What is Angular? | What Is Angular, And How It Works? | Angular Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn

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hey everyone welcome back to another video on the angular series in this session we're going to cover the topic of what is angular i'm sure all of you use mobile and web applications be it from social media to health care e-commerce and net banking these apps are used by billions of people across the globe now the main reason we use these apps is that they offer seamless user experience and interface but how are they developed to provide such reliability one of the frameworks that is widely used to build such robust apps is angular so let's dive into the session now so here is a list of topics that we're going to be covering first up we'll see why angular was introduced then what is angular features of angular angular architecture advantages and limitations of angular the learning curve of angular and finally we'll look at some of the companies that deploy angular so without further delay let's begin why angular now javascript is the most commonly used client-side scripting language it is written into html documents enabling interactions with web pages in many unique ways so as a relatively easy to learn language with almost pervasive support it is exceptionally well suited to develop modern applications but the question arises is javascript ideal for developing single page applications that require modularity testability and other features perhaps not however we have a variety of frameworks and libraries designed to help us with such things with respect to front-end development angular and javascript together bring in structure and consistency to your web applications and also provide scalability and maintainability angular is specifically developed for single page applications so now the question arises what exactly is angular angular is an open source javascript framework written completely in typescript now it was primarily aimed to develop single page applications and is maintained by google angular as a framework provides a few advantages while also providing a standard structure for developers it is designed for web desktop and mobile platforms if you have a doubt here as to what exactly single page applications are let me help you with that now these single page applications are basically applications that get loaded just once so the main page gets loaded onto your browser so any further interactions does not lead to loading of subsequent pages anything that has to be done further is just an addition to the already loaded page so these single page applications are primarily developed using angular moving ahead let's look at the features of angular we have four features that we're going to be discussing we have the document object model type script data binding and testing now let's look at them one by one now the document object model treats an xml or an html document as a tree structure now here every node in the tree structure defines an object representing a part of your document angular uses the regular dom now let's suppose you've made 10 updates on a single html page so every time you make a change the corresponding dom or the tree structure needs to be updated now angular updates the entire tree structure of html tags moving on to our next feature we have typescript now typescript defines a set of types to javascript which helps you write javascript that is easier to understand now all the typescript code compiles down to basic javascript that can run smoothly on any platform now typescript is not mandatory for developing an angular application but it is highly recommended the main reason is highly recommended is that it offers better syntactic structure while making the codebase easier to understand and maintain now typescript can be installed as an npm package now to do that you just have to run the command npm install hyphen g type script on your command prompt next up is data binding now data binding is a process that allows you to manipulate web page elements using the web browser now it mainly employs dynamic html and does not require complex scripting or programming it is used in web pages that include interactive components like calculators tutorials games etc now incremental display of a web page makes data binding extremely convenient when pages contain a large amount of data when it comes to angular it uses two-way data binding so any changes meeting the ui element is reflected in the corresponding model state and conversely any changes made in the model state are reflected onto the ui state this allows the framework to connect the term to the model data via the controller the last feature we're discussing is testing angular uses jasmine to run its various tests the jasmine framework allows various functionalities to write different kinds of test cases karma is a task runner for the tests that use a configuration file to set the startup reporters and testing framework so with that we've covered the features of angular so let's go ahead and understand the architecture of angular angular is a full-fledged mvc framework it provides a strong opinion on how the application should be structured and offers bi-directional data flow and updates to real dom mvc short for model view controller is an architectural pattern that separates the application layer into model view and controller the model here relates to all the data related logic view on the other hand is used for ui logic of the application and controller is the brain of the setup now it is an interface between the model and view moving on let's look at the advantages of angular first up we have custom components angular allows you to build your own components that can pack functionality along with rendering logic into reusable pieces data binding as discussed angular allows you to effortlessly move your data from your javascript code to the view and react to user events without having to write any code yourself dependency injection angular allows you to write modular services and have them injected wherever they are needed this greatly improves the testability and reusability of the same don't worry if you can't wrap your head around these topics we're going to discuss them further in the coming videos next advantage is testing angular has been built from the ground up with testability in mind you can literally test every part of your application comprehensive angular is a full-fledged framework and provides out-of-the-box solutions for server communication routing and more lastly we have excellent browser compatibility angular is cross platform and browser compatible an angular application can typically run on all browsers beat chrome firefox safari and platforms like windows mac os and linux now many versions of angular have been released ever since its inception all of these versions have added to the efficient working of the framework now here are two different versions released first up was angular 1. it was built on javascript and completely based on controllers next release was angular 2. now this incorporated the component based approach where in the entire ui was divided into several components and lastly integrated to give the final logic next was angular 4 it included router updation angular cli or command line interface 1.0 was introduced however not deployed in this release the angular cli was optimized and commands like ng update and ng add were added in the angular 7 release prompts were introduced which provided tips in cli about the functions being used in angular 8 iv renderer and bazel were introduced and finally the most recent release was angular 9. now this came with the better framework and angular material now this completely switched to the iv renderer as a default compiler now that we've learnt about the pros of using angular let's look at some of the limitations of angular first up is a sleep learning curve now since angular is a complete full-fledged framework it becomes difficult for learners to begin with you need to be acquainted with simple topics and then move on to more advanced topics to become proficient in this language next up is limited seo options now angular offers limited seo options and poor accessibility to search engine crawlers it's verbose and complex now a common issue faced by the angular community is the verbosity of the framework it also poses to be complex compared to other front-end tools and lastly migration now one of the drawbacks of angular is poor migration now it becomes difficult to port legacy code to angular style architecture also with each new release it is painful to upgrade and a lot of them are not backward compatible next up let's look at the angular learning curve now if you wish to learn angular you need to be acquainted with basic topics in angular some of them are directives modules decorators components services dependency injection pipes and templates now once you've mastered your basics you will want to go and understand more advanced topics such as change detection zones aot compilation and rx.js however the learning curve of angular is clear cut in the beginning it could be a little intimidating but once you start using the tool it becomes way more easier to comprehend and understand what is going on and lastly let's look at some of the companies that use angular today many top tier companies like nike forbes google hbo sony up work among others readily deploy angular so with that we conclude the session i hope it was informative if you have any doubts or questions let us know in the comment section below thank you so much for being here and watch out for more videos on this series on angular until then keep learning and stay tuned to simply [Music] hi there if you like this video subscribe to the simply learn youtube channel and click here to watch similar videos turn it up and get certified click here
Channel: Simplilearn
Views: 192,924
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Keywords: angular tutorial for beginners, what is angular, what is angular and why use it, what is angular and how it works, angular tutorial, learn angular, learn angular 8 from scratch, learn angularjs for beginners, angular, angularjs, getting started with angular, getting started with angular 9, angular basics, angular basics for beginners, angular basic tutorial for beginners, angular basic project, angular demo project, angular demo, angular training, simplilearn angular, simplilearn
Id: 5xg4Jvqy_UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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