What is a Diode and it's construction/working in Tamil

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hello guys in the video element Nabokov rambling Adina diodes apathy Barbara in the video so diodes my and a lot of construction walking and other words a cute live and they you Priya the function of the obtained review with technical full little spotty pin number in the middle of parkland so first die or die or learn the basic and a model of dimple in a PN Junction diode have been sold one so the record I remember you know one and for not not 17 sold on the number base again and I would so in the diode ohc katakana I thought once Elana McCarthy Omega Zener diode Schottky diode you pull an idea verities of diode okay we wanna core applications but the Alamo and the worry principal our car this on the principles I saw the pitiful spa so do you wrote a symbol by the inability I'll come over to say the path in a polar Cohen outside in the or corporate America so diode ago and they run determine a letter K okay ba run determine low and they won't know in the penis following not only analyst whole wall so other than the you pre number represent Pomona yay Maddi MIT in the simpler Catherine the I know don't know in our pack of quadratic Catherine solo and out of on the elements in Boone on cath or Lake que la clé mentioned boom or so in the anode in the positive terminal and the cathode on the negative terminal so dial on the Rendlesham dark own anode you know the cathode and drag the pass to catherine drew the negative ok bajo la down so he go to use this application of din Bettina I'm almost on the rectifiers loan that you might use for no so diode allow the rectifier a Goodell is rectifiers la pagina convert AC to DC AC current number in the diode of useful articles about in a current limiter current angle on the limit phone on the more so particular application when they load up our current limit funder they will they'll pop the your number in the current element burning class and diode gates logic gates length yeah it's on the gear to liner County Bettina diode system and counts diode Clanton abuse or no plus C's Amata mob didn't get in idle number electronics order moon audio in the diodes on diode electronics kDa Cuba so our set up a signal the basic operation on the Potala so in the diode on the end up under they have been getting now bi-directional current unidirectional current on the monitor so on the bi-directional current or either one dollar unit Ericsson current tamati through so sinusoidal wave moulting it is a square wave triangular wave in the wave and alone bi-directional current a unidirectional current down the mozzarella the diode rodas basic I know working so pop Athena militaria that I Ola become positively negative okay so either one then on a forward bias have been sold without the battery or the posterior diode or past will come patty order negative a diode negative cúcuta as when the followed by a slower car so I'm I'm get caught here come and away and then I'm a connection of article Thumbelina I thought the battery or a positive and negative co- batter negative a positive mood it's a that I owed on the work out the reverse bias I don't block idle so if down the base Akana you go to working and you know under number please a simple now watching hobbling it in the water on algae number Sigma another word pipe lawn the with an evap you in the flow direction of the flow and will directional on the floor so other word cheesier number number of Atilla so providing a pipe you pipeline that I knew in the world direction a lot of flow okay either way in the direction in getting the girl in getting a boom bada in the diode one over cargo are they pulling in getting your room by the diode worker so HEPA number PN junctions are your account section of the typically first path in a silicon material like the manufacture Pontius manova another silicon down the easy and the world on the easier cheaper carrie kukuda over material so other than their usual a path in a conductor gather the pure silicon when you spawn of montana pure silicon one or conductor so number k when the conductor will a conductor on the number semiconductor ramanatham so in the pan or goblin gatina al on the impurities are paneer is aiming and it remote anger so first part in exam the silicon material either when they pure silicon material so on the pure silica material impurities are pentagons of the pee and impurities at Pantani another p-type impurity and n-type impurity p-type impurity of Lena or material Urkel's on the material in the hold since allegory ions are the positive ions and I think Marco saw the would say that we need a longer so in order to patina can take material other than type impurity a la piscina electron sorry Marco also on the material electronic market Allah other than the n-type impurity events will draw on the inner side when that can elongate in segmented also the polar or the silicon material p-type nor impurity or anti priori impurity or or or cider and a alum aluminum Elkin the PN Junction diode the PN Junction will correct this water side página p-type old circuit but also positive ion circuit you know type in outside patina n-type region ayer keroh the electrons are you mark down the PN Junction so our turtles are working but the bagua so the working Abdera already by you know first but in a natural moments he power over to say to the P region either the wall circuit in order side when they transfer to K P o in the past you know an elephants and sold wha so he paying up on opting Edina and the P when they appear co-opting it in a whole saga of the gap gap park all circles but you also know lethally and the elect electrons on this and sayin say da e peninnah natural APPA denied electrons on the in the right sided K so in there I'll upset but you know volts or two walls along the gap okay so in the electrons are lined up on o na past you know okay attractive basic and principle than a partially negative and the attractive ocm variety and the ripple our opposite Pilate Pilate and the attractive and so are they principle done the electrons allow the natural movement are the natural on the jump on a company in the volt slope way Vacarro from the wall so boy Philippe on oh and the water and not I get the girl in the NL on the PQ poor trans Rama soap returns for about the moolah minimal K natural log or a regional in the form of the underage and on the depletion region have been so low okay wa you party Natalie other the PN moment first initial a patina Antonia ten year department we're gonna explain minutes you can soapy Levendi unknown there and also on that I get I'm getting the con your answer I'm doing that I get it so party material you can do a new condo transfer IR the toner on their own the back and I the Galle arkla swallow and do Colorado and also some other positive swinger K electrons nothing is