What is Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)? Simple Explanation for Beginners

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hello friends and welcome to study tonight calm today in this video we will be talking about a very important programming concept known as the object-oriented programming object-oriented programming or OOP Oh Opie is widely used concept in programming and almost all the modern languages except C language for those who principle it is a programming style that is associated with the concept of class objects and various other concepts revolving around these two like inheritance polymorphism abstraction encapsulation etcetera if you're starting with C++ or Java or Python you will soon be introduced to classes and in no time the word object will start following you like shadow so before ooo-ooo P starts to haunt you it's better to know who so that when you first see its implementation you embrace it with a smile the objective of this video is to discuss and understand the concept of class objects inheritance abstraction encapsulation and polymorphism let us try to understand a little about all these through a simple example human beings are living forms broadly categorized into two types male and female right it's true every human being male or female have two legs two hands two eyes one nose one heart etc there are body parts that are common for male and female but then there are some specific body parts present in a male which are not present in a female and some body parts present in female but not in males not getting into specifics here but we know that a male and a female are different physically also all human beings walk eat see talk here etcetera now again both male and female perform some common functions but there are some specifics to both which is generally not valid for the other for example a female can give birth while a male cannot so this is only for the female human anatomy is interesting isn't it but let's see how all this is related to herbs now I will try to explain all the hoops concept using this example and later we will have the technical definition for all these first is class here in our example we can take human being as a class when God's would have decided to design humans they must have had some basic set of features in their mind initially and then later on the concept of male and female would have hit them let's not get too mythical here so basically a class is a blueprint with core features and functions set like human being having body parts like legs and hands etc and performing actions like walking breathing eating etc next is inheritance considering human being a class which has properties like hands legs eyes etc and functions like walk talk eat see etcetera male and female are also classes but most of the properties and functions are included already in the human being class hence they can inherit everything from the class human being using the concept of inheritance so when we say a male and a female both inherit the class human being we mean that as they have some common features which we have already implemented in the human being class hence we do not have to implement them again in the male and female classes they can simply inherit them from the class human being so that is the concept of inheritance next is object my name is Abhishek and I am an instance of class mail because I'm a male obviously when we say human being male or female we just mean a kind you your friend me we are the forms of these classes we have a physical existence while a class is just a logical definition we are the objects so male is a class of which I am an object object with the name Abhishek next is the concept of abstraction abstraction means showcasing only the required things to the outside world while hiding the details continuing our example human beings can talk walk here eat but the details are hidden from the outside world we can take our skin as the abstraction factor in our case hiding the inside mechanism from the outside world then we have encapsulation so the concept of encapsulation is a little tricky to explain with an example but I will try our hands help us to hold things at legs are bound to help us walk this finding of properties to functions is called encapsulation last but not least polymorphism so polymorphism is a concept which allows us to redefine the way something works by either changing how it is done or by changing the parts using which it has done both the ways have different terms for them one is called overriding and the other one is called overloading so let's see what overloading and overriding means so if we walk using our hands for example we start walking using our hands and not legs here we will change the part used to perform something hence this is overloading so when we have a function which has for example one argument and the function is operating on that argument and now for the same function we start taking a different argument so this is called overloading where the arguments have changed the number of argument or the type of the argument changes whereas overriding is a little bit different from this if the defined way of walking for example everyone walks in the direction of their face what if someone asks you to walk and you start walking backwards so now you're walking but you're walking differently so this is overriding when you change the mechanism of function it is called overriding so this is all about loops I know it's too much to take in one go but take your time let the concept sink in and we will also be covering all these concepts and individual videos so that you can understand everything in a better way so stay tuned and do not forget to subscribe to our Channel and wish you all a very very happy new year
Channel: Studytonight
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Keywords: object-oriented programming, object oriented programming, what is object oriented programming, oop concepts, oops concept in c++, oops concept in java, oops concept in python, basic concept of oops, basic concept of object orienter programming, what is oops, simple explanation for oops, oops video for beginners, oops explanation for beginners, oops for beginners, oops concept with example
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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