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last day of the feast we having a Last Supper let's bow ahead for a word of prayer Our most gracious and loving Heavenly Father we come before your holy presence in the name of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ today thank you Lord for on the last day of the feast you stood up in the temple and you said you prophesies about the the outpouring of the holy spirit so we pray Lord Jesus as your ministers are gathered here today you will do that Open the Eyes of the understanding open the ears of their understanding give them an understanding heart and a listening year that they may hear what the spirit of God will speak to the to them for their churches in these last days as we position ourselves in these end times as your end time Minister and as your end time Church show us Lord your ways teach us your ways make your ways known to your servants and your handmaidens today teach us Lord that we may build your church according to your perfect will not according to what we like far be it from us as of today please forgive us Lord for trying to build your church according to our ways but today make your will known to us in the Blessed name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray amen amen I'm so glad that all of you are following house rules on this last day all of you all are worship team all worship team anybody not worshiped him oh even you are worshiped him okay please be seit it once again I like to thank our dear Bishop Richard for his great kindness to invite me to this uh honorable Minister's conference to be of a servant to you I don't consider myself just a minister speaking to you but your fellow servant we are all Servants of the Lord amen Co laborers that's how the Apostle Paul called his workers co- laborers for the kingdom of God that's who we are I share with you what I have learned and tomorrow you can share with me what you have learned so we learn from one another yes amen so on the first day of this conference I brought you a word from God called like Aaron so firstly the ministers called whether he's a church pastor or you are standing in any one of the fivefold ministry this is not something that you choose for yourself you cannot choose it's not like a doctor or lawyer or whatever worldly profession I can choose this profession I can align my life towards that direction but a Ministry um the ministry because God is saying I will build my church so he handpicks laborers for his work just like for example I'll give you one very good example our Bishop Richard keeps on mentioning about our Bible College in Kumasi so when we dedicated the building now we need people right we cannot just have a building and then have no workers then it will become like a white elephant just a structure so we started looking for people most importantly we were looking for technical people like electricians who can maintain all the equipment there so we put a word around that we needed people uh best if they are from kumashi better if not we'll have to import them from Akra so one young man came forward uh with and he pass his resume to us to my uh CEO and the CEO pass it to me so I looked at the resume very impressive he fitted his resume was perfectly what we are looking for in an electrician he knows uh in paper he knows electricity how to maintain electrical current wattage air conditioner G uh gen sets everything I thought this is the perfect person we are looking for he is three in one so I told uh my secretary I want to meet this young men so on the last day of our meeting in Kumasi they brought this young man to him and um the one number one reason I got attracted to him is because his ghanian name sounds very closely to my father's name his first name and his second name almost match 99% to my father's name okay so each time I call this boy I'll remember my father so instantly I wanted to accept him just because of the name so then I asked him all right um what do you know what do you don't know he told me he still studying in college so I asked him you're still studying in college which year second year how many more years to go two more years to go then why did you send your resume your resume tells me that you are already completed and you well experienced he said that is by faith what I will become all right all right that's very good Fai so that that shows me how good a Christian believer he is right you speak by faith what is going to come tomorrow you Proclaim it right now so then I asked him since you have no experience why did you send your resum to me he said so that I can gain experience in so I told him please go and finish your studies first then you come and reapply I wouldn't mind accepting you you know I was I almost wanted to bring him to India and sit under my senior engineers and train him for a month or three months and then send him back to Ghana but when I heard all these other by faith stories so you see a vocation like that an Earthly vocation you can choose what you like to be but not the ministry for the work of the ministry God can picks who is the right candidate everybody can volunteer yes Lord I volunteer I volunteer you can volunteer but the eyes of the Lord looks around and he picks who is the right person give you one very good example in Exodus chapter 28 when the Lord God was speaking to the prophet Moses about the making of the Tabernacle then he spoke to him about the making of the Ark of the Covenant the lampstand and all the other Furniture he said I have chosen bzel not only he's wise at heart or he's experienced I in Metal Works he's very good he's a talented person but more than that he had the fear of God he God handpicked him by name among 3 million people in Israel the Lord called bazel by name and his assistant ohia two men by name is I have chosen and the amazing thing is this now I want you to understand it the the prophet Moses spent 40 days on Mount sin not only Mount siai I tell you one Revelation today he was taken up to heaven and he was there in the Heavenly Glory where he was shown the patterns of things in heaven right the scripture says in heaven not on Earth so he was taken up to heaven in the spirit and shown all the patterns and then he said now do it the pattern that the prophet Moses saw let's say for example now let's imagine this is the altar of incense the like of which does not exist on the earth because it's in heaven and Prophet Moses is the only one who saw it how it looked like no matter how much I try to explain to you you cannot imagine something which you have never seen before if today I give you a paper and say draw a bird that is not in this world you will draw something of an likeness of something already in this world instead of two eyes you may put three eyes instead of the ears on the back you may put the ears in the front and the nose right on the top of your head but still you will pick and choose or cut and Pace what you already know am I right everybody but here the prophet Moses saw the Ark of the Covenant the lemand nobody has seen them before only Prophet Moses but because of the spirit of Revelation that rested upon bzel as Moses was explaining to him his spiritual eyes saw he spiritualized saw what the prophet Moses was explaining to him see for that you must be chosen by God so for a minister to carefully do the work of the ministry you must be chosen by God so that you will discern the heart of God how his work must be done not according to what you like to do because the church is not your property physical building may be your property but the church the spiritual church is not your property you know pastors always like to say like this my sheep my sheep I'm sure you have said like that right the people who come to your church my sheep so once I had a debate with a pastor very learned man he's got two Doctorate Degrees and he's a professional counselor so in the course of conversation he keep on mentioning my sheep my sheep my sheep my sheep which is not wrong all pastors say that so I stopped the pastor I said pastor let me ask you one question with all respect did you die for your sheep he keep quiet no how much time do you pray for your church members he had no answer and this pastor is a brilliant Theologian he knows Greek and Hebrew like the back of his hand and the the thing that really impress me about him is he can quote the Bible from Genesis to Revelation without opening the Bible such a brilliant Theologian filled in the Holy Spirit has the fear of God in his heart but he says he does not pray for his church members why too busy in the ministry so I asked him a question again I said please forgive me you don't pray for your church members you don't visit your church members you send your assistants to visit them your cell group to take care of them and neither have you given your life for your church members how then can you say my sheep the Sheep don't belong to you the sheeps belong to the Lord Jesus because he gave his life for the chep in John chapter 10 the Lord Jesus said so beautifully a Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep today how many how many Shepherd would do that let's be honest when when an issue happens the first person to run away is the pastor or to deny I do not know who they are was still I do not know who they are they are not really my church member they're just visitors they come and go so I do not know who they really are isn't it just be honest so you cannot say my sheep then who are you a custodian you are a custodian or just like a security guard you're looking after caring for the Sheep on the Lord's behalf so a minister must be chosen by God that's the first message