What is a REIT ? Real Estate Investment Trust - REIT investing in India explained in Hindi

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try stock research website tier. fy. mger m iner basically mut fund basally basically read shair person manager experts real estate experts basally real estate investment trust terms ands dis div capci decisions reality property 80% investment commercial real EST H Ms already already commcial r second real estate compy income concept reason prop on anation on% dividend income ch% capital appreciation grow income capital appreciation in the long run most probably or Market Arbitrage rep 5S prop [Music] already developer Facebook goall as a lower rower tax R 30% Plus Capal videos this is signing off bye-bye
Channel: pranjal kamra
Views: 700,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reit real estate investment, reit, reits investing, reits investing 2020, real estate investment, real estate investment strategies india, real estate in india 2020, real estate market in india 2020, real estate investment in india, commercial real estate investment in india, real estate investment trust in india, what is reit in real estate, what is reit, what is reit in hindi, real estate investment trust explained, Reit explained, real estate investment trust in hindi
Id: RNwdlECtyR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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