What is a Junk Journal and How To Use One

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[Applause] [Music] welcome to all my new and current subscribers welcome to the paper gypsy tribe today I wanted to go over a question that I see a lot and that I have gotten a lot not just by everyone that follows me but like everyday people that I encounter or family and friends they want to know what is a junk journal like what do you do with it and there's so many things you could do with a junk journal it's not like a one-word answer I feel like it would be better to kind of explain it and go through it with my own personal journal and really deep dive into this question what is a junk journal well at the very basic level a junk journal is a book or journal that you create or that someone creates for you that includes all kinds of different papers and different elements like junk mail or other textiles like lace or fabric it's like a mixture of all these things to make one cohesive thing which would be in a form of a journal or a book it can be hardcover softcover and think the biggest question is will what is it for or what do you do with it like they get everyone gets like why you make them because they're fun and you enjoy it and it's a way to express yourself creatively but I think that even with some people that I've don't have made them they're like well I can make them but I just I don't see what you would do with them or I don't really see the point of it after I finished making them so I kind of felt the same way when I first started and I think that is a common thing it is very normal to at first when you start out making them and they're really not knowing what to do with them so the number one person that I would credit with kind of guiding me and how to use junk journals is joannec low if you guys don't know her everyone should because she's got like a gazillion subscribers I'm gonna link her down below and she's got a bunch of junk journal with me videos but I think she was the first person that really started to make me look at junk journals as a way to memory keep as a way to document my everyday life as a way to just compile and commemorate things in my life and in my families or friends lives that I just wanted to keepsake but there's a lot you can do with drug journals so for example you can commemorate holidays so last year we went to Disney and I wanted to keep all the ephemera that they give you in one specific place so what better place than a junk journal you've got pockets right and could fit the map in there I fit the band that they give you when you go to the Christmas party and give you some special collector's cards and then behind it I just journaled so this is a great way to do that let's say you have that special holiday that you celebrate with your family and where you go on a trip and you have a lot of ephemera from that particular event that you want to remember so adjunct journal is a great way not only to have a place to hold that stuff but alongside you have room also to journal about it so that would be one of the ways you can use a joke journal or commemorating have email that you got from someone so this is some happy meal that I got from mrs. Cobb and she need me a tiny little ravenclaw journal last Christmas and so I just wanted to save her note and save all the stuff that she sent me i journal a little bit underneath I put a quote in here from Dumbledore because I don't know better place to write a double quote than a Harry Potter spread but I this is something that back upon and just brings me a lot a lot of joy so that would be another use for your doctrinal another great use for a junk journal with the spiritual type journaling I know some people do Bible journaling it's a great way for you to sort of dive deeper into your beliefs and explore those beliefs write them out sometimes when you write things that are important to you out it just gives you a deeper sense of understanding and sort of connection with those themes so definitely here for example I do love following astrology and like the moon phases so here I just wrote a whole thing on you know the kind of things you can focus on and goals you can focus on during the moon phases so again a great way to use your junk journal would be for spiritual type journaling another great way to use your junk journal is just for everyday events sometimes there's things that happen in your life that bring you deep gratitude but we kind of take that for granted because it's stuff that happens all the time so we kind of not that we grow sort of numb to it but we just I guess take it for granted that it'll always happen so one of the things that happens all the time is my husband has a very special bond with one of our dogs and it's always the cutest thing and so I just decided that day to take a picture right about it and this always makes me smile when I come in here and I see them too kind of coupling with each other so yeah just documenting everyday things in your life that bring you joy another thing to use it on terminal fours to keep track of your hobbies and the things that you love I'm a lover of plants I have tons of plants at home and this particular day I found my bucket list plant which is a fig leaf tree and I decided to just document it and write about it it was a beautiful day and I actually did a little vlog with it along with this journal spread so I will link that at the end see you guys can watch junk journals are also a great way to kind of practice your collaging skill here we didn't really have a plan I had all these extra ephemera and I had some stamps and some beaded Holden and I just played around with collaging and I really like this came out so sometimes you just have an empty blank space for you to go in and kind of explore your creativity without having to make a whole entire like project out of it it can just be a daily spread or maybe a weekly spread really no pressure but just kind of playing around with paper junk journals could also be a place where you kind of pay tribute to your pets my cat amy is my magical cat assistant is what I call her and when I'm crafting and I'm in my craft room she always wants to be near me and she's just very sweet and loving and I love her to pieces and so I just wanted to take some time to kind of pay tribute to her in here and to remember her because there's gonna be a time as sad as it sound I don't even like thinking about it that she will be here so I'll always have this to look back upon and remember her junk trolls are also a great way to use kind of like treasure boxes so you have that stuff that you think it's too precious to use and that's fine but you should still use it even if it's for you so that you can admire it and live on it for example this was given to me by a friend and I really really really love this beautiful piece of crochet and so I didn't really feel right to put it in a book that I would give away or sell because it was a gift from her and it's really special to me so I just put it in here just so I could admire it and touch it and look upon it same thing with this beautiful postcard it broke my heart to use it anywhere where I would give it away or sell it so I just put it in here for me to enjoy so don't feel bad about using your junk journals to hold all your treasures another way you can use your junk journals is if you are starting a fitness journey you could definitely use it to track yourself to take pictures of progress or write down your stats all that stuff don't be afraid to use your junk journal for whatever it is that works show you if that's for a fitness tracker or a planner definitely go ahead and do that there's no limits to eat junk journal it is what you make of it you can also use junk journals to celebrate the season here I was super excited about fall coming I had just gone to Starbucks out on my first pumpkin drink of this season and I wanted to commemorate that even though we're still in August so I just made this whole spread about fall and it makes me really happy when I go back on it it just reminds me and takes me back to that place that I was in that mindset on that day so again use it to celebrate seasons as well another great east for junk journals is that it's a great way to hold things from trips so for example I went to Austin Texas with a few friends and I found these postcards that kind of had been sitting around collecting dust and I just didn't know what to do with them at the time and this was two years ago but today because I am making use of my junk journals I decided to put them in here and keep sinking surely I'll go back and kind of journal something quick about it and how I remember at that point in time in my life but it's a great way to hold on to just keepsakes from different trips this is from a trip to Illinois and to Wisconsin and we went to this nursery farm so again a great way to hold on to ephemera from trail I hope you guys enjoyed this little ramble about what is a juncture one what do you use it for I gave you several examples of what you could do with your junk journals and next time somebody asked you well what's a junk journal and what do you use it for you can tell them this is what I use it for so I hope you guys found this helpful I would love to hear down in the comments what you use your junk journals for I want to thank you so much for stopping by I love you so much and I will see you on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Gipsy Rose Paperie
Views: 36,069
Rating: 4.9268293 out of 5
Keywords: junk journal, what is junk journal, how to use a junk journal, junk journal for beginners, paper crafts, journal, journaling, handmade books, book maker, art journal, gipsyrosepaperie, gypsyrosepaperie
Id: 2BKQShi_4eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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