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what's going on ladies and gentlemen my name is Ryan or two T and here we are today playing Tara Tech a game that a lot of people have been requesting for me to play so I don't know what this game is about it looks like you build things you run around you shoot things I don't know I don't know I don't know what to expect this game looks awesome though so I'm really excited about this hey everyone thanks for coming out let's a new game I guess I don't know what else to do new game campaign create a moat sumo gauntlet um wait what BEC look at that wait Russell wait no no I want to do campaign sure let's do let's do campaign what is Twitter this Twitter's we're kind of used would you like no okay let's just do campaign I guess I don't know what else to do so let's figure out so I guess we had a I guess that's where we start before we do anything crazy so let's uh let's see what this this is all about all right so there's there's some kind of nuke us gso base deployment unit I just got what the heck a bunch of bailiff every missile now oh god we're going down crunch I think I'm gonna initiate air intake it sounds broke the cooperate that's what is this what is it phew your cab is a bit banged up but you made it is this me I think it's me this is your cap protect it at all costs all right okay drag a standard block to the cab using the left mouse button okay nice and touch all the wheels to the sides mm okay nice grab the guns stick it on top near grab the drill stick it to the front okay press B to turn your checkup right okay [Music] it's it's adorable look at this thing wait stay alert okay what is this defend yourself oh you want to go break my fight me take that and that and that and that you know going around oh we lost you losses drew wait oh we wrecked them wait oh I can attach them to my tech what it's awesome okay lay that I'm gonna become leave this I'm gonna become the bullet what is this I guess I'm gonna like stray do okay let's let's add some wheels here I need another wheel where's the other wheel go up there it is it's all the way over here there you go look how strong what no that's not how you put a wheel on is that what is this it where do but where's the other wheel the wheels gone what's this oh there it is come over here wheel this game is amazing what was this this is mine can i well there goes that okay I don't have time for this let's get out of here yeah this is the caterpillar machine oh okay we're good can I like mine through all this oh my gosh I get his mind into it this game is amazing wait what why is there fighting music is there a bad guy around here no you want to think you can beat me I can't see anything all right clicked off the screen uh-oh oh gosh all right we're back oh I have defeated him wait now he's still alive where do you go you think you can beat me you think you're better than me here I come okay well you're done for dude you're done for oh whoa where'd that thing go wait can I move I can drive around of that but I have to look around this okay um well I think the more wheels we have honestly the better so let's I don't know what this is but I want to put it on there cuz that looks kind of cool obviously we're gonna need some more wheels here this thing is a monster guys all right there we go uh well there's this thingy I kind of like this thing so we'll put this on top and we'll put this on top because it looks kind of adorable I like it what is this no I don't need any wheels on here okay I don't know what's the point of it but I feel wait wait can I rearrange this thing oh I can all right let's rearrange this thing while we have time oh gosh I'm under attack yet again who I don't I said I'm not ready for this I'm gonna die but he has a gun I want this gun oh yeah I reckon I can recommend he's trying to strafe me no I don't have time for this I need my I need I was in the middle of repairs you bought fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire I think I might be stronger no my drill I gotta put that back on that's where the jail goes right I'm pretty sure that's where the drill goes um come on take him out he's strafing me pretty hard there we go oh there we go there we go there we go there we go no no no no no no no no yeah we got him okay I think where's that grid that gun go what is this is the gun no interesting does it the gun done just disappear wait what is this alrighty so let's swap this thing around okay so this is my main cube thing so I don't want that so let's put let's get this guy and put them underneath it right so there we go so we kind of have like this hole and then we can put that there trust me guys I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing I know what I'm doing okay trust me okay where's our oh those guys are really far away okay well we'll wolf one second we'll get there we'll get there okay this is okay well we got a little bit of a problem here and that's fine that's fine this guy's got to go right there cuz it's okay we're fine we're fine we're fine don't worry about it