What is MQTT Protocol ? How it works ? | 2022

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to understand mqtt protocol let's first understand why mqtt was developed before 1999 oil and gas industry was facing big problem of data exchange from oil and gas pipelines to scada systems oil and gas industry especially well hats and pipelines are normally located in very remote location it is very difficult to get the data from instruments and rtus to scada system to access data we have options like serial communication satellite low bandwidth radio wave systems due to remote location and network bandwidth issues we can't get the data on time even if we get responses very bad due to the bandwidth limitation mqtt was developed and invented in 1999 by engineers andy stanford clerk and allen nipper to solve all discus problems mqtt is a protocol that works with the low cost and low bandwidth our unstable connection with mqtt protocol now you can get the data from all remote sites using low bandwidth quickly and effectively let's understand mqtt protocol with the help of simple day-to-day live example let's consider example of a youtube youtube working is similar to mqtt protocol so let's talk about how youtube works like it automation academy's youtube channel there are more than 37 million youtube channels out there because you are subscribed to my youtube channel whenever i am gonna publish a video you would definitely get an update on your youtube homepage you are gonna be seeing more videos recommended from the youtube channels that you are already subscribed to so the youtube works on publish and subscribe mechanism we would relate this example in order to understand mqtt concept in easy to understand way mqtt protocol or message queue telemetry protocol works on publish and subscribe mechanism mqtt have one thing what we call it mqtt broker or server mqtt broker is heart of an mqtt protocol the broker is responsible for receiving all the messages filter these messages decide who is interested in them and then publish these message to all subscribe client so in the middle you see right now we have mqtt broker our server to understand this concept let's understand this with the help of simple example of a shell plant for instance you talk about shell oil and gas plant there are different areas in that particular plant for instance we have area one in area one we have a one instrument for measuring temperature this would act as a client in our architecture the client would publish the information to the broker in mqtt there are two important things topic message or payload the mqtt topics are a form of addressing that allows mqtt client to share information topic explains the structure of the data in our case you can see here we have a plant name shell and then we have area one and then we have a temperature you can see topics are represented with strings separated by forward slash each forward slash indicate a topic level and the second important thing is the message our payload this is the actual value of the temperature for instance in our case you can see here the payload or message value would be 32 centigrade so now for instance whenever this client publishes information what would happen there would be entry on a broker side as well for that for instance you see here in a shell we have area 1 in area 1 we have a temperature value 32 so this is how the entry would be registered into mqtt broker so mqtt broker would be having information of all the clients and their published information now for instance any client is subscribed to that particular information for instance you see here the application running on this laptop is subscribed to the temperature so now you can see here whenever this particular client would publish his information as this client is subscribed to that particular information the broker will send or publishes that information to that specific client you can see here this temperature value 32 centigrade is published to this client now the this particular client have information of that particular temperature value let's understand we have another app that is running on a mobile and that app is using this temperature value if this particular client application is subscribed to the temperature value whenever this client would publish that information mqtt broker would send that information up would publish that information to this particular mobile client as well so this is one client for instance what would happen if in the case we have another area on this particular area we have another client that is flow meter you can see here the flow over here is 25 meter cube per second this client would publish that information to the mqtt broker mqtt broker would receive that information and will make a new entry area 2 flow you can see here area 2 floor 25 meter cube per second and now for instance these two clients require that information they would subscribe to the flow and the flow would be published to this client as well and would be published to this client as well for ot cyber security point of view to protect this particular mqtt communication you need to place in a firewall and you would be just allowing outbound traffic from client to the broker this client would be using a specific single mqtt port to share the information to mqtt broker broker will send a responses back to the clients by using same outbound connections in mqtt protocol all clients can publish and subscribe let's understand what are the benefits of using mqtt protocol the beauty of mqtt protocol is it supports unreliable networks it have a reliable message delivery you can scale these protocols to millions of things and have a security feature enabled and it is lightweight and efficient in coming session we would understand more about mqtt protocol especially different versions of mqtt protocol that's all for today if you like this video consider hitting the like button if you haven't subscribed this youtube channel consider subscribing until next video take care and allah face you
Channel: IT and Automation Academy
Views: 65,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NXyf7tVsi10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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