WHAT is MC Command Center & WHY it's a MUST HAVE MOD 🤩 The Sims 4 | Mod Overview + Tutorial

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hi everyone it's Chrissy welcome back to the channel if you've been with us for a while or welcome to the channel if you're new in today's video we're going to be doing something a little bit different we're going to be answering the question of what is MC Command Center and also why is it the absolute Holy Grail of Sims 4 mods at least in my own personal opinion so I'm going to be showing you guys all of my settings for the MC Command Center mod and kind of like how I use it also a little bit more about what you can actually do with the mod and then I'm also going to be showing you how to install the mod as well at the end of the [Music] video okay so here we are with the goth family I just loaded into a random save for well into a random family in my save file to show you guys a little bit of what the mod can do so first off with the MC Command Center mod I know that if you guys have been around in the community for a while you probably have at least heard about MC Command Center and I know that it can be very very intimidating to actually start using it I know at at first I was very intimidated by the mod because there's so so much that you can actually do like do with it and change with it and it is easy to screw up some things if you don't do it correctly you can really easily mess with some game settings and stuff like that and mess up your game so obviously as usual before you install any mods back up your saves just back up your saves folder make sure you have a backup it's probably a good thing to do that periodically in any case whether you play with mods or not just back up your saves every couple of weeks it's just it'll save you a lot of hassle down the line but yeah so I'm going to be showing you guys a little bit of what I do with the MC Command Center mod now the first thing that you need to know is that it is a Script Mod so you will need to make sure that you have under other settings you will need to enable custom content and mods and you will also need to enable script mods otherwise this mod will not work it's not just regular CC it is a Script Mod so you need to enable those settings and then second the mod actually has quite a few different like I guess you could say not interactions but quite a few different ways of how you can interact with it and how you can change the settings and play around with all of the all of the different settings so first off you will actually notice that if you click on your mailbox you have an option with MC cheats now this menu is basically active household cheats you can fill your needs you know your households needs you can change your lot details like your lot traits challenges that's basically for if you don't want to go into buold mode to change those things and you can also do that on community Lots as well so if you have a mailbox on a community lot you you can go in and change those lot traits without having to go into build mode with cheat you can also change the world time as well so if you want to make it like morning time or whatever for screenshots you can also delete stuff so you can delete Sims on the lot so if you say you're on a community lot and there's a bunch of ghosts that you don't want there you can like choose to delete all of the ghosts on the lot or you can delete all of the spellcasters or vampires or whatever which is actually I didn't use this all that much but it's really great if you want to like take specific screenshots or if you want to storytellin on the lot you can also this is something I use quite a bit is you can change the season so currently we're in summer but I can change it to be fall for example and suddenly it's fall so yeah you can do that through MC Command Center there's also a couple of other mods that you can do that with like UI cheats and all of that stuff but this this one is specifically for MC Command Center you can also change the weather so make it like cloudy Heatwave all of that stuff you can randomly make lightning strikes happen or randomly strike your Sims with lightning which you know you do you if you want to do that but the one thing that I use a lot on the mailbox is the summon menu so in Sims NPC household cheats and then you can hide households MC cleaner MC dresser MC Ault you know you can humanize all Sims so if you have spellcasters you don't want them anywhere in your save you can make them all human all of that stuff but the one that I use a lot is the summon menu so you can summon them by name if you know a Sims specific name you can summon them like this so I'm going to summon Xavier Roth just as a like as a example and then it says Xavier Roth will be right over and then he will just come over your Sims don't have to call them or anything like that they will just show up whether doesn't matter if they're at work if they're at school where wherever they are they will show up you can summon them at like 3:00 in the morning and they will will show up so you can also say list all Sims now this when you're playing in a save file like I am where I have like hundreds of Sims can be a little annoying because yeah there's literally hundreds of Sims but you can filter them by you know if you don't know the specific spelling of a Sim's name or something like that this is useful so you can filter by Friends by household by romantic interest by Family co-workers you know all of the normal stuff that's another way that you can summon Sims so that is basically a lot of these things on the mailbox and like I said I mainly only use the summon menu because that is like I always use that especially when I'm setting up certain things so if I want my sim to know another Sim for my save file for example and I don't want to go all over the world and chase them down to have my sim meet them I will just summon them and have them meet that way so that I can set up relationships it's very very useful for stuff like that okay so next up is the menu that you get if you click on your sim so it doesn't need to be on your active Sim you can click on a different Sim as well and also access this menu the options that you might have will be a little bit different depending on whether it's your active Sim another Sim or something like that but you can click on any Sim in the world it doesn't need to be just your household either but if you click on your active Sim then you get greeted with all of these different options so at the top it will tell you your sims' age this is also really great for getting information about Sims whether you know they're your Sims they're Sims from other households anything like that it will tell you your sim like The Sims age currently we're on Bag Goth so she's a young adult but it says disabled over there because I do have aging off in this current save let me just turn that on really quickly so usually it will tell you like oh you know let's say play all all households okay so now aging is on so when you click on this Sim it'll tell you like 17 out of 28 days that's how old they are it'll tell you their spouse if they have one it will tell you their current children their residence their career as well and if they don't have a spouse it will say none if they don't have children it will say none but that's really great if you're going out and meeting other Sims and you kind of like want to know are they married are they single without actually having to talk to them that's fantastic you can also modify the entire household in cast so if you click that it will take you into to create a Sim you can do that on like other Sims as well not just your household but then you can go into SIM commands and under Sim commands there's quite a few things things so again you can modify in creatis you can also modify career outfits which as you can see Bella is wearing her career outfit which I don't really like so I can go in and under Sim commands I can modify her career outfit and she doesn't need to be wearing it for me to modify it she can be in her pjs for all I care but I can go in and modify her career outfit to be anything that I want it to be you can also change your sims's age so you can actually change them into a different age group like adult teen child Etc or you can go in and set days in age span So currently Bella is 17 days out of 28 of being a young adult but I can go in and say say that she's 26 days out of 28 for being a young adult and then it will tell me that she's only has 2 days until she ages up so that is really great again if you want to set up