second message which I preached yesterday was the Endtime Church leader what are the qualities that are required in an end time Church leader how he should be how he should not be and how the Endtime church should be who are the people who can be in the church who cannot be in the church and the different kinds of false workers false Apostles false prophets false evangelist false pastors false teachers who are existing today but will be cast out by the Lord Jesus in the days to come so that the church will be pure only a true Minister sacrificial hearted ministers God-fearing ones only they will remain the Lord will divide the sheep and the goats the Sheep will be the True Church of Jesus Christ and the goats will be the Church of Babylon of the last days in the eyes of the world both will be like together but the eyes of the Lord separates separates the sheep and the goats and the Lord just said I know those who are mine he knows who are his today what are we going to know from the Lord on this final day so last night I was praying Lord Jesus what is your word for your people what do you want to do as I was praying and waiting an angel of the Lord appeared in my room and he said I have been sent by God to give you this word for you to preach in the meeting tomorrow now this is the word what is the will of God for the church in the last days so that's the sentence this is the word what is the will of God for the church or church leaders in the last days what is his will you know if you I'm all of you our pastors I'm sure you all many of you have attended Seminary Bible College there are dispensations in the Bible right I'm sure you all know that too well we don't need to go to that rudimentary so today this is the dispensation of Grace but the scripture says it will come to an end and the dispensation of the last days will come in if you read Hebrews 1 verse 1 and 2 the beginning of the dispensation of the last days began when the Lord Jesus Christ was born that was the beginning and when he died he introduced Grace so the end last days was still hidden underneath but now it has begun we have entered into the dispensation of the last days so in the dispensation of the last days church ministry cannot be done like how we have done in the old days the rules of the games have changed I'll give you one good example the nation of Israel was born in 1948 presently not in old days when they were born in 1948 they fought the War of Independence and in the war of independence many Arab nations came to war against them military tanks soldiers they all walk on land to come and even a few Jets they criss cross to attack Israel and Israel won the war then came the war of the Six Days War in the year 1967 again military tanks were used soldiers walked physically and and all that then came the year war of Yong kipur war in SE October 1 1973 so again the same methodology was used then came the war in 1982 with Lebanon and on and on all the wars suddenly the rules change now the last year war October 7 2023 change you know what change they were not using soldiers they used drones drones flew to first take out all of their defenses then the hamama soldiers came in but drones were wiely used then two weeks ago when Iran bombarded Israel they never send any tank they did not send any Soldier they swn missiles right so I was pondering what is this then the word of the Lord came unto me the rules of Warfare have changed rules have Warfare have changed but the church is still sleeping the church is still sleeping why you are using the old methodology for Warfare old methodology ology so the lord gave me a word church under attack and I preach at our Ministries uh we every month the last Sunday of every month we conduct a prophetic conference that we broadcast live on our television network Angel TV so that was the message that I preached church under attack so what are the spiritual applications we can learn from the Iran attack against Israel then the Lord told me you must raise up a new breed of prophetic Warrior intercessors not just ordinary intercessors they must be Warrior intercessors not just Warrior intercessors but prophetic intercessors who will have spiritual eyes to see spiritual ears to hear and then end enter into the spiritual realm to war you are not just going to say Lord we bind this we bind that that is old school Warfare if you use the same method today the devil will stand there and laugh at you he will not even move one inch because rules have changed now and he is attacking you all the spiritual forces of the high places are attacking you from heaven from the second heaven and you are here praying Lord I bind this I bind there your enemy is not on the ground level anymore your enemy is up there so you must change prophetic Warrior intercessors so God willing next month I'm going to conduct that seminar it will be on online how to be a prophetic warrior in Thea if you want to know more details about uh this my representative is sitting right at the back uh Selena please stand up to your feet please look at this beautiful lady she is beautiful but she's already married so not available for anybody anymore uh so that is Selena you can give your names and say that you want to be uh you want to join this prophetic Warrior intercessor it is not free the reason why I made it not free because I don't want just anybody to come you must be called called These are going to be a special breed that I'm going to train who will engage in prophetic Warfare if you just if you fight uncalled you will be killed yes I mean you will be be killed or seriously wounded I know of pastors who engage in Warfare without a calling and their marriage is broken One Pastor I know his marriage is broken he ended up losing his wife losing his family so you should not be a needless casualty of War so that's the reason why I put a price so that the serious one will come if you put no price when it is free everybody will flock and they will not value it this is human attitude but even if you pay one CD oh you will value it because you paid something yes am mean so what is the will of God for the church in the last days and this Angel gave me seven points seven points of how God wants or how God Wills the church should be number one now the seven points let me add a preface is specifically for the end time Pastor how he should prepare his church so that the church will be a last days Church position in the last days because in the last days you are going to face the Antichrist right you're going to face the false prophet all kinds of evils will be thrown at you the mark of the beast is coming then the one world religion is coming where you will be forced to worship that take the mark what are we going to do I want to tell you today the Rapture will not take place before the Mark you are free to disagree with me because the old Pentecostal teaching is Rapture will be before the mark of the beast that's the old Pentecostal teaching which I believe from the day I started my Ministry I preach it until the year 2006 in the year 2006 the Lord Jesus appeared to me and when I was preaching for a a church convention and he explained to me how the prophetic timetable sits so I looked at the Lord and I said I saw the Lord as real as how you see me and he sat on the bed and I sat on the floor and he started teaching me from The Book of Revelation so I said Lord Jesus though I'm seeing you with my own eyes whatever you're teaching me now is contradictory to our Pentecostal theology he looked at me he said all your theology is wrong your theology is wrong so we went through the entire Book of Revelation and Matthew chapter 24 for 90 minutes the Lord explained to me and showed me scriptures after scriptures to show or to prove that the mark Rapture will not take place before the mark of the beast comes the mark of the beast will be the final test of our loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ and after that the church will go through the fire the fire will purify it will separate the wheat from the Sha the sheep from the goats that fire will separate only the True Believers Will Stand Tall they will not bow down to any Temptation no matter how severe they are even to the laying down of your lives they will not bow down but a large percentage of Believers will fall away will fall away 2 Thessalonians chapter 2: 1 23 says before the Antichrist comes the a great Falling Away apostasy will take place in the church we have already seen it it has begun falling one by one by one but on that day there will be Mass falling away and to to encourage the falling away false prophets will rise false preachers will arise to say it is okay to take the mark of the beast God knows your heart God knows your spirit is willing but your flesh is weak God knows you have a new baby you must Feit milk how to feed milk if you don't go out to buy God knows so you take the mark so that you can go out to buy or else you will stuff to death God knows wrong teaching this kind of teachings will flood in the church and there will come a great falling away a great falling away and the True Believers will stand strong so this will be the final test after that comes the Rapture will be caught up before the final wath of God is pour out upon the world so for that the last days Church must be like the bride of Christ a warrior bride not just the bride she's a warrior bride so number one the last day's church or the last day's end time Minister must prepare the Believers to live Godly lives is number one you must prepare your church to be Godly every believer must be taught how to live Godly lives because First Peter chapter 2:9 says God seeks a Godly Offspring