What Is The Cure's Greatest Song?

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foreign what's up everyone two days from Christmas and it's freezing here in Atlanta today last I checked it was 16 degrees which is insanely cold I feel bad for those of you that are up in the Northeast and and the mid part of the country here I don't know if it's cold in Europe right now but man this is as cold as it ever gets in Atlanta it's going to go down to nine degrees today so anyways no snow for Christmas though uh let's see this is my last stream Before Christmas I've got my holiday sale going on if you go to beatoholidays.com I've got all of my um as I say a lifetime word worth of learning materials are included in my ultimate bundle which is my be out of book interactive right 500 pages it's got dozens of video lectures and lessons and has audio examples of everything I rewrote the book for those of you that had it in the past I rewrote every example in it uh it's got uh the biato beginner guitar course which is uh got 28 video lessons and PDFs to practice it's for complete beginners then my ear Training Method which I'm going to use right now when I listen to these Cure songs because we're going to be talking about the Cure I'll I'll uh stream today one of my favorite bands ever uh 80 lessons video lessons in my ear training course hundreds of interactive training modules a 27-page booklet and my quick lessons Pro guitar course which is five hours of video content and guitar profiles things like that that's more of like an intermediate guitar course so all this is for uh 109 bucks I sell all these courses for for like 99 so it's uh it is how much off altogether if you're ever gonna get it this is the time to get it now 330 bucks off it's good Christmas present um anyhow so I'll come back to that after we'll talk we're going to talk about ear training a little bit as we listen to these songs um so I am a huge cure fan and when Robert Smith came to 99x in 2004 my friend Leslie Fran was the program director said to me Rick I know that you love the Cure Robert Smith is coming to the studio do you want to come for it now I'm not one to go and meet people or anything but the chance to go meet Robert Smith was amazing right so I went there there's about 25 people there I just looked it up online I thought it was 2003 and there were some pictures from it now I had a picture with him but it was not I don't have it if someone out there that's watching this took pictures at 99x because this actually has happened before and have a picture of me with Robert Smith please send it to me because that would be incredibly cool he's a person I would love to interview uh he was so cool so for you cure fans out there Robert Smith is like the nicest guy in the world right really really great okay so let's talk about some of their songs I I picked nine songs I mean I'm I'm a huge cure fan of entire records [Music] um so it's hard to pick out songs but the way that that I do it kind of like I did with Pink Floyd and I did with REM I picked songs these are the songs that I think are their best songs and these are songs that I like the most um uh that as but taking into account songs that are great songs like ones that are really really well written along with along with songs I'm a fan of I did a what makes the sun great on one of the songs I'm gonna play but let's get into it right now so this first song I want to play is one of their early songs it was actually their first single for those of you that don't know their first record thank you EMF happy holidays old man so like my son Dylan uh this is called a forest this was out in I want to say 1980 um [Music] and what I love about this thanks Douglas is that it really set up the the um tone of the band [Music] this came out when I was a freshman in college [Music] to say I I believe this song this was the only single go lost record this was the 17 seconds record and it charted at 31 on the um on the Rock yards and if you're listening in Stereo right now with the headphones what's up Alan uh notice the panning listen how good this song sounds right no vocal and we're a minute 25 into the song [Music] all right [Music] guess what somebody said this is a lot higher in the college charts this was a big college song um so I'm gonna move move ahead a little bit okay so this is what's I like this about this [Music] really tucked back local and then [Music] foreign [Music] yeah so the bridge it's uh I mean we're in in uh before this part right we we uh there's so it modulates uh [Music] second time down foreign I just think that's really hip this is a forest the cures first single like I said it's set up where the Cure was going uh I'll give you another one of my favorite Cure songs [Music] foreign [Music] this was a pretty big hit one of their biggest [Music] great lyrics in my eyes cause boys [Music] okay so one really great thing when you go you really can almost like a new way Punk kind of a thing right uh on the hook what's great about it is that uh when he's doing the sustained um line right here when he says Boys Don't Cry listen [Music] I'll cry so [Music] you notice that he has that the the hook line over with a counter Melody the counter Melody being the guitar hook it's really uh [Music] um [Music] um he has the counter Melody there uh but then when the bass descends he leaves a space for the vocals very very um perfect book writing [Music] one of the things though that um that I um to me the cures um there there's an element of them there's a goth element there's a I want to say a psychedelic element and and um I one thing struck