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Cruiser Destroyer What is the difference between a frigate? Well, in fact, today The difference between them is very small. especially cruisers and destroyers The two can make guest appearances for each other. The name is just a name. Er, but ah, where did these names come from I'm Uncle Rocket Today we will trace the source from the historical point of view. The origin and difference of these different ships Of course, it must be added that it has disappeared. But the battleship is still very popular. When time goes back to the Sail Age At that time, there were only two kinds of warships. Battleships and cruisers Since only artillery can be used Therefore, the success or failure of the sea war at that time was only decided by two points. The first is the number of guns. The second is whether these guns can aim at the enemy ships. Loaded a lot of guns. relatively speaking, it is not difficult The other thing is to make the boat big enough. Just make the armor thick enough. But since the hull needs to grow into a long, narrow shape to sail faster on the sea Therefore, the installation positions of these cannons are rather awkward. The only option is the side of the hull. So you see the early sail battleships The sides are full of holes. Three and four decks. Battleships loaded with hundreds of cannons at a time are everywhere. This brings up a problem Their firepower is fierce. But the output angle is very limited Basically, it's only when you turn your side on someone else. Only have the fighting capacity Well, in fact, even in the later turret era, this bug Nor has it changed much Due to the obstruction of the superstructure The fire output in the front and rear directions is still very limited. Alas, what should I do Study tactics. And so the T-Station appeared. When the two fight each other Put yourself in the horizontal position above the T word. Keep your side against the enemy. It becomes the ideal battle formation. Commonly known as the t-word advantage What if a group of battleships were fighting? Is he following this principle? The two sides first lined up with each other to cut into the battlefield. Then try every means to get around to the front of the opposing formation. to output firepower This is called robbing t head hundred battles column Er, the word "war column" has already appeared. Yes It refers to this particular column formation. So, ah, fighting a warship of this formation Naturally, it is called a ship. as the strongest ship in the navy The most artillery and the last armored He's obviously burning the most money. Not any country can afford to play It's not that any task is willing to send him on. Like daily patrols or something. It's not like pulling nails What do you need such fierce firepower? For economic and efficiency considerations? A cruiser appeared on another ship. Yeah, he's already telling us by name He's on the ocean tour. He has less armor than a battleship. Main guns of slightly smaller caliber and number And nature a little smaller size and cost in order to procure more to sea patrol It's okay to maintain your sea power. This swaggered In fact, it was not long before he was beaten in the face by a very insidious weapon. You should all know what I'm talking about. That's the torpedo It hides underwater Self-contained power run fast It's fried It only takes a small one to take out a giant ship. Cost-effective is quite high The boundaries of strength have since been redrawn. What about the naval blockade strategy pursued by the British? It is therefore difficult to continue. They really hated it at first. On the one hand, it really brings losses. And on the other hand It broke the tradition of a gentleman's war that should have been fought openly. Although this is a bit hypocritical under threat. The British can only counter And this counter-thinking And finally brought us the destroyer with higher speed Better underwater attack capability and faster small-caliber rapid-fire artillery to drive and destroy other buildings such as torpedo boats Submarines and similar destroyers and so on. Of course, we will have to add planes in the future. Until now we saw the battleship Cruiser Destroyers have evolved along the way. become more flexible than one One more than one function One is also cheaper than a lighter and smaller one Right? It's like this But the missile it appeared the giant ship The age of the cannon is over. Battleships with only artillery were laid off first. And a cruiser with a giant sword. Life is not very good Since the missile is small high precision Powerful If you look at it, you can weigh it. What's the use of thicker armor? No more rear armor What's the point of having such a big body? Without the blessing of the body plate Call not call cruiser It doesn't matter And destroyers can still patrol the ocean. So from the beginning of the missile The division of tasks for surface ships has changed again. Anyone can carry a missile. Anyone can load a torpedo Anyone can install a radar. In this case Why not find one of the right size Appropriate speed The cost of the right boat to load it. Hey, it's a destroyer. So he's the versatile man on the sea today. Let's count the things he can do. Equipped with anti-aircraft anti-submarine On the sea and so on many Capable of both offensive assault missions in naval formations It can also undertake the task of air defense and anti-submarine escort of combat formations. Can also serve as a support force in landing and anti-landing operations. Patrol, Warning and Reconnaissance Sea blockade and sea rescue can be It can also provide a platform for unmanned carrier aircraft to take off and land. Er, how about it? Good is good It's just that if only occasionally used to perform some mild anti-submarine Escort mission words Is this still a bit overqualified? Ah, right So castrate again The whole frigate came out. Finally, the arrows we are going to talk about today have come out. So in the end, let's make a brief summary. Well, the battleship is too obvious Just kick him out. Cruiser Destroyers