but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the Praises of him who called you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light now if you look at the scripture in uh those of you who are managing the scripture I'm always reading from new King James version so that if you have that version you can choose that instead of King James version now look at the scripture again I would encourage you don't look up look at your Bible it'll be better if you look at your Bible because this monitor will not go with you when you go back right but your Bible you have with you all the time now look at the scripture you are a chosen generation that's Point number one a royal priesthood not ordinary priesthood a royal which means kingly you have a kingly anointing upon you and thirdly a holy nation not just an ordinary people Holy Church Holy people godly people that's that is the calling for the church but look at the church around you today is there godliness all kinds of Filth is in the church today why because the pastor is a compromising person that's the biggest problem the pastor is not godly he's a compromiser because he compromises the church will be with filthy Sinners compromises I thank God for the Ghana government who passed a law against the LGBT people thank God for the Ghana government you are so blessed to have a Godly government India passed the law for same-sex marriage 2 years ago so we are not godly government so I thank God you many nations in Africa they have stood up against that even though America threaten them that we will cut off all eight so let's give a good clap to All The Godly presidents of Africa so thank God for that Kenya Tanzania Uganda Ghana are the few Nations that I know who stood up against the might and the threat of America even though they say we'll cut off all it so be it they say so be it God will supply all our needs amen thank God for Godly leaders so you pray that in December you'll have a Godly leader and not a non-Christian leader that's a danger before you now amen so I want to encourage you that you will gather regularly to fast and pray for the election yesterday the Lord warn us is going to be riged which is taking place everywhere rigging rigging so please pray very much for your nation so the last days people must be Godly why because in the end times people will live ungodly filled lives with worldly losses worldly luses will increase more and more in the last last days 2 Timothy 3: 1-9 every virtue of godliness will be eroded The Ten Commandments will be trampled down upon no honor respect for parents people will become ungrateful unthankful people will betray one another they will speit down on one another we see all this happening right there is a new another new kind of warfare cyber warfare not only in the world but also in the church Christians attacking one another on YouTube Facebook social media new warfare cyber warfare see how the devil is infiltrating and the same thing is in the world they hacking computers government computers hacking them causing disruption for because we live in a world today where everything is interconnected right in the old days say maybe 10 years ago when you go to a hotel you ask them how's the bed how's the room how does it look like right but today when you go into a hotel what's the first question you ask what's the Wii that's the I too me too I I am not holy Joe I do ask for Wi-Fi because we stay in communication now it's all email right email so for communication sake we live in a connected World sitting here you can do business trans transaction all over the world just with your mobile devices you can touch a few buttons for numbered password and you can do banking transaction with anywhere in the world that's the kind of connected world we live so the enemy can attack you on social media a very good Bishop friend of mine in India called me when I was in Akra which was last week and he sounded very desperate I asked him sir what's the problem he said my Facebook account has been attacked so what happened some evil guys attack his hack into his Facebook account stole his password changed the password and they're putting all kinds of pornographic pictures on his Facebook so his Believers or those who like his ministry when they go to his Facebook they find all kinds of pornographic pictures what will they think about the bishop right n say new kind of warfare cyber warfare so when they enemy is doing this what is the church doing do you have knowledge about cyber security see we must be knowledgeable now how to protect our internet traffic how to protect our website you must be knowledgeable you must have people in your church who are it knowledgeable this is the challenge I give to young people today go and study artificial intelligence you need that because the world is moving towards artificial intelligence you must know something how to counter that so because they're going to use that I personally took a onewe course online course on artificial intelligence about 5 years ago I wanted to know what is it all about so that I will have a general knowledge what is artificial intelligence I am not a master of it but I have a general knowledge now what is artificial intelligence and how to tell someone an IT person okay this is what I want this is how we should protect our Network you cannot just have a network you need security firewalls one level two level three level that's what they did in the Old Testament times with soldiers first level of secur second level of security third level of security we are vulnerable in these last days now let me tell you again rules of Warfare have changed the Rules of Engagement have changed the church should not be in the old mindset pastors should upgrade you must upgrade your knowledge upgrade your knowing and move in the direction protect yourself protect yourself Society will break down in every sector in the midst of that Believers must leave Godly lives you cannot be like the stand following the standards of the world the people of the world are sleeping Around Church Believers should not be sleeping around with one another sadly there what the church is doing am I right worldly leaders are divorcing their wives one another church leaders are doing the same thing so what Godly standards are we lifting up no that is the reason why the world out there doesn't want to accept Christ Jesus because they're saying your lifestyle is no better than our lifestyle why should we become Christians why am right why why should we become Christians Godly lives in the end days the Lord Jesus said it be like the days of Noah Matthew chap 24 vers 37 to39 now what is peculiar about the days of Noah it is a marriage between evil spirits and humans and this is going to happen one more time all of you in Africa you are very you know this particular subject more than any other Christians of any other culture I'm sure you have heard of evil spirits coming to have sex with people right not only uh demonic spirits on the land but even Marine Spirits water Spirits am I right everybody see you are the only people group in the whole world who knows this subject very well so you should pray ask God to give you the strategies how to do this Warfare and teach the rest of the world this is the word I got from God this is the Revelation because the Western World and even in Asia they are not knowledgeable about this subject because it is either unheard of thing or it is just sporadic one here one there but it takes place and they do not know it is an evil spirit after I mentioned this in one of my TV programs people started writing me saying oh now we know it is an evil spirit I thought it was my just my lustful dream that's right it appears like that but it is not not it is an evil spirit that comes to have sex with you am I right everybody so we see new warfare we have to counter this kind of spirits so this happen in the days of Noah and it is happening now it will increase you know where it will go to babies will be born Half Breed half human half demon a new breed will be born this is going to happen in this last days that's why the Lord Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the last days and that newborn breed will become devil worshippers see humans no matter how Wicked they are at the bottom of their heart there is some compassion there's some compassion am I right everybody no matter how Wicked they are there's some compassion and they will show some mercy but in the last days the scripture says they will kill one another mercilessly now who's going to do that it is this half breed who will show no mercy because there will be no mercy in them they will become the tools in the hands of the Antichrist and the false prophet who will order to kill all those who do not bow down to worship the statue for the Beast secondly as it was in the days of L so shall it be in the last days Luke 17: 28 to 30 what is the one speciality in the days of Lord homosexuality lesbianism gay pedopile having sex with children and B it sex with animals all these were common in the days of L and now in our days I don't need to explain to you it's increasing out of nowhere suddenly the gats are rising up right not only they are rising up they are demanding that all government leaders accept them why in the US where there are about 2 70 million people I recently saw a study only 3% are gays but this 3% of gays are telling the government what to do how is it possible how how can 3% tell the government what to do and make the government pass laws in favor of them just 3% how is it possible if not for evil spirits behind that is doing the works these are the days of Lord the spirits that existed in those days that