me I was reading an article at one point that said that Robert Smith would do these are on later records like um like wish for example which to me is absolutely phenomenally well recorded record in addition to it being a great great the songs are amazing in it but I heard that Robert Smith I don't know if this is true was a huge Neil Young fan okay and he uh would record multiple tracks of feedback uh just to create this Ambience for the background because there's so many beautiful uh guitar um layers that are on these records which is really what what I loved about them and this to me was kind of a um was a precursor to um to shoegaze music you know um Okay so um I'm gonna continue on there's another one of my favorites this is off disintegration [Music] this is Lullaby great lick [Music] here's another thing I love it about it listen to the bass Stone [Music] I love how it's like it's got such tone this is really beautiful sonically wow [Music] this is one of the best records of the 80s disintegration [Music] so so um lullaby Killer song all of these songs doesn't matter even the first single that they had the first record is extremely well recorded and I have to think that um that the band really knew how to orchestrate their songs um Giga death thank you and uh Neo men512 thank you very much the uh the band understood how to put Arrangements together and this was a really important thing and and something that I dug about them that um uh the the songwriting was so strong but also the arrangements the parts and the playing was great this is you know obviously the whey pre-pro tools everybody needed to be able to play then and this is just brilliant brilliant layering and mood um mood music okay let's talk about a couple other songs here um you guys know this one this is from the head on the door record this is close to me [Music] the claps they're in each speaker [Music] everything's up front up front and tight [Music] really stylized vocal too this is to me at the the super dry a mix of this is amazing right they really you can't pin down the Cure as to one style because there are so many influences that are part of their music when you think the Cure is like an atmospheric goth band uh or that they're you know that they have psychedelic moments or they're a kind of a punk band you know and then they have this and this this is like pop but super dry in your face with really brilliant keyboard work on it as well so they always had the great guitar parts really great guitar lines as we'll we'll talk about here um but they they incredibly brilliant synth Parts too uh here's another one of my favorites um uh I want um this is off wish this is one of their biggest singles [Music] I have to change the cars slightly Out Of Tune with standard tuning [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so today [Music] oh I love that [Music] you got hand claps of all these linear Parts in the guitars there's so much layering here this is exactly the opposite of close to me this is um highly layered incredible uh Ambience going on there this is a really completely different band from close to me right from the head on the door sound but it sounds like the Cure and the thing thank you Sean the thing that connects it all is Robert Smith vocal right his vocal stylings the way he uses emotion with his voice this song is a a perfectly written pop song heart attack [Music] looking back it's Friday I'm in love that [Music] oh man [Music] do you notice too that how clean that guitar is that's in stereo that it's listen to this guitar part here and that's that comes in in this listen [Music] there are so many guitar layers but it's so clear oh my God it's amazing right [Music] and the and the vocals there's so much space for the vocal it's unbelievable [Music] dude just absolutely brilliant everything about this a perfect melody the vocal is could not be placed better with the EQ in the mix especially when the uh when the mix is so dense I mean the mix is dense but his voice cuts through perfectly you can hear it so clearly I think a lot of it too is the um is the hard panning of the instruments I think that's a big um Rhett is on here red says the song slaps it does slap the the panning of it is just perfect perfect okay um I want to play you this song um well let's talk about this next here uh this is another song off that record which is another [Music] another one of my favorites this is high I think this is the first song on the record [Music] beautiful riffs so you notice they have these these inversions [Music] this is what's so cool so it's right um [Music] um [Applause] you got the suspended cord you have a first inversion major chord that it starts on Robert Smith is always looking for those kind of guitar hooks like that the guitar hooks keyboard hooks anything that that grabs your ear that's melodic that's unusual that's a very unusual guitar partner house payments you want to try great drumming too [Music] [Applause] [Music] another thing about this if you guys are playing along trying to play along with this um This Record uh Friday I'm in Love and this song I don't know if all the songs are sharp but they're all um not a quarter step but I'd say about 4 45 or so they're tuned a little bit high so if you're trying to play along with them you'll have to tune your guitar up so here's the diff listen that's standard tuning it like it's not quite a quarter step it's close to a quarter step though right so that doesn't sound good uh so if so like I said if you want to play along with that that's um that's what you what you do okay this song uh let me let me just