What is the Microsoft Power Platform? 🌟

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hello everyone uh i'm really looking forward to running a session on the wonderful world of the microsoft power platform i've been involved in building power platform solutions for uh three or four years although when i started with it uh it wasn't actually called the power platform and and that will i guess will be revealed to some extent as we go through this presentation so what i'm going to do is we've got a lot to get through so what i'm going to do is i am going to start sharing my screen and we will will get cracking on the presentation now the good news with this presentation is that there will be no powerpoint at all at any point in this presentation now the bad news is that i've actually created an app that actually mimics um powerpoint so uh so there's the good news and the bad news so the amazing microsoft power platform i genuinely really really love making things using the power platform and you know i've got lots of content out there now i'm going to do a quick run through about how this session is going to run we've just done the introduction to this session i'll do a little bit about me but not too much then what we're going to do is we're going to look at an app that actually describes the power platform universe because it's important for us to understand what makes up the elements of the power platform then we're going to do this really really cool survey so if you've got an iphone then you know you can you can go to the you can kind of click on here and you'll be able to it'll take you through to the to the website and so on otherwise we'll go directly through to a website which has got a form but what's really cool is it kind of demonstrates really really simply the whole of the power platform in one go i'm going to do a bit of a meet the team thing because i want to sort of do a little piece where we talk about the various products that make up the power platform um a little bit on product history because sometimes understanding a bit of history is is helpful some discussion will take place as we go through this presentation around what is loco no code and the products are different so there's different degrees to which um that is true um i'm going to show you some cool stuff using the power platform but you know i hope that that that everything that you see today is cool i'm going to talk a little bit about the fact it's a family thing so um getting the products to work with each other is the power of the power platform so if you only work in one tool it might be power bi or it might be power apps that's that's quite good but it's really when you start to use all of the products together that you get the best value out of them i am going to take a very brief foray into licensing because it's important to know that that they are they have nuances associated with them we're also maybe just going to take a quick peek at governance but we may not have a huge amount of time for that and i'm also going to talk about this strange new kid on the block called dataverse14s and finally i'll actually talk about how it is we learn more about the power platform so on with the show so what we're actually looking at here right now is this is an app it's not a it's not a it's not a it's not a powerpoint presentation because it isn't a proud presentation i can do lots of interesting things with it and that includes kind of going onto this about me thing and then going through to a link and this link is going to open an app for me and what the app does it allows me to what talk about me um but really talk about my journey into the power platform so i started off i am an accountant and as an accountant i use a lot of excel and when i used excel there's a thing called power query it's a little bit about the history of power bi is this thing that they created called power query which allows you to extract transform and load data um but it is the it is the start point for every power bi report that you'll ever likely to write um i then joined biffer and brought brought power bi to them as a greenfield site and and um and i i started building lots of things along the way which included building lots of odd oddities which included this thing here which is british birds and i also did a thing called poppy finder it was my first uh kind of uh it was a kind of fun power bi thing but it it connected to the um the uk kennel club so that i could actually work out where in the country these puppies were and so that we could um find the right one for us i'm going to link to that but there's lots of other things that we'll get to see later on now uh i then uh i then stopped with uh biff or i saw powerapps came onto my tenant and i looked and i thought oh my god this is the most amazing thing i've ever seen i genuinely that was my uh my reaction to it and i got really into it and then from there i joined the parliamentary digital service and uh all the time all that while i was building my youtube channel which you can obviously look up and i built my website and what have you i don't use data spinners anymore i use power platform learn i then started training on behalf of microsoft and i also created a course um with pluralsight and and it was on power bi as it happens uh and then i got uh well i've been fortunate enough to uh be nominated as an mvp and and i have been the last 12 months and it's it's a great privilege to be able to be an mvp you get to find out a few more things a little bit earlier but it's just a wonderful recognition um as as someone who at that time didn't actually have any any microsoft qualifications so there's a little bit about me but i think that the point is not so much about it's about me it's about really