays hung if the server does get anything it returns back some data with it that's called long polling it's like a very ugly way to do this and then finally websockets which is like persistent connection between client and server unlike HTTP who's like a transient connection send request get back response connection closes that's HTTP what is web socket persistent connection always open until you explicitly close it an though all the data keeps rolling in that's what websockets let you do and what is the ideal solution here to build a real time system it is websockets question is what are websockets websocket is like the official um definition websocket is a communication protocol that provides a full duplex communic that provides full duplex communication channels over a single long lived connection hopefully that is self-explanatory what does full duplex mean it means client can send events server can send events they can do their like send whatever they want over a single long lived connection so you don't have to create multiple connections you don't have they're not shortlived like an HTTP request they're completely open until you close the tab or you know you you your Wi-Fi shuts down or you explicitly have to close it you move away from the trading page let's say then you don't need the websocket connection anymore but while you're on that trading page while you're on that chat system you do need a persistent connection so the server can keep telling you how data is sort of being transmitted the good question to ask at this point is I understand this part okay this is the web connection how what happens on the server how does the server know huh there is an event I need to push to herat or you know uh that a game movement has happened how do you is there a single server single websocket server and then okay let's say there is a fortnite like game so is there if this is person one's browser this is person 2's browser is there a single websocket server where this guy has connection this guy has a connection this pushes a data here and this pushes it down to the other person and vice versa is this how chat is happening are there multiple backend servers if there are multiple backend servers do they need to communicate with each other what if there is a fortnite game that three people are playing P1 P2 P3 first person sends his data here and has a persistent connection to this one second person has a persistent connection to the second websocket server third person let's say has persistent con to the third websocket server if I send my data here how will it reach P3 does websocket server one need to send it to websocket server 3 which will then forward it to P3 or is there another architecture that is used here to make this a distrib system it is much easier to do if you just assume H there is a single websocket server all people are connected to the same websocket server to data goes here this guy does a for Loop it already has the connections to everyone else sends data to all five this is easy what is hard this single webset server can't really support more than you know X number of users so how do you distribute it how do you create a SW of websocket servers that different users can connect to different websocket servers yet they can receive events that's where redis comes in into the picture and that's the second part of what we'll discuss to most probably this the red disc part we will discuss tomorrow today we'll just try to understand how you can create a websocket server create a simple chat application using it what is the concept of rooms that sort of you need to be able to understand who you have to forward this message to and we'll also if we get time uh try to do an assignment from last week that I gave but I don't think a lot of you have done it cool web sockets and node is websockets a a noj specific concept no it's a protocol HTTP servers can be written in goang can be written in Rust websocket servers can be written in goang goang nodejs Rust whatever language you want we are going to write them in note J there are a bunch of HTTP servers out there Express isn't the only one there is one called Kaa slca there's another one that weate used when we were creating the open API spec file I think that was using Express under the hood but you get the idea there are bunch of HTTP servers in nodejs similarly there are a bunch of npm libraries that let you create websocket servers it really depends on which one you want to use and a popular one some of you might have heard of might be socket.io now socket. iio is not exactly websockets it is some abstraction on top of websockets it is mostly good in most cases it gives you a lot of things out of the box spefically like this concept of room creation y if you know you have multiple people P1 who's in game Lobby L1 P2 who in game Lobby L2 and P3 who's in game Lobby L1 as well if you use socket.io this specific um npm Library it lets you create rooms very easily what is a room this one and this one are in room L1 this person is in room L2 that way anytime an event comes to room L1 this guy can in a single sort of line of code forward it to everyone who's in L1 which is like this guy and this guy and then there's another person who's L1 send it to this guy so soet I abstracts a lot of this for you it is a good library to usually start with but it isn't used in production for multiple reasons because if you use a socket.io web backend server your client also needs to talk socket.io and socket.io is not the exactly the websocket protocol it's very close you can actually somehow tweak the server so that you can create a a normal websocket connection to a socket.io server but your Android your iOS these or let's say you have to write like a goang application that connects to your websocket server they don't really understand socket.io they only understand websocket they only have clients that are in websocket socket. dio became very popular so someone wrote a C++ socket.io client you know and Android socket. client but usually it's not widely used websocket the protocol is very widely used so if given a choice if an interviewer asks would you use socket.io for this raw websockets the answer is raw websockets why because it's a uh protocol that's you know Pro proven and and out there and everyone has clients for someone has written websocket client implementation on Androids someone has written websocket client implementation in iOS so on and so forth okay we are going to use one of these libraries to create it today uh are present natively on the front end so just like fetch is natively present on