What is Buddhism? | Buddhism In English

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Nam budhaya welcome to today's video today in this video I'm going to discuss about a simple question that most of the people ask from Buddhist monks and the question is very simple it is what is Buddhism it seems to be a simple question but it is very complicated when you're trying to give an answer for this question for so let's try to find an answer for this question today so so many people ask that is Buddhism a religion or is it a philosophy or is it a way of life now first of all what is your what is your opinion about this is it a religion do you feel it is like a religion do you feel it is like a philosophy or it is like a more like a way of life what do you think about it well this is the thing if I can give a simple answer for Buddhism what Buddhism is this is the answer Buddhism is a profound teaching and a deep teaching that it is very difficult to put it into one basket one category saying this is a religion this is a philosophy this is a way of life why because let's say when you visit a Buddhist temple if you had the chance to visit the Buddhist temple you will see Buddhist statues people come and worship to the Buddha statues they offer flow s and they offer so many offerings to the Buddha statues and they worship and do they do all sort of things when you see that you may start to think oh this is a religion okay in the same time if you dive into the Buddhist teachings core Buddhist teachings and if you read some sutas what will happen you will come to an understanding that these teachings what the Buddha has taught is so profound and it is more philosophic IAL it dives into the deep topics in life like existence and life and impermanence a lot of things like that okay then you may start to think well Buddhism is more philosophical and in the in the other way if you try to practice Buddhism right if you try to practice Buddhism by practicing virtues and practicing meditation it becomes more of a way of life okay so what exactly is Buddhism how can we understand well the one answer that I can give when you sum up all the Buddhist teachings okay the one answer that I can give is Buddhism is all about for Noble Truths the Buddha said duka is the first Noble Truth life is based upon unsatisfactoriness okay then the Su there is the second Noble Truth and that is the unsatisfactoriness is based on it BEC it Origins because of the craving and the desires in our life okay and the third is the neroda if you let go of the craving and the desires in your life you will end up the unsatisfactoriness and finally the fourth Noble Truth is the muger the path that leads to let letting go of this unsatisfactoriness okay removing that unsatisfactoriness and that is is the noble aold part so this for Noble Truth is all about Buddha's teachings okay but when you see the Buddhist traditions and Buddhist rituals you will see people are worshiping then it is also it has a part of religion okay people worship but it is not in the way of a religion that people think it is a religion because the definition of the word religion is constant worship shipping and believing into a supernatural and super human being or a God in that sense Buddhism is not a religion it is also it has more philosophical aspects but it is not just a study of these Concepts you cannot just stop from studying about the impermanence and the existence and everything just as a study you have to dive into these studies and you have to practice it it runs beyond the the studying it goes to the practice and you have to realize by yourself through yourself what the reality is that is what Buddhism is okay so if I said that what Buddhism is the Buddhism is all about the four noble truths so that is the answer that I can give to a person who is asking this question what is Buddhism it is about the four noble truths and the reality of this world so keep this in your mind Nam budhaya
Channel: Buddhism
Views: 159,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buddhism in english, buddhism for you, Inner guide, meditation music, meditation in buddhism, bana english, learn the buddhism, meditation, buddha's path, buddhism, buddhist, what is buddhism, what do buddhists believe, eightfold path, four noble truths, bodhisattva, nirvana, religion, peace, buddha, gautama, inner peace buddhism, Dhamma talk, Buddhism In English, Srilanka, slbuddhism, calm, meditate, motivation, mind relax, about buddhism, wharis budddhism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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