say um one of the important things that that I do in these things are playing along with the songs now I don't practice these songs I play them I hear what they're doing and I know um I know what the chords are when I as soon as I hear them right I know that that starts with the first inversion a major chord I just know that because I can hear through uh my experience I know what a first inversion major chord sounds like right and I've talked about this in other episodes developing a vocabulary of recognized sounds when you want to be able to figure out things by ear the fastest way to do this there's two different things you need to do you need to understand interval relationships between the bass notes and you have to understand you have to be able to hear if there's something is inverted if a chord's inverted or not right so the order of notes if it has a riff like this song does that starts with a actually starts with the um there were the first inversion a major chord that starts on the Note C sharp so there's a few things going on here I've I have this vocabulary of recognized sound uh recognized sounds or chords okay so I don't have perfect pitch but it's like having Perfect Pitch and that's what ear training develops and this is what my ear training course does I'll give you one more plug I've got my bundle on sale uh through Christmas night at midnight so if you want to get it as a present I've got my ear training course uh my biato book interactive which is my 500 page book along with video lectures and and other video demonstrations along with audio examples for everything my beater guitar course and my intermediate guitar courses which is my quick lessons Pro get all those for 109 bucks it's the 330 dollar savings this is how I do this stuff though I don't have to practice this I remembered that the songs are sharp though okay another song uh that I did this is a song that I did what makes a song great [Music] this is one of the best songs ever [Music] and I do a really um detailed breakdown of this oh [Music] how you do that trick so this is really great all these droning kind of Parts you have the synth line you have the it's so simple right but layered with everything out with everything together the uh the the synth line that happens here it's like every single phrase there's something new that enters and it adds without being cluttered foreign [Music] oh when the line reverses and goes up [Music] the keys drop right there right [Music] how you do it then you bring in that other guitar there and then the synth comes back in there and then they have drum hooks so it's not only that they have guitar hooks that they have keyboard hooks the drum hooks is amazing right so they have space for us [Music] and I also love the fact that it's done with a uh a China symbol there because it's so rock but it's so understated [Music] this is the kiss me kiss me kiss me record [Music] okay there's a uh there's a comment in here that I agree with 100 no one has a better dark to light range who said that uh cortical one perfectly put no no band has a good of dark to light range I like that that's very true okay but that's not my favorite song of The Cure my favorite song of The Cure which um it's not even on one of their records it was a b side as a matter of fact I believe it was the B side to the song high off off of um wish and I went to look for it and it's actually only on join the uh join the dots b-sides and Rarities 1978 to 2001. um and it's called this Twilight article [Music] man [Music] talk about this at the beginning of the Stream [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] I mean come on beautiful [Music] how did this not make the record for the song [Music] oh so sad [Music] you're on this Echo guitars and then here [Music] teaching [Music] to do which I like [Music] the words [Music] right here [Music] take care [Music] [Music] and then there's this is just unbelievable that's one of my favorite songs ever this Twilight guard not even on a record it was the B side to high I'm pretty sure and they don't even have an extended version of it they have the demo or the instrumental version on Spotify of this which doesn't sound anything like it um and then so I was like where is this song so I had to actually type it in it's on their b-sides record EMF thank you for the uh for the happy uh happy holidays old man I really appreciate this Douglas thank you so much and Qui habit nil per I don't know what that means thank you Rick it says really appreciate that um uh uh I would really you know if you're gonna get into the Cure if you're not familiar with the Cure um I'm trying to to um wait we have a good comment here hold on it did make the record because the grand Wizards at the label enjoy money more than music said not this song is that Mark do you know that for a fact or what I don't believe that that's true how could that be true this is one of the best songs this is one of my favorite songs I and I know it when I bought the single because I used to buy singles back then and when I bought I bought the single to high uh when the record came out I mean I was a massive cure fan This Record came out probably 91 maybe I think I you guys probably is it 91 when to come out 91 92 I don't even I'm not sure but um uh the cure somebody type in the chat there what year it came out uh but so I bought 92. so I bought the record I bought the single right and I and um I think because I went to a listening station or something and I heard this Twilight garden and I I bought it and I um went home and I listened to it and I just listened to that song over