guys um fine for temporarily we'll put this thing here well put let's just attach everything on to this thing for now that we want wait that can't be there that's gonna go there I don't know what I don't know what this is but I want it where's our drill didn't we have a juror oh is that another gun I think that's another gun oh those are drilled with no I I guess we'll take this wheel off we'll come back for that okay we got to go let's go get this other these other pieces over here we're gonna make the greatest thing ever okay alrighty there we go oh no I fell over okay okay that's fine that's fine it's fine so we want to put this here wait can I put this up in the sky we can put this here Oh what if we way what if we put this thing nothing's here right mm yeah let's actually oh my gosh at all like fell apart in the last second feels real bad man what if we put oh I like no no no for now we'll do like this kind of like yeah yeah we'll put the drill here put o put the gun mounted there where's our other gun thing that's not the gun it's just a gun no oh well that's what we're gonna do okay and then now we'll put that thing right oh no no I'm sorry I'm taking so long guys I need I'm making the coolest I'm making the freaking Batmobile up in here guys this thing is gonna be unstoppable nobody will be able to beat me okay let's put this doohickey on top okay this weird wheel thing will be in the back like that nice there guys this now this oh wait oh that's we have a problem that is that is a problem that thing kind of has we have to put these up here sadly and then we got to put wheels no what'swhat's whoops no the wheel is not sideways that will that wheels fine there we go okay all right now we're good ah there we go now I'm happy I'm happy we're good we're good we're good hey everyone thank you coming out to the stream though um I still don't know exactly what's going on I've never played this game before in my life but this game is amazing I'm kind of loving how this is like set up though like this is pretty awesome what's this place the Solars on the ground to listen all right what is this oh great the solar generator is anchoring and generating power lit oh god repair but bubble projectors falling okay attach it all right all right good cool it's just powering up nice okay movements are there pairs you're taking us fully repaired come back to repair any time can I just bring that with me no okay other parts of your base will be scattered in the crash use the mission log to help find them nice all right let's go guys okay so that's my repair thing so I guess we got to go to all the question marks I don't know I think that's don't forget your Solingen do you know that you can pick up an ink pickup anchor blocks again oh wait wait wait I want to see if I can bring that maybe I can bring it with me let's see if I can bring this with me it should be able to okay um put that there ah so I can bring it with me nice okay I was gonna bring it with me yeah I want a challenger to arrive they won't even stand a chance against my almighty powers they'll be destroyed ah a challenger has arrived he's just fighting that a helpless tree leave that tree alone that tree is my friend I'm sure oh oh no I killed the tree you think you can escape for me get back here get back here you're not gonna no no no oh gosh wait okay okay you're not leave my tree alone okay oh whoops I accidentally broke all of it I didn't mean to break it what is this I don't know what that I don't know what this is I don't think there's any of any importance oh I kind of destroyed it it feels bad man I ever getting out of here sorry tree do I have any boost I feel so like fat and sluggish like I don't even know okay we'll have to go see but I think wait is that where we're supposed to be going I think this is where we're supposed to be going I need to make a way better oh here's another bad guy let's go fight him did my wheel just fall off I think my wheel literally just fell off no where'd that what that wheel literally just um okay I'm not gonna get off me oh my gosh what is this thing oh this guy's a monster come on nice okay let's see how do I want to build I feel like this isn't I feel like this isn't the way like I feel like I could be making this a whole lot better yeah we might have to remake this thing in a second cuz I'm not I'm not really liking the way it's built right now it's kind of poorly built if you ask me I'm trying to think what would be the best way to build it I don't know for now for now we're just gonna just friggin put everything on it just like that where's my little there you go to have that tiny wheel there um here I don't know what this does so we'll put it right there like I'll just take everything with me that I can I'm kind of upset that I want to get those guns the more I need more firepower the more firepower to get the happier I'll be America is if you're enjoying you want to see this become a series smash that like button I think this games pretty awesome and I'm I'm really enjoying it so if you guys want to see more smash that like