What is bipolar disorder? - Helen M. Farrell

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I found the video really irksome. It's factually wrong on some key points and it greatly minimizes the severity of the disease. One time in that video I heard something about suicidal thoughts, but no mention of the fact that over 20% of bipolar patients will take their own lives (succumb to the illness more accurately). Repeatedly I heard that it's manageable if you just take your meds and do what you ought to, but this is also nonsense for many bipolar patients. I'm on 1500 mg of lithium now and have had two significant episodes of hypomania in the last two months. I'm also on a couple drugs to help battle side effects of lithium (diabetes insipidus, essential tremors). I'm also taking Depakote as another anti-manic drug and AED. One does not simply will themselves to sleep well or have the energy for exercise when depressed/highly medicated.

They decided to go with some abstract geometric animation, ok, that's fine, but it way oversimplified things and straight out falsified what bipolar is like for the overwhelming majority of patients. A couple times they used a circle that was half white and half black to represent the extremes of bipolar. My main problem with this is that almost none of us spend an equal amount of time in an elevated mood as in a depressed mood.

They probably could have defined mania much better and just how deadly it can be. Last time I had an episode it began to end when terrified cops had guns pointed at my back.

Last, but not least, while I'll be the first to describe this as a scourge most of the time, the video could have mentioned one or two positives about bipolar people, e.g. often founded to have greater creative powers and more empathy.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/degustibus ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I love videos like these.

I'd like to share some other video resources as well!

Polar Warriors is an easily digestible and approachable short video series that tackles a lot of the issues people with bipolar face. It also goes into the many categories of bipolar. If you're trying to educate people you know about the illness, this is what I'd show them.

Basically any bipolar video on the Aware channel. Dr Patrick McKeon has some very good lectures. Bipolar Disorder: What it is and what to do (2015), Bipolar Disorder: Preventing relapse. These videos are in lecture format as they are intended for a student / conference audience, but they are still very good.

Of these two I would say that Polar Warriors is definitely the best. I think he does a wonderful job.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sofunnyiweep ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is great. I was DYING laughing at the comparison illustration of the bipolar personโ€™s pathways being so fucked up and confusing

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sapphoisbipolar ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is one of the best videos I've seen that captures everything so succinctly. Thank you so much for sharing with us all. Really comforted me, too. :-)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
What is bipolar disorder? The word bipolar means two extremes. For the many millions experiencing bipolar disorder around the world, life is split between two different realities - elation and depression. Although there are many variations of bipolar disorder, let's consider a couple. Type 1 has extreme highs alongside the lows, while Type 2 involves briefer, less extreme periods of elation interspersed with long periods of depression. For someone seesawing between emotional states, it can feel impossible to find the balance necessary to lead a healthy life. Type 1's extreme highs are known as manic episodes, and they can make a person range from feeling irritable to invincible. But these euphoric episodes exceed ordinary feelings of joy, causing troubling symptoms like racing thoughts, sleeplessness, rapid speech, impuslive actions, and risky behaviors. Without treatment, these episodes become more frequent, intense, and take longer to subside. The depressed phase of bipolar disorder manifests in many ways - a low mood, dwindling interest in hobbies, changes in appetite, feeling worthless or excessively guilty, sleeping either too much or too little, restlessness or slowness, or persistent thoughts of suicide. Worldwide, about one to three percent of adults experience the broad range of symptoms that indicate bipolar disorder. Most of those people are functional, contributing members of society, and their lives, choices, and relationships aren't defined by the disorder, but still, for many, the consequences are serious. The illness can undermine educational and professional performance, relationships, financial security, and personal safety. So what causes bipolar disorder? Researchers think a key player is the brain's intricate wiring. Healthy brains maintain strong connections between neurons thanks to the brain's continuous efforts to prune itself and remove unused or faulty neural connections. This process is important because our neural pathways serve as a map for everything we do. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, scientists have discovered that the brain's pruning ability is disrupted in people with bipolar disorder. That means their neurons go haywire and create a network that's impossible to navigate. With only confusing signals as a guide, people with bipolar disorder develop abnormal thoughts and behaviors. Also, psychotic symptoms, like disorganized speech and behavior, delusional thoughts, paranoia, and hallucinations can emerge during extreme phases of bipolar disorder. This is attributed to the overabundance of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. But despite these insights, we can't pin bipolar disorder down to a single cause. In reality, it's a complex problem. For example, the brain's amygdala is involved in thinking, long-term memory, and emotional processing. In this brain region, factors as varied as genetics and social trauma may create abnormalities and trigger the symptoms of bipolar disorder. The condition tends to run in families, so we do know that genetics have a lot to do with it. But that doesn't mean there's a single bipolar gene. In fact, the likelihood of developing bipolar disorder is driven by the interactions between many genes in a complicated recipe we're still trying to understand. The causes are complex, and consequently, diagnosing and living with bipolar disorder is a challenge. Despite this, the disorder is controllable. Certain medications like lithium can help manage risky thoughts and behaviors by stabilizing moods. These mood stabilizing medications work by decreasing abnormal activity in the brain, thereby strengthening the viable neural connections. Other frequently used medications include antipsychotics, which alter the effects of dopamine, and electroconvulsive therapy, which works like a carefully controlled seizure in the brain, is sometimes used as an emergency treatment. Some bipolar patients reject treatment because they're afraid it will dim their emotions and destroy their creativity. But modern psychiatry is actively trying to avoid that. Today, doctors work with patients on a case-by-case basis to administer a combination of treatments and therapies that allows them to live to their fullest possible potential. And beyond treatment, people with bipolar disorder can benefit from even simpler changes. Those include regular exercise, good sleep habits, and sobriety from drugs and alcohol, not to mention the acceptance and empathy of family and friends. Remember, bipolar disorder is a medical condition, not a person's fault, or their whole identity, and it's something that can be controlled through a combination of medical treatments doing their work internally, friends and family fostering acceptance and understanding on the outside, and people with bipolar disorder empowering themselves to find balance in their lives.
Channel: TED-Ed
Views: 3,411,317
Rating: 4.9576249 out of 5
Keywords: bipolar, bipolar disorder, mental health, mania, manic, depression, manic episode, mood, dopamine, genetics, neural pathway, neuron, psychology, neuroscience, treatment, medicine, TED, fMRI, TED-Ed, TED Ed, TED Education, Helen M Farrell, Uncle Ginger
Id: RrWBhVlD1H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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