What Is Meditation? J Krishnamurti

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Thanks for sharing, Krishnaji is forever an eternal friend.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/TheRevolutionaryArmy šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 22 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
meditation meditation is premade unpremeditated art have you got it am i right i said meditation is unpredictable meditated art you can't prepare for meditation there is no system no matter the system the method is [Music] premeditated somebody has thought he has meditated invented a system and we follow that hoping some thing to get someone has to find out what it is untrue and premeditated hearts which is meditation you understand we i'll go into it first of all we can banish all the systems all the methods the postures the breathing forcing the mind thought to control and so on so the controller is the controlled [Music] right thought creates the controller and then the controller says i must control thought in order to meditate or rather to meditate which is obviously silly so systems methods the idea of controlling thought or thought identifying itself with something a picture an image a symbol and concentrating on that even if you're following all this and there's this nonsensical transcendental meditation [Music] which is really a glorified racket money-making racket i know you won't like some of you who probably have done this you pay to your somebody 10 rupees or 10 000 rupees and if you get it straight from the horse's mouth you pay all your income and he gives you a mantra i've been told a mantra means the root meaning and the depth of that word means panda consider meditate upon not becoming [Music] and absorb dissolve all self-centered activity that's what that burden apparently means but look what it has become you can repeat without going through giving off money to somebody to tell you the mantra you can invent your own mantra coca-cola yes yes sir don't laugh you're all doing it or any other catch word repeat it for 10 min 20 minutes in the morning 20 minutes in the afternoon 20 minutes in the evening and the rest of the day you can do all the mischief you want [Music] take a siesta you understand a cs of what it means 20 minutes rest go to sleep put your brain to sleep by repeating repeating repeating the afternoon so on so on so that's not meditation so we're going to find out what is meditation if you are really interested find out not how to meditate what is the depth and the beauty and the reality and the immense possibility of meditation the word means fonda to think over be concerned [Music] the dictionary meaning of that word but the word is not the thing right the word meditation is not meditation and why should one meditate at all is meditation separate from life that is our daily living [Music] the office of the family the sex the pursuit of ambition daily life is that separate from meditation or is meditation part of life you understand you understand my question part of life if it is separate and you and you meditate in order to live better life in order to be better follow then you are imposing certain concepts on actuality certain experience of others essentially others on what you think should happen now if you can deny our bleed [Music] you understand please this very serious what we're talking about you're really very serious to go into it don't play with it it is to deny everything that man has thought about meditation about silence about truth about eternity [Music] whether there is a timeless state and so on to be free of other people's knowledge completely and that goes very very far [Music] that is to deny your gods your sacred books your traditions your beliefs everything wiped away as you understand they are the result of thought which means you're totally psychologically not dependent on anything which means you are free of fear no longer touched by sorrow which doesn't mean that you become bitter crow without love and compassion there's no meditation life living every day in this world which is corrupt beyond words which is immoral destructive without a sense lack of integrity living in that in this world surrounded by all this to have that sense of total freedom which is absolute freedom because you have denied everything that man has thought out except technological we don't have to repeat that oh [Music] you enter into quite a different dimension which is the mind not human there is the mind mind is entirely different from the brain [Music] and that mind cannot be understood or no nor perceived unless the brain with all its sensory responses is understood that is to see something see the seed the sea the sheet of water or anything of nature with all your senses with all your senses not with merely with your eyes or here with all your senses when you perceive with all your senses there is no recording there is no i it's only when we perceive something partially then the partly thing creates the me which is powerful so when the brain is totally free from all accumulated psychological knowledge then there is the mind i won't go into that then that becomes a theory you understand unless one has done all this actually you can test it out you can see it in your daily life if that is not tested out in daily life it's not worth it so when you when there is this absolute denial of all the psychological accumulation in the mind when the brain becomes very quiet [Music] it hasn't to be induced to be quiet then illumination is not an experience illumination means to see things clearly as they are and to go beyond and in our lives there is a little beauty not the beauty of form actual beauty in our life [Music] and that beauty cannot exist without love and when there is love and compassion it has its own intelligence that intelligence acts which is whole which is right action all this is meditation and there is immense beauty in it great sense of aesthetic appreciation the perception of the world [Music] and in that there's great benediction not from your gods but the benediction of living a life which is whole you
Views: 1,080
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: J Krishnamurti, Meditation, Wisdom, A Beautiful Mind, Art of Meditation, theta waves, binaural beats, Awaken
Id: 2JnXusF1-M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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