the front end your browser understands Fetch and uses it to send out uh HTTP requests your browser also understands websocket and you know it's a browser API that's available to you to create a connection to the websocket server fetch is used to send a request to an HTTP server this is used to create a this is the client side code for it this is in the server side code server side code is different similar to express client side code or this websocket object is similar to this fetch let's look at the code now um the code for this week as I said is at 100x devs SL uh week 19 BP repo oh no sorry my bad week 19 WS so please please try to clone this locally I'll give you guys 2 minutes and try to open it in vs code I have it open on webstorm um I'm going to keep it open on webst if you guys don't mind because Visual Studio code has backpack right now and I want to remove backpack from it so it's very simple code so hopefully the editor does not anow you guys so two more minutes please open it in vs code and I'm going to wait for 2 minutes open chat if anyone has any questions but would urge you to start to clone the project locally are there no servers that can do peer-to-peer connections like web RTC for messages are there no servers what do you mean by servers do you mean any protocols so generally peerto peer is never done like if if you thinking of doing peerto peer beat using web RTC or any other protocol it will not scale for a thousand Reasons so no one does peer to-peer even web RTC is sort of tweaked to go through a server eventually in scalable systems like Zoom difference between websockets and web hooks doesn't web hooks also keep sending messages so they're like very different things web Hook is a websocket your server your client you sort of own this code you have a connection to your um web socket server web hooks um when you use an external service for example some of you might have heard of Razor pay which lets you do um payments to Razer pay usually HTTP server Razer pay HTTP server will send a request to your HTTP server and this is called a web hook why is it used if a payment of yours fails so razor pay is the person who has connect connection with banks you know SBI HDFC so on and so forth when people come to my website for example to buy a course they actually hit razor pays Endo okay H bro uh whatever I'm paying 1,000 rupees which under the hood sort of hits a bank API eventually the bank needs to tell Razer pay ha this transaction is done and then Razer pay needs to tell my backend server H whatever Su paid X rupees so this Razer pay server talking to my HTTP server when you talk across companies that's what's called a web hook okay you go to razor pay dashboard and say bro hit this web backend server request uh endpoint of mine which is called a web hook you are sending a hook to my back end so I can in my database put K some has bought the course and someone gets access to this course so whenever SBI needs to talk to Razer pay razor pay needs to talk to me they hit my web hook that protocol that they using is still HTTP so this is still an HTTP server request only it's happening from one company compy to another that's what is a web hook what is a web socket it is a real time like a different protocol completely different from um HTTP cool that's the high level difference hopefully you guys have cloned it there are five parts let's look at it the first and two sort of go together it's the backend code for a websocket server and the front end code for a websocket server if you go to package.json you will see I have Express you don't really need Express to create websocket servers you can create it without it but I have used Express there's like a way to create uh web soet servers using Express that way you can expose one endpoint for example SL WS endpoint on uh to be a websocket server and then whatever you can have a/ health endpoint slash user slash whatever uh create as another endpoint that only one endpoint is um web so endpoint and others are standard HTP and points you can also not use express if you want to create a pure websocket server and then there are the types of both Express and WS standard TS config um only difference is um the root D is/ SRC and the out D is/ everything else is like standard that you get and if you look at index.ts let's look at the things that I've imported I've done import Express from Express import HTTP from HTTP now this is this is like the native HTTP module that node provides you um I don't think we need this either but the way I've created this code is that um after you do a const app equal to express and have the port we do a server equal to app. create server app I don't think you really need this uh I guess we need it yeah so I think the reason for this is web socket server expects a native HTTP server here that if I go here look at the options uh let's see yeah there you go the server argument that it expects is a native HTTP server so we can't just say yellow Express this doesn't accept Express here which is why I had to create a native HTTP server what my native HTTP server this is just the module that node just provides you I think H inside the box like out of the box as you can see this HTTP module isn't really part of my package.json so this like node just provides you out of the box we use this to create an HTTP server by using simply http create server I think you you don't really need Express I think you can create it without Express as well and you know there's a different way to create routes here like http.get or whatever so you can do that as well I don't think you need as I said you don't really need Express I have created it this way because this is how backpack has done it I'm just basically copy paste it it and try to break it down if you want to build it yourself you actually don't need a lot of these things you can simply this is enough to create I think a websocket server lastly I've said WSS doon connection oh uh I said initialized websocket server this has all the logic similar to all I have to do if I have to create an HTTP server is const app equal to express or basically this line right here this under the hood creates an HTTP server has all the logic for it similarly this Whoever has written this library has written all the logic to upgrade the request create the persistent connection so on and so forth we use this Library out of the box the only sort of syntax you need to know is websocket server so WSS stands for the websocket server Doon connection anytime a person connects to you the control reaches here someone connected that's what I've logged here and