anyone who is coming to the uh anyone that is coming to the power platform you know it's something you can do you don't have to have been a developer to to have done this so uh excuse me i'm just going to jump through onto this so this is now the the app that that allows me to describe the power platform universe so it's a really really important app it's certainly if if there was any one thing that i wanted you to take away from these at the time that we got together it is what i show you on the screen here now and so what we'll do is we'll go through all the products of the power platform so here we are in the left-hand corner a little human being looking out at the universe as a whole and what we get to see is we get to see the internet and once we see the internet we can actually go inside the internet and we can we can connect with azure uh which is effectively microsoft's uh microsoft's platform in the cloud uh that represents all of their data centers etc and when we authenticate to azure we're actually we're actually moving into our microsoft tenant now um so so at that point in time uh within a microsoft tenant you can have teams and you can which and teams all have workspaces and you can also have power bi reports you know that that exists at that level within the organization now it becomes a little bit clearer when i when i start to describe the other elements of the player platform so we have our first player in the power platform this is power bi so the interesting thing about power bi is power bi does not live inside these things called environments what lives inside environments are connections and these are connections to twitter to sql to oracle to salesforce to the common data service lots and lots of different connections and it is your apps that use those connections but look very closely and you'll see that the environments that the power bi reports do not sit inside those environments they are separate from them and you can argue that both ways that actually you could argue it's a good thing as well because um because that means that the power vi reports can connect to lots of different things i'm sure that there may be a time when when there's a little bit more proximity but the fact of the matter is at the moment power bi reports uh sit outside your environments so first we've seen the second player of the power platform these these power apps and we'll see lots of examples of powerapps as we go through this presentation so as well as apps inside your environment you also have power automate flows now power order and i'll get to talk about what each of the products does you also have power virtual agents these are just well i say not just these are bots these are things that you can ask a question to and it will give you a range of answers based on your questions but they can do lots of really clever things they can run flows they that you can build them out to be quite complex um quite complex things that you can ask lots of different questions of and and of course they because they're bots they are available 24 7. i think that's the real power of those bots now i will just delve very quickly into into the apps themselves this is actually where this particular document originally started was me trying to describe apps and and so and i think helps describe you know what an app is so um within an app you have screens and within screens you have objects lots of different objects it could be a label like in fact we're looking at objects now we can see there's essentially lots and lots of labels we can see there's pictures uh that's all there really is in this and down in the bottom left hand side it's actually an icon it is a type of object but there are lots of different types of objects and in the course that i've put together they're actually um it takes me 10 hours of video to talk about all the different types of objects that there are there are there are quite a lot of them and they've got quite a lot of nuances to them now objects have properties uh it could be the size it could be the height it could be the width it could be the color of the font it could be the you know font size it could be all sorts of different things they have properties depending on what they are and those properties are controlled by functions and once you've created your wonderful app you can then share it with the rest of your organization so that is the power platform universe in a nutshell and megan do we have any questions at this point in time any questions that are coming in uh not at the moment if anyone does have any questions there's the chat or the q a functionality um here in zoom to do pop them in and i will ask rory them um as we go so do pop them in if you have any questions at the moment before we brilliant okay so the next part of this it's going to be well like it's one of my most it's one of the most fun bits of this actually and so what we're going to do is we are all going to participate in something which effectively demonstrates the whole of the power platform maybe minus the minus the power virtual agent so what we're going to do is we are going to go to you can either do it via the qr code on the screen or you can go to powerplatformlearn.com and so i'm going to type in powerplatformlearn.com that'll take me to this screen then i need to go to the resources and within the resources i've got this thing called a snap survey and we can it's just a it's just a survey where you ask a question i ask a question and you either say yes or no and so maybe my question is something like um have you bought all your presents for christmas i thought that's a really bad one isn't it the one we did earlier on was do you like marmite and i think that's probably a better one that's something that'll kind