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[Music] all right guys we are very excited because we have special guests in the house today and I have no idea what's going on what's up I'm Jake bask from Salt Lake City this is uh I'm Porter Karen from Salt Lake City also I'm Jonathan from Hawaii Hawaii me too we also love Salt Lake City shout out Salt Lake City and then Gabe just tossed me what is this so this is a package of smies what is a SMY you're about to find out what a SMY is you have no I love this you have no idea what's going on you don't even know no should I know you should know I should know shouldn't I we've been we've been flying in stealth mode for uh for way too long and thanks to Porter here putting us on the map um we're now we're we're now here at Braille well you open it step one you open it okay SMY olly o this strap it around yeah look at the bril dang oh sick that is sick so you put it around there yeah you'll put it around like this oh you can kind of wow I get you it's all coming together now I get you okay so it has this these things so it doesn't slide on the nose and tail yeah and then you can also grind with your trucks cuz it doesn't like go over that that's what people don't understand did you invent this he did I'm not that cool yet this has been a 10 year 10 year SL threeyear project okay so right here it has like little uh rubbery material and right there two yep and you just put on there that'll keep it from slipping yeah slipping off your off your nose and tail and you just put your feet in there that's it this is like the old school like inner tubes Right Bingo it's not like a snowboard though it's like a skateboard so your feet can actually move and then you can still bail okay if you need to jump off you can you get used to it pretty quick like that that's it yeah but not just a jump try try and jump and it's it's going to feel so weird and so foreign to you like you're you're going to hate it it's not going to you're not going to learn bad behavior and bad uh habits it's like a it's like it pulls up to my feet late style but I'm actually supposed to just do a normal Ollie pop pop an ollie oh okay so it's meant to like help you learn how to ollie at the end of the day biggest thing that holds people back is going to be like fear of attempting to hit some right you might be brand new to skateboarding so you're trying to learn how to ol or if you're trying to learn how to ol onto a box you're in motion and so this if you if you take the thinking of where's your board at take that away focus on maybe it's your muscle memory your body rotation first time you're dropping in on on a vert ramp for instance or whatever you're doing go hit a go hit a handil let's go backside lip this handrail right here and uh and and take a couple take a couple reps and then take it off and do it for real I got to see like a professional in action on this I'm scared oh dang gab okay let's let's see what you got straight to the rail straight to dropping we don't need I love it okay then he takes it takes his feet out pushes yeah yeah yeah I feel like JD's just going to do like a 1080 on this look at glow like look at ready yep oh this is yeah was insane I see you Aaron you're beginning to believe yes glow oh he's beginning to believe another the three block [Laughter] oh I tried to L die I still got to get used to it you know oh wow right you ready that's sucess no we've never quite seen anything like tailored to beginners that aids you in that way but also doesn't really teach you terrible habit you know what I mean so you can pop an ollie drag your foot but then this is going to pull you up so you're going to ollie no matter what yeah I think it's also like a commitment thing too yeah about the commitment like you can bail but it's still it's no are you going to [Music] oh my God that boy good back three glow back three oh I feel like you're thinking about it like a strap that holds your feet down you got to pop it like a regular board okay okay oh you got that do it first te almost I got to give a shout out to my buddy Austin um he didn't make it out here but when we first we first brought this to like our local um is a DIY skate park he was up there shooting some film and I was like d I'll shoot for you guys and they're trying to land three you know tray flips off this box and they they kept you know missing missing missing missing and they said okay let's let's go let's go check out your smly and he goes and he does a kick flip off a kicker I was like dude if you can do a trade flip I'll buy a new pair of shoes yeah second try with the sming on his board sticks a Tre flip and I had to buy the new the pair of shoes how how did he do it just just same way you did with the with the uh the kick flip right there but um he actually he said he said it actually helped him like almost pre- catch oh yeah yeah to then land it land it and then he took it off and then Landed It second try afterwards just just from having the FI for so it's just so it's like a training AG that's it but so I'm I'm using this to learn even just backside these on the ledge yeah cuz I can all Way Forward no problem backside it's just kind of wonky yeah now I can just from practicing that motion and then so you put it on there try a few and then take it off and then and then do it the goal is to not need this but leverage it when you need to training aid training aid bingo so so practice kicking out you can like you can go charge a rail you can go charge ra and you'll still you can kick out of it yeah yeah but I got to see if I can Tre flip it you can seven all right let's try Gabriel Russ oh oh my God [Applause] yeah so now the idea is that you take it off and do it without that maybe oh you ready I got to land and put my feet in there you know okay last try then I give up on everything oh oh Yoshi Absolut body every day oh man go off the box jump oh he oh my that just gave me a heart attack this kid needs to relax is actually JD has had a rough week has he he's had a rough week why he lands everything not this week he didn't oh [Music] no little cautious attempt cautious attempt [Applause] yeah relax brother [Music] how do I get so stuck oh small that was actually so good too good body you cannot add anything to a skateboard for glow that is not his Vibe oh yeah no that game what how did he K how did he kick out mid rail yes yes back 270 lift why is he like popping out like board slide then popped out it's cuz it's JD Justin Daniels please report to the principal's office yeah oh now you're thinking what back flip flat yeah back flip on flat no way please here we go here we go please be