button let's go okay put cab main thing in the middle oh yeah that it's true I could what I could do is I could like put this this way I know what I want to do see the thing is the whole thing's gonna fall apart as soon as I try put the cab in the center for more protection what if I okay guys I have a really wait wait wait undo undo undo oh okay wait wait so what I can do is I can remove this take this off take this up and then like that I move that there yeah let's move this like that oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man okay okay I'm thinking let me think let me think let me think I'm kind of I'm kind of digging it but I kind of don't also don't like let's put that let's put that like that and let's give kind of like like a weird tail thing for more stability so it doesn't like flip over oh man oh man oh man oh man and put the cool gun on top there we go there we go and then we can put like that for like the breaks nice nice alright I like I like this now now we got a now we're good oh whoops accidently all tapped out my bad we're good okay we're back okay all right little thief let's see you've had your Ivar attack oh don't worry we're good we're good oh you're done for dude you think you can get away with my radar I'm taking your but I'm putting your butt online your butt is now mine I have an enemy and I have acquired the enemies but take them out fire fire fire you're not getting away it's that easy okay nice all right Peter up okay well this my radars going up here nice great the radar has a mini-map oh cool now Waiver sick okay well now we actually have like a lot of stuff here let's um let's put this here and then what if we put like that there to like protect it maybe okay oh look at that and then we can put these these these three things they're nice here do I need these I don't really think I can do much with those I'm just gonna attach the reel at the top right here I do want to put that there way now let's put hey what okay that's probably not the best place to put a gun if I had you know I'm not I'm not an expert with these things but you know alright Oh means bad health wait the flashing red means bad health oh okay so if that if that's what that means so I can put this there and I put that there what and it's charging up Green Green okay so that thank you thank you I didn't know that all right so now there we go so we're all okay now so now we're all healed up we're good now oh the nose buzzer yeah we're ambushing this guy he's not going anywhere like I has another gun where'd the gun go I think the gun broke dang but you know what we can we can attach even more onto it we can create just a monster of a machine here there we go I don't think there's like any real point in having like this big of a machine but it's pretty awesome I'm pretty excited with this all right I'm liking it I I'm I'm slowly figuring out like I said guys I've never played this game in my entire life I haven't even watched any videos on this so I have no idea what I'm doing I'm just gonna be like going like okay I think this makes sense um I have no idea what OH what okay the mini-map shows nearby allies enemies and other points of interest press the L key to open the mission log block you're holding can be rotated F and G or tried the right mouse button oh okay I mean G okay or the right mouse button okay um press the L okay if you're TechRadar it has a radar block the mini-map will be shown okay the mini-map shows nearby alleys okay eh I don't need all this information okay so now we got to go find our battery don't know what the batteries for but I mean it's I'm assuming it's over here somewhere okay mmm when you blow up so try to shoot to shoot if everything then go for the cab when you blow the cab up the tech you blow up a tech okay so I wanna wait wait wait a second here's this thingy destroy that tree to dislodge your battery okay bump ow Bam Bam Bam okay wait a second where's my drill my drills gone guys I lost my drill okay attach it to your tech okay uh you you can now power your repair but with this batter whilst you're on the move wait what the heck so we're like now you're because we got a send you a little care package nice send me a care package your crash Lane a report when you get there okay so wait so am I constantly healing now that seems a little bit ridiculous powers you were payable while you're on the move what that's redonk that seems really strong okay I have think that makes sense I see there's a challenger over here somewhere what are you ready to tussle big boy okay here let's um there we go oh I want I'm gonna take that oh I want no I needed that drill dang it I think this is another way is this an I think this is one of the automatic guns I'm I think it is yeah let's put that yeah I'm pretty sure that's one of those automatic guns nice nice meme okay look oh this thing's like slowly running out of battery how do I make it not do that I don't know oh you're back in the cross-strait good good okay good setting on delivery crate why thank you I appreciate that did I the approach to