and frigates. Cruiser Max More Focus on Air Defense Support Second Destroyer Has a stronger anti-submarine capability The smallest of the frigates are good at escorting And the other two big brothers all despise little things Do you understand I am a rocket book concern Tell you a different kind of science. Late World War II. It seems that they will not be able to hold the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese Navy is ready to make its last gamble. That is to bring the war to the United States. Hoping to get the United States to make concessions. What can they do Send bombers over the United States to drop bombs? The islands in the Pacific are almost lost. If you take off from Japan. Fly to the nearest west coast of the United States There are also more than 7000 kilometers of straight-line distance Not to mention more than 10000km of the east coast However, throughout World War II B29 Air Fortress, the largest bomber in combat range. The endurance is only more than 5200 kilometers. That's still somebody else's American. Since you can't fly past Can you drive the aircraft carrier over? Alas, it is even more impossible The United States Navy that stumbled at Pearl Harbor Japan is already staring to death. What chance is there for him to turn around again? So Japan's only chance is A more concealed submarine To be precise, it is a submarine carrier that uses submarines to load aircraft. I am Encyclopedia Rocket Uncle Today we're going to talk about the story of the submarine carrier. The one who proposed this plan is the one that everyone knows. Three 56 He wants to build a submarine that can carry multiple attack aircraft. aircraft carrier fleet Quietly close to each other's city Then launch a surprise attack Then he dives to the bottom and sneaks out. to create a great fear for the enemy But to complete this task is not easy ah First of all, he needs to have a long battery life. Able to travel between your doorstep and any coast of the United States. At least three trips You don't have to stop to refuel or add supplies. That means it needs to carry nearly 2000000l of diesel. With supplies that will keep the crew at sea for months. This will undoubtedly increase its volume In addition, as a major event, ah He has to carry at least two more. Of course, it turned into three full-size torpedo bombers. Including 800 kilograms of explosives on the loader In order for the bomber to take off smoothly The engineer must be on the cramped deck Design an ejection trajectory And in order to be able to successfully recover the bombers after the mission. You have to add a complete recycling system. Including a boom that doesn't seem to know What about these two things? Usually during World War II. Huge battleships and cruisers seen above If anyone is interested. Can go flip I specifically talked about their videos before. All right. Thought it was over In fact, how did they follow the three bombers? into the submarine's hull Compared with it, it is still easy Because a common World War II The wingspan of the dive bomber is about 12 meters. How do you guess Can only give it the wings to cut off the plug So engineers need to figure out a way to design one. Can easily cut off the wings A brand new bomber connected again Put it on this Foldable wings are a challenge, right? But the Japanese really abruptly put such a big Mac The submarine was designed. Construction began in early 1943. The first ship Construction completed by the end of the following year Name one hundred or four hundred It's huge It's almost twice the length of a German U-boat. The width is also amazing. To support the weight of the hangar and increased stability during sailing The engineer designed him a figure eight compression-resistant shell Basically, it's the two hulls glued together. The result is ah Displacement almost reached the same period the largest U. S. submarine Three times as much displacement In order to drive this monster The boat is equipped with two sets of power system Four 2250 horsepower diesel engines for it to float on the water Using two 2100 horsepower electric motors When disclosing potential underwater Use In the middle of the top deck is a cylindrical waterproof aircraft The hangar is 31 meters long Diameter 3.5 m could hold three foldable wings specially designed for him It's an attack machine. This is his unique skill. As the e400 quietly approached his goal The crew has begun to prepare for the attack underwater. They let the heated fuel Continuously flowing through the aircraft's engines To complete the engine warm-up Make it ready to attack. When approaching the target One or four hundred surfaced Hangar door opened quickly The plane came to the deck in turn. Then the crew started the engine. Loading weapons Defling the wings and empennage Lock the float in place Hang the catapult A whoosh of compressed air bounced a plane out. Then the second house Third house The whole process takes about 30 minutes After that? Dive back to a safe area. And quietly waiting there The return of the bomber after completing its mission Bombers with pontoons Can land on the sea near the submarine Then the hydraulic arm will lift and retrieve them. Put them back in your belly again. Of course, if you need to load more bombs sometimes and greater flight distances These Qinglan attack aircraft can also be carried without pontoons. Shoot out It's just that after completing the task It's just falling into the sea. This incredible operation seems to have reached the Japanese. It's just an ordinary choice. Other than that, of course. The E400 itself is an extremely well-designed submarine. Let's say the eight torpedo tubes in the bow. Provides him with a strong ability to attack ships There are five guns on the deck. Build a powerful air defense fire network Two parallel sets of antimagnetic cables were installed along the sides of the ship. That is, an energized conductor to synthesize the magnetic field produced by the submarine itself This would eliminate the common way of sensing ships when they passed. The changing magnetic field produced to detonate