worked have been resurrected they've been resurrected the Deep has been open doors have been opened down in hell to release these Spirits for these last days so now how to counter them you need a new kind of Warfare how to counter them if your life is not a Godly life that spirit will jump on you and overtake you that is why it is written in Romans chap 13: 12-6 put on the armor of light the armor of God is Not armor of just Armor of God it's armor of light what makes it an armor of light righteousness and Holiness so your Godly lifestyle will cause light to come out of you and when the light comes out of you the evil spirits can see what the world cannot see you will be surrounded with light there is a word for that it's called Aura a u r a a light surrounds all over you if you have seen some Catholic saints pictures there is a hello on the head have you seen that so the hello that on the head is called hello but it is all around the body it's called Aura and it is biblical that aura I'll show you a scripture acts 5 verse 12 and 13 we read the Apostle Peter was so full of the Holy Spirit he walked in the streets and people were lying down on the streets where the shadow of Peter passing by healed the sick and the sick were all healed chapter 5 look at verse 16 or 15 and 16 that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them and heal the sick now I want to ask you a question now let's imagine like this so let's suppose okay please come this is my staff Dr Michael Bako he is the principal of our Bible College in Kumasi and he's a medical doctor and a theologian at the same time so let's suppose he's very sick now you can see my shadow can you see my shadow yes so I'm walking past by him did he touch you in any way no Shadow cannot touch anything right what can a shadow do Shadow cannot do anything please so it is not the shadow of Peter it is the aura the presence and the glory of God that was all around him that when he walked pass by it was the glory that touch him not the Shadow the Bible uses the word Shadow but because I know now from experience I can tell you it is the aura the glory of God that when you pass by it touches the people have you seen um the ministry of uh brother Benin when he's ministering when he waves his hand people falling down what is in his hand if I wave my hand how come nobody's falling anybody can wave their hand nothing happens but he when under the anointing the glory of God surrounds him so it's not just his hand it is the glory of God that comes upon the people the aura the aura the glory of God see the glory of God will surround you when you have the armor of light the armor of light that's the light that what cast out evil spirits that will heal the sick and set the captives free now the kingdom of God is only for godly people Hebrews 12: 28 tells us like that Revelation 21:8 and chapter 22:15 tells us ungodly people have no part in the kingdom of God the gays the lesbians the Liars The Murders the fornicators the adulterers have no place in the kingdom of God so if you practicing any one of the sins if you do not repent then you will never enter the kingdom of God though you can come to church every Sunday because you can fool your pastor you can fool your Bishop they cannot see the evil that's inside you but you cannot fool the holy spirit and Revelation 22:14 says only The Godly can enter into the kingdom of God so the first will of God is for the pastor to prepare his people to live Godly lives in these last days number two will of God number two the church should prepare Believers to face persecution gloriously and boldly 2 Timothy 3:5 says all those who live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution in the last days whether you like it or you don't like it if you leave a Godly lives you will face persecution and I'm sure right now itself you face persecution in some degree because of your Godly lifestyle or your Godly conduct but this will increase greatly in the last days about fif uh maybe 30 or 40 and maybe even 50 years ago a group of theologians who specializes in missions they went to China to to do a study so there is a question they wanted to find an answer what is the secret for the church in China to survive during 50 years of communist persecution that was the question they want to find answers so four theologians they went into four corners of China and they interviewed pastors men and wom church leaders elders who were at least 60 years old and above because they lived during that period of time and at the end of their two or three months of research and Survey they gathered back together in one city in China to compare their notes when they compared their notes they found one unanimous answer for the success for the church to survive during the persecution and the answer is this all the pastors said we prepared our Believers for persecution period we prepared them how not to backslide how not to deny the Lord Jesus how to be bold how to be strong we prepared them so as a result 50 years of persecution not one year two year they were bitten they their women were raped children were killed and pastors tortured murdered the church did not die Church did not die can that be said for the church in Africa if you go through the same kind of persecution let me narrate to you how okay how severe the persecution was in the year 2003 I was conducting a youth camp meeting in Tibet so because Tibet is under China is persecuted so you cannot do ministry openly so a group of 30 youths they went to a remote mountainous area where nobody knows for the church camp so they pitch a tent for the 30 youths to come and the youths were invited by word of mouth no Mass advertisement so only handpick youths who come regularly to the fellowship were invited so together with me there was another Pastor from Canada who was speaker so God blessed the 5 days of the meeting all the kids were baptized in the Holy Spirit they were speaking in tongues on the last day of the camp meeting I was going to lay my hands and bless all the kids and it started to pour heavily you know and uh so I asked all the 30 youths to kneel down and we're going to do some intercessory prayer so I felt in my heart they should pray for China so I said I'm going to give out prayer points and one by you one by one you should pray for the points so I I mentioned the first point and a point I said those of you are moved by your spirit pray you know not even in not only in China even anywhere else in the world if you call for volunteers nobody puts up their hand yes am mean even in my Ministry the same thing all will look down on the ground as if they are seriously studying the Bible Great Pretenders you know so I I always tell them if you don't put up your hand I will call you out by name so when I as for volunteers nobody wanted to pray so then I went over to the first person said I tap on the shoulder I said Son you pray he he didn't want to pray so I thought maybe because he didn't understand my question so I simplified my question said now pray he would be tight lipped every one of the 30 were tight leaped and they wouldn't pray so I wondered what's the problem so the final person was a 32ye old leader of the group who knows English excellently so I said daughter you pray she bite her lips so tight she wouldn't pray hey what's the problem so I asked her daughter what's the problem she you know what she said I will never pray for China because China took our country we will not pray for China oh the heart is so bitter because she was not even born when China took over Tibet in the year 1959 so I answer you were not even born yes my grandmother told me the story so we hate China it's boils into them hatred for China now with that hatred you cannot progress further with the Lord so now how to how to bring them to repentance I didn't know how to do what to do because they are so bitter and angry so I prayed Lord how to break through now at that moment the Lord Jesus told me go out of the tent and see outside so I stood at the age of the tent because it raining heavily to see outside and I was shocked to find 50 people standing out in the rain I thought oh my God the police have known where we are and everyone is going to be arrested now I am the chief I'll be arrested and then I will disappear in anywhere in China and nobody will ever know that's what they do in China you know then when I look closely 50 of them were standing in two rows men on one side wom on another side and they were all glowing with light in the midst of Darkness everywhere I saw this 50 all glowing with light and there's no way anyone can find where we are then I asked the Holy Spirit who are these the Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit told me these are the mared Saints of China so I asked the holy spirit so why are they here now I want you to listen to what they do and then you tell these people and with the cue from uh so before I tell you that so the 50 people were standing right and I saw a little boy about 5 years old standing beside a woman he was holding her skirt so I I guess it must be his mother because no child will hold a stranger skirt right so if the 50 of them are mared then what about this boy he cannot be there if it's not a mar so I asked the Holy Spirit what about this boy and the Holy Spirit revealed to me what happened to the boy his parents were pastors so they were arrested badly bitten the pastor was badly bitten he would not recount renounce Jesus Christ then they brought his wife they beat her badly the pastor started crying and pleading with the officers not to torture his wife they wouldn't listen and the pastor would not renounce he stood firm and they gang raped