What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Do I have BPD?

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have you ever had a friend who would act extremely clingy at one point and the next moment act aloof a friend who would feel suicidal one moment and completely find the next a friend who was prone to sudden angry outbursts a friend who would engage in impulsive and self-destructive behavior a friend who seems to always be suspicious of others in tandem with the fear of abandonment chances are that your friend is suffering from borderline personality disorder borderline personality disorder or bpd is a mood disorder and the communist personality disorder with at least one in 100 people having bpd a person with bpd may first experience these symptoms in adolescence and the intensity of these symptoms can vary from mild to severe the symptoms of bpd can be grouped into four main categories emotional instability or affective dysregulation disturbed patterns of thinking and perception or cognitive distortions and perceptual distortions impulsive behavior intense and unstable relationships with others emotional instability is experiencing a range of intense negative emotions like rage sorrow panic terror as well as mood swings disturbed pattern of thinking and perception is where a person has upsetting thoughts about oneself hallucinations and becomes extremely suspicious of people for no reason at all impulsive behavior can be of two forms self-harm and engaging in reckless and irresponsible activities like drugs and alcohol finally since people with bpd fear abandonment they may experience severe anxiety and become extremely clingy while at the same time they may feel like their friends are controlling them thereby acting aloof resulting in intense and unstable relationships what causes bpd there seems to be no single cause for bpd rather a combination of factors genetics environmental factors problems with brain development and neurotransmitters have all been eluded as the culprits for bpd neurotransmitters are chemicals found in the brain they act as messengers transmitting signals between brain cells serotonin which is a neurotransmitter is instrumental in stabilizing our mood feelings of well-being and happiness altered levels of serotonin has been linked to depression aggression and difficulty controlling destructive rages in other words emotional instability and impulsive behavior therefore it is hypothesized that people with bpd have problems with neurotransmitters specifically serotonin research has found that those diagnosed with bpd have smaller than expected or unusual levels of activity in three specific parts of the brain the amygdala which plays a key role in regulating emotions especially negative emotions hippocampus which helps regulate behavior and self-control an orbitofrontal cortex which is responsible for planning and decision-making in addition these parts of the brain also play a key role in mood regulation therefore problems in the development of the amygdala hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex can result in emotional instability impulsive behavior and intense and unstable relationships environmental factors such as sexual physical or emotional abuse being exposed to long-term fear or distress as a child neglect and abandonment has also been shown to contribute to the development of bpd psychotherapy such as dialectical behavior therapy mentalization based therapy is the mainstay treatment for bpd it works by helping the patient to learn skills such as managing emotions reducing impulsiveness and being aware of feelings of others steps or systems training for emotional predictability and problem solving is a 20 weeks treatment regime that incorporates family members and caregivers to the treatment at present pharmacotherapy is not used in treating bpd unless the person has a concurrent mental health condition like depression anxiety disorder or bipolar disorder [Music]
Channel: Tiny Medicine
Views: 84,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Do I have symptoms of BPD?, What is Borderline Personality Disorder?, Borderline Personality Disorder, symptoms of BPD, bpd disorder, STEPPS, Emotional instability, mood swings, What causes BPD?, Systems Training for emotional Predictability and Problem Solving, bpd mental illness, mental health, bpd depression, medical animation, anxiety disorder, bpd treatment, medicines for bpd
Id: IEHmZK8-D0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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