What is a Catio? | Cat Daddy Dictionary

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[Music] hello and welcome to another episode of cat  daddy dictionary i am not the cat daddy what i am   however is just important i am the guardian of the  dictionary today we look at a word that has become   part of the human lexicon in no time flat humans  are funny they do need to make up words where they   see none existed before hence the dictionary  today the word catio i like saying catio   catio let us dive into the dictionary and find out  the definition catio portmanteau of cat and patio   is either a permanent or temporary structure  intended to confine a cat or multiple cats to a   designated space for the cat to safely experience  the outside intended to confine sounds like jail   but from what i have been able to ascertain  this is not a jail it is an experience   safely experiencing the outdoors now what  you might not know about me is that i am   a student of many things one of them being  architecture the other being interior design   this was meant for me as i researched the word  catio i found so many thrilling things that   spoke to my love for design so let me take you  through some of the most fabulous designs sent in   to our producers first let's take a look  at what connie has done isn't this gorgeous   connie says this is the catio i have built for my  four rescue cats they love spending time out there   and i love knowing that they can have safe outside  time well connie i am glad that you decided to put   nail to hammer and wood and flowers and  grass just thrilling just simply thrilling   with six cats hayley has decided  that she needs not one catio but two   this one is beautiful for the palm tree in the  middle which sets off the two sides beautifully   and symmetrically plus there's cats on either  side which is just a bonus as far as i'm concerned   and this is landscaped architectural beauty  linda sent in this beautiful example of catio   and beautiful i mean that both cats and humans  can occupy at the same time imagine being the   human just laying back and looking at the backyard  and looking at the cats navigate the a-frame with   such a plum and there's this naughty little cat  hanging from the door what are you doing naughty   little cat oh i'm just chasing my other friend  cat well don't chase too hard don't fall down now   just be nice so i can enjoy my outdoor time as  a human i mean next samantha who has three cats   buddy shorty and george she says she loves them  they are our healers well samantha let me tell you   your catio space is nothing but healing energy  see the beautiful oh it's a cat there's a cat   under the chair little cat why would you be  under a chair when the rest of your catio is so   grand what i love about this is again it's pretty  and it works beautifully for humans look at all of   this space how the wicker furniture complements  the gorgeous lattice work and the plants in this   ah i just can see myself laying back and drinking  in my tie while i try to get my cat out from under   the chair iced tea anybody isabelle wants you  to come in look at that nice little table and   chairs and that beautiful wicket chair with a  tropical theme and plants waving in the breeze   and yes there's cat shelving and and such so the  cats can have a good time while we have our iced   tea it's a beautiful day to be in isabel's  neighborhood tony's catio is just stunning   idyllic pastoral and the plants hanging and mixing  in with the design aesthetic of the house itself   and yet her cat is wonderfully comfortable and  inviting us in for mai tai i don't know why i   keep saying my tie and then there's jeanette or  shall i say there's della right della tell it   show us around your catio while you're  doing that jeanette would like us to know   della is a rescue who had never seen the outside  world until i brought her home and built a catio   to keep her safe with outdoor space not a lot  of money but della you like your catio don't you   what was that couldn't hear you that's what i  thought you just keep loving your life stella   now cat ears are meant to bring the outside  in and the inside out it is a beautiful   portmanteau as it were this example from aldi  shows us what happens when cat meets deer   cat deer yes dear yes cat ah faster friends  there have never been before good work aldi   good work dear good work cat there are so many  more examples i am so thrilled that so many of you   found the time to show us your catios  of course i am just interested in pretty   i don't understand functionality all that well  that is just the cross i have to bear so for that   i give it over to the man who cares about such  things take it away hey what's up everybody i oh better what's up everybody so my predecessor  said it better than i could possibly say it   in many ways but functional pretty safe catio  portmanteau but anyway i'm i'm really happy   about this in so many ways we asked for you guys  to send us some examples of catios and we were   flooded so before we go any further let me just  say this if your catio was not featured this time   oh you just wait i'm sure there'll be more times  for us to use catios but there's just so many that   we actually had to you know leave some out so not  to fret it's not because i didn't like your catio   now what makes a good catio well first and  foremost it's about your cats being safe so   if you have a catio that's going to be right at  ground level so let's take a look at connie and of   course connie's catio is awful pretty but there's  also the fact that it rests straight on the ground   and what connie has done is she's put planters  in front of it with some lava rock that's really   important and what connie might have done also  is extended the fencing down below the ground   so it stops critters who like to dig to get  in like for instance raccoons would do that   so you don't want raccoons getting in with