the route go on it won't bite okay what is it oh my goodness oh those wheels and particulars to make easy for you to explore this safe planet oh my gosh these are like nice wheels okay rebuild your tech with these blocks and leave the area when you're ready oh my gosh okay okay it's time to rebuild we're gonna need to rebuild and make this like way nicer um okay so this thing I feel like this thing needs to be in the middle so here let's let's see let's see let's see now I want this to be on top do we want it to be too wide though do we want it to like okay let's see let's see let's see because we could do something like this right yeah let's uh like like this float up in the air can I put this underneath no not really can i okay how ups I didn't mean to do that okay um I think that's what's supposed to happen alright so I think that's what we want to do I'm not sure not on top on bottom hide cap okay yeah yeah I'll hide the cap I'll hide the cab so we can so we hide so we hide the cab okay cab is cab is hidden okay so you can't see the cab okay ayuh to be kept in the middle for extra protection okay so so the cabs okay the cabs I'm hidden I'm hiding the cab okay cab is hidden calm down let's put let's add more things here I can do even more so let's do there we go and then let's put I don't know if we need all of the wheels right whoops or remind me in three days snooze sorry my freaking computer wants to update okay so now we have this so let's add let's see let's see let's see um so here's so let's add this gun where's the other gun that looks like it there's that gun can be put there what is this thing I don't know what it is but I like it well that's our radar I feel like the radar should go on top cuz the radar looks cool where's our other that's not it that's it nice okay put that we can put that battery pack thing there we'll put these on the back cuz these are kind of like whatever worthless for the most part okay I on the solar generator I don't have where's the solar generator I'm very confused where do we find a solar generator wait what is this oh my gosh does this go here yes it does um does it have to be put on part of - dang it does well if that's the case we can figure it out that's annoying that just looks so poopy now wait wait wait wait can what if I can I flip it no I cannot okay wait no the other way around it's supposed to go that way fine we'll just leave it there um the solar generated that shirt you charged the battery with us oh okay so okay I understand now that makes sense okay I understand I is I is smart I promise okay so let's put it can we put these what is this what even is that is that the gun thing I'm trying to figure this out guys I'm trying to you bear with me bear but bear with me okay what are these little tiny things like those little tiny thing is I don't know okay we'll put this will put more firepower in the front what is this I don't even know what that it's but we'll put that there anyways do I need anything else I do I need all these wheels the world may never know and I'll put that like right there okay rebuild your tick okay let's just see what happens here um yeah so see okay wait wait let's let's move this so the battery's low so can I can sew is that charge it okay so that charges it okay nice nice lights Oh so the tiny things these are just lights okay boring but also understandable what is this even more likes it so put lights on the side all right I'm figuring out thank you for the help guys I appreciate it alright so that's that that makes more sense and that's better okay okay so we need a better form of attack this thing can't be here that has to be like this and then now we need to put that needs to go like that we need to have these no okay fine be that way like that okay and then that's to go there there we go okay okay I'm getting there see but the thing is is like I don't know how I feel about this I don't know how I feel cuz like it's so high up it's I'm never gonna hit anything right that's the problem okay let's just go see you about fighting this guy what happens when I try to fight this guy okay never mind this guy just got absolutely destroyed wait he's got he's got oh he's got one of these battery things I want it more batteries yes okay oh these guys are fighting we can take these guys out too oh my gosh look at those guns No oh we got all these guns okay so how do we get more loons lower um put the orb in the middle so it covers everything oh okay so this orb needs to go here so the orb covers everything understandable okay all righty I'm figuring it out slowly but surely guys um ah let's see let's see let's see let's put okay instead of this thing I don't need this anymore I don't need we put this here and now we can put guns here guns there okay we'll put a gun this is another gun right yes we'll put that gun there okay we can put that there I feel like if we put a gun there that won't what is this I don't that guns not shooting that guns just doing nothing that guns also doing nothing um I I don't know what to do with that okay if that feels kind of