the pastor's wife right before his own eyes he heard his wife screaming many soldiers raped her one after another and the little boy her son was also viser and he was pleading with the soldiers oh don't touch my mother let my mother go let my mother go he was crying and the soldiers would not re they will just neglect him then this boy went and caught hold of the soldier's leg because he was kicking the mother he said please don't kick my mother don't hurt my mother so the soldiers tried to shru his leg so the boy would let go the boy wouldn't let go in a moment of anger the soldier lifted up his leg and kicked the boy you know they were heavy Boots the force of the kick hit the boy's jaw it broke his jaw and the force threw him against the wall and he hit hit the wall his head cracked open into and the little 5-year-old boy died there for the Lord Jesus Mar China went through this kind of persecution and yet none of them renounced Jesus Christ why because they were prepared these are coming prepare the church prepare the Believers all to remain strong and firm the Lord Jesus prophesied persecution was coming in Matthew CH 24:9 then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you and you will be hated by All Nations for my name's sake deliver you means hand over you to prisonment imprisonment secondly tribulation you will undergo mental pressure that's the Greek word the Greek word says is mental pressure you'll be so Under Pressure that you want to give up either you personally been tortured or your family being tortured thirdly hated you'll be hated for no reason you'll be regarded as an ugly thing everyone will hate you you before Paul got saved as Saul he himself persecuted the church in Acts 8:3 we say he went from house to house dragging Believers and putting them in prison now Saul was a Pharisee Church leader so it tells us even last days Church of B on leaders will do that they will betray you they will come against you the early church suffered great persecution acts 8 verse1 great persecution arose against the church not just persecution great persecution the apostles were arrested acts 4: 1-3 and Saul persecuted the early church Acts chapter 9: 1-2 and Peter was put in prison Acts 12: 3 to 4 these are just a few examples that I give you among the great persecution the early church pH and then we read in history for9 years the Romans persecuted the early church for 129 years from the year ad 64 right up to the year 313 church was badly persecuted and among the emperor of Rome Nero was the main architect of the persecution of Christians it was under his command Peter was arrested Paul was arrested and they were were killed Peter was killed hanging upside down on a cross and the Apostle Paul was beheaded this happened under Nero now in the last days the Bible says persecution will begin in Jerusalem first then it will spread all over the world Revelation chapter 11:7 says the two witnesses who will come to do the ministry in the last days they will be killed in Jerusalem as soon as they are killed there will be a ripple effect persecution on a global scale Revelation 12:1 17 Believers all over the world will be hunted like animals so will your Believers stand up or fall down so it's your duty to prepare them now the Lord Jesus Christ also warned of a global persecution in the last days Revelation chapter 3: 10 a global persecution coming in the last days against the church so the church must prepare the Believers must be prepared for persecution that's coming you cannot stop it from coming it will come you cannot pray against it but make your believer strong you must start preaching about this so that they will all be strong and bold against persecution number three followed by persecution the next thing is the church should prepare Believers to face mdom joyfully like the early church you face mdom with joy because you have a you are going to go to a better world the lord Jesus Jesus Christ prophesied that Believers pastors will be killed in the last days Matthew 24: 9 and then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you kill you they will kill you now the word kill in the Greek means to kill physically to destroy and to totally even burn you up so that nothing remains or to put you to slow death kill you slowly torture you little by little by little and then eventually you die this happened in the early church the early church marters the first New Testament Church Mar is Steven Acts chapter 7 verse 58 to 59 the second matter is the Apostle James acts 12:2 he was killed with a sword matter number three whether he's number three or what number we don't know but it's written in the third person Revelation 2 verse 13 a Believer called antias of the church in pergam the Lord Jesus calls him my faithful M so he was a m and then we read Paul was beheaded in Rome and among the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ Thomas came to India and he was killed in India so early church had many Martyrs now I want to show you something mysterious in Revelation 6: 10-1 the Apostle John saw a group of martys in heaven and they were all crying out to God lord when will you take Vengeance on our behalf and the Lord Jesus calmed them down told them to rest gave them a new set of white clothes to wear and then he said this rest a while until the number of Martyrs is completed so the Lord Jesus has appointed or a portion a certain number of Mars that are needed in the last days why this is important I don't know it is a mystery but it is necessary so there will be matters in the last days you should prepare one of the many Ms in the early church is one one Bishop of the SMA church called poly whose martydom was highly talked about in the early church this bishop was 884 years old very God ly man personally discipled by John personally discipled by the Apostle John and he was a bishop in the spner church and he was looking after all the churches and then came his time for mam he was asked to burn incense to the Statue of Caesar and he refused so he was condemned to die so they set up a fire a stick and he was going to be tied on the steti and he'll be burned alive but before he was to be burned he was given one last chance to renounce Jesus Christ and this is what the bishop said with smile on his face with joy on his face he said for 84 years of my life Jesus Christ has been so good to me why should I renounce him now why should I he's been so good to me so he said I will not renounce you can do what you want to do so they came to tie his hands behind the stick so that he will not run away he told them don't need to tie my hands I will not go anywhere I will just stand here so this lited up with fire and he was singing singing hymns and they looked at his face there was so much of joy and you know what's the strange thing the fire could not kill him his clothes were not burned the hair on his skin were not burned he just stood there singing the fires could not kill him so Caesar ordered him to be pierced so a soldier took a spear and strike his heart now church history says a dove White Dove came out of his heart and flew out everybody saw the white White Dove coming out the faithful death of a mar our Church Believers must be prepared to face martydom joyfully and boldly number four the church should prepare her Believers to face the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ with great expectation it should not just be uh oh yes I believe he's coming not just hit knowledge expectation that he will come anytime that kind of expectation Titus Chapter 2:3 says the early Church Believers had this blessed hope of the soon coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and Paul in his days he expect Ed the Lord Jesus to come in his lifetime I want you to read first Thessalonian chapter 4: 15-1 17 for this we say to you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain now please underline that sentence we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain now please underline that again we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the Lord two times the Apostle Paul say we who are alive now I want you to look at this phrase carefully he said we including him right say we we who are alive so he beli the imminent return of Jesus Christ in his lifetime that was the Blessed hope that was Allah alive in the early church where how come the second coming of Jesus Christ is strangely never heard in churches today why it was so real in the early church that when they meet one another they don't say praise the Lord God bless you I'm so glad to see you you happy a bishop always likes to say this how what do you say to the man of God God Bless you that's his favorite sentence but the early church when they meet one another they say marata they shake hands they say maranata which means Jesus is coming soon they reminding everyone each other every time they meet they saying Jesus is coming soon remember that leave a life worthy of his coming today is totally gone no one no one I thought my staff so people today my stuffs have stopped saying praise the Lord when they meet one of they said marata I preached this even on my television network I said you must meet greet one another saying marata remind everyone Jesus Christ is coming soon in your days not in your grandchildren's days in your days yes amen amen we should wait with great expectancy for the coming of the Lord Jesus 1 Corinthians 1:7 because if you have this hope to be gathered together with the Lord Jesus as the Apostle Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2:1 again he said we will be gathered together with him till the day he died he had that burning hope Jesus Christ will come in his