of split people now don't just answer it just yet i just want to give it in put it in context that the why are we doing this uh this strange uh thing and the reason we're gonna do this is because uh i've actually written a power bi report and what the power bi report does is it actually uh looks at those um there i think we've had a few come in just now actually but i will get you i will get you guys because i'm actually going to go through and so this is my power bi report and it looks at it and and every time someone puts something in i can hit the refresh on that and you can see these things are changing all the time so we've got seven people there but i will do it we're gonna do it again um megan if there is anything that is in your mind that you would like to ask a yes no question by all means come up with it because we're going to zap this survey in just a moment so what what actually really happens here is that flow runs and and and then that pushes the data into a sql database that is visualized using um power what power bi but what i'm going to do here is i'm actually going to show you that there's an app that i've got in front of me and that enables me to actually have power bi that is sitting within powerapps and the reason why this is cool is when it gets to the end of 10 seconds it actually refreshes the power bi report which is kind of tricky to do and now as well as that if i click clear survey what it's actually going to do is actually going to fire a sequel query at that database and guess what it's gotten it just runs a truncate statement and we have no responses left anymore so what i'm now going to do is i'm just going to try and think of another uh another question that will split the audience uh and i'll say something like um i'll just say something like have you ever built a power bi report so i'm going to go onto the survey uh i've gone to this snap survey do you agree with the statement i'm going to say yes because i have built a power bi report i'm going to click submit um i have submitted it and now i need to go to this and when it gets to the end of its 10 seconds it's going to zap the power bi report and and then it's going to give at least one response so we have we have lots of people that built power bi reports which is brilliant um and so what what exactly happened just then so just in putting it in context we have a power app inside the power app we have a power bi report but the bit which has flow in is if i go back to this i actually go on to the oops not onto that uh close that and go on to the flow what we'll actually be able to do is we'll be able to see the flow and and the fact that it's actually run you can see all the flows that have taken place if i go to all runs i can see lots and lots of runs they're not particularly interesting looking runs but if i go to edit flow and then what we'll see is what actually happens so when a new response is submitted from the form that is called snap survey what it does is it inserts a row based on what has been submitted in that statement that's as simple as that and what we've seen is that it seemed to be able to cope with the volume you can see it's all succeeded and that's why we were able to get the responses that we had earlier on so i think it's quite good fun actually i could stop here actually but um so that is that is just a little um a little uh exercise that we've done to uh to just just to see them in action see that there's actually a possibility here of actually combining these products i'm now going to talk about the sort of meet the team element of this and that's where i just talk about the products themselves so on the top left hand side we have power apps now power apps is what they call a low code no code framework which allows you to build business productivity applications on top of your office 365 um tenant and you know we throughout this whole presentation we never leave powerapps at all so you can see there's a lot of scope to be able to um there's a lot of scope for us to be able to um have interactivity and so on now i'm not sure what's going to come up next so power bi power bi is all about data visualization i think what i'll try and do um as we go through this is maybe show you you know some slightly more interesting um data visualizations that we could um that we could look at in fact i'll just do that one now so data visualization and which one could we look at i'm just going to go on to this on that i know this on this about me that i've actually got a link on this and what it takes me off to is a power bi report now the power bi report takes this data from this eplreview.com place and it's a really pretty unstructured set of data but what this thing does is it allows me to um allows me to deconstruct the data which then allows me to um which allows me to investigate the data in lots of interesting ways so i could do something like i can sort of filter on the the the goal scored and then that means that everything is filled and you can see it's man city here i can i can also sort on the the quantum of goal scored um which would allow me to i can do different things you just hopefully a drill through here i can drill through to the team itself and then once i'm in the team you can see that man city versus stoke they scored seven goals against them i can then jump myself out to to google and i take and take a look at a power a rather a a report with regards that match but that's the sheer pace that i can do all this with that makes it really powerful so i'm now going to jump back to the meet the team and you know power bi is you know is a wonderful tool that you can use to enable you to understand large volumes of data so you can get to millions billions and trillions of rows of data and power bi is capable