What Is the Best Belt for EDC?

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So today we're talking about often overlooked accessory in your EDC lineup and that's going to be a good quality belt an actual EDC belt and a belt designed for everyday carry there are many manufacturers out there that make really good belts so there are four things that make a belt a good option for EDC and we're going to talk about those and might be things you might not have thought of before these four things are number one quality number two Comfort number three sturdiness number four is convenience so let's talk about quality first now I bought many belts in the past and these belts are typically going to be found at your big box stores something like that and all of these belts eventually over time have worn out leather pieces of fiber little shards of leather falling off the belt I've had these belts actually the buckles pull out eventually so it kind of sucks when you're carrying or when you have loose pants and then your belt snaps when you're tightening it down all that so quality is really important you're gonna find quality on a lot of them modern day EDC belt so you're going to pay a little bit more than your standard Wally World type belt the belt's actually going to hold up and it's going to be rigid I have a really thin belt right here now I barely use this belt but this is like a standard dress belt except it has a little ratcheting system and here's two examples of really sturdy EDC belts this one is made by next belt this one is made by We the People the next thing we're going to talk about is sturdiness dress belt it's only job is to hold your pants up that's pretty much it the job of an EDC belt like this next belt right here it's going to be to hold your pants up and it's going to be to hold your firearm up of your concealed carry weapon one thing that's really important in the sturdiness aspect of the EDC belt is going to be how rigid does the belt stay can it keep its form so your standard dress belt right here kind of floppy if you see right here when you hold it up in a circle it's not too bad but I mean it just flops around when you hold the EDC belt up it's rigid it's not going anywhere it's going to maintain its form and that's really going to convert over to comfort which we're going to talk about in a little bit so a belt that can maintain its form and not get too distorted with additional weight it really helps in the comfort aspect right here I have one of the new Springfield Hellcat pros and I've attached it to this We the People belt and you can see how rigid this is that holster everything it stays intact if you hold the belt like this long ways round it's very rigid that's going to keep that gun securely on your hip let's test out the other belts as well this belt this belt is the core Essentials this is the one I've been wearing for about two years now and again very rigid not quite as rigid as the We the People gun belt but still very rigid it keeps its form here's the next belt and this one actually feels a little bit more rigid than the core Essentials belt but still I mean it holds it very well nice and tight this one's kind of cool it's actually like a ratcheting Walmart belt but I put the gun on it and look that's why it's important to have an EDC belt that's meant for EDC concealed carry stuff like that so next we're going to talk about Comfort the question is what's going to make you wear a belt now if the belt is uncomfortable if it doesn't fit right are you going to wear it probably not there are some belts out there that are pretty uncomfortable that might be because of the Buckle how big the Buckle is it can be the material of the belt itself so I will say this dress belt's pretty comfortable but it won't hold up my gun well and that's the problem so what happens is when you use a regular belt that's not meant for EDC and isn't sturdy it you have to cinch it down nice and tight to be able to hold up that firearm now let me tell you this I've concealed carry way before I have actually used a quality EDC belt I used to buy the cheap belts for that and I never realized how nice it is to have a form-fitting belt a cheap dress belt something like that the problem is you have to cinch it down tight that's going to really affect Comfort because now you have the super tight thing around your waist just to keep your gun in the proper position a good comfortable belt is going to be critical in helping you make the choice to carry that day convenience again just like the previous category if it's inconvenient you're more than likely not going to carry it because it's inconvenient and humans in general don't want to be inconvenienced I totally get it and I'm that same way there's a lot of belts out there that are good EDC belts good gun belts stuff like that but they're kind of a pain to put on in the morning and I'm going to talk about one of those belts as well now it's a great belt and it's actually one of my favorite belts but it does kind of lack in that convenience area the important thing make sure the belt that you buy is convenient so you wear it so I have three EDC belts I'm going to talk about with you guys real quick and those three are going to be the core Essentials track gun belt the other one's going to be the next belt Supreme carry belt and the last one is going to be the We the People gun belt with the Talon Buckle let's start with the core Essentials I've been using that belt for a long time just over two years now used it almost every single day and I still use it in my rotation if I feel like wearing that belt I'll still wear it so I was a little concerned with the nylon track inside the belt if it's going to wear out over time or if the lever to release that belt is going to wear out which it hasn't it's been holding up just fine so it's a great belt and it's extremely convenient because of that track system that ratcheting belt system you take those belts you stick them together you press them and then it snaps into place it's easy to release also so the next belt that we're talking about is actually made by next belt and it's called the Supreme appendix it's an EDC belt now this is the belt that I've actually started using more now and the reason being because that buckle on the belt is actually a lot thinner than your standard ratcheting style belts so it doesn't take up as much room if you want to carry in the appendix which I kind of carry more like a two o'clock kind of position so it's kind of appendix but you don't have to move that Buckle over as far in order to carry appendix so they've really answered that issue that people had with the ratcheting belts the nice thing about the Supreme EDC as well is again it's a very rigid belt just like the core belt and it's that ratcheting system makes it really easy to take put on your belt loosen it take it off very convenient the last belt we're going to talk about is the We the People gun belt with that Talon Buckle this is one of my favorite belts because it's so sturdy the problem with the belt is it's kind of a pain to put on that's because you actually have to take that Buckle off and loop it through your pant Loops once you Loop it through your pant Loops you can put that Buckle back on and then it's really easy to loosen tighten all that stuff it's probably the most sturdy belt I have out of the other EDC belts but again it kind of is affected by the convenience factor it's not very convenient so I don't wear as much if I'm going to the ranger to go do some shooting I might be willing to take a little extra time to fish that thing through my pant loops and then attach the Buckle and all that but for my everyday carry when I just throw on a pair of pants and loop a belt through and go it's just a little inconvenient which is stopping me from wearing it as much try to pick a good belt that you've read good reviews on I'm not trying to promote any belt in particular but there are a lot of good belts out there tons of Manufacturers are making great EDC options and new stuff is coming out every day new technology all that stuff so just make sure that you're doing your research and make sure that belt is a good quality material and it's made by a a good company as well so thank you all so much keep your pants up I'll see you guys
Channel: The Armory Life
Views: 70,994
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Id: bh1DS5q-kvs
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Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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