What Is Considered Lazy But Is Really Practical?

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what is considered lazy but is really useful slash practical not going to work when ill never understood the whole i don't ever take days off even if i'm violently sick thanks pal you just infected the rest of your coworkers a lot of places require a doctor's not if you call in sick at least where i live not everyone can afford to go to the doctor whenever they are sick it's an unfortunate part of working jobs that don't offer insurance sick days as benefits obviously this doesn't apply to being violently sick because that's a little different than a cold working exactly the hours you agreed on every corporate job i ever had i would ask the expected hours at the interview be told nine five and then the first day they would say oops did i say that it's really eight six like cool my school starts at six this is why i freaking asked so happy to be self-employed now i work crazy hours but at least i don't feel taken advantage of i had that once they said i could do eight five or nine six so i picked eight five no one was ready for me when i showed up a date and the boss called me when i left at five and said they meant the hours were eight six i said okay as long as one of those hours every day is over time we worked out a system where some days i worked longer hours and some days shorter to have 40 hour weeks because frick you for trying to illegally force me to work for underpay an hour of my life every day now i'm salary and do that all the time but whatever the time to lay down and just think for a bit if you make time just to do nothing but reflect then you'll be surprised how often your subconscious will come up with something to help with whatever you're worrying about the classic is a problem in software development don't stay late to fix it the number of times i've spent hours trying to do something only to fix him within five minutes of coming in the next day former attorney we used to have a judge in detroit rabbits many years ago now and then some issue would come up in a hearing and he would lean back in his chair on the bench and say let me reflect he'd lean way back sometimes close his eyes and think after a minute or so with everyone in the courtroom sitting in silence he'd lean back down and say okay i'm ready to rule i never saw another judge ever do that but i thought it made a lot of sense waiting to see if a problem works itself out before trying to implement a convoluted solution sometimes the correct answer to a problem is do nothing and sometimes the correct answer let's wait and see if we can understand the problem better but no it's always a competition of the idiots who think the first one to suggest action is the best taking or your vacation you will not get any commendation for not using it and if your boss gets on your case about taking the vacation that the company offers you like my old boss did then look for a new job wow is this a thing in norway it's both illegal for an employer to deny the full vacation and illegal for an employee to not take the full vacation some of it can be moved to next year but the full five weeks shall be taken real kicker of this it's the employer who is punishable for both offenses taking small breaks between assignments or work no i'm not avoiding doing something i just need a small break to re-energize this is actually the recommend method for studying blitzing it won't be as effective since you will just glaze it over and not retain the information not just studying i blitz through my work all day and by the end of the day even the smallest task seems very stressful it may only take a few minutes to finish but it feels insurmountable i'm a much happier slash better employee when i remember to take a walk or stop working and unplug for a few minutes taking days off manager wants to give me hassle because i'm not coming in six days a week every week my dude you work 30 more hours a week than i do for five thousand dollars more a year had a co-worker talk down to me because i said i'd rather work for tens than five eighths told me my generation has snowed work ethic methurico it's the same amount of time i just want fridays to go see new movies and crap without having to work yes i work a rotating schedule of 312's and it's awesome my workplace is a factory so people are always there but instead of hiring three shifts that do five aids the half day r and v shifts in graveyard and b shifts there's somebody working 24 over six except for holidays and everybody gets four days off every week you only have to work 36 hours but if you want not you can just show up whenever you want on your day off and go in no questions are asked until you hit 60 hours but i've seen guys work 72 in a week if anything i feel more motivated to work extra because it doesn't ruin my weekend to go in another day using online grocery pickup services i work at a store that offers the service where we do your shopping for you then all you have to do is just pull up to the curb and we load it in your car and every now and then i'll have a customer come up to me while i'm shopping to curse at me and tell me how lazy people are for making us do their shopping for them but it is a super useful service for people that have tight time schedules or have movement disabilities anything to have a superiority complex i guess i have my groceries delivered from the store disabled and can't drive and it has raised my quality of life enormously i'm sorry idiots give you grief but you're making a huge difference my grandma got me interested in that now groceries get to my place when i do and i spend more time taking care of myself not washing your clothes after the first wear unless of course it's dirty or smelly but with care given most clothing can be worn a couple times before it's dirty your clothes will last longer and you use less detergent t-shirts slash underwear wash every time sweat and other stuff short slash pants slash jacket slash sweatshirt slash second shirt over a t-shirt agree i don't wash them unless i get them dirty or it's been a long time same my uniform for work at the moment includes a shirt and tie jumper and then fleece on top because it's cold i'm also wearing a full set of thermal long johns underneath because i'm necessarily the shirt doesn't touch skin so unless i've been sweating through i wear it for three days i change the thermal set every day the jumper and fleece get washed at the end of the week asking a shop attendant to help if you can't find something unless they're extremely new chances are they know the store really well and can point you in the right direction it takes maybe 30 seconds and you'll find what you're looking for nobody will judge you for doing it are you listening dad sometimes you distract us from the boring tedium of stocking shelves or hanging price tags too yes price tags think about it for a second every single tag is hand placed on every single shelf i love when someone asks me where something is it gives me a chance to say something other than the cash-ish deal i'm the tagged guy at my store that method of shoveling snow where you just walk with the shovel in front of you and push it off the driveway as opposed to actually shoveling like you're digging a ditch it's a nice way to not die of a heart attack or get needless backache until you accidentally go against the grain on your deck and the handle