of of uh of dealing with that so i'm just going to do a time check and then we're doing good for time which is wonderful and please any questions that come in uh by all means uh ask those questions now microsoft uh uh power automate i've i've made the mistake of actually um of writing it down as flow now that's that's a really a bad move it's actually been called power automate for uh quite a bit of time now actually and that's kind of so we have this power you know power x means that you've got the different elements of the power platform so flows are power automate flows are are essentially um essentially if i perhaps describe what a flow is it is uh it is a combination of something with a trigger and an action and there are a range of triggers and a very very very wide range of actions so when the trigger is initiated then then the action is performed so what we saw earlier on was that when the when the form was submitted when the uh when that yes no form was submitted then the the flow was triggered and then the flow picked up the information and pushed that information into a database now there are lots and lots of things you can do with flow you can look out for tweets and then do things based on that you can wait for records to be created within within a sharepoint list or or the common data service lots of different places and for that to be the action and you can see you can do a lot of things one thing that's quite neat is to do a scheduled once that's on a daily basis so on a three hourly basis you can have your your power automate flows running so it means that you can and by all means that there's we can go deep into all these but this is a really high level um review of of this area uh so there we are that's that's uh power automate uh we've talked about power apps and then finally the one that i know the least about is actually the power virtual agents and these are essentially chat bots that are effectively available 24 7 that have the ability to interrogate data sets and actually provide responses you can actually do bookings with them um but as we'll see later on um that they are they're probably the sort of thing that you you either go all in with power virtual agents or not in at all and that's probably reflected in the licensing as well so that's the meet the team piece um looking at the product history um the is the product history maybe of power apps is that we started with powerapps maybe four or five years ago i think it's either four or exactly five years ago and that we started off with it and it has developed considerably in that time although the core of power apps has remained the same i thoroughly recommend in fact i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do a little demo here this is how simple it is to make a power app so if i go to office.com and and i go to sharepoint wherever that is if i get a sharepoint share point this is where i started with um with with powerapps and i i invite you to do the same and so if i go on to something like usa 2020 because i know it's a list what i can do is click on powerapps and then create an app and then do um and i'll do um computer world and i can click create on that and that will build me a three screen app it's that simple this app will genuinely work um i'm not actually sure which data set we were looking at i did it that quickly but it's really it's kind of a good way through having created a three screen app for us um and it's super simple to do i'm gonna i'm sort of kind of playing for time because i know that any second now on the left hand side you'll see the screens coming in and and there we are i've done it a good few times and that is an app that would work on your phone as well so if you had the app on your phone you'd be able to use that so it's just finishing itself up here and we can see that we can actually theoretically add a new state into the united states i'll add the computer world and computer world state into the united states uh in fact i'll just copy and paste um it was actually to do with the um the the votes in the united states i was uh having a bit of fun there um and i'll just click the yes on that and and you can actually see that if i type in computer then computer world pops up that's how simple it is to create these and you can see that on you can see that you've got this this uh this ability to see what all the objects are but i haven't got time to to go into any more detail on that um i i digressed um substantially there but i just want us to for you guys to understand that is really actually quite easy to build an app um so so powerapps started about five years ago power automate now its history lies in logic apps but power automate is it is much easier to create a power automate flow than it is to create logic apps because they exist at a kind of enterprise level whereas um whereas whereas power automate flows exists one level down from that so you can kind of make personal flows effectively uh as well as um as as well as ones for your organization power virtual agents appeared on the scene in about march of uh 2020 and so it's relatively new and you'll see less material on that partly because they're possibly less um like everyone's written power bi reports everyone understands it but but there is less need for like power virtual agents than there is for potentially power bi reports um and uh so we'll we'll but we'll see um we'll see that later on power bi appeared on the scene i'm gonna say something like four or five years ago so they they all appeared um at that time but all of these products have been developing over time so any questions at this at this point um megan no no everyone seems uh very quiet so if you do have any questions for rory do pop them in the q a or the chat and um