time even the Apostle James he exalted the Believers be patient unto the coming of the Lord Jesus James 5: 7 to8 and the apostle Peter encouraged the Believers to hasten the coming of the Lord Jesus if the coming of the Lord Jesus was going to take place 2,000 years later why would they say be patient because it's 2,000 years right why say hasten the word hasten in the Greek means to urge on to be eager for the arrival which means it is imminent all of them the early church had that imminent expectation that Jesus Christ will come in their days this is what you must Now teach your Believers prepare them Jesus Christ is coming soon this leads us to point number five the church should prepare Believers to live with eternity in mind the early church considered themselves as pilgrims we read this in Hebrews 11 verse 13 we are sojas strangers and pilgrims in this world the word pilgrim in the Greek means residing in a country not one's own you are a stranger you are a SOA this world is not your home amen how many of you believe that please keep your hands up how many of you believe this statement I made if you truly believe that are you living alive like that you put up your hand but why is it your lifestyle you're not living like that nothing wrong having a career nothing wrong getting married nothing wrong having children nothing wrong buying a piece of land nothing wrong building a house nothing wrong but they must not become Idols in your heart nothing wrong because we are in this world we need a house to stay we need a career we need food to eat we need a job all that is necessary when you when time comes to get married you get married you have your family nothing wrong but they must not be Idols in your heart if the Lord said let go and go will you be willing to go will you willing be willing to let go the say move move from your father's house come out of your father's house go to a land that I will show you to whom did he say this what did Abraham say Lord yes but first speak to my wife did he say that no he did not even consult his wife he told her honey take your bags we are going you know wom have this beautiful characteristics they are very inquisitive right they'll torture their husband tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me every day so I want you to imagine like this okay this is Ur So Abraham and Sarah they starts Ur and they walking honey where are we going I will tell you honey where are we going I will tell you every day for months and years she was torturing him poor Abraham had no answer he literally did not know where he was going he was being led by the spirit right do you have a heart like that I told you a good biblical incident now I will tell you a very very sad real incident that happened maybe about 50 years ago in Australia so in a city called Perth in the western part of Australia austa they lived a very Godly Pastor so one day he was praying and the Lord visited him and told him go to India in a particular city called Bombay I will give you a great harvest of souls go there he was so excited so he went and told his wife honey this is what the Lord said so we shall all go to India and the wife got so mad the moment she heard the word India she said never never I will not go to that filthy dirty and she used all kinds of filthy words against India I don't know why she hits India so she used say no I'm not going there our children are not going to school there no never so this pastor felt so dishearten so he did not go to India because the wife is not in agreement so some months passed by a visiting Pastor from us visited them have you heard of this great man of God called Lester samal Lester samal I read this incident in his book so leester Sam was visiting them and one morning over breakfast this pastor shared with brother Lester about his call to India and Lester wrote writes oh this there was so excitement in this pastor's eyes and his body Lang language and the words about the call at that moment his wife walked into their Mist with a tray full of coffee and tea the moment she heard India She Bang the tray on the table you know you try to pretend when a guest is there right even if you don't like you just put up a front you're right don't you do that then why do you look act like holy people come on be real don't you do that we put up a front before others you know but she didn't do that she bang the trade down and she stamp for f never I will go to India it'll be Over My Dead Body so Pastor samal was shocked to see this woman behave like that very rooly and uh and he looked at the pastor and the pastor looked at him and said what can I do my wife is not in agreement with him so Pastor samel was a visitor what can he say right he just heard and after his ministry was done in the church he left two weeks later this pastor let's call him John John and his wife let's call her Kathy so John Kathy and their two children small children let's call them Mark and Anthony so John Kathy Mark and Anthony went on a vacation on a Jeep riding on the outb of Australia they met with an accident all the four died remember what the wife said Over My Dead Body the whole family died so when Pastor samel heard this he cried and he cried because because he knew that young Pastor is full of Zill so he quotes this incident and then he writes there it doesn't pay to disobey God doesn't pay and when I reflected on this incident I realized at least the pastor should have obeyed right because God spoke to him not to his wife if he had obeyed the family would be alive the family would be alive but because he chose to disobey everyone died no eternity in mind you are Pilgrim you should teach your Believers the early church looked for a city whose maker is not man Hebrews 11 verse 16 but now they desire a better that is a Heavenly country therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he has prepared a city for them this world is not your permanent home this must be taught to the Believers this world is not permanent then there will be an expectation them okay what is to come eternity then your lifestyle will change to live Godly and holy for that City to come 1 Peter 1:1 says the Apostle Peter called The Church Believers in Asia Minor pilgrims you call them we all are pilgrims you're not citizens of this world so you should prepare the Believers to be Heavenly minded please turn your Bibles with me now to Colossians chapter 3: 1- 4 if then you were raised with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God set your mind on things above not on things on the earth for you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God when Christ who is our life appears then you also will appear with him in glory amen so prepare your people to be Heavenly minded not Earthly minded you are in this world but not of the world you in this world you living in this world the lord Jesus prayed in John chapter 17 father I pray not that you take them out of the world but they should not be of the world so you should be Heavenly minded a city Eternal City is coming New Jerusalem is coming that is your real house your real home that's where your heart should be not in all the worldly luses that are in this world number six the church should be prepared to experience Supernatural encounters like the early church the early church had super Supernatural encounters not just healings and miracles no no no Supernatural like what V seeing visions acts chap 2: 17-8 the day they were baptized in the Holy Spirit their spiritual Eyes Are Open they all saw Visions even Steven before he was muted his spiritual eyes were open and he saw the Lord Jesus Christ the father God and the holy spirit so Visions is a common thing in the early church secondly falling into TR you read that in Acts chap 10 verse 9 and 10 where the Apostle Peter fell into a trance and acts chap 22:1 17 where the Apostle Paul fell into a trance a trance is similar to a dream when you dream when you are sleeping am I right everybody but but modern Christians have the gift to even sit in the church and sleep yes amen I'm sure you have seen that in your churches haven't you and when you wake them up they'll say oh I'm meditating yes am me now after they hear my this teaching they'll say oh Pastor I'm in a trance so okay you dream when you're sleeping a TR is something like that but you are not sleeping you are SED in a prayer position and suddenly you are lost conscious of anything physical and you are seeing a vision in that Vision everything happens very real like you are not just watching like on a video screen but you are participating in it so that's the difference between a dream and a trans so the trans experience was common in the early church thirdly Angelic visitations all throughout the New Testament you will read many many visitations of Angels in the early church especially the Book of Revelation full of angelic visitations the last last book of the Bible which means in these last days Angelic visitations will become common in the church today as it was in the early church it'll be so common that everybody in the church will be seeing visions or they'll see an angel Acts 8: 26 where we read in the first instance of an angel coming to evangelist Phillip fourthly Holy Spirit teleportation Acts chapter 8 vers 39 to 40 the Holy Spirit Carries you from place to place physically you are transported from one location to another location have you heard about that here in Africa have you heard in Nigeria before I came to Ghana I used to go to Nigeria every year to conduct a youth C meting and I once met a group of youths from a neighboring city called Joss have you heard of Joss a group of youths came to the meeting in Lagos and I