What is hemophilia?

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so what is hemophilia hemophilia is a bleeding disorder a problem with a person's blood that makes them bleed longer than a person without hemophilia no one can catch hemophilia it's an inherited condition you have from birth for your whole life it's just part of who you are like the color of your hair or the shape of your nose here's how it works your blood travels through your body in tubes called arteries veins and capillaries normally when there's a tear or hole in one of these bleeding starts and different parts of the blood go to work to plug the hole blood cells called platelets gather at the opening and other blood Parts called clotting factors help hold the platelets together to form a clot that stops the bleeding when a person has hemophilia he doesn't have enough of one of those clotting factors he needs to form a clot and he keeps bleeding longer than he should each person with hemophilia is missing one of two kinds of factors if you're missing factor 8 you have hemophilia a if you're missing Factor 9 you have hemophilia B either one can be mild moderate or severe without regular treatment ow having hemophilia means you'll bleed longer than you should if you get cut but you don't have to have a cut to have a bleed sometimes especially when you're active the tiny capillaries inside a person's body will bleed causing a bruise or pain in the joints not dealing with those kinds of bleeds can cause a lot of problems later including arthritis at a young age a but the good news is there are good treatments available that can help you manage manage hemophilia effectively treatments that replace the missing Factor help your blood clot more like a person who doesn't have hemophilia these treatments when used properly help you keep your bleeding under control so you can live a long healthy life and follow your dreams without hemophilia ever holding you back to learn more about hemophilia visit World hemophilia day.org [Music]
Channel: CSL Behring
Views: 316,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hemophilia, hemophilia a, hemophilia b, csl behring, csl, world hemophilia day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 3sec (123 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2017
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