sa file stuff or if you play a legacy and you want your Sims as friends to be the same age that they are anything like that it's just it's a very useful thing you can also go to maintain Sim and under maintain Sim you can rename your sim so you don't have to go into Create a Sim you can do this for like NPCs townies all of that stuff as well so if you don't want to go in change their name you can do it through MC Command Center that's something that I only learned recently and it is so useful you can also delete the selected Sim which I'm not going to demonstrate because I don't want to delete Bella but you can delete her you can kill your sim and then you can do it by all of the different ways again not going to demonstrate that because I don't want to kill her you can also move your sim so you can move them into a new household into other households or anything like that which again this just means that you don't have to go to like manage worlds like sit through the loading screen to go to manage worlds move your sim and then go back into your household you can just do it out of your household you can set their gender print preferences and you can swap their genders swap gender complete so basically all of these things are things that you can do with the mod without having to go do it in Crea Sim or from manage worlds or stuff like that you can also teleport commands you can teleport a you know other SIM to your sim teleport the Sim to a world Sim you know you can teleport your sim off the lot teleport other Sims to your sim stuff like that ult commands you can alienized your sim turn your sim into like servos spellcasters vampires all of that stuff this is very useful again if you want to set up things and you don't want to play through like having your sim become a vampire or if you know you're creating a Sim and you forget that you wanted them to be a vampire so you don't have to recreate them you can just make them a vampire with the mod now the login commands are things that I don't ever use this is just like log gcom details this is for if you want to get your sims's family tree and it'll split out like a file onto your computer of like a log file that you can then import into family tree makers stuff like that I don't usually use the login commands but it is there if you want to get into the nitty-gritty details or stuff like that but going back we have MC cast now MC cast is basically where you can you know change your Sims a straight again all without having to go into Create a Sim you can also do things like select their favorite drink so if I want Bella's favorite drink to be grape nectar I can do that I can also have her select a favorite umbrella without actually having her have to do it from the umbrella rack so you know you can do that you can you know set their physique set their voice walk Styles sunbathing options all of that different kind of stuff so that's a really good thing a lot of these options are very useful for not having to go through loading screens is basically the point but that is MC cast so MC cheats is another one that I use a lot this is probably one that I use the most if I'm being honest MC cheats is you can increase your Sims as funds so basically you know money cheats but you can also go to cheat some info so you can cheat their careers you can have them quit their job promote them change their amount of vacation days some stat statistics that's a very hard word for me to say is basically just cheating their needs which I never use but you can go to expansion cheats and you can go Club cheats for example you can add them to a club you can make them a club leader you can remove them from a club so this is going to be very useful later on when I show you guys what you can do on a PC with this mod but basically like adding your Sims to a club you can cheat to add them to a club if the club has like space for another Sim basically and that is is important and it will be more important later on but yeah you can do that you can grow together you can unlock Milestones you can increase their celebrity levels you can like add Lifestyles to them add careers like not careers un um degrees to them so this is something I use a lot especially when I set up my save file and you can award specific degrees like honor degrees Etc to them you can enroll them in University if you don't want them to already have their degree that is a very useful thing to have access to now mood and buff control is basically just changing their moodlets I don't ever use that but it is there and then skill cheets so you can have your sim forget all of the skills that they have you can have it Max them you can randomize their skill levels you can set all of their skill levels all at once or what I usually do is I go to set skills to level and then I pick you know I want her to have level 10 in let's say cooking Charisma and logic I want Bella to have a level 10 in all of those skills so I just put in 10 and then suddenly I don't want it to be a perfectionist but then suddenly she will have level 10 in all of those skills so you know that is a very great thing to be able to do so yeah that is something that I use a lot now next up we have a cult cheats so we have alien cheats you can have your Sims get abducted if you wanted to do that increase points so with increase points your Sims can change you know Club points for example if they're part of a club I can decide that oh I want this club to have 10,000 points and I can give it to them you can change their social media followers you can change if they have a restaurant how many restaurant points they have retail points satisfaction points like aspiration points I can give your you can give your Sims like a bunch of aspiration points this way which is again very nice if you don't mind cheating you can also make your Sim happy you can complete their current aspiration goal reset their aspiration reset your sim it's just it's a very useful thing to have access to now next up we have MC cleaner which is again something I don't all use all that often but you can use it to like move your sims's inventory to another Sim you can sell your entire inventory sell your household inventory all of those kinds of things next up is MC dresser MC dresser I mostly only use to like change my sims's outfit without them having to change so like I can cheat to change their outfits but you can also do stuff like removing all of their accessories you can randomize their clothing you can copy and paste certain things from their outfit so if I wanted to copy let's say their makeup from one outfit to the other I can copy their makeup and then once they are in a different outfit I can just paste that same makeup onto them if that makes sense so I just copied Bella's formal makeup I'm going to have her change into let's say her you know sleepwear and then I'm going to go ahead and paste makeup so now suddenly she will have the same makeup that she had for her formal outfit will be on her sleepwear so that is just a very useful thing to do if you don't want to go to create a Sim and manually change all of their makeup for every single outfit so that's why MC dress is such a great thing now the other things in here like MC pregnancy is you know you can if once you when you click on a selected Sim and click on MC pregnancy this works with your current selected Sim or with a random Sim in the world basically if they are pregnant it will show you that they're pregnant it will show you you know how many babies they're expecting what the baby's genders are you you know all of that stuff who they're expecting with all of that stuff but if you if your current Sim is pregnant you can also change you know what trimester they're in you can cheat to have them go into labor you can pause their pregnancy as well so if you don't want them to give birth while you're not on the lot with them if you play like rotationally or whatever you can pause their pregnancy you can also list their children so it will tell you you know what their children's names are you can also cheat to have them start a pregnancy so let's say I want Bella to be pregnant with Mortimer she's going to have two male babies okay so she's currently oh she's pregnant with one male baby and one female baby 2 4 six okay yeah so yeah she's pregnant wow I cannot speak she's pregnant with one male baby okay so she's pregnant she doesn't know I'm going to cheat her into her second trimester and you know suddenly she is very clearly pregnant and that is great way of doing stuff like that if you want to set up certain things you can also end the pregnancy you