was so blessed to hear awesome testimonies from the youths and they have this kind of experiences They carried from place to place by the Holy Spirit one moment they enjoice another moment they Legos one moment they in Legos the next moment they are in anywhere else tell portation this will become common in these last days you cannot buy and sell you cannot buy atate because without the mark of the beast you cannot take Visa how to preach the Gospel Holy Spirit will take you from Ghana transport you to South Africa and from South Africa bring you here not for your personal pleasure no no no no for the work of the kingdom of God you cannot say oh I have no money to buy a ticket I'm going to go vacation in Bahamas so Holy Spirit carry me to Bahamas it will not happen only your husband will carry you if he could it is for the work of the kingdom of God number five visitations of the Lord Jesus Christ now in the Bible we read many such experiences give you a few Acts chapter 9: 3-5 and chapter 23: 11 Revelation 1: 12-13 these are various uh experiences of the early church where they visited they were visited by the Lord Jesus Christ so it is not an uncommon thing and number six visitations of the Holy Spirit you cannot see the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit takes on a form like a dove like a cloud like a wind that comes or he will speak audibly to you Acts chapter 8 verse 29 chapter 10 verse 19 and chapter 13:2 the Holy Spirit spoke to all the church leaders so these are valid spiritual Encounters in the Bible and you must teach your Believers because this will become common in the last day Church why because every believer will become a minister in the last days everyone they must preach the gospel so that for that you need Supernatural accompaniment the point number seven the last point the church should be taught the gospel of the kingdom and train to go out and preach it now the Lord Jesus said in Matthew chap 24 verse 14 and this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world and then the end will come which means before the end can come the gospel of the Kingdom must be preached in all the world only then the end will come so what is the gospel of the Kingdom the gospel of the kingdom is not just simply preaching Jesus Christ came Jesus Christ died for you Jesus Christ arose from the dead and he's alive this is not the gospel of the Kingdom that is called The Gospel of Jesus Christ so what is the gospel of the Kingdom Jesus Christ came he died for you he arose from the dead and he's coming back again Hallelujah his kingdom is coming back again that is the gospel of the Kingdom Jesus Christ is coming to judge this world and to rule this world his kingdom is coming he will establish his kingdom on this Earth this is the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom The Church Must preach this you must be thought they must be thought what is the gospel of the Kingdom all during the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ he preached the gospel of the Kingdom all through through the ministry of the Acts of the Apostles they preached the gospel of the Kingdom they did not talk stories like we do today no storytelling no simply boasting about what they accomplish for the Lord or boasting about one miracle happened there another miracle happened here no not those kind of boastings not boasting about what great power I have the power that you possess you think you possess is not from the holy spirit is from witchcraft power in the year 20 2002 a a dear pastor friend of mine gave me a DVD to watch he said brother you must watch this great man of God in Africa look at the awesome signs and wonders that are taking place in his ministry you have never seen anything like this before not even in church history or Bible History so I was surprised when this pastor whom I know very well was speaking so highly about whoever this man is so I took the DVD I said okay I will watch so in the evening after I have had my dinner and uh before I retired to bed I put the DVD to watch so a man of God appeared and he was performing sign Miracles a woman who had some kind of a issue with a breast came to him for prayer so he had to remove her t-shirt in front of the whole church so her breasts were exposed and the TV cameraman he told them now focus on the breasts yes yes I'm telling you the truth I'm not exaggerating anything and he said focus on the breast and there was some kind of a problem on her nipples and it was issuing up some kind of a yellow liquid that was coming out from her breast and he laid his hands on her two breast and he prayed in Tong and said heal and the liquid stopped healing stopped so everybody clap their hands now before I saw all that just 2 minutes into the video I heard the Holy Spirit shut it off and don't watch it he is not sent by me period and later on I found out that man is TV Joshua I never knew anything about him until the holy spirit said I did not send him this is not the work of the holy spirit so there are many sadly many pastors men of God in Africa who want to be instant success quickly successful quickly have a mega church they don't want to go through the pain of child birth you know I give you a worldly um similarity to that have you heard of surrogate motherhood so today a woman to maintain her figure or maintain her beauty they don't want to give I mean become pregnant they'll take their eggs take the husband's sperm mix it in the laboratory rent a woman have you heard of this that's called surrogacy rent a woman pay her money and she will carry the baby for you for 9 months so this is getting popular in India now two very famous Bollywood actors have done that now two of them one of them is from my city the other one is now very popular in Hollywood surrogacy they don't want to go to the child birth see this is what pastors are doing today don't want to go through the birth process the difficulty process giving birth to babies pray and seek the eyes of God and pray for the power of God no you want instant witchcraft powers that devil you go to a witch doctor a warlord and get anointing from him and then you begin to work supposedly in the name of Jesus and and one of the greatest false prophet in Africa is Bush sheer Bush or bush sheer sheer Bush he's the only one the Lord told me to name him publicly I I am always very gentle I try to evade it but the Holy Spirit specifically told me warn the Africans about this man he's one of the greatest false prophet in Africa who is working under witchcraft power not the power of the holy spirit because the when the Holy Spirit Works he never attracts attention to himself because the Lord Jesus said the holy spirit will glorify me not himself glorify him but look at all these workers they glorify themselves once BBC went to interview Bush so he said they said oh we heard you have great Powers you can walk on the air come and demonstrate to us so the cameraman was seated where our sister is seated and Bush from his um second floor bedroom was coming down the steps and he said come now I will demonstrate to you and he supposedly was waiting just about maybe one or 2 ft and then he got down for the cameras to capture so you know I try not to be judgmental but when I look at the scriptures the Lord Jesus Christ walked on the water there are two incidences in the Bible two times and he never bothered about it even when he perform Miracles he always tell the people don't speak it to anybody you receive a blessing keep it to yourself right never attract attention to oneself because you are not The Miracle Worker it is the holy spirit right if the holy spirit is a miracle worker then you are just a servant how can you take the credit this is a lesson all ministers in these last days must learn always give God all the glory give God all the glory for he alone does great things not you not not me we are just a vessel we a vessel that goes the Holy Spirit flows through us I want to say one more example as a warning that leave the great man of God in the United Kingdom called Stephen Jeff God used him powerfully in healings Miracles he was a specialist in arthritic problems anyone with arthritic problem bend over Twisted body when he lays and pray they instantly healed so his Fame spread East West everywhere he's invited all over the world at the height of his popularity he was invited to a big crusade in South Africa so his reputation is already so great and there was a sea of crowd close to a million people in the cruset ground so Steven jeffre was Seated on the left side of the Crusade on the stage with all the pastors the Bishops so after the worship the main Pastor introduced Steven Steven jeffre and say let us now put our hands together to welcome the man of the hour so everybody clapped their hands and S Jeff came up he stood he placed his Bible on the pulpit and then he came he stood he looked at the Sea of crowd and he said I quot this words because these are in the books the world is at my feet now he said this the world is at my feet now and he preached great signs and wonders happened that day as soon as his foot touch UK the very sickness that God used him to cast out Came Upon him his back was bent at 90° Bend at 90° till the day he died that was how he was all the Great Men of God even including ler samel came to pray for him no one could be healed and when Steven wants to see anybody he will he'll look up like that and he cry cried and he cries and he cried and he cried and he knew in his heart that this came to him because of his pride he acknowledged that and the Lord told him I will never heal you I may forgive you but I will not kill you you will go to the grave in this condition