What if your rent is too high for section 8 tenants, accepting payments on the side

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how's the weather out there by the way up in northern cali oh my gosh we are going through a weird we had thunderstorms and it's been a hundred degrees out here huge degrees that is unusual way unusual so it's a heat wave in the last week so it's going to continue out to the end of this week so you know all us californians who don't have air conditioning usually because we have a good you know it's nice we're all toasted in the house so it's a weird it's usually it's like florida weather you know that caribbean or that weather down in florida in houston area that's the weather we're having right now so it's really weird i thought you guys don't get weather until like hot heat until like october um no the heat usually is around this time but not this kind of heat yeah yeah not this kind of heat well you are here for my landlords that are watching this i am so honored to have rosanna roldan jackson rodin is it rolled in jackson yeah on the west coast she has been a section eight housing specialist as she i we called it a caseworker but she's informed me that it's a housing specialist rosanna thank you for your time today you're welcome thank you for having me again yeah hold on a second i keep forgetting to cut this stupid thing there it is so this is roundup i just want you to know how honored i am to be able to do i'm working on the landlord's guide to section 8 housing right so i usually do this privately with rosanna you're going to get a bunch of training with her in the system right but i'm like you know what let's go live and see if there any questions people might want to ask while i'm literally putting this course together and we will have the landlord's guide to section 8 housing it is out this labor day and this training will be included my landlords this will be included right so this labor day will be done and rosanna is one of the experts on here that is actually guiding me to make sure that i'm keeping all this stuff straight straighten on the narrow because because sometimes i can get on that i can kind of go out of the gray area on this how we make this stuff happen rosanna so if you do have any questions for rosanna she's been doing this since 2001 go ahead get it in today's topic i wanted to to talk to you about was first thing when you're meeting with the tenant right how do we know what their portion is when we're starting to interface them to possibly get a section a tenant into our properties right uh well again tenants are uh briefed at their housing authority they are informed by yes well okay it just depends you you you need to know where your tenants are um let's just pretend that the tenants have been issued a voucher to move and they're in the search process you'll you'll you'll meet a tenant or a potential tenant a prospective tenant in different phases of their um search they could just be looking and they saw your your um advertisement um online and just wanted to call or you could be dealing with a family who is in currently searching so that's the one that we're going to utilize for an example if they are currently in search mode they've already contacted the housing authority housing authority has already met with them let me set up so we got two types of tenants because this is important a new tenant and a moving tenant let's start with the new tenant rosanna because i've crossed this bridge so many times so go ahead i want to make sure that you have to so we know what's the mindset of the new tenant and their portion go ahead right so in both scenarios both um families uh will always be informed of what they can go out and look for they will never be sent out to the field or to look for housing um and not be aware of how many bedrooms they qualify for and what the dollar amount is that they should be searching for so both scenarios will always be informed accordingly um that's going to be a total amount of the lease yes yeah i want to go ahead i'm sorry i'm cutting good um so a new tenant when we're talking about a new tenant that is a tenant that has probably never leased on section who's never released on section 8 before came up off of their waiting list got briefed and met with the housing authority and was issued all the necessary paperwork to go and search for housing okay again right and either way again they will be informed of what how many bedrooms they'll qualify for and what they need to look for and how much um where to stay it should be a range of where they need to stay in their dollar amount and then for the total amount of the lease correct what a landlord can receive in total from both the housing authority and the tenant they will always be informed of that in that calculation they will know what their portion would be but the main thing is they are informed of what they can go look for because landlords will advertise that they want fifteen hundred dollars for their two-bedroom unit at that point you're not really concerned about what the tenant's portion is you just know that you're gonna get a bigger half from the housing authority but you know we advise the tenants when you're looking you're gonna see you need to know how much a uh where you need to stay in because landlords are advertising the full rent yep you got to okay so that's gonna be a new person how about the person that's moving from an existing place to the new to a note to them to another place right so that's where you need to kind of uh have conversations with the tenant the tenant also needs to have conversations with you as a landlord to let you know well i'm not available to move yet i won't be available to move until 30 days because i'll still in contract with my current landlord yeah so you need to know that because you need to know the landlord are you ready for