we will ask them yeah well there's a test at the end so um you you don't get to go home unless you've um unless you got 90 or more in the test so so keep watching um so i just wanted to kind of pull up this thing about low code no code so that of all of the products that are out there um i want to talk about the extent to which they are low code no code so if you take something like um if you take something like power apps is it low code no code well it can be it can be it can be low code but it can also be quite complex um but to but to to kind of understand it's a bit like saying like can anyone write a novel well probably not but could you write a little story well yes and with the work that i've done with powerapps for kids um we've demonstrated that children can and do create their own apps it's perfectly possible for them to do it and it's perfectly possible for them to understand what they're doing so powerapps is a good example of low code no code and power automate is an interesting one because the templates are brilliant in power automate but your ability to your ability to move to the next level it kind of jumps from being really straightforward and drag and drop and all those sorts of wonderful things but then to move to the next level there is a bit of a leap that that is required having said that the the the the amount of things that you can actually do with with flows uh with no code at all is actually quite significant so uh so we've got uh we've got power virtual agents as well power virtual agents are low code but they um but you do need to understand what you're actually doing and and there's a little bit less material on that at this time and then the final one is probably the one where it's got the most gotchas and that's power bi now we've seen that lots of people have created power bi reports but i would suggest that most people would agree with me in saying that not all of their power bi reports are amazing and some of them if you'd known something about power bi at the time when you first started putting it together then you might have changed how you actually wrote it so i certainly believe that now if i was writing them the the the way in which i would in particular construct the data model would be different to the way in which i may have done it in the past and and so i think that that power bi is probably not very no code uh in my opinion if you want to be truly successful with it it's you know you do need to be quite studious with with that particular product i've got a few questions coming in now rory yeah um so mark smith said do these queries have to be within an azure data sheet or can it query on prem data two uh if you're querying on-prem data you need to have an on-prem data gateway um so there's i think there's two flavors of that one is a uh one is a personal one which essentially sits on your computer and there's also a kind of corporate one but even those ones need to sit on you know like a virtual computer and then they kind of have a tunnel through to your on-prem data so there's there's there's lots of examples where people connect to their on-prem data using uh using power bi perfect um some uh daniel said can i get a power app gallery to dynamically load different sharepoint lists with libraries i think i have loading a form with a parameter which is the name of the document library you want to display in the gallery maybe go one step further and make the site and library both parameters when you first load the screen with the gallery obviously that's quite a technical point but i think that that that um what i tend to do with some of these things where they and the answer is probably no in a nutshell um but but the the other thing to do is always when you are starting to come across something that is has a level of complexity to it that the reality is you don't wake up in the morning thinking hey wouldn't it be great to connect these things in that way there's there's there's usually a reason why you want to do it and if you actually dig into the reason why you want to do that particular thing the answer may come out there i mean for example there'd be a reason why they are separate lists and why they aren't just one list for example uh and i think the other side of things is that bear in mind sharepoint lists they are lists they are they are not um you're not it's not a database or anything like that it's you know so there's there's a certain amount of things you can and can't do with them having said that you know like i could go on for ages with this you could create collections based on the lists at the start it depends on what you're trying to you know what you're trying to achieve you know your your entire what your whole objective is so it that's that's probably a little bit technical for this um session perfect and then the last one we've got at the moment is um from david he said hi rory what are the benefits of using cds database over a sharepoint list i currently use the latter to track inventory thanks um the sharepoint lists aren't aren't databases they they are they don't have the ability to create relationships between um list tables so for example if you had i don't know let's just say you had categories of stock so you had a categories table and a and the actual stock items themselves you couldn't create you could create a quasi relationship but it wouldn't be a real relationship and in in the common data service you can create real relationships and you can navigate those relationships uh in fact what you'll i don't know if there's any examples here of in fact that in fact this entire thing here is all built on the common data service so as i'm kind of jumping through things i i'm actually leveraging those the relationships in order to be able to to