can change the partner if you wanted to pause the pregnancy you know specify The Offspring count so you know she's only having one currently but I can cheat and say that she's having both a boy and a girl if I specify Offspring count to yeah I don't know why it's not oh it's not because I know I know why it's not and currently they have six Sims in the household so she is expecting one baby but then where's the the cat is actually also pregnant so if you click on a pet this also works but you can click on a pet and you can cheat like make them happy you know MC pregnancy so she is currently pregnant our cat and she's expecting a female baby so yeah you can change that I forgot that the cat was pregnant but yeah so that's just a little heads up for MC pregnancy it's really great if you wanted to know if your pets are pregnant or whatever so yeah just the heads up with that now MC tuna is something I don't use all that often so I don't really know what a lot of these things do like do so yeah just a heads up there but Sim Flags so for Sim Flags you can flag your sim to have certain things happen to them or not happen to them so I can flag her carea to free it so that means that she won't like level up in her career again I can flag freeze her appearance or physique so she won't like you know so the sim won't like get any more muscular or like like a more like they won't put on weight they won't lose weight they'll stay exactly the same you can flag them to bypass outfit changes which means they won't randomly change their outfit if they're on another lot and like MC pregnancy you can flag their offspring you know all of that kind of stuff a lot of the things with MC Command Center you really do have to just play around with and see what happens which is why I say back up your saves before you do that now relationships is also very great because this basically allows you to delete a relationship with any Sim that your sim already knows so for example if I don't want her to know any of these Sims I can just delete their relationship and they will completely forget that that Sim exists you can also check change their relationships so you can add a relationship to let's say the Sim and I can make the Sim her sister or her daughter I can also add relationship bits which basically means like how high their relationships are you can add relationships to Sims on the lot you can like make them forget everyone that's on the lot you can divorce if your sim is married you can have them get a divorce but this is really great for setting up even like family relationships so if you want your sim to have a sibling or a mother or father or whatever from another household you can do it without having them in your household and doing it in Creative Sim you can just do it with MC Command Center which is really really useful so yeah those are a lot of like if not all of the settings that you have when you're on the Sim themselves now next up is the one that is a little bit more fiddly and this is kind of where you know on the Sims if you click on the Sims those are kind of like the cheats for that particular specific Sim you know so like changing skills careers all of that stuff things that apply to that particularly selected Sim whereas on the mailbox you change things on like a I guess surroundings level like Seasons time summoning other Sims stuff like that now on the computer it's a little bit more of the fiddly settings side of the mod now this is where it can get very overwhelming very very fast and what I would recommend if you download this mod is a read read through absolutely everything um datapool who is the creator of this mod they have an entire website with information about this mod which I will leave linked down below go through read through all of it or if you want to just fly by the seat of your pants install the mod and then play around with the settings yourself just back up your saves don't say that I didn't tell you to back up your saves but yeah back up your saves and then play around with the settings but basically with the computer if you go to the first one MC settings you can enable an autosave which very very great like you can show confirmation dialogue you know choose a save name for them to save to like time intervals all of that stuff also under gameplay settings you can enable things like adopt neglected child so if enabled when it is determined that a baby toed or child is is neglected they will be adopted by an NPC household in the world so basically if your Sims get taken away by Social Services they won't just disappear into the void and not exist in your game anymore they will actually be adopted by another household so they will still will be in the game if that makes sense and adopt no caregiver so if basically if all of the adults in a household dies and there's still like children toddlers or infants or whatever on the lot that need a caregiver they won't just disappear they will actually be added into a different household like they've been adopted you can change how difficult it is to gain character values and all of these dialogues that pop up they do explain like the values and and the like they explain what you can change and what it will do if you change it so yeah just read through everything like I said you can change the fame difficulty game speed maximum household size is something that you can also change now this be careful with because so it does warn you that if note that if this is change to more than eight cast will not function correctly to show all Sims into the household so basically if I were to up this like default number to 10 Sims for example and I had 10 Sims in my household if I then went into Create a Sim with all of those Sims like modifying the household two of those Sims will be deleted like the game just cannot function that way Crea Sim doesn't work that way it doesn't have the space to show you all of the Sims so you can do that just be be aware that if you enter Crea a Sim the game will glitch out so that is just a heads up but you can maximum rename length like how many characters you can have in a name so it also says warning specifying a first or last name longer than 14 characters will result in a cast error if that Sim is modified and saved again like it does tell you that you can break stuff if you fiddle with all of this stuff so motive knee Decay how fast things can Decay on dogs and cats and babies that's very useful horses you know all of that stuff it tells you like oh it won't Decay that fast or you know you can make it decay slower or faster or all of that stuff you can also pause on Zone this is something I have on permanently so if you load into a new lot so if you have your s Travel somewhere or you know you load into a game you load into your household it will automatically be paused like your game won't randomly start running if you forget that you're loading into something which I do a lot so yeah I have that on always so Sims are Immortal if enabled all Sims will be immune to death you know have your Sims be immortal if you can want to do that you can do that Sims die on lot so this is also another useful thing if enabled when Sims are killed with the kill Sim command the reaper will only show up if they're on the lot if they are wandering the streets they will just turn into ghosts so yeah so that means like you won't have randomly have ears and stuff spawning in the middle of the street if that makes sense so it also says where was I skill settings how difficult it is to gain skills you can freeze skills so that the sim won't like raise that skill any further teleport overlaps random aging you know all of that kind of stuff money settings you can allow children to pay the bills if you wanted to you can change your apartment Bill percentage so if you want apartment bills like rent and stuff to be cheaper or more expensive you can do that you can autopay bills so your Sims won't ever have to worry about forgetting to pay their bills the game will just do it automatically you can change your bill percentage so you know how expensive your house blls are you can enable child support if you wanted to so if your sim has a child in a different household they will pay like you can enable child support first off so if a child is not living with both parents this setting can allow the money to be removed or paid to the active active Sim household so then you can choose all Sims so all Sims will like single parents will get M money or married only child support and earnings will happen for single parents with children living with them only if they are married to the