What Is the Most Cold Hearted Comment You Have Ever Made?

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what is the most cold-hearted comment you have ever made at a party an acquaintance who is a special ed teacher was explaining the choking hazard of hot dogs she described one of her students who lost oxygen for a long enough time that it caused further brain damage than what he already had I asked if he was moved into the extra special ed class thought that was going a different direction at choking hazard of hot dogs I was shopping once when assured fat older woman tapped me on the shoulder and said honey did you want to oh you're not my husband I smiled looked her right in the eye and said you couldn't be that lucky what I'd meant to say was I couldn't be that lucky In Your Wildest Dreams cow I was in another state when my Rumor tried to kill himself by Smashing a beer bottle on the counter and trying to cut his wrists when I got back my friend that was with me was showing me the app damage and I said ugh there were razor blades right there my friend's puppy named Butters got ran over by his grandpa two weeks later I they got a new dog and I told him he should name him I Can't Believe It's Not Butters to be fair that was funny in high school I had just gotten my hair cut and I was trying out a new style I went over to a friend's house after where his younger sister's hamster had died so she looks at my hair and says h a h a you look stupid I turned to her and said h a h a your hamster died really loud in front of their whole family sounds like a mean Fest all around I walked into a classroom back in high school and noted a weird smell and said what the heck did somebody leave a dead fish in here everyone including the teacher started to laugh almost immediately this girl burst out crying and ran out her friends all shot me dirty looks and later found out she was on her period and apparently was very self-aware and mortified by her odor problem red was an innocent comment I grew up in a town surrounded by lots of rural areas and some of the kids in my class would go fishing before school every once in a while one of them would bring a cooler full of fish to class and would get chewed out because of the smell I work in Pharmacy and a couple years ago particularly grumpy old man decided to scream abuse at one of my girls causing her to have a bit of a meltdown and the store just as I intervened as he was walking out I turned to my co-worker and said don't worry he's going to die soon way before you I love it when old people get called out on being bastards having wrinkly skin isn't a free pass to being a dong a rather large girl came up to me at a party and said you're not even drunk I replied with the only reason I am even talking to you is because I've had five beers well what I meant by that is that I am usually pretty quite shy around new people so I was using beer as my excuse for actually not being quiet made your foot and mouth moment reminds me of the time I met a cute girl briefly and as we parted I tried to say it was nice almost meeting you what came out of my mouth was it was almost nice meeting you went to a bar the night before a friend's band was going to play and he and his bandmates were setting up their equipment for the next evening I told them you guys look like rotors for a better band as a guitarist in three bands I can confirm that this is not cold-hearted but dang funny my father myself and a friend are at my brother's graduation we walk into the auditorium and are standing to the side trying to figure out where we are supposed to sit Usher in a wheelchair comes over and says kinda nastily you can't stand there without missing a beat I said apparently neither can you I actually felt terrible afterwards but it's one of the only times I've ever been spot on with a comeback I told a girl after I broke up with her that it must be exhausting and frustrating to wake up every morning knowing that you have to be you all day long vacant stare I was arguing with this kid about something and I said at least my grades aren't failing like your parents marriage there was dead freaking silence all around it was well known that his mom had cheated on his dad with a crap load of guys his mom is only failing her marriage class because she got caught cheating lying in bed with my ex-wife arguing Petty barbs are exchanged she says do you know what your butt reminds me of not a single beat Mist your face so childish it's hilarious my cousin was hit and killed by a taxi in NYC while running across the street for a Klondike bar after getting out of a bar with friends my first reaction was to sing that jingle from all those old commercials what would you do for a Klondike bar Dodge traffic it's okay I have my ticket with me right now I'll see myself out my 32-year-old sister still lived with my parents her husband and her son neither worked and they collected food stamps she professed over dinner one night when I was visiting that she was voting for McCain because Obama just wants to redistribute the wealth I immediately shouted to you B I wouldn't feel bad about that I'd high-five you right now if I could freshman year of high school a kid who ordinarily picked on me was trying to be buddy buddy with me for science worksheet answers he wasn't very good at it and even his attempts to fake being friendly came off as sarcastic after repeatedly telling him to leave me alone I eventually told him that the fact that good people all over the world died of starvation and disease every day while he continued to live made me sad he started crying and his friend called me a monster maybe he was right or maybe his friend should have backed off me I still don't know how I feel about it I'd feel good someone was trying to Bulls you and walk all over you the real travesty would have been to let him get away with it there is nothing you could ever do that would make me feel attracted to you it's not often you get to crush the hopes and dreams of another