What is a millennium? | Americans testing their knowledge (20)

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[Music] I don't want to live on this planet anymore how many years are there in a millennium [Music] the point goes to him I put two Oh Jason I expect to the bottle up anyone I don't know what that is Millennium sounds like two years but just it's no I don't know what it is quote four years nine months and two days unquote is given as the length of Darwin's voyage on what British ship named for a breed of dog three seconds greyhound it is a beagle chemistry named for a planet in our solar system what element has the symbol U on the periodic table gee I got a uranium because the planet is called Uranus the correct answer is [Music] what is the lightest known substance a hydrogen be oxygen sea helium D Mia ie nitrogen I'm not good at science but I'm thinking it's helium huh no it's hydrogen who was the love of Robin Hood's life time is up the answer is made Marian Maid Marian identified the semi-precious iridescent stone that is October's birthstone yes sapphire sapphire is incorrect the answer is opal first China war was fought between who China Britain China and France China Egypt China what is it China and Greece Britain that's the number that would complete a bingo line fifteen seconds ten seconds you locked in ten seconds left yeah she's gonna have to clean it up because there's not a lot of time left in the clock let's bring out Erica where are the pineal in picture Airy glands Oh located I think I know that face of the brain in the throat under the abdomen behind the torso in the pump in the pelvis in the throat five seconds four three two one you locked in it's just twenty eight why I forgot how to play bingo you forgot how big what did you touch I touched 56 why in which war was the Tet Offensive all right time is up the answer is the Vietnam War I never want no good with history which state was named by its first explorer Ponce de Leon yes Delaware Delaware is incorrect it's Florida I touched 56 why did you touch that because I didn't want to leave her with less than ten seconds so sweet only there was a 19 and a 43 that could Oh 1943 ring there on the banner would perfectly fill in that line that would have been the correct answer what is the hardest rock show [Music] Glen Johnson the answer is a diamond you both got it wrong ah name the fierce Sioux leader who led nearly 2,000 warriors in the Battle of Little Bighorn defeating the American troops yes Spencer bill little turtle that is incorrect Bodkins you want to try yes - come sir - come sir also incorrect Sitting Bull is the answer there to do look like Sitting Bull three billion four billion years old it takes Nick 75 minutes to his homework if he begins at 7:00 p.m. how much time will he have to practice his dance moves before 10:00 p.m. Dukey how do you feel about that 45 minutes Australia's duck-billed platypus is named after it's a repent hey reproductive method be tiny wings seeing web feet D fish diet or any bird like Bill this is my pet platypus because of its duck like it's right I think the 45 minute part is correct but that means it's 9 o'clock so I think I have an extra hour to dance 45 minutes to dance yes you locked in 45 minutes 45 minutes what is the only u.s. state that starts with the letter P you're both wrong but you're both right in a way it's Philadelphia is not a state it's a city in Pennsylvania did you put Philadelphia - I'm so sorry shown here cursing his son is what unhappy Greek whose other family problems included killing his father and marrying his mother yes Wilson Zeus I'm sorry looking for Oedipus they're unhappy Oedipus the 1469 marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand resulted in the unification of Aragon and what other Spanish Kingdom Carta hey Mia it's a castile actually sorry all of these fabrics contain synthetic fibers except rayon satin poplin mohair polyester Saten no its mohair the long shiny hair of the Angora goat is highly prized for sweaters my very empty mouth just swallowed up nachos is a mnemonic device that helps us remember the names of which of these things a phases of the moon be stars in the Orion constellation see planets in our solar system how many years did Prohibition last in the United States all right that would be Spencer Bell seven years seven years is incorrect so you've got a chance to answer this Bodkins yes six six is also incorrect thirteen years is the answer this US prohibition 1920 to 1933 my grandparents are staying with us and they were both alive during Prohibition you're born with a phases of the Moon and you are locking it in the correct answer is see planets in our solar system there's bitchin you can see it right there what is a baby frog called gosh dang it I know what they are called that that's like all right oh that's that's almost I think that's I think that's kind of correct right that's kind of half right you know I'm gonna give you the point it's a tadpole what if I give that yeah I made I was like trying to find a word for it I appreciate your honesty dear in which state did the German Hindenburg dirigible blow up yes that would be Spencer bill mm-hmm Manheim no sexting a correct all right bottoms you went right yes New York New York also incorrect New Jersey is the answer birds have to Oh God livers stomachs hearts brains or bladders liver in what state are the Poconos located yes Marion Local Nevada Nevada is incorrect Ellen East you've got a chance here yes North Carolina that is also incorrect Pennsylvania is the answer name the four presidents depicted on Mount Rushmore time was up sorry what language has the most words in it just yes show that is incorrect it's English talking I sound stupid what is the largest prime factor of 77 Christian central 7 I'm sorry it is 11 minus 20 obviously unafraid of danger the Roman god Vulcan lived beneath what still active Sicilian Wilson Pompey I'm sorry he lived under Etna looking for the volcano there [Applause] [Music] Jesus yeah bring it on down I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill man [Music]
Channel: myworldisgettingdumber
Views: 44,205
Rating: 4.784657 out of 5
Keywords: satire, Cringe alert, ignorance, education, college, funny videos, quiz, americans are ignorant, history quiz, funny, myworldisgettingdumber, humor, america, dumb people answering questions, are you smarter than a 5th grader, ignorance is bliss, iq test, american ignorance, general knowledge, test, easy math, Americans testing their knowledge millennium, What is a millennium? | Americans testing their knowledge (20), millennium, millennials, americans are ignorant millennium, comedy
Id: i9QQ1WseOXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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