What Is THIS Doing Here?! | Treasure Hunter Uncovers Out-of-Place Military Artifact

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I have a little bit of mixed emotions about today I'm excited because I've got several color holes on the agenda say that's never visited before and excited to see what to find but they're also so far away on the four-wheeler actually a little bit nervous I'm not going to be able to make it back yeah I'm gonna fill it to the brim and cross my fingers I guess [Music] all right folks I drove my four-wheeler a couple hours I think some of you may remember there was a military road that Eddie and I found and spent a lot of time there and we found over 20 colonial hoppers on old Military Road today I discovered that there was an extension travels right over the mountain to another town and I asked around some of my buddies some of my hunting friends and bloggers and I know and they had mentioned that you may or may not be a sellable along this road and with Jess just a little bit of information I decided to take a chance and take a wheel down this road and I was losing hope a little bit and then I started seeing so long along the road I'm right where I think I'm supposed to be at probably a month to the place talking about and I'm just going to have a snack have a drink of water and let's go see if you can find us on hold even if we don't find it so I'm gonna eat Penelope's it all right well I'll show you what I saw as I was driving along here you notice right through there is a big beautiful stone wall it kind of ends right here continues on that way so we're going to bounce across the road do some looking around see a depression already look Jesus I did already up there's some stacked stone that must be it now when when hunters know about a place like this unfortunately sometimes it's trashed not trash trash but you know they'll kind of stand next to it because it's cool when they do they're high in and you know drop their shell casings and sometimes beer cans and stuff we're going to see if there's any of that we're going to receive the Denton I'm excited all right well there's the cellar right on the edge movie 381 that's pretty good see here that's a big ol silver plated buckle brass we'll take that alright well we got a good one here eighty-six give you a close up here and ready I thought you see it look that's a copper nice and I don't know all right let me get my little toothbrush out and see if I can work some detail off that all right well I can see no detail on it out here we're going to see if we can do it at home I'm excited though off to a good start today all right well I was just making my way around the hole the road is over there and check this out you know it's hard to see depth on the camera but that's certainly the well I've never seen a well rounded up like this before it's interesting it's filled in which is good I can fall down and we're going to really spend a lot of time in between all in the well see if we can't find something all right got a normal button tone I just want to point out at a site like this the amount of buttons that we find is insane look at this 11 buttons so far and I've been here maybe an hour and I've got a couple others you know buckles and things too but funds are are nuts but um just got another button tone I haven't been filming these because I've just be filled with buttons but there's definitely like a little dude standing there on that thing it's an old style button it's not a two-piece and there's a guy stand-in there he's holding the stick now I don't know for sure but he looks a lot like the guy that's on the Massachusetts State coin so I don't know if this is a Massachusetts button in any shape or form in any case it's much more exciting than all of those other plain flat buttons that's awesome check out what I found some chicken of the woods I guess that's delicious I'm not really a mushroom guy but actually looks like somebody's already taking a bite out of it that's pretty cool I had heard fancy restaurants buy that stuff but not about to carry it out with me pretty cool all right was that a beautiful high tone right on the edge of the cellar it's actually on a pretty good angle here so I'll show you what it sounds like that I'm going to jump below 85 86 I get down here oh yeah there it is that appears to be a copper nice let me give you a close-up here all right to tell where it is appears to be Britannia there decide we've got a bust I get my toothbrush out here all right well I was wrong it is a large cent I can't make up the date right now but there's a counter stamp on there can you see that there are three letters stamped right into the face of the coin and while I can't make them out perfectly right now it looks like the middle of the letter is an N and the back looks really weird I don't see the one cent anywhere so we're going to try to get this cleaned up and maybe we can discover what's going on here but excellent you know I am so far from civilization right now if I were to get injured and not be able to get out of here I think that that would probably be the end of me I think it's actually important to kind of get out to places like this every once in a while know what it kind of feels like but regardless of how far out yeah middle of absolute nowhere you are for some reason you always find these stupid things how do they get everywhere at least it's an older model right alright well this is just another button I'm pretty sure but I just thought it was interesting the way the plug popped out I just shoveled it out flipped it over and that happened see I got a shank on it yeah I think it's got a design on there well I thought it was plain but you can see there's little dots like a design flashlight doesn't help anything it's pretty cool maybe we'll be able to get a design out that after all see that cell is right there and I'm standing in the road I always collect in the road in front of a seller maybe 30 feet that way and 30 feet that way because you never know you know there was traffic and it wasn't vehicle seen LeBron horses stuff fell out of the pocket I tell you right here is just a little button looks like it might be pewter but you never know it was this one time last summer lady and I texting in the road and I found right on the surface a colonial copper nobody's going to believe this especially not Eddie but look no I don't believe it that's a friggin surface fine in the middle of the row no I swear no I swear so now I always check I keep on going alright there's a dead tree over here and the bark fell off and it's on the ground and there's a beautiful target under the bark 84 very consistent there's about six inches down let's get this bark away 85 now all right pull the plug close up look at that yeah to copper and see where I was sitting in the dirt there can you have here click on the large side nice and style all right looks like a matron style all right I believe it's 1831 but it's flaking off right around the date so it's hard to say either way happy nice early 1800s copper hi folks I'm going to call it a day it's still quite early but I had so long to travel to get home I have to leave now I'm more than happy with everything I found I need to stay any longer all right we've got four buckles 15 small buttons and five bigger buttons some of them are pretty awesome at this big ol coat button this is the one the little dot design in my opinion the coolest one is this too bad the shank is gone but three coins two large sense I'm not sure what that one is quite yet so I'm excited to get back out to this place again I'm going to leave a little bit earlier in the day next time I think so I can have longer out here because I didn't really do any exploring I found the hole and a little bit in the road but I didn't really walk around at all to see if there's more structures there's obviously a wall that continues down the road quite a bit further but well anyway we'll add it to the list of places that we're going to be going the rest of this year cicadas the sound of summer I don't think we have a lot left of it unfortunately all right thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 65,891
Rating: 4.9496164 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure, treasure hunting, treasure hunter, coins, old coins, garrett, garrett at pro, adventure, great outdoors
Id: 10BTpWncal4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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