your  cats and then there's a whole thing going on   the the gauge of the wire that you would use  because you want it to be thick enough so that   nobody can get in you want your cats absolutely  safe so for instance if we're looking at aldi with   the deer and the cat look at that that's some like  some heavy-duty gauge wire that deer is not going   to get through and her cat is safe and what you'll  notice is that aldi's enclosure goes up and also   the ceilings are covered as well because we want  to think about birds of prey as well you just want   to be thinking about all of the things that can  go wrong in terms of the outside world getting in   and there are plenty of ways to make sure that  you mitigate that danger and there's plenty of   folks that i know that actually in their catios  constructed a door and then there's another door   so when this one opens the other one's closed  that way you know that you're not going to have   door dashers getting out into the backyard and out  of the backyard as well so it's really good to be   thinking about these little details because those  little details especially when it comes to safety   mean a lot the second as far as i'm concerned most  important thing is how much use the cats are going   to get out of it it's all nice to make it a pretty  place but it also has to be useful as well we want   to make sure that the cats have plenty of places  to climb to perch we want to make sure they have   sun exposure but also shade as well stuff that's  vertical stuff that's down on the ground as well   the same kind of thought that you would go into  when you were when you were thinking about your   indoor spaces and environmentally enriching your  indoor space you would do the same thing with the   outdoors just making sure and again i think this  is one of those things that i always sort of err   on the side of which is safety so let's say  it rains outside you want to make sure that   your ramps have a little bit of sandpapery coating  on it so your cats don't slip on their ways down   you also want to make sure that any plants  that you put in there are not toxic to cats   and there are a lot of plants you guys  and flowers that are toxic to cats   and if you want to see more about that check out  this video over my head because that list is long   but there are plenty of plants that are also safe  for cats your cats can definitely have a flat of   wheatgrass or cat grass or anything like that you  can plant catnip or cat mint just like our friend   daniella did take a look at daniella's plants  that's pretty amazing right as a matter of fact   i love daniella's place and i would love for  her to take us through her place because it   was just fun to look at it so daniella take it  away hi jackson my name is daniela and i live   on a top floor apartment in the city of berlin in  germany and i'm going to show you the catio that i   built for my well that i had built for my two boys  so it's not very large but they absolutely love it   and here's one of them this is lemmy and you can  also see that i had my balcony secured with a net   that goes all the way around around around around  all the way to here there up there there's usually   birds sitting like very often you can actually  see a dove sitting in the back and they absolutely   love bird watching here and they also have a  little pool by the way and this is my cat hades   there's a little pool for them which sadly  they never play with but which i feel a lot   because i like to drink from it and this  is their collection of little cat grass   and there is cat mint and little things for them  to nibble on and yeah so there is usually a lot of   action going on because this is what you can  see what they can see when they sit up here   and they love to garg at neighbors which is a  little embarrassing sometimes and they just love   to sit outside here and enjoy their life the next  thing that we want to deal with is the human side   of it the other half of cadification is working  for the humans whether this is a space that   is shared by humans or cats whether it's just the  cats themselves you want to be able to be proud of   it you want to be able to look at it and say this  is me and it's them at the same time if that's   making sense so the human aesthetic part of it  and the human useful part of it all very important   how easy is it for you to go in there and scoop  a litter box if there's a litter box in there   how easy it is for you to water the  plants or to straighten things up   you know and if you can't get in you got a  problem you managed to keep all the wildlife   out and then you kept yourself out at the  same time so make sure that maintenance wise   it's not a huge pain for you to take care of that  space i am guilty of this just as much as anybody   else i have a big imagination a huge imagination  i am mr blue sky i'm always like no we can build   like a willy wonka chocolate factory for the cats  you know kind of thing and and with elevators   don't think i haven't thought about that too  but that keeps you from actually taking a bite   out of the project itself you guys understand what  i'm saying but here are some examples because we   want to think about what do you have the capacity  to do what do you have the room to do what do   you have the time and the finances to do all of  these things are really really important right so   so take a look at what david did here it's just  a window box really he was able to put a wooden   structure that's safe it looks really secure and  it just spans the windows and that's it is it the   chocolate factory no but it doesn't need to be it  still gets your cats sort of halfway in halfway   out it gets more sunlight into their lives they  get to really watch the birds more closely and and   and critters that are on the ground or the traffic  going by or whatever that is what david did here   is no less than what anybody else did that we've  been