like worthless but I'm trying to figure it out guys I'm sorry okay oh if here's another gun but that's like nearly broken but this oh but this is like the kind of gun that just goes around shooting whatever it wants right so that's good that's fine alrighty I'm okay well I'm okay with that that's fine oh wait this is a drill right yeah yeah yeah let's put this we can put this drill right on the front okay um can I go backwards alright if I can go backwards might as well just have that on the back alrighty and I might as well just have guns everywhere like if I have free space more firepower never killed anybody we can just put guns there's so many guns here guys I love it do I need anything is there anything else here that I want another gun nice alrighty I'm happy now yeah Oh more drills um can I use drills nothing no or I'll just put that right there alright fine okay the gun is not shooting because you put it by yeah yeah this is a madness insane let's go yeah can I just like drill through this I am I'm loving this game okay I'm figuring it out guys slowly but surely once I feel like I'm I like to say I'm pretty good with these types of games but the thing is like I'd since I don't know how the game like what's everything does I just you just have to give me a little bit time to figure it out but most of you guys are saying I'm doing a pretty okay job I'm good at like seeing like okay this is what this does I should probably use it in this fashion so but there we go look and now we got like a whole bunch of guns I feel like I can do something better with the wheels and my setup but I feel like there's always room for important yeah I feel like I need more wheels yeah I definitely want more wheels because I feel like I'm if I here's the beer I'm just gonna go steal this dude's wheels hey dude I'm coming to come kill you okay hey dude oh you think you can run for me okay umm I want what are these no no no stop it stop it okay there's another one of these guns which are very nice to have um wheels I just put those here there we go I feel like I feel like that helped turn on this oh wait whoops I defeat that wait is this the troll I think is the troll oh gosh die troll die die troll I have the shield this guy can't kill me hey-ya gso license upgrade graduation of these block temperatures for the training to go - I don't understand any of this continue okay it's out of the way well let's see what do I want oh my shields gone okay oh this guy had the big wheels wait what is this okay I want that instead of it okay I really hope there's one there's got to be one more big wheel around here yes there is yes oh wait oh my gosh um nice we need a couple more big wheels I don't think that's where the wheel should go just wait what deck what does this reel do wait what that's a very interesting wheel we got there I'll just put that right there who knows um more guns I don't think more guns ever hurt anybody I don't need two of these things do i I feel like two of these things is a little bit ridiculous Hill it's not charged up this battery I don't think I need two batteries do I need more than two batteries um uh I'll just why not take all the batteries with me is it charging yeah they're charging up okay that's good um I did get a lot of blocks which I kind of let's just put like wait what this is a two block what deck okay um you need more than two yes yes yes you just keep both batteries to keep all the batteries okay we're keeping the batteries guys um do I want to make like wings what the heck is this thing oh it's one of I don't even know what that's supposed to be what the heck yeah let's um let's take these off and let's add a stronger um there we go I guess I can put that there get me more blocks there we go and then if we have these we can have like a stew I found another we found more big wheels nice the more big wheels the does that stupid big wheel I don't want that real that's a ridiculous wheel okay I'm figuring out slowly but surely so but with this I can add like a bunch of guns so there's that gun that gun that gun that gun what are they gun that gun guys we have a lot of guns what is this wait what the heck is that oh it's one of those weird back wheels I don't want that okay um so let's put battery battery battery let's put that thing there what are we missing now I feel like we're missing something are we missing anything is there anything that we need from here I think we got everything that we want and need from this station we have so many guns okay all righty when the enemy stops moving it's dead okay good to know I feel like I really want here I want let's get one of these and put so to put it on the side so just for cemetery purposes and then we can have that guy there oh this guy's not doing anything so we're gonna have this guy go somewhere slowly we can move this guy and put him there I guess and then we need to put this guy there all righty all right we're doing it we're doing what we're doing it figuring out okay here's a trading system what is this thing right click the mission board near the top of the