person I once said to my ex who left me for someone else I'm sorry you think you have something special I made that mistake once too that's not cold-hearted I would have said the same thing to my ex if she had cheated on me too sometimes comments like that may be mean but in this context and in my opinion I think that what you said was justified by their actions my friend's mom died from cancer in Middle School a few years later we were in the habit of making your mom jokes and I came into school one morning real tired and looking like crap he told me I look like the face of death and before I knew it I replied your mom looks like the face of death whoops that's cold friend is an EMT tells me she had a six-year-old die on her the other day he probably would have been the next Hitler anyway somehow that did not comfort her in sixth grade this girl let's say her name is Jenny had a crush on me I was young and immature and she was ugly so in her friends yearbook I wrote please tell your ugly friend Jenny to leave me alone it was very mean and I regret it fast forward like 13 years later I am a martial arts instructor and we have a new little like four-year-old in the class and while I am teaching the whole time the mom is giving me the most dirtiest look it was very weird after class I checked their paperwork the mom's name was Jenny they never came back a friend's parents were having a divorce and there were subsequent money troubles that forced them to sell their only car during a heated argument I said how do you get enough food to stay as fat as you are you can't even afford a car I still feel freaking awful about that for some reason a friend of mine and I had a joke that ended with your mom died your mom died a female friend of mine had just lost her mother a week earlier she said something triggering the joke and I bellowed the punchline all she said was yeah she did I felt like crap I've really learned to avoid your mom jokes especially as I've gotten older parents don't last forever and anyone who's lost theirs shouldn't have that thrown in their face my mum and dad were going through a divorce due to an affair of my mother's doing my dad was staying with me and really upset but remained hopeful whether her cheating continued he came to me to emotional event one night I couldn't stand by and watch my Superman be broken anymore I told him he was like someone flying a kite and although the storm had broken the string long ago he stood there holding it waiting for the kite to return my father became silent and stared into space with a look of Heartache for an hour then got up and left it broke my heart update wow huge response I appreciate all the comments guys the fact of the matter is this conversation happened last night yes the silence was awkward I felt like I stamped out the last Ember of hope he was holding on to why he left the house and didn't throw her out is because he still loves her they have been married 31 years and this is how I see my mom now as a lying cheating W who tells me and my brother it's none of my business it sucks sorry for venting there guys me and my dad go to a bar every Monday to talk and play trivia so hopefully I'll see him tonight feel free to ask any questions this was less of a comment but I had been broken up with an ex-girlfriend for about six months we slept together a few times during that time but never at any point did I agree to get back together with her well I met someone new starting dating them all was Dandy I got an email one day from my ex full of nasty things Etc however she also made a mess of her grammar and spelling in the letter I made all the corrections in red and underlined them wrote nothing else in response and sent the email back to her haven't heard a word since friend broke up with his girlfriend and made 10 Facebook statuses it was annoying so I just said you seemed depressed I can't tell by the exponential growth and annoying statuses on your wall today he got paid to be fair the kind of Facebook person is really annoying I met my stalker and she wanted me to guess her name so I told her that her first name was Ugg she looked puzzled so I explained further I told her that her last name was Lee she then climbed into the bathtub at home and slit her wrists and throat on a bus being driven uncomfortably fast my friend walked up to the cab while stopped at the lights to complain the driver unrepentantly proclaimed sit down I know what I'm doing no mate replied my friend sarcastically if you knew what you were doing you wouldn't be doing what you're doing he had planted the seed of introspection because the remainder of the journey was like Driving Miss Daisy once in an elevator a girl reached to press a button and missed being the 16 year old douchebag I was I told her she failed and should quit life her friend got really upset and pulled the girl's sleeves up to reveal a bunch of scars and says she's tried the only way I thought to recover from the situation was to say well try harder sometimes when I'm alone I think on that moment and really hate myself for it her friends kind of and butthole for showing you something so personal I had a friend who whenever someone would say a yo mama joke or something she'd instantly get super angry and be like her mom's dead butthole I know she meant well but it was infuriating when I was in elementary school one of the boys was being a little prison making everyone in the FourSquare game mad and out of frustration I yelled at him you think you're cool but you're not he cried whoa they're badass she's too big to be the ugly stick more like the ugly Barrel I'm not proud of it not said to the person it was a long time ago everyone else laughed and I felt like crap so I was in the Police Academy when a buddy of mine took a few days off for his mother's funeral when he got back we had to go to the shooting range for qualification naturally things got competitive he outshot me I said you this is embarrassing and I regretted to this day I said Frick