other parents so if your Sims are married and they're like separated for example one sim will pay money to the other one that has custody of the child unmarried Sims only so it only happens if they're not married so you that's where you enable it and then on the child support percentage you choose how much they pay so inheritance Sim type so you know usually it's not on but when a Sim dies the setting determines whether or not they leave any of their household funds to their spouse or children depending on the type of SIM that is dying so you know you can choose active Sims NP Sim NPC Sims played unplayed you know all of that stuff basically inheritance so inheritance spouse first usually it is enabled so if enabled when a Sim dies if they have a spouse then that spouse will receive the inheritance rather than the children you can change that if you wanted to so there's a lot of stuff especially for like notification stuff so you can check change the Sim menu order you can change console commands so these are things that I usually always have on so build by settings for example you can make it so that free build for you know when you're on community Lots like the hospital for example is always enabled you can turn move objects always on show live edit objects you know career unlocks all of that stuff debug commands in cheats so usually a lot of the debug stuff so like if you shift click on a Sim or an object or whatever won't show up unless you have the debug cheat on the debug command cheat on but with this you can make sure that it's always on so you don't have to worry about that enable full edit creatis SYM um headline effects hover effects testing cheats you can have that always on so you don't have to worry about constantly putting it in which is very useful logging settings again I don't use all that often um notification settings so this is also very useful so especially when you play like a Legacy or a rotational save and you want to stay up to date with what is happening you can choose like aging and death notifications so it will show you like when Sims age up only if they're your active friends or you can choose all and then it will show you when every Sim in the world every time they age up it will let you know it will show you when every Sim in the world dies same thing it will show you birthday notifications it will show you pet death notifications if you enable that you can also choose population notifications show when you know houses are empty show when Sims are moving pregnancies so you know show details about this so when as some gives birth it will tell you like okay they gave birth to a boy and a girl or a girl called yada y y and it will show you that or it can just show you like you know you can enable that so that you get the details or it will just tell you that you you know Nancy lrab gave birth to a baby or you can tell you like Nancy lrab gave birth to a baby called X Y and Z for example now birth notifications you can choose like all or you can choose you know who it shows you marriage notifications shows you when a Sim gets married because MC Command Center does do that you don't need to use neighborhood stories for that you can use MC Command Center for story progression show pregnancy notifications basically when they get pregnant so relationship changes so when a Sim that's married for example gets divorced or when a Sim you know enters into a relationship with another Sim or you know stuff like that basically um pregnancy pregnancy notifications show birth details show birth notifications show marriage notifications I showed you this just right I think I did anyway my brain is all over the place neighborhood stories settings so show adoption types now neighborhood story settings is you don't have to mess with these settings if you don't play with neighborhood stories if you have neighborhood stories disabled you don't need these settings but if you want to play with those as well and then you can go in and you can kind of like I guess go into more detail with it so this will show you if a Sim is adopted through neighborhood stories if Asim changes their career through neighborhood stories dies ped off option population types you know all of that stuff all of those are neighborhood stories notifications so you don't have to click on the mailbox and check all of the neighborhood stories to see what's going on you can like MC Command Center can let you know like this Sim moved this Sim had a baby etc etc so Show Club monitor notifications if enabled a notification will be sent for any Sim added to a club membership when m c Club monitoring run so you know Club changes show notifications so if you turn this off none of the notifications will show basically that's just a you know a cheat all basically show version update so if you're not sure about you know if your version of MC Command Center is up to date you can enable this so it will tell you like every time you open the game it will check to make sure that you're running the latest version of The Mod which is great very useful to have phone text you can turn on the setting will set text messages that your Sims will receive when your phone is silen so you know you can say no text and your Sims won't receive a text message ever or just Festival ones or all texts or you know all of that stuff menu settings you can choose what they show you can choose you know cheat menus all of that stuff now moving on from that is basically the notification settings see like I said there's a lot of stuff that you can change with this mod this video is probably going to be obscenely long I do apologize for that but I will try and make sure to Tim stamp everything correctly but yeah I figured you know I'll do this I'll do it in a comprehensive manner because a lot of you guys have been asking me how I set up MC Command Center and how I have mind set up and what I use it for so I figured you know we'll do this and it's actually I wish I had a video like this when I started using the mod basically so yeah hopefully this is helpful for someone but moving on we have relationship settings now relationship settings is like you can allow teens to gain the parenting skill if you wanted to Auto relationship settings like breakup settings so breakup move out so if a Sim is in a relationship living with their significant other if they break up you can choose who moves out if you want it to be random or the male Sim or the female Sim or none and you want them to keep living together even when they're broken up couples relationship change percentage this basically means that you know what what's the likelihood of a relationship being changed by the mod you can choose you know if the children move out with them if they break up you can obviously bypass played households if you don't want the mod to mess with the Sims that you're actively playing or that you've played with then you can enable that move in settings you can choose the ages for Sims that will move into an empty lot if you know the game runs that check there's an empty lot they'll move someone in allow homeless romance move inss which is just weird but yeah move in Romance level so basically when two sims are dating or in the relationship or whatever and this chick runs it will determine if those those Sims will move in so if they are lovers they will move in together if they are sweethearts they will move in together or soulmates or true lovers or you know basically it's kind of like the threshold for how high their relationship needs to be before the game decides okay I'll move them in together so that is very useful to know so it also says friendship Decay so you can decide how quickly relationships Decay you can do the same with romantic Decay as well percentages um how difficult it is to make friendships and how difficult it is to make romantic relationships happen you can adjust that make it easier or harder relationship culling is another thing so check mark is a selected option usually EA has their own relationship culling thing that they do where basically it's just like their rules so how the game basically chooses when to delete delete certain Sims from the game that you're not playing with obviously or when to have your Sims forget about another Sim if they haven't spoken to them in a while you know stuff like that and that's usually what happens when you're playing a family and you realize oh I used to know this Sim but suddenly I don't know them anymore or oh I used to have a baby if you're like playing the 100 baby challenge I had a baby with this Sim but suddenly the Sim doesn't exist anymore that's