featuring any of the pretty things that   the dictionary guy liked so much doesn't make it  better it just makes it different and it makes it   specific to that human's needs their desires their  aesthetic choices and what their cats need as well   so don't let it stop you here's another example  take a look at what dawn did here this as far as   i can tell is probably a pre-fabricated catio so  it might have been something that had directions   already there or she may have just ordered it  whole and it just goes up against the house   one way or another this did not take a grand scale  boy we better get a contractor type of effort this   was something that that could be done very quickly  don if you didn't order it whole and if it's not   prefab well then pardon me but for you guys who  are interested you can get structures like this   now when we're talking about a cat inside the  house watching cat tv that's when i'm telling   you to hang a bird feeder in the yard or make sure  that your cats are watching something interesting   out the window well now it's in the catio so we're  one step closer to nature but that doesn't mean   you shouldn't be thinking about cat tv take a  look at what harriet did right here now i love   this it's a very simple layout but it has a really  wide view of her nice yard and right there we see   a bird feeder from a purely aesthetic perspective  what i love about what a lot of you guys sent in   was how beautifully it melds with your sort of  existing either aesthetic sense or what your house   looks like or what your surroundings are whether  you're in nature or whether you're in a tighter   knit community i would love to take a look at  what diane did because diane's is just the theme   is so wonderful but she manages to hit a theme  which is this beautiful nature and wood and   everything like that but it's also useful for her  cats let's take a look at what diane did diane   says this catio was built with pure enjoyment  and love to keep my babies safe and yet enjoy   the outdoor air and smells and watch all the other  creatures scurrying about in a safe environment   it's still a work in progress i'm always adding  creative ideas to it at night it is softly lit   up so little bug critters come inside the catio  for them to chase and hunt and get some exercise   and their curfew is 12 a.m then the passage in and  out is sealed for the night they love their catio   but look at the hollowed-out log that that mumma  was playing with here you see how that works so   beautifully in its surroundings yet at the same  time it's useful really great work diane every   thought that you put into this is wonderful and  what i love and this is a lesson for everybody   else here what she said here is it's a work  in progress make sure it's sort of scalable   you know make sure that you're making something so  it can grow with your imagination and it can grow   with the needs and the age of your cats i  mean the needs of a cat who's six months old   is really different from a cat who's 16 years old  so as the years go on you add more ramps and less   about jumping you you make it more about sunshine  because you know our seniors just love to soak   up the sun just have that skeleton of the catio  really set to go the rest of it will come in time   diane is perfect proof of that so this is the  last one i want to show you guys this is from   bob and bob built a really cool looking catio for  his cat so i want to take you through it right now   so take a look at this whole thing and how  it was built how the cats use it i think   it's pretty phenomenal and what bob makes sure to  mention as he's taken us through this catio itself   is that it didn't cost much 125 bucks built  this thing now if you are someone like bob   who can put hammer to nail and glue gun and all  that stuff and have it turn into something then   totally do that everything that i've seen so far  has been wonderful and sturdy and bob did it all   by himself so good work bob well hopefully by now  you know what a catio is whether you live in an   apartment or a house or a town home or you know  a camper wagon or whatever it is we can make life   that much better for our cats make them  that much happier that much more fulfilled   and one thing i think that we can agree upon is  that with every example of of these catios whether   they're just you know something in a window or  the taj mahal or any stop in between it increased   their cats mojo i can guarantee you that everybody  who who contributed today would attest to that   there's our catio for today keep those catios  coming you guys i want to see it send us to this   address right there uh make sure you know videos  are better pictures are fine but send videos also   narrate them let me know what the  names of your cats are because   that's helpful too don't forget to subscribe  because the next time we have the catio tour   of homes you want to be known when that's coming  around don't you so subscribe hit the bell leave   comments down below so that i know what other  videos you want to see and now it's time for   me to take a nap because that was a lot of  work and i didn't even hammer a nail today   and i am done all right you guys until next  time all right i'll love all mojo to you [Music]
Channel: Jackson Galaxy
Views: 152,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catio, jackson galaxy, cats, my cat from hell, animal planet, cat whisperer, cat guy, cat guy animal planet, cat expert, cat advice, cat health, cat behavior, cat breeds, types of cats, cat care, cat training, cats and kittens, cat psychology, taking care of a cat, cat behavior problems, jackson galaxy videos, cat daddy, Cats, Cat videos, catios for cats, cation, cations and anions, cation exchange capacity in soil, catio diy, catio build, cation rakib sir, catio ideas
Id: sRnLxL3EKB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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