What is Hugging Face? (In about a minute)

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[Music] looking for free AI models that don't belong to Google or openai hugging face is a machine learning and data science platform that lets users build deploy and train machine learning models it hosts thousands of open- source ml models data sets and demos this means you can see and use the code behind the models unlike Google's Bard and open ai's chat GPT which are closed source developers can use hugging face to create and post the code for their own AI models so its repository is continuously growing hugging face also hosts a public leader board that tracks ranks and evaluates the large language models and chat bots on the platform but it's not limited to language models it also has computer vision models Audio models and image models so you can build text to image or imageo image generators for example the biggest upside of hugging face is that it's an open- Source Community with thousands of developers iterating and improving upon each other's work but it can be difficult to find the right model because there are so many to choose from hugging face is free to sign up for but has a paid Enterprise offering with additional features like dedicated customer [Music] support
Channel: Eye on Tech
Views: 36,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 27sec (87 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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