empowered seller and they're down the whole side they they're on the electron side so you burn the natural upon you know were buried on the Creator there on the barrier now and then ever depletion region abuse will walk you think appear exam of the barrier potential may other depletion region so other than I'm a barrier potential ensue either what I get the kind of voltage and I get even the depletion region of this number voltage of a two o'clock I think a tag on a voltage when the 0.7 volt other than number in the cut in voltage I've been so lucky off our Road drop voltage drop so our third up Athena Ipoh and a on the PN Junction dial or badly connect pondrom denote Sheila so I know this is applicable to do the battery the battery and then up of a path in a party Marty go through even a number of militaria P region but you know positive antigen but in a negative and I'm comparing a battery lonely entries you know in the P or you know P region and period you know the positive on the entries in order company cerca so bad you to negative and it in a past you a container so it's bad root of negative is lying and I'm put the chica and the diode order past you into the burner they wrote a negative okay Wow either battery or the past few numbers oblique arugula so buddy could come body and now a bring a Tina the opposite charges and the periods and positive orchid govern the negative so you get this a pure mercy the Nokia tactile so depletion a pretty good care and electron to a positive love body now either no cure in the Anunnaki were okay so in the sidebar a badge or a positive okay in about in a generic entries in the electrons negative work so you pin then in the negative allah nepal in the past you know key attractive so allowing this in the become a path or so do harm both on the depletion region order with two and the increase our thinning and area para in dialogue and the depletion region sir Linda Lou candidate number battery or as polarity Amati good mother negativo to capacity of partially negative and wooden body I thought I'd be doing the natural light increase our terribly increased our dining a popular larger technician Richard so it does I was enamored reverse bias optimal one in the reverse bias on the bottom and in number and the die you don't do or Cara is it the Greek are denying AB did doesn't linger Part IV Terrier so in the negative in the battery or the negative get time get a pass to your library where this opens in the side and it would appear solid so you can get it current negative and in the past you know G attract amber in the side or depletion region with tip yourself simply Rondo and appear in support dollar depletion order with ROM work so India could aggressive player on the become forward so how to setup Athena badly on the forward by a second and Pandora allows it tired order P diode again negative it okay ba you / bad wrote a positive Pico all of the past you come back to the negative indigo allow the negative Monica Bellucci gun so connect my number the end another ending apartheid law at the time of 0.7 voltage is a battle in the points have another 0.1 0.2 0.357 arm both the patina in the depletion region when the Musa or another fine three given they conjure linger carry electrons on the cutting edge umpire cook okay at the points on arm but in going to jump is 0.7 or embody the depletion region earn the depletion trees you know the full of water to take in get your electrons lovin this the wall so no can the water flip under overwhelming sewing a mention money sitting here Carol runs and line the water flippant raga the supply malama and the negative supply is spinning hello in the field below you promote theory are you preparing a positive work you pass through so deep allow negative or kinky negative or case of your mother a pullout up over ever in in the negative battery on the abrecan return a negative to positive okay Wow so pinger can- Inc every day Angelica electrons patina he proven re Plaza so in the baqar gotta in the pocket jump out in a la Putin's you're gonna so in miracle I have trans loan they know also the jump on you fill panel so put ever the jumper boom Patti no interior ela bang a fool of our Baesler coo coo new condom and the electrons learned in the past he was lonely jump on eality on the electron some are today and final a budino in the flu also and they act on Sunday near a meter supply whatever a voltage increase of English well volts allow and then the electrons in the South you know started everybody will electrons I do so or cutted la pagina in electrons on the wire when your transfer ie number like a bad together on the same bro so I Briana Mele Mao and they conduct out the full conduction not a good partner and the negative were there so in the become wanna jump I would see so object you go to gossip Levin in that thing about they throwing over the thermal battery Levin the same that's it so put it down this or a diode when they work at the forward bias low they work a girl even these the unidirectional or bi-directional sorry bi-directional a unidirectional Amati the abdun doesn't tell you before naruko so put it now and if you have and they diode in the forward bias limit to conduct out the reverse bias like I'd like to have left followed by a sauna and I reverse biased and bring didn't will tell you upon jerko so far word by asana batter to polarity and then I'm a carita PQ past you could pass you negative a negative mood with a reverse bias na- who passed you passed you can imagine good sit so here's our new or a diode order full working is not so we'll get an alibi a punch is going to incur so number you order and the video conclude panic lobbed Indiana video the length on the wrong way so then I'll I got a continuation and then a part tulip Andhra part to Levin the number now you're not a practical working up the pretty one there were circle over cog the function of the upland review I thought a waveform on the updater Co you put even the ac/dc on the platter ulama the obtain written a full technical details from the external panda with application soda so now you're lovin the Hunan area which number park when did you forward voltage about going daily required or the maximum current so bad it potentially there are going to be so nominee the character video low and then I'm a part too low in the park law so in the video and the Markham offense or s Hartman in yeah so you know died effort and I will get n 0 on the diagram Salam path in the way so in the video when the Golconda and a lot of friends suck on this happen again so I'm Ron by useful are cool so thanks for watching
Channel: daily doubts
Views: 52,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diode tamil, diode construction, diode explanation, diode working, pn junction diode
Id: VQNc0n4M1nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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