slams into your gut and knocks the wind out of you learn that lesson more than once i would venture if it happened more than once you didn't learn your lesson leaving on time after work there is a big culture now of people staying late to show how hard of a worker they are with people praising them saying things like they're such a hard worker always there before i start and after i leave really this is not great and people burning themselves out like this is not healthy sure there might be times where emergencies happen and you might need to stay late but it shouldn't be the norm and you shouldn't be seen as lazy for wanting to get home it's not the same everywhere in some countries egg france staying late at work is demonstrating that you are so crap at your job that you can't get it done within the working day germans have a similar thought process as well i heard this frequently when i live there americans live to work europeans work to live i wish we had more of that concept here giving money as a birthday present if you're a kid receiving money as a present sure that's cool but in an adult adult reciprocal gift-giving situation you'd just end up exchanging psx twice a year pointless consider it putting x amount into savings with the intent of withdrawing it on a certain day grocery shopping pick slash delivery saves time and helps people stay on budget i get called lazy so often for being a 24 year old and using this i love walmart's grocery pickup option it saves me time and keeps me out of a store that's overcrowded with rude people you're absolutely right about how it helps with budgeting being able to see how much i am going to end up spending and going back through to decide what's necessary for the week and what's not it's been a godsend how is their produce picking skill when it first came out they had promise which i used but only got boxed stuff cause i wasn't sure what kind of produce picking skill they had like moldy or ruined stuff being bored and embracing it our body and mind both need rest time if we refuse to give them some constantly engaging into sports gym or doing everything something challenging or interesting or working we will burn out absolutely we need breaks from constant stimulation meditation has done absolute wonders for my anxiety hiring a maid service i'd rather not spend my weekend cleaning time is more of a value than the cost of a maid service i once told my mother that when i'm getting a new apartment i'm paying for someone to clean the one i'm moving out of my mother was shocked at this wasteful and bourgeois display of opulence not going to tell her that i'm seriously considering paying for weekly slash b weekly housekeeping do it you work hard for your money and you can do whatever you want with it not only do they do the jobs you hate they do it better and faster than you ever could does your mother clutch her pearls at the idea of going out to eat you go to a restaurant and pay for someone else to set the table make you a meal and clean up after you try using that comparison if she gives you crap for it half-assing something obviously you generally don't want to do that and there are some situations where you really don't want to do that but if it's the only way for you to get something done then that's better than not doing it at all need to clean your messy room but it's such an overwhelming task that you keep putting it off just put away one or two things a day and it may take longer but it'll get done couldn't finish your homework on time if you'll still get half credit turn it in anyway better than no credit too depressed slash lacking in energy to make a sandwich it's better to eat the individual components a slice of bread a slice of cheese etc just grab it out of the package and put it in your mouth then to not eat at all also a lot of infomercial products such as snuggies motorized spoons sticks you put toilet paper on to wipe yourself with etc are ridiculed as being for lazy [ __ ] but are in fact designed for people with disabilities i learned this in college about turning stuff in you don't have to turn in a perfect paper or project if you don't have much time look at the rubric the assignment is usually far easier than it sounds if you break the rubric down just turn something in working nine to five is healthy as frick it's useless to work 60 plus hours a week as your output will get worse and worse work eight hours go home relax sleep well and work another eight i'm done with pretending to love working insane hours i want my nine five mentality actually studies show even 40 hour weeks are too much as in productivity goes down after people work five consecutive hours using work time to complete personal tasks ain't nobody got time to deal with that crap on their own time yes i balance my checkbook schedule appointments do a little volunteer work etc i'm one of those people that has to be in the mood to do certain tasks i'm way more productive in the office if left to do these things after hours i'd never get them done i always try to schedule appointments at the very beginning or end of day so i don't miss work but i also take calls texts and answer emails related to work from home i figure it all evans out in the end and i'm a happy productive worker luckily my gig is pretty sweet too so they are really good about illness kids mechanic appointments all that kind of stuff all of my kids friends families run around non-stop doing sports church activities etc it's literally seven days slash week for some of them we just hang around the house with our kids if they wanted to play soccer slash baseball slash whatever we'd support them but they are not interested so we feel like lazy parents all the time but you know those days at work when you're busy after all day and then suddenly it's five o'clock and you don't know where the day went you know how people always say they grow up so fast the two are completely related if you spend more lazy days with your kids the time goes by slower me and my so are self-employed in our own business we get crap from our families for not literally working every wake hour we got being artisans it kind of makes sense since the more we are in our shop the more we work but at some point we first of all got faster without compromising our product and after a couple of no rest day we decided that we valued our sanity more whatever it might end up bringing work-wise because people at least here expect you to be working 24 over 7 if you're not in the clear financially which again could make sense but what good does that make if after x time we end up burned out and we either become unproductive or at worst we compromise our heath both due to injuries and or stress-related diseases taking a break from work and going on a walk problem solving is not all frontal cortex i've worn several hats through the years computer programmer mechanic logistics network design mechanical engineer doesn't matter which too much time spent on a task eventually leads to brain fade maybe it's a new problem i just can't figure out maybe it's a complex problem i should be able to handle but my brain's just done in almost every case they all get resolved by either switching tasks or just stopping altogether and going on a 20-minute brain clearing walk [Music]
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Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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