someone right now next week or are you ready for someone in about 30 days or if you're willing to wait so that's the difference between the two you need to know are you willing to wait or are you ready for someone to occupy that unit in the next two weeks or so but in either case as i was saying earlier the families will know they won't come to you um knowing that they only qualify for 1200 but you're actually asking for 16. those families shouldn't come to you because they're already they've already been advised your range is between twelve and thirteen hundred there should be no reason that you go and seek uh rental from a landlord who was asking for fifteen or sixteen hundred that's two hundred dollars above what they qualify for we'll get to that i'll write that down there too oh good okay and then um so yeah so once as the landlord you make that determination on whether or not you're going to accept this family because of timing um if they're ready now or in a month that'll be up to you to make that decision in my experience you're a month out either way i mean you got to get on expect inspections and you may or may not fail they expect i mean it's not it nothing's immediate is that uh is that how account has been for you too yes and that's now that's not a that's no fault to the the tenant it's because the housing authorities process timing especially now with cobit housing authorities are are not working um in the office uh they are intermittently probably working from the office and from home so um you gotta think about that so i think you're timing chris about the 30 days is probably about right so yeah expect to have an inspection take place um once you've agreed to go with a family about 30 days out from the time that you made that decision well my landlords what my the purpose of this training was i wanted to understand what i'm presenting from my experience usually i get a tenant that's moving from a place to a place i've got an ideal tenant that i know what i'm looking for i got it i have an acronym that i'm training here they don't they don't necessarily know what the new they know what they're paying their portion of the rent is rosanna they don't know what it is at that time what it will be when they move into your how should we mentally frame that up when they're applying to move it to our place um so typically as i was saying before um families are advised of what those numbers are approximately they are they are okay well stay there with approximately that's what i think i need done so there are certain calculators that i've noticed some housing authorities provided online um after we get off this call chris i might send you some type of worksheet that you might be able to implement for your for your landlords some housing authorities provide their families with this approximate calculator worksheet where they plug in the family's income how many bedrooms the payment standard that they're eligible for and then the asking amount of rent that the landlord wants and it spits out all of these numbers including what the potential portion of the family's rent would be their portion and then what the remaining portion from housing would be so again the families are aware of what these approximate numbers are so landlords need to be savvy and aware of what to ask their families they need to to ask them um do you know how many bedrooms you qualify for those those are key questions to ask your families on housing um do you know what the the payment your approximate payment standard amount is uh even though the the owners can get that information from their local housing authority website that that that information is on there but it could fluctuate well the payment standard should be a that doesn't fluctuate those only fluctuate year by year but what you're saying chris the amount of rent that a family can afford fluctuates yes there's baseline numbers where it's the payment standard the family composition those are baseline calculation items that can cause a fluctuation in how much a landlord can rent a unit based on affordability so well i've had residents rosanna living in a three bedroom uh their portion of the rent will be 400 and then i'll have residents that's living in the identical three bedroom and their portion will be nothing you know absolutely because the nothing portion family has no income coming in they probably don't have a job or they might have minimal income let's say um from well disability yeah whatever disability and it causes their rent to be very small or very or nothing whereas the same house the same three-bedroom complex that you have may have the same number of people but you've got two adults working who got earned income coming in so now they have a higher portion of rent than this family who only gets disability or welfare so that's what fluctuates it's that income that causes the the portions of the families and the housing authority portion to fluctuate that's what i want to talk about here rosanna say for instance if they are paying 300 in their current lease would it be would would a landlord presume that they're new when they move in with us would it be around 300 what would what should we yes that would be approximate so if let's see let's say in a perfect world um this family gave notice to vacate from their three-bedroom unit right now they're paying 350 they gave notice they found your three-bedroom unit whatever the reasons for them moving they find your three-bedroom unit as long as the rent amount for the unit that you're renting is almost about the same from where they came out of 300 350 would be approximate of what description would be that's been my experience i just wanted to i really i like comparing notes with you because i'm so far away from you geographically but it's kind of the same system you know it is across across the nation i've noticed that well we have