the threat of mines Of course, the most important thing is a very special pin sound coating A mixture of resin asbestos and adhesive After applying it to the submarine can effectively absorb and diffuse Enemy-fired sonar pulses And at the same time inhibit the submarine's internal mechanical noise transmission effectively increase the concealment of the submarine Is whether one or four hundred can successfully break through the defense line The key to quietly coming to America's coast You see enough black technology No wonder the U.S. Navy captured him. Frighten out in a cold sweat I thought if the war was a little longer. Yourself on fire in the backyard Can you still be determined to get to the end But the truth is that the e400 doesn't even have a battleHit It's sunk to the bottom of the sea There are reasons for the course of the war. There are also reasons for their own defects. Let's take one last moment to talk about it. Let's talk about the war process first. Yamamoto 56 was in early 1942. proposed this program But it will be exactly a year later. The construction of the first Iraqi 400 began. And by this time Japan is losing the war. Especially during the Battle of Midway in June 1942. After the fiasco Japan has been driven back to the other side of the Pacific by the United States Severe scarcity of crude oil and raw materials Only let the e400 construction plant shout that it will not open the pot. The second main reason is that Three 56 books, which dominated the design and production of 1,400, died. April 1943 The U.S. military has carried out one of the most successful intercepts in history. will carry Japanese Navy Gen Yamamoto 56 a bomber Shot down in the middle of the pristine forest of Unganville Island. So the already unpopular Isbai Now is the river day down From the beginning, the planned 18 ships were reduced to 90 Then it was reduced to five. In fact, only three were produced. And the time has entered 1945 The result is Even one of these ships has not yet made it to the list. With the surrender of Japan, it disappeared forever. This is the cause of the war process Is there no problem with e400 support? Although not through the actual combat But in fact, fortunately, there is no actual combat. Otherwise, even a little mysterious imagination space can not be left His problem is actually quite big Let's just cut a few and say First of all, the plane takes too long to take off. The ideal speed is 30 minutes to put three planes But the actual situation in the war is certainly not achieved And the e400 floating on the water It's just a big, fragrant living target. All 150 soldiers on the ship will take a great risk for this. And then if this is really the moment the enemy aircraft found What should I do? Dive quickly It is a pity that ah He also dived half a beat slower than others. So the risk is added to an index. The third point is to take such a big risk to release the plane. But the plane is not good enough Frequent mechanical failures It's impossible to have three. Circle every time. There are always one or two that will fall off the chain. You see this coming and going Doubled risk Earnings halved It's really going to put him on the battlefield. It is estimated that there is no place to go. All right. This is the story of the submarine carrier Do you think there's a chance that this might even happen in the future? Is the future necessary? I am the attention of fire archery Every week will be fun and interesting but not the same Science story to tell you to see This is the top in the new below Super Heavy Booster Ass Densely plugged in with 29 Raptor engines The only one in history who can be his equal is the Soviet Union. The n1 that is going to carry a man to the moon. But the latter failed four times after four launches. It has since become a legend. So half a century later Why does the super center of gravity believe that he will not follow in his footsteps? Let's talk today. First of all, the first point Now that time has gone so far So whether it's manufacturing technology or material technology? It's much better than it was then. It would have required the use of a large number of water-absorbing parts to be able to form a complex structure And now it has become a whole. The requirements for the assembly process are greatly reduced. Can industrial robots join in? Both improve efficiency It also avoids the mistakes of manpower in it. On the other hand material progress It also makes the parts in today's rocket engines lighter and stronger. Even when under pressure It can also last longer. Which means he won't blow himself up easily It's not easy to get involved with others. In fact, this is how the second n1 was bombed. but also blew up the history of mankind Maximum equivalent weight other than nuclear explosion The entire launch pad was lost directly. It was caused by the explosion of the liquid oxygen pump in engine 8. What about the resulting shock waves and debris Directly destroy the fuel lines of several engines around. Lead to collective downtime Fall back to the launch pad shortly after launch Dumping out 2300 tons of raw materials and oxidants. Caused a tragedy If the single engine itself is safer and more reliable Hey, can such a disaster be avoided? Then of course this is a plus But it's not the key to super-heavy confidence. So let's look at the second point. More advanced control system Well, actually, it's more advanced. It's not accurate enough. Because n1 although there is a called k o r d In Russian, it's the first letter of engine running control. flight control computer But the first three didn't go on This computer is a simulation It was not until the fourth that it was upgraded to a number. From today's perspective. Can it be counted as a real computer? In fact, it is still debatable. And three of the four failures should be counted on him. At the first launch He activated a fuel leak from an engine Misjudgment into a rocket out of control So 68 seconds after takeoff Shut down all the engines And locked the separation mechanism of the first and second stage What about the 2750-ton