because EA called those Sims from the game now I usually play with it as completely off like you know EA will the game will never delete Sims by itself I need to do it myself if I want to delete the Sim I have to do it my Sims will also never forget a relationship with another Sim so even if that Sim died and they've been ghosts forever my sim will not forget that Sim which is very very useful I hate when the game did that so yeah just be aware of that also if you do that just be aware that the game won't delete any Sims that aren't in your world so if you have the game will keep spawning Sims so you need to periodically go through and delete Sims from your household bin otherwise your save file can have hundreds of Sims just running around for no reason so just keep that in mind but yeah so those are the relationship settings next up we have age span duration so basically obviously in the game we have short normal and long lifespans but if you want to play around with age span duration you can kind of fiddle with that a little bit more so let's say for normal I usually play on normal you can go in and choose so normally young adults EA it tells you EA's default is 28 days for young adult Sims now if you wanted that to be something different for example let's say I wanted young adult Sims to be young adults for 32 days not 28 you can change that but only for normal lifespan so if you don't want to mess with like long lifespan you don't have to but if you do that you need to restart your game it's not going to take effect until you restart your game so a lot of the settings you can just change them and they will take effect immediately without you having to like restart the game or anything like that but if you need to restart the game it will pop up and it will tell you that you know you need to restart your game but it's great because you know babies usually on normal lifespan they're only babies for one day like newborns you can change that if you wanted to and it's really really useful you can do it for short lifespan long lifespan very you can basically personalize it a lot you can also change it for dogs and cats and horses separately from your Sims so if you want your Sims to play on short lifespan but you don't want your dogs or your cats to die that quickly you can have them live longer you can have them outlive like five generations of your Sims if you wanted to do that so yeah those are a lot of the like core MC Command Center settings wise now the rest of this stuff is a lot more fiddly like I said now MC cast basically just allows you to exclude certain traits from spawning on random Sims you can you know say default walk style so if you want to have every Sim that the game spawns to have a certain walk style like default assigned to them you can do that you know stuff like that you can Auto set celebrity walk Styles where you can turn it off so that celebrities won't randomly start using that annoying celebrity walk style and you know stuff like that you can it's very useful if you want to play around with all of those things now MC carea is basically where Sims will buy this is basically where you can cheat career stuff so how difficult it is to get promoted in a career you can have your children's Sims quit school so they won't be in school anymore teens can do the same neighborhood stories settings you can alter neighborhood stories it means basically you know if this setting is enabled neighborhood stories career changes will be limited by MC command seter settings so basically it means that you can have your neighborhood stories on to change your careers but they also won't they they'll also take your MC Command Center settings into account when doing that for example you can choose how difficult it is to like how fast your Sims complete homework how difficult it is to get into the secret society how difficult University is for example and University homework is very very useful to have there's a lot of mods out there that will change those specific things but you don't always need all of those mods if you just change it in MC Command Center so that's something very useful to keep an eye on MC cleaner again relationship cleaner stuff like that you can like clean out relationships basically so if your sim has a lot of acquaintances and you don't really care about their their acquaintances you can clean that up so that it it basically helps your game run a little bit smoother if you wanted to do that just be careful with that again like it can delete relationships between Sims if you don't want to do that now MC clubs this is where I said you know when we were on the Sim when I said you know you can cheat to put them in a club this is why that was important so Club member count basically you can set the amount of members in a club usually it's only eight but you can up that to however High you want it to be maximum value of 50 but it does tell you note that the club dialogue does not allow adding more than eight members they must be invited through interactions so basically in the vanilla game your sim can only have eight members in a club and if you're the leader of a club you can only add up to eight members but if you enable this setting you can basically go in and then you know if your Club has a maximum membership of 10 for example I can go in click on another Sim that I want in this club and cheat to put them in the club through MC Command Center like I mentioned earlier you just can't do it from the regular game UI you can cheat to do it through the through the mod or you can click on them and invite them to the club manually through like socialization if that makes sense now you can also maximum joinable clubs so usually Sims can only be a part of three clubs but you can up that but again you know the game menu itself down here won't allow you to join more than three you will need to do that through cheats or through inviting a Sim to your club like you know through socialization monitor club members on scheduled nights clubs will be folded with eligible Sims if there are vacancies also ineligible members will be removed so this is something I don't usually play with because I don't want my club system messed with by the game but you can if your Club has like if a lot of if you've had a club for a while and half of the members have killed over and died and you don't manually want to go in and choose new members for it you can enable this and the game will just like f the club with members if they're are open spaces so yeah you can do that now moving on to MC dresser MC dresser again makeup settings you can you know copy makeup you can choose the ages that have makeup on makeup for certain outfits only you know stuff like that again very like fiddly stuff you can if you play around with those settings especially you can kind of cut down on the amount of weird Towny fashion that spawns in your game if you know what I mean so yeah you can do that if you wanted to now MC a cult is really great because MC a cult basically it tells you stuff like for aliens for example the uh the chance of Sims getting pregnant from abductions the ages of Sims that can get pregnant from abductions the pollinated gender so if if you don't want the pollinators to be female you can male anything like that if you're depending on your stories abduction gender preferences so the Sims only male Sims will get pregnant from alien abductions but you can make the female Sims too ages um abduction settings like you know the ages of Sims that can get abducted the times that they can get abducted how long the abduction lasts the like how many hours there is between abductions you know you can force alien disguises so that the aliens won't like ever show up without their disguises and other pregnancy now other pregnancy is one that all of the ults have so also for these like for aliens as well basically let's go to werewolves for example you can select the maximum amount of werewolves in your game so usually it's minus one that is the default that means that there is no limit so the chances are that if the game generates a random Sim that Sim could end up being aware of but if you change this value to be like higher or lower or whatever that basically means that the game won't generate more werewolves or you can make it so that the game doesn't generate any werewolves if you don't want werewolves in your game and also other pregnancy is a setting that you have underneath all of the ults basically that means that use custom pregnancy if enabled EA default Offspring may be overwritten by a cult Offspring based on the percentages defined within