What is Dark Energy made of? Quintessence? cosmological constant?
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Channel: Arvin Ash
Views: 187,275
Rating: 4.8997049 out of 5
Keywords: dark energy, what is dark energy, what is dark energy made of, quintessence, dynamical dark energy, cosmological constant problem, cosmological constant dark energy, cosmological constant, coincidence scandal, dark energy explained, type 1a supernova, saul perlmutter, adam riess, brian schmidt expanding universe, expanding universe, standard candle, heisenberg uncertainty principle, negative energy, casimir effect, energy conservation physics, yt:cc=on, repulsive gravity
Id: YQq0VdJApzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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