service different things here so modules relate to courses lessons relate to modules so when i'm clicking on various things i'm getting things to fire up and the other thing with the common data rather the with dataverse is that um it is a significantly better ability to uh to control who gets to see what whereas with sharepoint you know you are you are tremendously limited and your ability to create solutions you you can't create solutions with sharepoint it's just you know they are unrelated really to uh to the apps as such whereas the common data service is fundamentally a part of your environment your database for the common data service lives inside the same environment as your apps and therefore you can create solutions i could literally pick up what i've got here and it doesn't just take the um it doesn't just take the canvas app it'll take the app it'll take any flows that relate to it it'll take all the entities themselves all of the tables that underpin this they all go at the same time and everything works whereas with sharepoint you've got limited um you've only got a limited application lifecycle management that you can do with it okay anyway just before we move on to the next bit um it says do you need a you need premium licensing to use cds as a data source for a power app uh yes and no uh if you use dataverse for teams you don't um because you're using dataverse for teams but uh database for teams has limitations and so therefore you know you you don't get to to do as much with it it's got so you can't it might be worth just you know following on the course that i've put together on that in order to um to to to kind of work uh through that and so yeah if i just repeat the question now i don't feel like i fully answered it it was um do you need premium licensing to use cbs as a data source for a power app yeah so so if you use dataverse for teams the answer is uh no you just need a team's license but if you want to use um if you want to use it in any other guys then yes you do if you want to experiment with it you can use something called a community plan and that means that you have a personal environment but you can't share with anyone or anything like that but yes look it's cool but you know you've got to move on to the next level and there is a thing called a per app license it's a bit cheaper but you know it's it only would be worthwhile in certain use cases perfect that was all of the questions for that good so now we're going to move on to looking at cool um cool stuff using the power platform now um there are lots of things i could kind of tell you about and show you and so on um i could but but the one that worked quite well earlier on when i was uh playing around with it was the powerapps translator uh but just bear in mind everything that you're seeing on the screen today is a power app or a power uh you know or a power bi report so so your your ability to create cool things is limited predominantly by your imagination and this was what my imagination came up with um when i was um when i was teaching in um i'm kind of being a um i was lucky enough to teach the power platform in italy and and i went around the museum there and so many of the things were written in italian i was thinking oh this is such a shame it'd be so cool if you had an app that was able to like read text and things like that i thought well why don't i give it a go because i wasn't busy that evening and so here i am about to come on the screen hey no there was me with my green screen um so what you can do with this app and this app is obviously phone shape because i knew i would let's just see how well this actually works now i i'm actually asking a lot of it and do you know what i'm going to do is i'm going to use the thing that i used earlier on and i'm going to use this book here now there's a lot of reflection going on there but let me just see if this works i'll collect i'll take the photo and then i'll try and extract the text from that photo player's handbook bit of a shame there but you can see that i've just now edited that text and i'm now going to translate it into a different language so maybe we'll do spanish click on translate me and it's use the connector that is associated with the app and that lives inside this environment and it's managed to translate it and if i actually click the play icon here i'll use the same connector in order to to speak that that particular translation so i'll just do that again i can do it in finish in fact i can actually click translate me and actually comes out and finish now and if you click so that was in um so test your um testing your finish there but actually when you do it on a phone it's it's really really great experience because you can you can like the phone cameras are a bit better if i'm a if i'm honest so but you can you can really sweat this thing it was it was it was translating some pretty big things when i was uh working with it i don't know how well it would work with this i'll just see what it does extracting the text but you can see it's going to have a go at it in fact it's not been successful at all on this occasion but it is actually a reflective surface as well but the um but hopefully this gives you an idea of that that you know we can go quite far with this particular product so that was cool stuff using um using uh using um power apps um the power bi in fact this course guide is um let me go close on that the the course guide i put together is i i quite like this and what it is is um it is a power bi report that looks at the transcripts from the course and it allows me to um do a search on any word that i say um within the course and i can click on that and i can actually then then i can then search in there and what it will do is it will tell me all