What is Docker, it's benefits & change in subscription plans?

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hello and welcome to cloud tech talks this is pretesh i'm back with another video this video is about docker what docker is what the benefits are why do people use it and uh i'm going to touch on a little bit on uh what the recent announcements have been for docker so you can get a deep dive into uh what it means for you as a business if you're already used utilizing docker so let's get started to begin with i would like to say that docker is sort of a de facto standard for containerization i'm sure you've you've come across this term if you're associated with devops or or devsecops in general uh in your in your career or even your work life uh in uh you know at the company that you work for um what docker is is essentially a a platform to be able to uh utilize a container platform utilize a container based architecture more efficiently more effectively and with a few benefits associated to it right so it simplifies the way that we consume containers uh at an infrastructure level at uh at a desktop level as well and uh it comes with a lot of its benefits uh in the process so let's touch on the basics of it uh you know why uh you know people use docker in the first place and uh how it's beneficial for for businesses in general so think of it as uh as a sort of a blank sheet of paper right so this is a piece of paper and this piece of paper can be related to anything that you want to deploy on your infrastructure as modern day architecture right so the reason i mentioned a blank sheet of paper is because docker has the ability to write anything on that blank piece of paper right so it can actually you know specify via image module that it uses to be able to deliver precisely what you need to deliver for a specific application run it for a specified period bring it down share with people etc so all of it can be termed as as simple as putting a service on a blank piece of paper and just utilizing it on your infrastructure that you that you have now um to bring it into perspective the the core benefits of uh using docker uh i would like to first you know obviously say that it's it's a software which is used for non-commercial purpose this has been the legacy for uh for uh for docker it was uh essentially a open source tool right i'll touch on what this means later on in the video when i touch on the subscription model and what it means for businesses and enterprises etc on the other hand the the main purpose is to have better control what do you have better control of you have better control of uh deploying your applications doing your implementation uh for a specific container based environment and at the same time you know you make sure that you are able to isolate your containers in your environment right which is essentially very important for businesses to do today because it shouldn't really overlap with uh in terms of capacity planning or having shared resources etc in a specific infrastructure so isolation it is what it does really well then i like to touch upon the level of automation involved this is one of the core reasons why people use docker for the simple fact that you can automate anything and everything if you have the right code written on the docker image and all that you have to do is is use the docker module and automate at scale you can build container apps at scale and you can you know even bring them down at scale as in when you're done utilizing the the software so automation is key one more very important point is that it's very lightweight which means as opposed to a traditional virtual machines based architecture you don't really spend a lot of time to spin up a specific virtual machine add ram to it install os add you know specific components to it the adder binary etc all of that doesn't happen here it's simply lightweight image which gets deployed and you're up in minutes right that's that's how fast you can you can scale uh you know when it comes to docker um you can have multiple containers on different platforms which means as a business you might be using let's say cloud providers such as azure or aws you may be using red hat you may be using vmware or something else right all of this doesn't matter because uh you can deploy apps across every uh different kind of infrastructure that there is um one more very important thing is that you can deploy services very easily with uh with docker and at the same time you can have specific health checks done for these services now health checks can be you know to be able to check how fault tolerant your system is uh you can check how efficiently you are able to scale how fast is working how efficiently it's working and if there is something that's not working right you can simply remove that isolated module i spoke about and replace it with something else so uh most of these are the core features of of docker but one of the most important things that people use docker for is the ability to share now imagine a very complex architecture which someone really worked on for their own environment their own company and that's not available for everybody else to utilize right with docker images you you have the ability to share with the other group of users within your company or outside the company if you want to and that ready-made image of something that has already been deployed when when it comes to containerization for docker can be utilized by that person and modified as uh as and when they they have the need to this is a very strong reason why people continue to use docker as a technology and it adds that element of collaboration it adds that element of uh flexibility and not having to do repetitive work from scratch uh and just leverage someone else's good work uh you know just by virtue of sharing with each other so this is uh you know something that i wanted to touch on as far as docker what it is and what what it really means for you one important thing that has transpired over the past few weeks is that docker has changed the subscription plan uh for uh for businesses in general so earlier as i mentioned in my uh in my first point here it used to be non-commercial uh open source tool but now they've made an announcement that any company with have which have 250 plus employees this is not a docker user account it's an employee count so it could be maybe only 10 technical users but maybe 300 employees it still qualifies under that criteria second criteria is more than 10 million dollars in revenue right so if you have upwards of 10 million dollars in revenue then you have to purchase the commercial license for docker and this change essentially happened at uh at an international level where a press release was was pushed out and all of these terms and conditions are mentioned in uh you know the press release that that came out but people are not really aware of this change they don't really know what it means for them because it it has come with a deadline for 31st of january 2022. if you're using docker today and you're not paying for it it's an open source tool for you but you fall in this criteria as a company you either have 250 employees or more and you have more than 10 million dollars in revenue after 31st of january docker will start to uh audit and do compliance checks for all of the users at a worldwide level so they have the full list of users they can push out this compliance and audit check at any given point in time but until 31st of january they've given this grace period to be for users to be able to self-declare that i fall in this category and i want to buy a specific subscription and there are mainly uh three types of plans three types of subscriptions which i'll mention in the description below i'll just put in a url for it so you understand what what it really means for you but if you have this as as one of the if you fall in this category please feel free to get in touch with us and and we can actually help you out we can consult on what kind of plan you should opt for and whether you really need to buy in the first place because it's not relevant for education or non-commercial organizations it's really relevant for businesses enterprises using all of this for commercial use so uh this was docker uh its benefits and its uh overall subscription plan change in a nutshell if you have any questions please feel free to write it in the comments below happy to welcome your feedback as well until next time this is pretty signing off from cloud tech talks thank you have a good day bye bye
Channel: CloudTechTalks
Views: 507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Docker, Docker Pricing, Docker desktop, Docker plans, Docker plan change, Containers, DevOps, CI, CD, CICD, PaaS, IaaS, Cloud, Cloud Computing
Id: 6TGrflDxn20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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