What is Venturimeter. How Venturimeter works. Working Principle of Venturimeter.Animation Video.

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Hello Everyone welcome to Another  video of Instrumentation Academy.   In this video we will discuss, what is a venturimeter and How it works? venturimeter is a device which is installed in a pipeline to measure the flow rate of gas or liquid flowing through a pipe. venturi meter is attached to a pipe using flanges, so that the fluid which is flowing through the   pipe also flows through the venturimeter. venturimeter  works by measuring the difference in pressure at   two different locations. The pressure difference is created by introducing a constriction   in the path of the fluid flowing through  the pipe, causing the fluid to flow faster.   The pressure difference is then  used to calculate the FLOW RATE.   Construction of a venturi meter   venturimeter is a device which does not have   any moving part. it is mainly made up of three parts- Converging part, Throat and Diverging part.   These three parts are arranged in a systematic order. Now let's discuss about the converging part.   It is a region of the venturimeter where the cross section emerges into a conical shape.   In this part the cross-sectional area  decreases from beginning to the end.   This section is connected to inlet section on one end and cylindrical throat on the other end.   The inlet section of the venturimeter is of the same diameter as that of the pipeline in which   the venturi meter is installed. The second part is the cylindrical throat, it is the middle part   of the venturi meter through which the fluid passes after converging in the converging part.   Generally diameter of the throat  is half the diameter of the pipe.   The diameter of the throat remains the same throughout its length. One end of the throat   is connected to the converging part and the other end is connected to the diverging part.   The last part is the diverging part. it  is the end of the venturi meter. on one   side it is attached to the throat and on the other side it is attached to the outlet part,   which is connected to the pipe. In diverging part the cross sectional area gradually increases.   length of converging part is shorter than the length of the divergent part. There are   two pressure tappings or holes in the walls of the venturi meter for pressure measurement.   venturimeter works by measuring the difference in pressure at these two pressure tappings. working principle of venturimeter. venturi meter works on the principle of continuity equation   and bernoulli's theorem. According to continuity equation if the cross sectional area of a pipe   decreases then the velocity of the fluid flowing through it increases. let's consider the case of   a garden hose used for watering the plants. when a finger is placed at the end of this hose the cross   section of the hose decreases, then the speed or velocity of the water flowing out increases.   Bernoulli's theorem states that for a flowing fluid an increase in speed of fluid occurs   with a decrease in pressure of the fluid that means if we know how much pressure of fluid   is decreased then we can find the measure by which the speed of fluid has increased.   when this continuity equation and Bernoulli's theorem is applied on a venturi meter we can find   that, the constriction introduced by the venturi meter will increase the velocity of the fluid   and this increase in velocity will in turn reduce the pressure of the fluid. working of venturi meter. The venturi flow meter is placed in a pipe carrying the fluid   whose flow rate is to be measured. Venturi meter has name plate on it which has a flow   direction arrow according to which the venturi meter needs to be installed in the pipeline.   The fluid which flows through the pipe  now flows through the venturi meter.   As the fluid enters the inlet section, first it reaches the converging part. Due to the shape of   this part the fluid starts to converge as the cross sectional area of this part is decreasing.   According to the continuity equation if  the cross-sectional area decreases then the   velocity of the fluid increases and according to Bernoulli's theorem if the velocity of the fluid   increases then the pressure has to decrease so the velocity of the fluid increases and the pressure   of the fluid decreases. After converging part the fluid then enters the middle part that is   the throat, which is of constant diameter. since the diameter is constant the velocity of the flowing   fluid does not change and also the pressure of the fluid does not change in the throat. A pressure tapping is provided at the  throat and another tapping is provided   near the inlet part before the fluid reaches the convergent part. Tapping's are holes made on   the walls of the venturi meter to measure pressure. The high pressure tapping is at the inlet section   which will give the pressure of the fluid flowing through the pipe while the low pressure tapping is   at the middle of the throat section which will give the pressure of the fluid after converging.   The difference in pressure between these two tapping positions is measured using a manometer   or a differential pressure gauge. this pressure difference is then used to calculate the flow   rate of the fluid. After the fluid crosses the throat section it passes through a diverging part.   The purpose of diverging part is to recover the  pressure which was lowered by the convergent part.   In order to measure the flow rate when the fluid reaches the divergent part as the cross-sectional   area is increasing the velocity of the flowing fluid decreases and the pressure increases.   By this we come to the end of this  video. if you like this video please   don't forget to subscribe the  channel and support us Thank you
Channel: Instrumentation Academy
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Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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