this module so this has to do with a lot of fiddly things like the chances of you know your werewolf and let's say if you have a werewolf and a and a human for example what are the chances of them having a werewolf baby usually it's 50/50 you know if you have a werewolf and a human chances are 50/50 whether they're going to be human or werewolf but you can change that you can make it more you can make it less but you can also change it if you have let's say you have a werewolf and an alien couple you can choose if you want them to be a werewolf an alien or a hybrid so you know you can mess around with a lot of those settings and change the chances or like yeah the chances of them having those kinds of kids which is very very nice MC tuna is something I don't usually use like change interaction autonomy like basically the chances of them autonomously performing certain interactions like autonomously being flirty autonomously cleaning you know all of that kind of stuff you can get very very like specific with those things I just don't bother usually but you can now MC population pregnancy and woohoo is actually where I spend most of my time when setting up MC Command Center stuff so MC population moving settings so this is a lot of finicky things so you can choose if Sims will move into empty houses you can choose if there's only Elders living in a house you can choose to move them out and have them just be in the bin and open up that that house to move in new Sims you can choose where the teens move as dependents so usually teenagers won't move out on their own they will move out with an adult Sim but you can choose that you can change that to say that hey teens can live on their own so they they don't need to move out with a like caregiver obviously bypass played households maximum household pets is also really good because a lot of the times I've noticed that the game if you if you don't keep an eye on this the game will have like one sim in a household and that Sim will keep adopting pets and they'll end up with like seven pets in a household which there's no point in that because that basically means that that sim won't get married won't have kids and that kind of like halts your story progression so you can say like hey random households won't have more than two pets like ever just to make sure that they can you know continue with their story progression basically open houses so they basically this means like the game will always leave at least for example like two houses empty in every world for Sims that they won't move into those houses if that makes sense enforce vampire homes this means that Vampires will only move into Lots with specific vampire lot traits so some of the lot traits that came with the Vampire pack they won't move into normal lots and also normal non vampires won't move into those lots so you won't have a lot in forgotten Hollow that has only humans living in it for no reason so you know that's something to keep in mind also dorm residents you can bypass them so that dorm residents like University students won't move out and move around they will stay in their dorms which is great population settings this is very finially finicky I never mess with this but basically it just means that you know the percentage of let's say toddlers in your world in your game percentage of Elders percentage of you know all of that stuff you can get very specific with all of these things that all affects the ages and the types of Sims that the game spawns also Butler ages you can choose like my Butlers will only be young adults or they will only be Elders or you know all three which means that when your game spawns and new Butler for your Sims they can choose from only those ages for example enable or disable bar Knights so fairly self-explanatory you can disable bar Knights if you don't want those in your game what am I doing um okay so population you can random lot challenges the game will choose you know what lot challenges to add to specific Lots you can like change cause some chaos that way neighborhood stories again those are all like they will be limited by MC population settings this means that ancestral families stay in their homes for movein we won't move in flagged as homeless also if bypass placed household is set those will be bypassed so this means that the goth family if you have neighborhood stories on and you don't play with the Goths the game won't randomly decide to move out the goth family from their house they will stay in their house they won't like randomly decide to up and move to inord on Bagley for no reason so you know stuff like that the game will keep those things in mind and then other settings under like population settings is things like bypass Sim cing so they won't ever be C if you have high numbers now again this keep in mind that if you have this enabled the game won't delete Sims if you have a lot of Sims in your game so to avoid any like you know like optimization and performance issues you need to go through periodically yourself and delete Sims from the manage world's like menu from like I usually go through and delete Sims that either a look like very random Sims like they just look weird or they're not in the world at all like they're not living anywhere I'll delete those or if they're like only one sim I'll delete them or you know stuff like that just random stuff you know I'll go through and delete that myself you can bypass the clown walk by so the sad clown won't walk by your house for no reason Reaper stalking which means like the reaper won't randomly show up in public places randomize visiting Sims disable Immortal Sims maximum Sims in zone so usually the maximum amount of Sims that the game will allow in a Zone like if you load into a house the house Zone isn't just on your lot it's also the neighborhood surrounding it so all of the area that your sim can interact with around the lot that they're on counts as their zone so usually the default is 20 so there won't ever be more than 20 Sims in any particular Zone that your sim is loaded into but with this you can up that value so you can have a huge area like the Central Central Park in San Mao that's a very big space to only have 20 Sims in that whole Space so it ends up feeling very empty but if you up the amount of Sims that can be in that zone more Sims will go there so it can feel a little bit more alive if that makes sense it you also have adjust Sims on lot so this basically just means that you know allow Sims to spawn based on the maximum Sims on the lot settings so like Spa settings you know you'll spawn a yoga instructor you'll spawn you know stuff like that but yeah those are all of the m population settings now MC pregnancy is another thing so adoption settings under MC pregnancy adoption ages Sims that will get adopted for example like randomly adopted by households so when households spawn and they adopt a Sim those are the ages the adoption percentages so like their gender percentages the adoption sex um opposite sex so like if you have a gay couple or a lesbian couple or whatever and you know chances that they will adopt children um rename non-active adoptions so you know the Sims will actually be renamed to their adopter family name you know stuff like that so those are adoption settings marriage Sim selection now again very finicky but basically all of these settings are you can choose vared um valid marriage ages so these are the a ages that the game will consider when making random marriages through MC Command Center you can use gender preferences so if you have a Sim's gender preference set the game won't decide that randomly they're married to a Sim of a gender that they're not attracted to for example you can marriage percentages now these percentages are for when the game decides to randomly marry Sims you know adults 7% there's a 7% chance that you know an adult Sim will get married when the game runs the check or the young adults 5% that they will get married when the game runs the check basically that just means that a lot of the time when you run these random like story pration stuff sometimes the game the mod will like run that check and then suddenly all of the single Sims in your world have gotten married all at once and there's no more single Sims anywhere whereas if you mess with the percentages you can kind of control how many of them get married at any single point so they don't all get married at the exact same time if that makes sense so yeah marriage percentages flag gender preference days to run checks so days to run checks basically this is every Monday in the game the mod will check