What is AWS Direct Connect?

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[Music] hi everyone in this video we are going to talk about aws direct connect now before we talk about uh the actual solution we're not going to spend a ton of time going through the the technicalities of it and how you do it and all that kind of stuff i just want to give you guys a general idea of what this is but understanding what it is if you don't understand why you need it then understanding what it is is pointless so let's imagine here that we have three clustered ec2 instances and let's say that they are all web servers okay and here we out here in the world we have the internet so we'll say inet and the internet is coming in and accessing our cluster of web servers on 443 they're accessing our wordpress website or whatever it is now our web server has some dependencies on s3 no big deal because our s3 is is part of our aws infrastructure and so we don't really need to do anything crazy there the problem that we have though is these web servers these wordpress servers maybe they're you know obviously people are leaving comments it's our blog so people are commenting people are reading they require some back-end database resources and or maybe it's a storefront right maybe these maybe folks are coming to to buy our product and we need to be able to store all of their customer information credit card numbers things like that now while aws provides us database resources to be able to do that we don't keep them in aws we keep them in our on-prem data center and there's a number of different reasons why we might do that we could have uh you know we could have finance that that has you know some direct uh need for those database servers to be on-prem we could have some compliance requirements that that require those database resources to be on-prem we could have some devops uh folks that require the the development resources to be on-prem we can also have various different campus users that are using we're just going to say app x but it could be app 123 application 456 whatever that have a dependency on these shared database servers and so we have a couple of options in reality we could replicate these databases into our on-prem or we could we could replicate these on-prem databases to our cloud deployment but there's a challenge because you know we have these database records and tables and we have to get these databases across the wire to a database server that would be in our ec2 instance or rds data you know database or something like that and that could pose a challenge right because would that link be encrypted and things like that this is kind of what direct connect aims to solve for us so it allows us to essentially connect um to a to a direct endpoint so you can see here the aws direct endpoint what this allows us to do is essentially connect our either our customer network or a partner network it's it's really either one this doesn't necessarily have to be here but we essentially connect our on-prem network or our customer network 2 in aws direct connect location and what that allows us then to do is create virtual interfaces so we're just going to say vint for virtual interfaces to the various different resources that we might need there or want to connect to so in this case we essentially are bypassing that internet so so if we were going to replicate this without direct connect you know we'd have to do something like this pardon my dotted line spacing but we'd have to do something like this where we come into the internet and then we come back into aws but we don't need to do that with direct connect with direct connect again we can essentially connect to that aws direct endpoint and then create these virtual interfaces here to connect to anything that we want so we can directly connect to our s3 storage we can directly connect to our ec2 instances and this is basically uh like an extension of a data center so you know there are some configurations that have to happen here you do essentially download like a virtual config to put on a router you do need again to create some virtual interfaces and things like that but it allows you to essentially have for lack of a better term that vpn that virtual private network that virtual private connection between your aws vpc and your on-prem data center
Channel: XtremeIE
Views: 82
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0noDqhxDx2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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