What is the Difference Between Borderline Personality Disorder & Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

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hello this is dr. grande today's question is what is the difference between borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder now both of these personality disorders are categorized together in cluster B so there's three clusters of personality disorders a B and C they're both cluster B personality disorders and this is considered the dramatic emotional and erratic cluster of personality disorders now when we think of borderline personality disorder we think of someone who is afraid of abandonment and has unstable relationships and an unstable self-image they also tend to be impulsive they're at a greater risk for suicidal gestures or behavior they have mood dysphoria which means they have difficulty regulating their mood and they might have anxiety or depression they have a feeling of emptiness inside they tend to have anger difficulties sometimes constant anger and there's a paranoia that occurs sometimes particularly a paranoia related to abandonment a fear of being abandoned so believing that other people are about to abandon them now with narcissistic personality disorder we think of symptoms that are a bit different a sense of grandiosity seeking and believing in unlimited power and success like having fantasies about unknown as success feeling special or unique and more so than evidence would offer seeking excessive admiration having a sense of entitlement tending to exploit other people having a lack of empathy so really not being able to understand the feelings of other people being envious of other people or believing that other people are envious of them and haughty or arrogant behavior so we can see right away there's some clear differences between borderline and narcissistic personality disorder so when we think of the differences but borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder we think of an individual who has borderline personality disorder as not really thinking themselves as special but rather mistreated or misunderstood or somebody with narcissistic personality disorder would believe in many cases that they were special also with narcissistic personality disorder an individual with this disorder tends to have a stable self-image whereas a somebody a borderline personality disorder has an unstable self-image as I mentioned before also with the issue of abandonment it comes up with both personality disorders but it manifests a little differently some of the borderline personality disorder is afraid of being abandoned and some of the narcissistic person is what would be more likely to abandoned somebody rather than be afraid of abandonment now another difference is around impulsivity some a borderline personality disorder tends to be impulsive and some of the narcissistic personality disorder is not usually impulsive now of course there are also several similarities between these two personalities sorters for one thing they tend to become orbit so if somebody with one of these personality sorters is more likely to have the other and we also see a commonality between them in terms of relationships both personality disorders tend to be associated with poor relationships but in most cases for different reasons for some of the borderline personality disorder it would be this idealization devaluation cycle that tends to occur the love-hate relationship the constant anger the mood dysphoria and the impulsivity that would tend to lead to trouble for individuals with narcissistic personality disorder it would be more of the arrogance and the exploitive nature of that disorder that would encourage people to not want to associate and not want to be friends with somebody who has that disorder so the quality of relationships with both disorders is an area of concern another similarity would be mood dysphoria now mood is for you is actually want a symptom criterion for borderline personality disorder and it's not for narcissistic personality disorder but we do see mood dysphoria and symptoms similar to mood dysphoria across both personality disorders so anxiety depression difficulty regulating mood another area is employment and career individuals with both of these personality disorders tend to struggle but again in different ways the relational piece affects career of course but also the specific behaviors like impulsivity for some of the borderline personality disorder tends to be frowned upon in many career settings and the arrogance and needing excessive admiration and the lack of empathy tend to be frowned upon for an image with narcissistic personality sorter in employment settings so we see these difficulties in specific areas of functioning across both personal sorters but usually for different reasons I hope you found this description of the differences between borderline personality disorder and narcissistic person dies sorted be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 104,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What is the difference between borderline and narcissistic, Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, differences, borderline, narcissistic, fear of abandonment, unstable relationships, risky behavior, impulsive behavior, promiscuity, mood swings, empty feelings, idealization, devaluation, lack of empathy, manipulative, grandiose, grandiosity, unlimited success, excessive admiration, sense of entitlement, envious, arrogance, haughty, pretentious
Id: p17Dlw7fbvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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