What Is Anger? Part 1 | Mindstars Mental Health & Wellbeing #childrensmentalhealth

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foreign have you ever had someone do something you didn't like have you ever felt so angry that you want to storm around slam doors hit something or Scream and Shout just because things haven't gone your way or you didn't get what you wanted anger is a strong feeling of annoyance that you get when something bad happens to you or when someone does something you don't like stop everybody gets angry anger is an emotion we all feel every day like happiness fear or sadness but how does anger make your body feel when your anger is triggered the brain releases a chemical called catecholamine which prepares your body for physical activity hormone called adrenaline is released into the body adrenaline causes a sudden burst of energy your heart starts racing you might have negative thoughts about yourself or others you might start feeling hot might start sweating you might have stomach churning that's a lot for one person to feel what is an anger trigger anger triggers are the things that make you feel angry well what triggers anger being let down getting in trouble for something you thought was okay not getting your way being made fun of feeling disappointed feeling scared getting in trouble for something you didn't do being called names someone using your things without asking and feeling embarrassed what do people think when they're angry it's not fair you make me look stupid I'm going to explode you have ruined everything you let me down how do people act when they're angry they may want to hurt themselves or others storming off shouting and arguing slamming doors trying to break things okay so what can you do when you're angry stop stay in control foreign take a deep breath [Music] what happened what are you thinking or feeling how are you going to react what are others saying or doing be mindful think about what goal your actions will achieve let's practice some mindful breathing follow the star [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Mindstars Kids
Views: 22,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anger for kids, managing anger for kids, anger management, anger management for kids, emotions, how to control anger, mental health awareness, child mental health, for kids, the school of life, no child left behind, key stage 1, ks1, education, eyfs, primary school, teaching and learning strategies, key stage 2, nursery, reception, year one, eyfs behaviour, behaviour strategies
Id: aHd1-PgYOIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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