What Is the Book of Philippians All About?

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[Music] Philippians is an exciting book it is not too much longer than some of the emails we get it is packed with encouragement and excitement it's engaging its emotional so this is that kind of letter that's a quick read it's one that you don't want to put down until you finish it off the theme of Philippians I would say is this how to have the mind of Christ in the body of Christ how to have God's attitude God's mindset God's thinking as you function within the body of Christ and it's all replete throughout the four chapters of Philippians there are two words that actually come up over and over and over again that prove that that's really the reoccurring theme throughout Philippians one is the word mind and another word is really interesting the first mind the word mind is a it's comes from an ancient Greek word the New Testament originally translated in Koine Greek so we can kind of go back to those writings and kind of see the vividness of the word well the word mind is translated from the word from now and it's it's a term that means to have the same attitude think the same way be mindful of the same things well how do we know that having the attitude or mindset of Christ is the theme well here's an interesting step the Apostle Paul wrote 13 letters Romans first second Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians 4 second thessalonians 4 saint timothy titus philemon out of all of his letters and we custom in the New Testament you know word count from largest to smallest you know 9 churches and forth people out of all those letters he uses Frenette oh this ancient word 23 times 10 of the 23 almost half occur in this little four chapter letter of Philippians this little four letter for chapter letter of Philippians is packed with teaching about thinking like Christ it is replete the second keyword that we know the theme of Philippians is having the mind of Christ in the body of Christ is the little word you y-o-u if you study the word you which sounds totally insignificant in the ancient language is actually plural I know in some cultures I grew up in the north my wife grew up in the south we say you to mean one person or we say Y all you know in some places would to mean plural well in English it's just you and you and you kind of have to discern is singular or plural well if you look at the language it was written in all the y-o-u words you in flipping z' with one exception is plural it's talking to believers about interacting with each other to have the same thinking that Christ did about the body of Christ so the book of Philippians tells you how to have a healthy ministry how to have a healthy ministry team how to interact in a healthy manner within your little pocket of the kingdom puzzle or within your family how do have a Christ centered Christ thinking christ-like attitudes as you function within yourselves and as you do that Philippians then says it just throws a ton of topics you can have the mind of Christ when you're happy flipping is chapter 1 verse 1-3 you can have the mind of Christ when you're getting slandered Philippians 1 12 through 18 and following you can have the mind of Christ when you're longing to go home to heaven Philippians 1:12 and following at the end of Philippians 3 as well you can have the mind of Christ when you're trying to figure out what the right thing to do in life is flipping chapter 2 you you can have the mind of Christ and the right thinking when you're almost at the point of death the end of Philippians two and a Patras is almost to the point of death you can have the mind of Christ even when you're still learning about how to do this Christian life middle Philippians two with Timothy he's a younger minister growing up you can have the mind of Christ when you're getting slandered and false teachers are coming in they're slamming you for being a believer in Christ you can have the mind of Christ Philippians chapter 3 you can have the mind of Christ when you're anxious Philippians chapter 4 being just for nothing you can have the mind of Christ when you a base in a bar when you have plenty in once and that's why at the end of flipping chapter 4 says I can do all things I can do all this I can make it why because in whatever life situation Philippians says you can have the mindset of Christ you can have the mindset of Christ in your life and in your ministry and in your family and in your Christian walk it's a great read and I encourage every Christian that to be one of the first things they read
Channel: Bible Study Tools Videos
Views: 16,044
Rating: 4.9107141 out of 5
Keywords: Ben Gutierrez, Liberty University, Philippians, about, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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