What is Product Backlog | How to create & prioritize Product backlog | Scrum Artifacts | eSeekho

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[Music] Hello friends and welcome back to the agile scrum project management series this video is a second part of scrum artifacts as you know we already discussed different type of artifacts including main scrum artifact and extended scrum artifact in our previous video now in this video we will discuss product backlog and understand what the product backlog is what product backlog contains and how product backlog is prepared then we will also see the properties of product backlog items so let's go ahead and look at the product backlog item well whenever a scrum Team Works on any project or product the entire project is divided into a list of items for team to work on that list contains all the required things which needs to be done within a project this list is prepared according to the customer's requirement that he wants to have in the project or the final product which is known as product backlog list so we can say that the product backlog is a list of new features enhancement bug fixes tasks or other work requirement that is needed to build a product [Music] it is prepared based on market demand competition analysis General business analysis and as per customer needs the important point is that the product backlog is a live artifact which means it is updated every time whenever new information is available basically the product backlog replaces the traditional requirement specification artifacts so in simple words we can say the product backlog items are user-centric that contains both Technical and non-technical information [Music] next let us understand who is the owner of backlog items the owner of the product backlog items is Scrum product owner who is sometimes referred to as the product owner the product owner creates these backlog items based on the discussion with decline and their requirement and uses the backlog items during the Sprint planning meeting to describe the top entries for the team to add to the Sprint back law then the scrum team determines which item they can complete during the coming Sprint [Music] that simply means the product backlog is a set of multiple epics features user stories and tasks apart from this as I mentioned earlier the product backlog also contains a list of new features any additional changes that need to be made to the existing feature bug fixes changes to the infrastructure and several other activities then the team must deliver to ensure a particular outcome so the product backlog is a full list of work items that need to be delivered as a part of any project and as the project progresses a lot of new backlog items would be added to the product backlog list as the Dynamics of particular scenario keeps changing and based on the scenario the work item are reprioritized and additional work items are kept added to the backlog list depending on those Dynamics [Music] the next topic is the properties of product backlog items well each backlog item in the product backlog list has certain properties that differentiate it from a simple to-do list such as add value backlog is ordered different level of details all entries are estimated the scrum product backlog is a limit document no low level tasks now let's understand each of these topics one by one the first one is add value every entry in the product backlog item always adds value for the customer [Music] next is backlog is ordered all the entries in the backlog are prioritized and ordered the product owner prioritizes the backlog items with the help of scrum team on the basis of added value cost and risk which are the most common factor for prioritization with this prioritization product owner decides what should be done next foreign level of details the requirement in the product backlog have different granularity so only those requirements are defined in Greater details which has high priority and will be implemented during one of the next Sprint so the level of details depends on the position of the entry within the product backlog okay then we have all entries are estimated it simply means all the entries of the product backlog must be estimated according to the agreed definition then this estimation can be used to prioritize entries in the product backlog and to plan release the product backlog is a living document [Music] which means the new requirements can be added and the existing requirements can be modified at any point of time throughout the project which ultimately maximizes the customer value and minimizes the development efforts then we have no low level task actually the product backlog should not contain the detailed required information ideally the final requirement are defined together with the customer during this print and the further breakdown of these requirements is the responsibility of the scrum team now let us move ahead and understand the working of the product backlog item [Music] the product backlog items need regular attention and they need to be managed carefully for a project that means at the start of any project the product owner and the scrum team should start by writing down everything they can think of easily that is always more than enough for the first Sprint then after this initial step the product backlog should be maintained in an ongoing process and must follow some steps in those steps are addition of new item ordering backlog prepare high priority item re-estimation of entries now let's understand each of these addition of new item while working on any Sprint whenever new items are discovered they should be described and added to the list and at the same time existing item should be updated or changed if required [Music] next is ordering of backlog once the new item is added to the product backlog list the most important backlog item should be moved to the top of the list and based on the New Order the product owner should prepare the high priority items for the next Sprint planning meeting and then finally re-estimate the entries in the background list this is how the products backlog items are managed so it's the product owner's responsibility to make sure that the backlog items are good in shape and it is a collaborative process the collaborative maintenance of the product backlog helps to clarify the requirement so during the Sprint in the scrum framework 10 of the total time should be reserved for maintaining the product backlog mainly for discussion estimation or for other activities now let's summarize the video so in today's video we understand what product backlog is what it contains who is the owner of backlog items how the backlog is prepared and the properties of product backlog items in the next video we will continue the Instagram artifact and we'll cover the remaining main artifacts till then thanks for listening have a nice day foreign [Music]
Channel: Vikas Rajoria
Views: 282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scrum artifacts, Product backlog, what is product backlog, product backlog in agile, product backlog in Scrum, Properties of product backlog, characteristics of product backlog, how to create product backlog, what product backlog contains, Agile project management, how to prioritize product backlog, backlog prioritization, product backlog vs sprint backlog, scrum product backlog, eSeekho, scrum guide, agile product ownership in nutshell, scrum artifacts in agile
Id: aH6d2A0UibM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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