and over and over and I could not believe that it didn't make the record but it didn't matter because because and I used to tell all my friends hey have you heard this Cura song have you heard the new record oh I love the new record I said you know this thing this Twilight garden and I said No and then I would play it for him so uh let's see Sammy says uh Rick thank you for the Christmas bundle as a Pianist my goal for next year is learn how to play songs by ear once I've accomplished that I plan on starting your guitar program all all included it's all included this is the thing if you want to start your guitar uh playing after working on your your ear and your piano playing and learning your theory you can get you get the beginner guitar course it all comes with it it's only one price that's the thing about the stuff that I sell on my um that all my courses are just one-time pay there's no yearly fee or anything like that you know just pay once you get your license and that's it you got it so um get the ear training course be auto book get beginner guitar course and the quick lessons Pro more advanced or intermediate to Advanced course and everything and this is how you can go and figure out these songs by ear now some of you can figure them out by ear anyways but the fine tuning to get all the parts right uh that's really the key to becoming a great player becoming more of a professional uh player is to uh is to be able to pick things out that other people can't I mean that's really the skill when I did my first um band practice when I was in in 1976 or 77 when I went to my friend Andy's house to he gave me a list of songs to learn to to play in a band cover songs and I've talked about this before but one of them was long distance run around don't tell me why he did by yes another one was Don't Take Me Alive by Steely Dan right and then he had Led Zeppelin on there he had a Triumph song Bring It On home I think it was it was the weirdest group of songs but when his brother heard me play the solo to Don't Take Me Alive his brother was a great guitar player John and he couldn't believe he said how did you figure that out and I didn't realize that it was difficult um but I would just sit there and play the stuff and listen to it until I got it right right so you just you know um now this stuff is so much easier and there were things that I wish that I could have learned back then but I didn't have the chops for or didn't have the knowledge uh maybe to pick out all the different chords like some of the Steely Dan chords for example that are on um on the Asia record that I didn't know some of the inversions and things like that or these kind of chords you know when it's going like uh uh [Music] well when it does that uh apart after the intro right hard to play here [Music] um those kind of voicings I could figure out but like the first this this this voicing here I would play I'd say it sounds like it's there's a C major chord in there it would take me a while to do that because I'd never seen anyone play chord voicings like that right that I recognize was like oh that's a Jimi Hendrix chord and that one was like well that's I I used then I started to say okay then you start noticing those kind of voicings are all over that Steely Dan record so this is why ear training is good right uh to be able to pick these things out in the Cure it's picking out all the single line parts and knowing how to play them uh so that's my that's my cure thing okay as a song My Favorite cure song is this Twilight Garden the the best cure song is Just Like Heaven with a lot of close seconds I mean Friday I'm in Love uh you know in between days Boys Don't Cry all those songs are great lullaby has a phenomenal guitar hook in it um but if I was gonna sit down and listen to a song I would listen to um I probably listen to this Twilight Garden I'd listen to uh hi and I'd listen to Just Like Heaven uh those three songs to me really give me the the flavor of the Cure um and once again reading meeting Robert Smith was a very big thing to me if anyone out there has a picture of it I met him in 2004 at 99x and there was a photographer there and somebody took a picture of me and him together and be cool to have so reach out to me let me know all right everybody have a Merry Christmas uh I'll have a new video I've got a new interview with Tim Henson from polyphia coming out I have an interview with Keith Jarrett coming out that I just did but that's probably not going to be out for about a month or so that's a very long interview that was a real real honor to to meet Keith I mean one of the biggest honors of my life and um I'm really excited about that and a lot of other stuff so uh Paolo thank you so much appreciate that I see Joy Division things are moving really fast here what makes the sun great okay there you go your English is perfectly good okay you guys are amazing have a great Christmas we'll see ya
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 504,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beato Ear Training, Beato Book, Rick Beato, music education, pop music, Music theory, ear training, piano, guitar theory, rick beato music theory, Producer, Rick Beato Music, Recording, Rock Music, Acoustic Guitar, The Cure music, The Cure concerts, The Cure lyrics, The Cure songs, The Cure music video, The Cure greatest hits, Robert smith, just like heaven, boys dont cry, friday im in love, close to me, wish the cure, emo rock, disintegration, seventeen seconds
Id: W29W1W_nkVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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