to see if there's a Sim or a couple of Sims that need to get married and they will it will have them get married married on that only on that day so it won't do it on on another day you can specify the days for when that happens same thing for marriage percentages if you don't want this part of the mod to function like if you don't want any of your Sims to get married randomly without you telling them to if you set all of these values to zero like teens for example teens I don't want my teens randomly getting married so I have it set to zero because because I don't want them to randomly get married same thing for elders so if you do that for all of the ages none of them will get married so you don't have to worry about that just set all of the percentages to zero and you don't have to worry about it at all that's effectively like turning it off if that makes sense so bypass active Sim romances if your sim is in a romantic relationship with another Sim the other sim won't randomly get married is basically what it means bypass robots self-explanatory bypass played households and dorm residents again self-explanatory you don't want random dorm townies to get married by allow homeless marriage so basically this means that Sims that don't live on a lot Sims that are not in your world they won't be eligible for the game to use in marriages so the game will only like set up marriages between Sims that already live in a house somewhere in your game if that makes sense so those are the marriage Sim selection neighborhood stories again same thing it basically just means that neighborhood stories will respect MC Command Center settings it won't just do its own thing Offspring so again this is maximum household children whether Sims will inherit traits from their parents so if you have this in enabled it means that your B babies will have traits from either of their parents they have a chance of inheriting one of their traits maximum Offspring Offspring gender sync child surnames so you know when a when a child is adopted or a couple is married the child's surname will be changed to match the parents if both of the parents have matching surnames so you know stuff like that it means that you know if you adopt if you adopt a child they'll get your name you know stuff like that other marriage settings is you know you can choose to manually rename them or the game can automatically re rename them move if you want to have them move in with each other you can enable that remove service limit basically means that your sim can get married to like the pizza delivery guy and the maid and you know all of that stuff do rename opposite sex rename same gender same neighborhood so if you want to enable this it means that Sims from Willow Creek will only be selected to marry Sims from Willow Creek so they won't get married to someone in delsol Valley and then move to delsol Valley they will stay in their neighborhood and you can also do the same for always limit partners by neighborhood never limit partners by neighborhood or prefer Partners in the same neighborhood so they will prefer to pick people from their neighborhood but if there aren't any any people available in their neighborhood they will choose someone from a different one so yeah just something to keep in mind use traits for marriage like this is like change the marriage percentage based on applicable traits so like they they'll only get married if they have similar traits I don't ever play with that um other marriage other pregnancy as well so allow pregnancy aging so basically it does what it says Auto marriage percentage so the percentage chance that the game will automatically have Sims get married if they've gotten pregnant together pause Sims pregnancy you can choose to pause all pregnancies or only NPCs or only active Sims you know all of that stuff pause on playable labor so basically that means that when a non-active Sim so if a Sim in a different household goes into labor their pregnancy will be paused a message will display and the game will pause so basically it tells you like if your sister in a different household has gone into labor the game will tell you so that you can choose if you want to go into their household and play out their labor also you can choose pregnancy duration how many days the pregnancies last default it's three but you can up that or make it shorter or whatever random mood durations use random moods use traits for pregnancy you know all of those kinds of stuff you can also choose your partner Sim selection so for marriages you know allow Affairs if you want your Sims to maybe have an affair on the side what's the chance of that happening you I'm not going to do that because enforce family so basically your Sims won't get pregnant from other Sims you know it it's enabled default which means they will recognize like okay this Sim is my cousin once removed so the game won't have them get married cuz they're their cousin so you know yeah it stuff like that limit by relationship so for pregnancy you can limit it by woohoo Partners no relationship limit married or significant others so this just means that Sims won't get pregnant if they're not married they won't get pregnant if they're not in a committed relationship or they won't get pregnant you know stuff like that they won't just randomly get pregnant basically it ALS also says occupancy preferences so you know prefers home Sims prefers living in homes only prefers homeless Sims or none like it's basically just the game's way of you choosing who your Sims can get pregnant with who the the game can choose as a partner for them aults only if you want to have them if you if you're playing with an with an ult and you only want your sim to get pregnant with another sim from that cult same sex use same age group as well so you know you won't have a young adult Sim get pregnant from an Elders Sim or vice versa or you know stuff like that you can have them choose same age groups valid partner ages so you can choose like teens young adults Elders etc etc so yeah a lot of these options are things that you can mess around with or you can just choose to ignore and the game will like figure it out on its own basically so yeah we were just in partnerim you can do the same basically for pet pregnancy so you know pets can randomly get pregnant I'm not going to go through every single one of those because they're basically the same as Sim pregnancies they're just for pets pregnant Sim selections again dorm Sims bypass them so that they don't get pregnant randomly days until max age is important because that just means that you know if your Sims are 10 days away from becoming an elder for example they won't then get pregnant and then have a baby just before they turn into an elder because that means that they will die before their child is like a teenager so you know stuff like that days to run the checks so only on Wednesdays is when the game checks to see if someone needs to get pregnant and have a baby for example male pregnancy pregnancy percentage so again this is the same like with the marriage percentage where if you set all of these values to zero it means that the game won't randomly generate any pregnancies if you you don't initiate it yourself so something to keep in mind valid Target ages so if you want to enable teen pregnancy you can do that you can enable Elder pregnancy if you want to do that but yeah that's just the ages for Sims that can get pregnant use gender preferences so if your sim is gay they won't get pregnant from a male Sim like they just won't so yeah stuff like that keep that in mind spouse Sim selection basically the exact same thing this is the same thing like you know they'll choose the same age group they'll choose their the correct gender preference they'll choose you know stuff like that so those are all of the MC pregnancy settings and then the last one that I want to go through is MC woohoo now woohoo actions is basically allow family no you can allow teenagers to have woohoo you're going to allow same sex dve for baby no strings woohoo basically means that you can try try for baby and woohoo without any romantic relationship so yeah you can do that you can allow try for baby so you can allow Sims to autonomously try for babies you can also Elder try for baby if you want Elders to be able to get pregnant woohoo pregnancy is one I mess around with a lot so risky woohoo percent is basically what it sounds like usually you will have to have your Sims try for a baby if you want them to get pregnant but but with risky woohoo they can accidentally get pregnant just from Wooh hooing depending