the places where i say the word licensing and i can then click on that and it will take me through directly to that video in which i say the word licensing now and it's not quite clever enough to take me to seven minutes and 31 and but if i go to seven minutes and 31 then all being well i actually say the word licensing so seven minutes and and you know and the reality is that let me just go to cc english uh some other moment of truth unlicensing i hope you think that's cool i think it's cool and so this is the course i put together it's a chance for me to do a bit of advertising but i've actually made this course completely free it is 230 lessons plus of content to do with canvas apps and it takes you all the way through and there are 270 000 words there are 30 hours there is 30 hours of content here and i you know i would love it if you um if you signed up for this course and if you want to do that just go to powerplatformlearn.com and then just go to courses uh and then you can click on the course that you're most interested in so that's the course guide so i'm just trying to show you different cool things that you can do we also saw that you could make i'm just conscious of time here not much time so i'm just going to jump on to it's a family thing so we've seen already that you can get things to work together so you can have power bi inside power apps you can also have power apps inside power bi so your imagination is something that that i would challenge you guys on here licensing corner i think i'm going to be really brief on this there is an expense to using powerapps using the common data service but it has a value and there is and it has a productivity value and and i would suggest you that you know it is worth investigating that and to see whether it is worthwhile in your organization now power bi it's got a um so the per with power apps the per per user license is about 40 a month but you can have an unlimited number of apps and or you can have a per app license which is which is ten dollars a month which really gives you two apps and and then as well as that you can have powerapps for free but it would only use office 365 connectors and things like sharepoint lists and so on now as far as power bi is concerned europe sort of ten dollars a month for a pro license and then about five thousand dollars a month if you want a premium but you'll know if you need a premium license anyway and power automate relatively it's red for what it is it's relatively inexpensive i'll just leave it at that and power virtual agents it is effectively a thousand dollars per 2000 hits that's kind of um the way in which it works out so that's just rattling through um rattling through licensing on the governance side and we have um there are there are two places to do your governance you have one place which is related to power bi governance but there is another place which is admin.powerplatform.com that takes you to the the admin centers for um for uh for and we'll actually would take you to all of them but it was it's but it's also worth remembering that it administers those environments as well um but i'm gonna i'm gonna fall off the end of the world here if i'm if i'm not careful now uh a very a very quick point about dataverse for teams that this is your opportunity to um to build apps using dataverse i thoroughly recommend it and i've actually written a little course on that and it's going to be growing over time and then just rattling forward how to learn more about the power platform i know that i've incorrectly clicked that how to learn more about the power platform well there are lots of ways there's there's loads of people creating videos and so on and you can go to my website powerplatformlearn.com and then you can go to the free courses that i've made available to you and that's just another url for it there's lots of user groups so this is just one user group but there are loads and loads of user groups and i thoroughly recommend that you um that you use those i also recommend that you use twitter as well because if you want to be most up-to-date twitter is the best way to be up to date and also there is the microsoft training places there's the power there's the power apps blog and so on and and you can you can navigate to those via the products themselves so that really takes me to the end of this presentation and we like to cover the whole of the power platform in in the time we've had um is kind of challenging um apologies that we didn't really go into bots it's not a it's not a strong suit for me and and finally are there any questions before we close off uh that was brilliant thank you rory i haven't got any questions at the moment obviously if anybody does have any um pop them in the q a or um in the chat and we can get them answered before we leave but um that was a really good uh overview and dig into those power plants for all the power platforms so i'm just going to do a stop share and say hi to everyone yeah so thanks everyone for coming on i hope you find this useful uh and that you maybe have got a hopefully a slightly better sense as to as to you know what this platform is all about and and uh yeah i'm just gonna have a quick look on the chat um myself and just see and see what's coming through and yeah uh once again uh i hope you're enjoying all the sessions have been put on today and uh and i hope to see you somewhere uh uh on a power platform call at some point in the future good luck with your power platform journey thank you very much rory thank you [Music] you
Channel: Rory Neary
Views: 2,603
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: PowerApps, Tuesday, Tutorials
Id: QZojkZur7_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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