and when he died they made the coffin like the piano because they he cannot straighten up was bent over that's how he died you touch the glory of God never never touch the glory of God it is his you you just a vessel earn vessel amen earn vessel I tell you one truth today my fellow men and wom of God God is going to pour out his great power in the church in these last days more awesome greater than all the great Miracles that you read in the Bible for that God needs a humble people a pure people who will be humble like a donkey that carried the Lord Jesus who will not take any credit for themselves so this is the word of the Lord I bring to you the will of the Lord for you for the church so let me repeat one more time number one the church should prepare Believers to live Godly lives in the last days number two the church should prepare Believers to face persecution gloriously and boldly number three the church should prepare Believers to face mdom joyfully like the early church number four the church should prepare Believers to face the Lord Jesus coming expectantly number five the church should prepare Believers to live with eternity in mind and number six the church should be prepared to experience Supernatural encounters like in the early church and finally number seven the church should be T the gospel of the kingdom and train to go out and preach these are the word I bring to you from the Throne of God I have Faithfully delivered to you fellow Ministers of God in Ghana and those whoever watching this from anywhere else in the world I commit to you the word of the Lord and I pray that you will now prepare your heart prepare your church let's all arise for a word of prayer I see a mighty Angel standing in our midst right now and this is the same angel that visited me last night because after he gave me the word he said to me I will come to the church tomorrow with you thank you wonderful Lord Jesus my dearly beloved men and wom of God all those of you who are in full-time Ministry or in some kind of either your pastor or your Apostle you are a prophet you are evangelist you are a teacher you're in some kind of a regular Ministry search your hearts and see if the kingdom of God is within you search your hearts and see if the AR of the Covenant is within you and at the same time the angel says to search and see if the kingdom of God is within your church in your church the Ark of the Covenant is in your church for there is coming a time this Angel says where I will send forth my sweeping angels to cleanse the Church of all Hypocrites of all those who are not bearing fruits the Sha they will all be blown away for the eyes of the Lord are running to and fro I tell you this day and the angel lifts up his right hand to heaven and he swears by the name of the Living God and he says Kim and the will have been sent to many churches around the world to judge them to test them to try them to know how loyal are their hearts towards the Lord Jesus what kind of bright are they for our Master Lord Jesus how much is sanctification and Holiness preach in the churches I see this car with a flaming s in their hands visiting the churches shall we all kneel down before the presence of the Lord sanctify your churches purify your Hearts purify every unclean lips in your church purify every unclean eyes unclean hearts in your churches let he who is name the name of the Lord be holy let the vessels that bear The Vessel of the Lord be holy let him who carries the word in his hand the sword of the Lord in his hand be holy let every lying person be put away from your churches let every f Ator adulterer masturbator [Applause] womanizer lesbian be put away from your churches the holy spirit is preparing the Lord's beautiful bride thank you wonderful Lord Jesus the tri partti passes can you please stand to your feet can the three of you please hold your hands and stand in a triangle his Angel tells you my dearly beloved pastors to you has been entrusted a important call to raise up the army of God in this region and the Army should be pure should be holy her feet should not be soiled with mut and with the things of the world her feet should be regular clean cleansed and made holy her hands should not be soiled with dirt and with blood but should be clean hands prepare the army of God you chosen men of God for to you the Holy One of Israel is entrusting an important work you may not know how important how vast the call is but gather together to fast and pray gather your leaders together in one place to fast and pray regularly and I will bring you words from the almighty God to speak to to you to guide you how the body of Christ in this region should be raise and made perfect be United of one heart of one mind humble yourselves to one another respect one another submit yourselves to one another that you you may have the bond of unity the bond of Christ Jesus connecting and bonding your hearts for I will send my angels to you individually to give you counsels how the churches should be built according to the will of God and I see right now triarte pastors exactly in the center a fire now comes out the Lord has enkindle a fire in your midst an altar has been set an altar has been created thank you wonderful Lord Jesus now the Holy Spirit speaks to all of you put away every lying tongue from your Mist for it corrupts the entire body put away lustful eyes for it corrupts duckens your soul seek the Lord your God fervently praying for a greater outpouring of his glory upon your church consecrate yourselves regularly to fasting and praying that that you may become a Sanctified vessel ready for the Master's use thank you Father Lord Jesus I lift up my hands towards you and I bless each and every one of your servants and your handmaidens right now I commit them into your hands thank you wonderful Lord Jesus thank you wonderful Lord Jesus this pastor who is seated right before me the Lord Jesus tells you my dear brother set your heart to seek the face of God for 40 days you have been praying for a greater anointing on your life and on your ministry you are dissatisfied with what is happening in your church and in your ministry you are asking Lord Lord what is hindering for a breakthrough to come today the Lord is answering your prayer sanctify a fast first you prepare yourself then gather your church to San if Y A F that I may pour out first he wants to come and see each one of them individually and he will show you what are the shortcomings what are the faults so that it can be met right before the glory of God can be poured out in your church the Lord Jesus is standing beside you right now my brother and laying his Blessing hands upon you Lord Jesus give your servant a sign that you spoke all this thing standing beside him in the name of the Lord Jesus I pray Pour Your Glory upon him Lord in the name of Jesus let him fill him now from the crown of his head to the soul of his feet let him feel your fire flow all over him all over him let his physical body not able to contain the fire and the glory flowing all over him thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you if you be faithful the Lord Jesus tells you my brother the Lord will open doors internationally for you to go to other nations to prepare them for the coming of the Lord Jesus you have a great heart of love for youths for the young people from now onwards when you conduct youth meetings you will see a new power being manifest When you pray for them for the baptism of the Holy Spirit you'll see Mighty power being poured out deep down in your heart stand up to your feet brother deep down in your heart you have been praying like this for a long time to have a display of the glory of God like Benny hin but today the Lord Jesus tells you I will do more to you then what I did through my servant thank you wonderful Lord Jesus thank you wonderful Lord Jesus oh glorious Lord Jesus fill them Lord with your glory right now all over them all over them let your sanctifying power flow all over them right now right now right now let them tangibly feel your power flowing all over them Lord let their hands feel it let their legs feel it tangible anointing flow flow Holy Spirit giving them a sign thank you wonderful Lord Jesus thank you Lord Lord Jesus thank you for laying your blessing hands upon each and every one of them Lord and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus from this day onwards you will hold them by their right hand and you will lead them show them Lord your ways as much as you show them your ex show them your ways teach them your ways make your ways known to them that they may all walk in your perfect will from this day till you come again in glory thank you my father come on everybody lift up your holy hands bless the Lord oh my soul oh my soul worship His holy name sing like never before oh my soul I worship your Holy Name everybody lift up your hands bless the Lord oh my soul oh my soul worship His h H name sing like never before oh my soul I worship your Holy Name sing like never before Oh my my soul I worship your holy name amen amen amen amen thank you everybody please be seated
Channel: Adonai International Ministries - Ghana
Views: 50,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A.I.M, Adonai International, Adonai International Ministries, Adonai, Bishop Richard, Richard Ahiagbedey, Tema Church, Ghana Church Online, Best Ghanaian Church, Church Service, Adonai Church, Adonai Tema, Adonai Ghana, Youtube Church, Ghana Church, Rising, Sunday, Adonai 2024
Id: jZhHCccxkI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 39sec (7599 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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