rocket that led to the launch of the thrust It hit 52km away The second time we said Can barely steal his responsibility The third launch. Rocket just 1l empty encountered the effect of an unexpected eddy current He began to roll uncontrollably It is completely beyond the compensation range of ko 2d. In just 48 seconds. I tore myself apart. The fourth launch. Should have separated after the first set of ignition The second episode didn't play as expected. Instead, we had to wait until the six central engines were shut down. Excessive mechanical stress Crush the pipeline carrying fuel and liquid oxygen. After the fire followed the first episode together into a flower You said such a flight control computer What the hell are we supposed to say about him Let's look at the super heavy It's not just a flight control computer. Even in each engine, ah, there is an independent computer. More than one. For example, the Merlin-D engine used on Falcon 9 It has three computer control And each computer has two independent processors. Babies can be seen as doing six operations in parallel. Once a processor failure causes a calculation error? The other two can be identified immediately. and restart the wrong computer Then the wrong processor and the computer What about the other processor that gets the right data synchronously? Start the operation again This greatly reduces the probability of overall failure At the same time, ah There is another special responsibility on the rocket. Flight control computer for calculating flight trajectory and overall rocket data Hey. More than one. There is more than one CPU in it. The honor design of the whole system is really breathtaking Falcon 9 and Merlin-D are like this I believe that super heavy and raptors will be strong and not weak. With hundreds of computers with 29 engines Er... Nature will not commit Low-level mistakes when using a computer with 30 engines But it's not really the key to a more reliable super center of gravity. Then continue to see the third point This is the real watershed It's just completely and thoroughly tested. Since birth is to be able to reuse So every Raptor engine can You ordered and extinguished It's off and on And so that gives it a special advantage. Can be tested continuously Pre-factory testing After the rocket is installed, it will be tested. Finally, one more. Except no. The rest are static ignition tests that are no different from real launches. Only after all passes can we usher in the real peak moment. What about the nk 15 engine used on n1 The only time it was tested was at launch. Because basically when it once runs Is in the burning of their own This process cannot be reversed Naturally, it cannot be tested. Ah, even skipped the test How reliable do you expect him to be? Only one of the four explosions Completely blame him Is already incredible All right. Now that we 've received the static ignition test Then take a little more time to discuss How does SpaceX complete the super heavy duty The 29 raptors were tested together Although previously on prototype 3 The static ignition test of three raptors has been successfully realized But turn them over nine times the line of sight. Completely static ignition is completely different. What about when 29 raptors spit fire together It produces seven times more thrust than the Falcon 9. Truly the strongest in history. When such a flame is sprayed to the ground. No doubt about the rocket itself and the launch platform. It's all a huge test In the past, launch platforms used to rely on special gas diversion chutes. to reduce the pressure Yeah, but Elon Musk wouldn't do that He's a super heavy-duty launcher. It's just 20 meters above the ground. It's just a hollowed-out shelf all around. So once the engine ignites? Huge heat and energy will pass directly to the concrete structure below What about ordinary concrete? Then it's over. Alas, not only am I finished They'll blow the pieces on the engine when they're finished. With a piece of rocket finished SpaceX suffered this loss. So now used to send super heavy And the new launch pad in the sky It uses a concrete covered with a super corrosion-resistant coating. And also equipped with a large water spray system Alas, water can be injected directly under the engine Do you think it is used to cool down It's not. That's just a side effect of it What it really does is to kill noise. Because loud noise is actually a kind of energy. A very destructive energy. In order to keep this energy from crushing the launch pad and the rocket. You have to find a replacement for him. It seems that water is a good choice. In addition, in order to push the huge thrust of 29 raptors More gentle transmission to the cylinder wall of the rocket The best way is to stagger their firing order. Good. Let the power gradually increase What about this fragile-looking rocket arm? Is there a time to prepare? Actually, on the Falcon 9 and the Falcon Heavy SpaceX has already done that. The former is lit in pairs After 150ms Fire up another team. The whole time is half a second. The latter heavy Falcon also has a lot of engines. A similar firing sequence would take a total of two seconds To bring the rocket's engine to maximum power Obviously, super heavy is basically the number of roads Another benefit of this It is If there is any one or a pair of engines Failure at startup Can be closed quickly. Not to affect the overall operation of Ah, this is the real honor design As for n1 You make so many engines No single control over one. So all that increases is complexity. instead of redundancy Alas, alright But in fact, when it comes to the end Still depends on the actual performance I hope space is faster. Let us see The moment when 29 raptors successfully spit fire at the same time All right. I'm Uncle Rocket Attention Different scientific knowledge to you.
Channel: 科学火箭叔
Views: 257,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 科学火箭叔, 科学知识, 火箭叔, 生活科普, 百科全叔, 物理常识, 天文学, Uncle Science Rocket
Id: O_Zgzt4sVhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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