this thing current mission right click the mission Gordon near the top of the trading station what uh what is it want me to do what huh oh okay sure I'll accept a mission so you want to bro in yours well you're in luck okay there's a planet of natural harvest reason gonna be beamed offworld to aid our survey expedition other corners the galaxy you'll be paid handsomely for ever since of course cool I like money um what am I supposed to do right click the shop terminal on the side of the trading station it's a training station where's the shop terminal shop that's purchase a thimble collector manufacturing thimble collector $300 okay Thank You great attach it to my tech [Music] yeah I'll just put other way up there um okay now go horsey wait wait wait what else can i buy the plough seems pretty good um that's the light machinegun what else is there is there anything blinker headlight that's - I have a blinker headlight in the back whoopsies um standard blocks away wait wheel blocks okay weapon blocks man accessory power blocks manufacturing flight flight blocks mmm do you say flight blocks okay that's fine wait so let's let's mind this resource okay there we go what this is awesome look at it wheel is overloaded so how do i oh so then that goes in there damn it does it give me my knees $15 $15 what a waste of my time I feel like I can be given getting way more money for this but okay actually there's a bad guy over here let's go fight him where is he I know your what is that take him out take him out take him out take him out take him out oh he's dead oh no you're not getting away from me like I just got destroyed nice well what is this it looks like some kind of plow can I put this right there yes I can I like that all righty hmm I'll figure it out I wasn't sure to do with this book I don't know but I know I should just add whenever I can add more guns guys I'm going to add more guns okay I only have one gun here wait let's take it I don't need this blinker let's put this thing in the back there we go now I need the more of the red guns let's go buy it what is this no I'm gonna buy more red guns I need wheels too but I'll figure it out I'll figure it out okay hide batteries okay well we'll see we'll see we'll see I need to head over here for a little bit um check the mission board for our activity well I'll be there to sing it one second I gotta buy one of these bye bye okay there we go nice look at this there we gotta look at this now we're just we're just a weapon um look at this we look at all these baddies in here I want to go kill these baddies here we go yeah here comes the big boy what is this madness I don't know what's going on don't worry I am the strongest there ever was okay just keep fighting just keep fighting oh I want that wheel this is my wheel now oh I want this wheel too I want this just keep fighting don't mind don't like I said just ignore me okay driller killer what a silly name more like driller you're dead because I'm cool come here driller killer die okay my first tech will you're about to die too you get this weak stuff out of here oh all weapons have been turned onto you you're done for oh gosh it just clicked off whoops yeah get out of here dude I'm literally just running into this guy making him blow stuff up oh my batteries are getting low I don't have time for my batteries to be low oh this guy's done for I keep clicking off whoops okay there we go Oh get out get test get that weak stuff out of here what is this what is this this is another one of these things I don't know but I like it okay wheel is overloaded okay alrighty so what we need to do is let's uh let's put one of these guys up let's recharge our batteries okay now we're now we're cooking let that let those recharge what that let them do their thing um is there any baddies around here there's a baddie like over there but I'm not too worried about him I think we're I think we're okay I think we're good I don't need to hide no batteries I we can make planes and helicopters that's awesome yeah see these are almost refilled and then that'll I can heal it all up um I could kind of hide my batteries like in there because I'm not really using that but soon as I take it apart everything's gonna just break here we can put that there what is this this is my resource collector what why is my research nevermind wait oh this guy doesn't have a collector on top so let's put battery battery I don't know if I need it but I'm gonna bring it with me anyways where can i I can put this guy here I guess okay I won't question it as for building blocks I don't even know what I should do with these things but I think that's gonna end up the stream guys if you guys are enjoying this series you want to see more smash that like button I person had a lot of fun with this super fun game love you all and I'll see you later than extreme bye everybody
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 151,469
Rating: 4.9253283 out of 5
Id: fIH4nTQAVkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2017
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