then ws. on message anytime someone sends you a message you can whatever put a log here put something in the database do whatever you want with this information for example in the real world someone would send you either a chat message or someone would send you their movement if they're playing uh Minecraft okay this is where I moved you receive that data here from here you have to run your l you can do whatever you want with this data we don't do anything we just send back from the server okay hello you sent this so just to show duplex communication just to show client can send you some data server can respond back with some data this is like five lines of code that you have to write this is enough to write your server side logic is this what you will write in the real world no in the real world if you user send you a message you will have to basically look at who all are you connected to forward the message to a few of those users so you won't ws. send you will actually do a you know for iterate over all the users you have all the web soet connections you have and send it to them we will see that when we reach this part for now fairly simple websocket server on connection which means anytime someone has created a websocket connection control will reach here what do we do here we log we don't have to log we can remove this but we just log to see H actually connections are being made and anytime that user now sends message that user can send you message once twice 10 times 100 times the control will reach here and then I don't don't have to do anything here but what am I doing I'm just responding back bro yellow I am going to respond back with hello you sent this I could also some be something like okay set interval ws. send hello from server every 1 second I could I don't really need a trigger I can simply be like every 1 second now I'm going to send you some data okay so ws. send can be called anywhere now as long as you have access to this WS which is the socket connection for that specific user once the control reaches here this WS variable is the socket connection to that user if another user sends a request a new control will reach here again a new WS variable will be available from which you can send back data I think fairly straightforward stuff here let me know if not we'll do a poll soon but hopefully this backend server logic is straightforward if not we'll do a poll let me know going try to marinate it ignore whatever you're seeing here this is just my ID being my ID so it's actually just async WS comma Rec these are just types that my IDE shows similar to this listener that's a type that my IDE shows don't worry about that if that's what's confusing you and let's try to run this back in server now the way to do that as always is oh by the end in the end we do server. listen Port which is similar to how we used to do it in like an express application we used to do an app. listen rather than doing an app. listen the server that we we have created we do a server. listen Port why is this schol did we use express so that we can do like other things like app.get SL Health expose like a health check in point so on and so forth cool you don't have to add it just showing you eventually if you hit this end point when your server starts you can also get back like health checks and put other logic here the way to run it go into 1-s simple- ws- server and run TSC sp-b this will what will it do convert your typescript code into JavaScript code if this doesn't work for you npx tscp should work once you've done it node dis index.js should start this on Port 3000 I was already running something here but if I remove that node dis index.js should start your websocket server we haven't yet written any client side logic we will write that very soon but this is a similar to an HTTP server that has started trade forward shall we proceed let me do a poll real quick I think it's straightforward hopefully because it's like very similar to http servers so like nothing too fancy here just one more extra thing you get you send and receive separately okay very good so now this is in the past when we created HTTP servers we were able to hit them via Postman a mobile app or uh a browser anywhere right similarly websockets also you can hit from anywhere you want if I go to my browser and search for postwoman this was someone who created like aun funny project called postwoman which was a open source version of Postman uh and this has like a realtime part I think Postman also has this like now Postman also lets you create a websocket connection but think of this application which is hops scotch.io now used to be called postwoman in back in the day it let gives you a section called real time which lets you create a websocket connection similar to how we used to go to postman and send HTTP requests this is just another client and if I click on if I put if you put the right address here which is ws/ loal 3000 if I open inspect click on the network Tab and click on connect here you will see a websocket connection has been created there are no messages that have been exchanged right now but the connection has been made if I send a message here let's say the way to do that is it sort of lets you put any random body here and send you will see I send a I sent a message I also received the message hello you sent this from the backend server I can also confirm this here so what is this this is just another client uh for hitting a websocket server eventually you want to own this application this will be your own chat application your own game but at least this shows you how can you now it's a generic websocket server that You' have created anyone can talk to it using websocket clients we specifically need to talk to it using a website so either a react application next CH application so we will write a simple client in JavaScript that's able to talk to it but like anyone can talk to it it's an open server that understands the web soet protocol as long as someone has written a websocket client they can talk to it they can send messages they can receive messages what we haven't yet written any logic here in the real world you'll be like message types if message. type equal to chat then only you forward chat messages if it is a message the server does not understand it does nothing we have to do all of that right now but just the communication bit has been hooked up now let's look at the client that I have written this is a simple index [Music] or
Channel: Harkirat Singh
Views: 51,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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