your mother I wasn't even thinking in context he just looked at me and very quietly said dude why would you say that to me right now I almost turned the gun on myself seeing Police Academy capitalized made me think there was gonna be something about Steve Gutenberg good story though you went to boarding school did your parents not like you very much or something me 2011. this girl continuously drinks and drives because she's an incredibly emotional drunk I don't know why she keeps getting invited to things because without fail she will break down in uncontrollable sobs during a night of drinking anyway after she finished yelling and crying at everyone she goes to get into her car and I scream out I hope this time you drive away you wrap your car around a freaking tree so you don't kill another person and so I don't ever have to see you again it was horrible everyone was kind of Silent as soon as she left we all agreed to not speak to her and talked about how she probably won't make it through the next year why her friends don't get her help is beyond me I despise this person I got in an argument with my older sister while we were waiting for the bus she got on the defensive and called me fat without thinking I shot back at least I know who my dad is oh yeah when I was six or seven I got really mad at my sister and said yeah well at least I'm not adopted I deserve getting in a lot of trouble for that one to my mother one year after you got together with him my stepfather for 11 years I thought if he leaves her I wanna go live with him back in fifth grade I was pretty obese this one kid simply said haha you're fat well he had the bad luck of me finding out his sister got shot and killed while pregnant so I come back with haha your sister and future niece died he cried I laughed this is how people learn not to say hurtful things unless they are ready to hear them back some girl I know always has a new boyfriend sleeps around Etc was upset one day and was complaining about wanting to be in a serious relationship she has always wanted to mess around with me nice to me and eventually during the convo said I Just Wanna Be Loved to which I replied maybe you don't deserve to be she stayed quiet I've been skinny all my life and in high school a rather large girl told me I need to eat a cheeseburger and to stop throwing up I got sick of that crap because I'm not anorexic orbulimic I told her she needed to starve herself so she could finally be like the people she envied so much and then maybe she wouldn't be such a b and I still get these comments even though I'm 23 now crap gets annoying I hate when people do that to me being skinny doesn't mean anorexia prick you and the horse you rode and on that was actually a fantastic horse with with impeccable morals I was just caught in the Heat of the Moment I'm an atheist and generally a nice person well I was dating this one chick who told me she loved me wanted to get a place together as soon as our leases ended and all this yada yada yada I was totally down as I was in love with this girl despite the fact that she was Christian and believed in it long story short she goes on Vaca for two weeks up to Yellowstone and is staying with a guy friend of a friend up there next time I see here she's dragging this dude around with her and has since decided to move up there with him what hurt the most is she didn't bother to tell me just let me find out by showing up with him we get in a text fight and I send her something along the lines of well you're massive bee and I hope God's plan works out better for you than it did for your dog her dog had just recently got run over and died prob the coldest thing I've ever said to someone you don't want her to die like her dog sounds nice I told my best friend who is overly attached to her parents that her mom is a sea and that I wouldn't speak to her family ever again or even step on the same ground they have stepped on that was harsh but they really pee me off that time and I also sincerely believe they are see so on a drunken rage I called an old friend's Mama C and she went bat crap crazy I didn't understand because this old friend of mine used the word daily she even has the word tattooed on the inside of her lower lip what a c talking to girl at party who has had a crush on me for years she has been drinking longer than I have but I'm catching up quickly she keeps implying that I should follow her to one of the bedrooms I look her straight in the eye and tell her I'm very superficial about weight her face goes from all smiles to heartbroken in seconds she ended up getting a Pity frick from her ex while I continued to drink myself into Oblivion and later pee on some dude who was peeing into the stove I am not terribly good at life when I was seven my uncle was killed by a drunk driver as we walked into his house there was a welcome sign with his name my aunts and their two kids I looked at it and told my grandmother well that'll have to be changed she quietly said yes and then turned away that moment has haunted me for years I so deeply regret hurting my grandmother even more that day maybe it's a Canadian in me but you are an embarrassment to my degree in this institute and do not deserve to gradual or call me your peer is the worst thing I've ever said to anyone though the group members were dumb I slightly regret saying this even to this day when you get owned that artistically it doesn't even hurt stop complaining you freaking fattest if you don't like your body freaking do something about it if you don't then shut the frick up hush but I feel the edge is taken off if you are eating a double cheeseburger while saying this if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun Studios
Views: 6,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cold heart, cold hearted, cold hearted comments, comments, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: CsvfmlaR_oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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