on how high you set this value so yeah keep that in mind use fertility in Risky so basically that means like if they get pregnant from Risky woohoo chances are it could be twins try for baby percent so usually it's on 80 you can up that make it lower all of that stuff opposite sex pregnancy same sex pregnancy all of those kind of options that you have there woohoo reactions so bed sharing so you know Sims will sleep in other beds Sims will sleep in beds with other Sims without them being like related or in a relationship you can have random Sims just sharing a bed if you wanted to no jealousy so Sims won't get jealous use privacy you know like Sims will shoot other Sims from the room sleepy woohoo basically means that if they have woohoo between 10:00 p.m. and 4:00 a.m. they will St both of them will stay in bed and go to sleep basically is what it means they won't get up at like 2:00 a.m. and like wander around the house Sim nudity like you know it does what it says like you know nude woohoo nude Spa basically means they'll do like nude yoga like they'll do yoga in the nude workout you know all of that stuff so yeah you can change that and then other settings is is autonomous woohoo so like autonomous they'll autonomously woohoo they'll autonomously try for a baby they'll like extreme woohoo is like they'll do it more often which can be dangerous if you play with risky woohoo because your Sims can get pregnant a lot you can enable birth control you can you know change all of all of those things like you know if you want to play with risky but use birth control that basically is a lot of those settings so yeah those are a lot of like the those are the settings that I use when I play with MC Command Center but with all of that said you guys I'm going to go through and quickly show you how to install MC Command Center if you want to play with it yourself okay so here we are on the MC Command Center Page and like I said I will leave this Linked In the description down below go through they have a documentation section here where they have an overview page they list overall information about MC Command Center and the different modules so the different modules are the things that I just took you through like pregnancy woohoo population and what it all means how it all works all of that stuff there's also a lot of other information here like help sections but what you're going to be looking for is the download MC Command Center so you're going to click on that and then it will show you the public releases and all of that stuff so you're going to go through and you will see that you have MC Command Center this is the latest one the 23 2023 5.0 at the time I'm recording this this is the latest one but you will also see that there is a MC woohoo module now usually I download both because MC woohoo is what gives you access to the woohoo settings to the pregnancy settings stuff like that so if you don't download this you won't have access to those settings so what you're going to do is you're going to download both of these and they come up I am just going to save them to my downloads folder really quickly and then you have both of them downloaded as you can see now they're going to be in zip files so what you're going to do is you're going to right click on them and I am going to I use seven zip to extract my folders but I'm going to extract them to the one that has like a little Dash because that means they will be restricted to folders then what you're going to do is you're going to go into this and this is how you can choose what you want in your game so you need the MC the MC CMD Center you need the package file and you need the script file for this mod to function but if you don't want to play with MC clubs for example if you don't want those settings if you don't care about it or if you don't care about the pregnancy settings or whatever you don't have to install those but usually when I play I install all of those settings so what you're going to go and do what I usually do is I make a folder not a shortcut I make a folder in my mods folder I usually just call it like MCC cuz I know that is MC Command Center then I'm going to go and I'm going to go and find all of those files so we have all of the MC Command Center files I'm going to grab all of them and I have my MCC folder open here it's basically under mods for the Sim so if you go to documents go to Electronic Arts The Sims 4 and then to mods that's where you put all of your mods I create a subfolder for these big mods just so that I can have them all organized well but then you're going to go drag all of those to MCC and then this folder will be empty so the regular MC Command Center modules are 14 folders as you just saw now the MC woohoo script and package files are two folders so if you put those in as well same folder I have them all in one you will end up with 16 items that is what if you want to install all of the MC Command Center functionality of the mod you will need to you will have 16 files in your folder that's the amount of files you need to install now once you run your game for the first time or once you mess with the settings or anything like that this folder wherever you have all of your MC Command Center files there will be a folder that the game generates called MC CC settings or something like that I have yeah it's MC settings this CFG file will also generate in this folder that file is what saves all of your MC Command Center um settings the ones you have set up so once you go and you have to update the mod you don't want to delete that file because if you delete that file you're going to have to go through and reenable all of your settings and because there's so many settings a lot of the times you're probably not going to remember what you had enabled so when you update the mod let's say for example these settings were ones that I just had in my game okay so I've played the game I've set up my settings I've had the game has spawned a settings folder now if I want to go and I want to update the mod you have to go in and delete all of the other things but remember usually when you update the mod if you up have all of the files you have 14 files so not 14 16 so you're going to go through delete those 16 files and then put the new ones in the folder once you've extracted them gone through the whole process just make sure that you keep your settings file otherwise like I said you will need to do it all over again but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this sorry this video has been obscenely long I know it has been obscenely long but I hope you you enjoyed this I hope you found it useful like I said this is the kind of video that I wish I had when I started using MC Command Center so yeah let me know if this was useful to you guys if it was let me know down in the comments if there's something else that you're not sure about because I am sure I missed something somewhere then ask away in the comments I will answer your questions that any questions that you have if I have the answer to them I will answer them but yeah let me know if you enjoyed this kind of video if you want to see anything else like this like maybe a rundown of all of the different mods that I use when I play the game because I play when I do gameplay I play with a lot of mods so if you want me to maybe like run through all of those with you guys or anything like that then yeah let me know down in the comments below let me know if you enjoyed this and yeah I hope you enjoyed it like I said give the video a like if you did hit the Subscribe button if you want to see more Sims content I usually post mostly speed builds of the Sims 4 as well as the too so if that sounds interesting hit the Subscribe button and turn on the notification Bell as well to be notified of whenever I upload a new video but yeah a huge thank you to my channel members as well and I hope you all enjoyed this I hope you're all having a great week and I'll talk to you all in my very next video bye [Music] everyone [Music]
Channel: Chrissie's Corner
Views: 4,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims, sims 4, ChrissieYT, Chrissie's Corner, the sims, sims 4 build, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 mod, sims 4 mods, the sims 4 mods, sims 4 mod tutorial, sims 4 mods tutorial, sims 4 mods overview, sims 4 mc command center, sims 4 mccc, sims 4 deaderpool, sims 4 must have mods, sims 4 mod showcase
Id: BHVZjEvpd2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 2sec (4622 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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