What is Flutter and things you should know about it

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this video is brought to you by learn code online dot in visit our website or download our apps hey did everyone who they sheer back again with another video and in this video we are talking about flutter so in case you are not aware flutter is a tech designed by Google and is recently being launched the flutter is an amazing tech and as mentioned on their website flutter is a mobile sdk meant for designing high performance and high fidelity mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single code base I know this sounds a little bit jargon so let me try to break down all of these things for everybody so that everybody can understand that but before we even do that let's roll up the intro [Music] first and foremost we need to talk about what flutter actually is and what flutter is not a lot of blogs I have even read a couple of them are saying that flutter is the googles to reply to Facebook react native in case you are not even aware about the react native just check out the link in the description I have talked quite a lot about react native in fact I do have a separate course on react native so just take a look on that now coming back onto the point I would disagree on this point not completely but on a little bit that flutter is not at all at reply to Google's or for the Facebook's who react native its little bit different than that now first and foremost difference is that it doesn't use any of the tech stack which is most popular on the Internet react native uses HTML CSS and JavaScript not exactly HTML it's a JSX but moreover it's moreover dependent on the JSX while the flutter is nowhere like that let us say is that we are focused on a single codebase and this single codebase is going to produce ios and android app now they are not saying that for this codebase they are using the popular languages like JavaScript or swift or maybe other languages like C++ or even Java they are saying we are coming up with our own language known as dart not their own language exactly but it's not so popular either as well I try to download some of the flutter built that they have given on the github and try to run them as well try to little bit tweaking about the codes as well I found that dart is not so hard it's relatively easy but still finding people who already know dart is going to be a little bit challenging the biggest selling point of this flutter tech is two things the first is their high performance app and the second one is hot reloading now obviously we can point out here that Google is aware about the miracle that Facebook has created that their app can be reloaded now just bringing up your your attention to the point that dart and this whole flutter thing as well as react native things our business solutions for example if I took up the apps Netflix Amazon Prime or maybe Amazon now they are already a stable business and they need their iOS and Android app now flutter and react native gives kind of a business solution to these companies these companies would like to hire a single team so that they can have a single codebase and can manage their iOS and Android app it reduces down the cost quite a lot as well as managing of the team and the code base is much more easier so obviously now a lot of technologies are looking forward to somehow recreate their apps for Android and iOS using these technologies and yes hot reloading is an amazing thing which is available in react native as well as in flutter you just save the app and just like you do on the web you just hit a refresh and your code gets refreshed now imagine on a side note just imagine that Facebook SDK is would be so humongous if it would have been designed in just Android and you hit a recompile so many things need to be recompile and it would take probably days or not even hours or days to just recompile those app so obviously hot reloading is a tech which is kind of a necessary when your application or your product goes like insane crazy like Facebook so let's talk about this Dart what is this Dart now dart is a programming language that is being used by flutter it's relatively a kind of a unknown programming language for most of the people in fact for me it was really new I never heard about the dart and I just came to know about it through the googles conference which they kept for the flutter and I tried to tweak into a little bit of the code downloaded off from the github given by the Google guys at flutter and I checked it out and I found it relatively easy it's not at all a hard language so eventually people are going to learn it pretty comfortably I don't think there is a like steep learning curve for it it's rather easy but yes I would be little bit on to a downside with the selection of the stack here because they could have done a little bit better job in selecting the stack of course they are making a point the dart is really fast we are using a C++ base engine so it's not Om which it dependent so it's relatively fast but again the point is that a lot of people are already in the market who knows the dark so that makes me that this technology I will wait for some time that whether this tech is growing or not because the selection of the stack is little bit picky here coming back on to the point that how easy is start yes if you are familiar with JavaScript or Java or you have programmed in probably in any other language you will find really comfortable with the dart dart also uses a lot of a CSS part as well so you'll find a really comfortable if you are good in front-end tech especially in the CSS you'll find really comfortable here of course the base focus is the somehow using of HTML and CSS for making their UIs now one thing that I like about this flutter is they are saying that it already comes up with a built in Cupertino as well as material design so whether you are moving for completely iOS experience or Android experience that is going to be relatively easy and you don't have to use third-party anything that we like to use in react native also I would like to mention that the flutter team is little bit behind the schedule of launching the flutter because I think they could have launched it a little bit earlier or at least when other react native was taking their popularity already react native is so much popular that flutter is going to have a really tough competition in making the market space or taking the market space as compared to react native already so many libraries so many apps are already using it and in fact Facebook showed it really really a bold move by converting their Instagram and all these apps already into react native and showing that yes this that can handle all the traffic's and all the performance issues already it is there now all the things that is we are seeing about the flutter is you can read in the documentation as well that they are saying that flutter is being used inside the firewall which is really an issue because Google is a big company of course but it is nowhere near about the traffic that is getting by on a real world app so I would really like to see some of the apps by Google like maybe Adsense or AV or some kind of these apps being designed in flutter and showing in the market that yes we can actually do that and flutter can handle all kind of such traffic of course do that but I would really like to see an example set up by Google directly there so yes flutter is a really interesting topic and I can talk quite a lot about it probably in the upcoming videos I will do that but let me know in the comment section that if you are interested in knowing more about the flutter attack or maybe I should download some of the stack on my computer and can show you that how things can be edited and kind of initially now one more thing that I would like to mention here is will I be using flutter for production for my clients anywhere even if client ask my answer is no not at all I'm not gonna be using flutter as of now because right now the flutter is in alpha mode so it's not even in beta and even I most of the time I try to avoid the betas in the production so as of now flutter is good for playing around or to see how it is evolving but for the production I'm not gonna be using it as of now but this doesn't means and negative about the flutter I'm super positive whenever somebody says that we are having a single codebase and you are having a hot reloading for your mobile apps I am totally optimistic and totally positive about that so on a final note flutter it's a good move by Google probably they are a little bit late on making this move but yes it's a good move I would surely like to see how things are going to be evolving in the future I'll be keeping a close eye on this and surely I'll talk about that in the future so let me know in the comments section what are your thoughts about the flutter by Google as well as what you think how is it going to take on to the market compare to react native I know this video comes up with a lot of jargon words as well and I'll leave that link in the description about the flutter official documentation so go ahead check that out as well so that's it let's just wrap this video in case you have enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up in case you have enjoyed it more do share it on Facebook and Twitter as well do hit the subscribe button in case you are new at this programming channel in this tech world we talk about programming on this channel as well as some of the other stuff as well so that's it for this video and I'll surely catch you up in the next one just like
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 415,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, LearnCodeOnline, flutter, flutter by google, flutter vs react native, flutter vs react native performance, dart, dart programming language
Id: 8pJ7lJNiGkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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