safe wait are you sure I don't know I'm just he seems confident I'm just oh okay I see what's happening here out of out of grind dude front 50 backflip okay are you ready three two one all right three uh 1080 the vert ramp oo 900 want to try it on the mini oh oh just late does it make it easier yeah I do not believe that no [Music] no easy not commit at all oh brother this is seriously one of like first take ever oh yeah was he got a little more speed yeah just a little I'm going to get it we're on to something here we're finally on to something yeah wow I'll take it I'll take it that was amazing I might need to clean it up but we'll take it no that was good clean the biggy I've ever seen yeah yeah okay we ready okay what is wrong with seriously wrong with him [Music] oh I feel like he's a high OE guy like we should do high Ollie with him oh yeah that was scary okay almost almost easy on it wow take it to the flat [Applause] wow [Music] injection yes you got it you think the ramp is safe the vert ramp yeah no I don't wow okay how did that just wow yeah oh I can not do that with your regular really okay than still going oh my God I like this I know it's so SI I wonder what that feels like is he always this happy when he's riding these ramps no just no just cheesing from ear to ear was that fun it is fun I'm going to I'm going to need that back okay inner tubes so here here's the backstory junior high high school I BMX skated I also played a lot of team sports and my coaches were always like hey like don't get injured whatever you like you know play safe I would go you know nights weekends by myself my other buddies as well to you know watch out for cops and stuff but we go hit handrails or stairs gaps and drops and I'd go practice with this and then I do it without and then I'd bring my crew back but hey I just found this cool spot let's go back and um and then I go do it for real just CU I had the confidence why I I Advanced so quick fast forward I've got you know I've got four kids took a 10 15 year break from skating trying to get back into it but now like the risk to reward ratio is a little bit different than you know so I've got to play safe and so and my kids I want them to as good as I can as fast as I can so that all of us are just having the time of our lives together and um so we we decided yeah 3 years ago like let's actually let's actually do this so I mean there's I don't know 20 30 different prototypes this is version one we've got two versions that are going to come out after this that we're stoked on but yet to release and uh this is the this is the coming out in the world moment for SMY a lot of guys they'll they'll have their their bike tire too just kind of strapped over here and so you're you're locked in yeah like that you can't push you can't bail this all day you have full range of motion you pop it's not going to teach you bad habits cuz that's not fun for anybody that'll throw you out little B so it's just it's just the next level that you're trying to get to this will bridge that Gap vert dropping on the ver yeah try all right why do we have half of a ping pong table two halves do we have two halves Derek please put on that's Justin Daniels [Music] oh my [Music] God no oh that's actually insane I feel like I didn't have to do [Music] anything dude young man that's crazy I would never do that without [Music] that please [Music] D well feels like I'm not try I just had a heart attack me too Dr yeah but I don't have my helmet I don't have my knee pads I'm not just going straight to vert dropping no way yes yes yes I love this back to the days ver doll I don't even know which side is which [Music] anymore oh god wow that was [Applause] crazy Gabe him out come on pump that thing you mean now I remember why I quit backs side a no rock and roll front slash remember when I did it remember when I used to skate this you were raw I don't know what happened [Music] thought he was going to try try a seven Gabe if I drop in you're dropping in ah you've already done this what do you mean you've already done this yeah but for some reason it's more scary you think no way I don't think I can do it see see I know I wanted to see how feel to bail I kind of bail on purpose but that actually feels fine now now just land it and never bail again and we're good yep it's the menal cuz my feet are attached I can't get out we're not snowboarding dang I don't know I'm going to this what do you mean come on [Music] oh all right he's good he's good I did a full C Alie full cam abandoned Mission he just did the five yeah so now you got to hold up your end of the bargain what was my end of the bargain you dropped in for five what I don't even have my vert board where's your board it's gone took it apart I haven't been up here in a long time I was hoping we'd never go up here again just kidding see the thing is you're attached yeah makes it extra scary for me to be attached nope what do you think to the no no no oh no is that going to help me more what can go wrong everything I think you'll be 100% fine you think so yeah dude it's been a long time it's about the commitment worst thing is you get a little speed wobbles and if you do that on a regular board you're going to fall anyways dude dead the worst thing is I die Google the nearest hospital come on Don't Fear the Reaper Aon you said it yourself baby Don't Fear the Reaper maybe it was that rolling that got me yeah I think so I think that ruined your got in my head jie what do I do you think like what do that mean Savage just straight don't think about it left the right just forward ah like [Applause] that my God never again never again that did not incite much confidence in my own abilities well thank you so much for coming that was an absolute blast you killed it thank you I'm glad I'm still alive yeah no thanks for uh like your sign says we you you make it we skate it you definitely skated it so fun thank you so much for coming and where did they get this uh so sm.com our handle is SMY official on Instagram YouTube basically everywhere check us out grab your uh grab your SMY and level up your game have an absolute blast to learn how to ride a skateboard we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 61,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, skateboarding hacks, smollie, learn to skate hacks, skateboarding tricks, skateboarding tips, skateboarding life hacks, begginer skater tips, tips and tricks, skate life hacks, life hacks for skaters, skater life hacks, the best skateboarding life hacks
Id: lX978R5yZ6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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