What is Middleware? Service Oriented Architecture Explained

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[Music] welcome to the what is middleware series my name is John Brunswick we're going to discuss service-oriented architecture capabilities in order to do this we're going to continue to use our fictional towns middleware fields and coda a valley now in middleware fields there are very eco conscious community and because of this they want to enable all their employees to use public transportation to get to their work to cut down on pollution so an employee can take a bus to work take a ferry to work they can take the subway to work they can even use a ride-sharing service to get to work now at first this was a great idea and everybody was very excited about having all these different transportation services but some challenges arose when people changed their last name needed to update their billing information with one of these services each one of these services stored its customer information a little bit differently over at the bus they used a big mainframe computer to store all the information and you have to telephone in to the bus company to make sure that that information is updated and accurate for the ferry service they actually store everything with paper files so in order to get in touch with them you actually need to mail them to have them update their paper files over time this became really frustrating for the employees of middleware fields they said there has to be a better way I can't have the knowledge of each one of these systems and how to communicate with them it's just too complicated so what middleware fields did being the innovative group of people they were they created a transit pass now that transit pass all of a sudden gave one single place where people could go update change information without having to understand anything about the bus the ferry the rideshare or the subway companies in addition to that when a new form of transportation was introduced for instance community bicycle transportation or maybe they replaced the existing bus line nothing needed to change for the employees they could still use their transit pass and get access and work with all that information so what does this mean with enterprise IT within our companies we have a variety of different systems these could be ERP systems CRM systems financial systems web portals mobile portals what we're able to do using service-oriented architecture principles and capabilities is to take those systems and create a single way to communicate across them because one system might use cobalt to communicate another might use net and another might use Java they each have their own ways of working with code so the problem at big companies is you need skills in every single one of these if you want to for instance provide self-service online for people you need to cobble together all these existing services so using things like a service bus we're able to have a single place that everybody can communicate to that uses a single approach and uses a single skillset this means that if somebody wants to change their ERP they don't need to change all the ways in which the other systems talk to the ERP if the web portal and the CRM system both speak to that ERP because they do it through service-oriented architecture principles and something like a service bus we can swap out that ERP and not have to change the existing integrations we just need to change the one integration at the top typically for that ERP so this gives enterprise organizations a tremendous amount more flexibility it allows them to have an easier time managing their systems and a lower cost of Management this allows them to respond to business needs more quickly so as companies get more and more systems in order to reduce the complexity service-oriented architecture principles and the technologies like a service bus that support them provide tremendous value this has been what is middleware service-oriented architecture principles and capabilities
Channel: John Brunswick
Views: 300,165
Rating: 4.8646388 out of 5
Keywords: Middleware, SOA, Service Bus, Integration, Web Services
Id: 7s_S5Hkm7z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2013
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