What is subnetting and why to subnet

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very Smith here again we are going to start getting into subnetting but before I actually start showing you how to something that we need to really a need to tell you a few bits of information to kind of help you understand what in the world you're doing because one of the things that happened to me when I was learning subnetting is I was told the the how I was told how to subnet I was told all the math and stuff involved and I could mimic the numbers but I didn't really understand why I was doing it what was the purpose you know why would anybody want to do this so it's very important I think it's very important to get the point across as to what subnetting is and why you would even want to do it to begin with so I got a couple questions here on the board that I want to answer for you the first one says why do we want to subnet a network and the second one is what is subnetting period I mean just what is subnet essentially let's do the second question first subnetting the word subnet is short for some network so in essence what you have is you have a network that you're going to be working on think of it as like your your company's network the business you work for their network you have a network one network that runs your company and what you want to do is you want to take that network and you want to break it into smaller pieces you want to create what's called some networks it's a sub network of your overall network so subnetting is in essence breaking something down into smaller pieces and the easiest way that I think that can explain this is by you know everybody's ordered a pizza before and everybody's had a pizza delivered to their house or went and got a pizza somewhere if you think about it when you purchase a pizza you purchase one whole pizza and when when you open the box the pizza is right there it's round assuming it's round somewhere can be square I know but it's round and it is one whole pizza you bought one whole pizza but you don't eat the whole pizza not at least in one sitting what you do is you eat the pizza in slices so in essence they take that one whole pizza and they chop it up into smaller pieces that is easier for you to eat but how many pizzas do you have you still have one you have one pizza that's broken into smaller pieces to make it easier for you to manage these if you handle well this is the same concept the exact same concept for subnetting you have one network one whole network that you're going to break down into smaller pieces so that you can manage the network easier you can organize things better and in fact that leads us into the top question up here which is why do you want a something that a network what what benefits what is the reasoning behind doing this other than it's on a test it's a book you know why would you want to do this well there are three basic reasons there are three main reasons why you would want to subnet a network the first is security security is huge in the world today you see it on the news all the time there are you know terrorist attacks there are all sorts of hacking going on so security in general is very important and your network security is also very important you have a lot of information a lot of data stored on your network that you do not want people to get access to it can be anything from personal records to a top-secret project that your company is working on that you just don't want to fall into the wrong hands so security something a network actually brings security to your network another thing that happens when you submit is organization organization you're organizing your network you can take each piece of your network and you can assign it to a particular division or particular department within your company for instance you can take one slice here and put everyone in your company that's in say Human Resources they might be in this slice and only Human Resources be in that slice whereas the very next one it might be your Salesforce and only your Salesforce next could be just your IT department and so on and so on you know really the possibilities are endless so you can organize your network and by organizing with people organizing I can't even talk organizing your network with people that have like jobs allow you to secure the network better I'll explain that more in just a minute and the third thing that subletting gives you is performance smaller networks tend to be faster networks so you have the ability to increase network performance by isolating each one of these networks away from each other and it can make your network run a little bit faster now the security the organized organization and the performance this all comes from again taking your one whole network here and breaking it into smaller pieces now the way that this really works and the way that this functions so well is from use of one network device that you should already have a little bit of experience with and that network device is called a router a router is a network device that has one function in life well I should say one main function in life and that function is to connect different networks together well what signifies a different network a different network is signified by its network ID or if you've seen the other video about the telephone remember the network ID and the area code are really the same thing so a router takes the different area codes or the different network IDs and allows them to connect together allows them to talk so in essence if we take our little pizza analogy here and we take each slice as a sub Network or a small piece of our overall network if we were to put a router here in the middle so we make a router go in the middle we can allow all these other networks to talk to one another but the beautiful thing is is that since we're the network administrator we control this we control this router which means that we control all access from one network to another network if we don't want certain people to access human resources they won't because we will block them if we want to give them access we can we will the cool part about this is that you have what's called a single point of administration so you can administer the router no matter how many people you have out here on the network those people must go through your router to get to another location therefore if I manage this one router if I manage this one place every to go from one network to another must go through here and then over there and so I could manage that they have to go through me it's a wonderful thing that gives us our security obviously the organization we could break things down by organizing our departments or organizing our divisions within our company each division or each department has its own sub Network and then the performance again performance increases usually these are smaller smaller pieces of the overall pie so the smaller piece gives us a little bit better performance so this is what subnetting is the basic basics of what subnetting is as well as you know why would you want to do this here's why you want to do it now we have to learn how how to do it we have to go through how to subnet and I'm telling you so far I'm hoping that you see these videos make things pretty easy because they are pretty easy it's not people they make this more complicated than it really is and I'm going to show you here in just a minute that subnetting is actually a lot easier do you think it might be so stay tuned and we'll go to the next lesson have a good day
Channel: Berry Smith
Views: 230,878
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Id: -yz3FV8WliU
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Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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