to we we follow federal guidelines when it comes to all the calculations that doesn't change the only things that change our numbers and market and all of that stuff same thing with everything else in real estate right yeah i'm just imagining you're i mean you know out here i've got a two bedroom that rents for 800 bucks i can only imagine what you're getting at room in your hair the bedrooms are in the bay area well at least where i'm at i'm north of the bay area so our two bedroom rents are still at their 1500. now if you're looking at towards like oakland and san francisco it's just it's crazy you're looking at 13 or 3 000 3500 in the city so oakland is also about the same it's just amazing it is amazing roundup i'm here we are literally this will be in the training it will not this video will come down so if you have a question for rosanna i had a few topics as we were putting together the module how do we know about the what the the section eight tenants portion is was the first question and then we talked about the maximum amount of rent what have what happens rosanna it's been i have been approached several times when say for instance i'm asking four thousand dollars their voucher is only for 800 for that unit and they ask me to possibly work with them and collect possibly if they they are more than happy to pay the additional money roseanne let's talk about that a little bit yeah you'll get you'll get a ton of families who will say you know what i'll because they want the unit so badly whether it's because it's it's a beautiful unit location it's convenient but if a family comes to you and says look you want a thousand housing only has approved my is afforded me 800 i'll pay you the 200 under the table is usually what they say uh if you're dealing with that type of family i already i'll say that they're already not trustworthy because they know what the rules are they can't do that for one if it is found out that the housing authority okay so let me give a let me go back every time this happens they the family has agreed to pay money under the table later on through the tenancy and it happens every time the relationship between the landlord and tenant goes sour for whatever reason now everybody's telling on everybody tenant is saying well i've been paying him under the table because he made me then the landlord comes back and says no the family offered and said you know that they would pay it so that alone can cause both families it's a it's a violation of a family obligation for the family one and then a landlord can get this banned from the program for accepting rent under the table and if a housing authority is aggressive they can actually go back cancel that contract out retroactively and make you pay all that money back to the housing according that has happened to me i'm the lady moved out and left her daughter there i didn't know and then two months later they're like mr haskins we've been paying her rent i'm like the lady still lives there i don't know so they can't they went retroactive on your boy they they were like you lost three grand i remember it you know so i i i understand that that is a comment that is common that's actually a common uh issue with uh housing authorities you know one person either moves out or the head of household passes away the family isn't aware that they have to notify housing to make the proper changes the landlord gets held accountable as well so those are that's actually a common scenario that's not defrauding the program right that's just something that both parties weren't quite sure what the process is so that's a common scenario yeah i want my landlords to know that they will come after you and then if they if you don't pay it they'll just cut you off and they'll wait three months as opposed to paying you they'll make you go in the hole yeah so what happens i have heard i haven't never i've never actually had to deal with this can we rinse a washer and dryer rosanna to a tenant for 50 bucks or something like that that will be part of the lease or we rent them i don't know a parking space something outside of the lease that will say you know what i know that you want to live here the rent's a thousand you're only approved for 800 how about i rent your washer and dryer 400 a month right so that has to be listed on the lease agreement that it is not included in the rent because remember the housing authority is responsible for rent we do the calculations based on rent and utilities now on your on your lease agreement you need to put an addendum of something stating that they're renting the garage for an additional hundred dollars a month but it has to be detailed on the lease agreement so a common theme is that like your example with the garage um i'm gonna rent out the garage space now when i say garage space in our jurisdiction garage space has to be a separate building like if it's detached right and then you can write up a uh on your lease agreement that they're going to rent that detached garage space for an additional hundred dollars a month so that was a common way some landlords would get around that i will actually 100 i actually want 1200 but they're only giving me eleven hundred approved eleven hundred so hits that hundred dollars from the uh the garage so that was one way landlords would kind of bypass that i might be spilling some beans a little bit here um that's one of the common ways members would get away with that well here's the thing i want to be transparent and i really want to help people because i i know i had a friend that did this in chicago you know every cities and municipalities different regarding parking down here ain't nobody paying for no parking space you know in garage i mean we'll go get a you know so i guess it's more it's based on the density right so san francisco of course yeah that would be i don't know how their lease agreements look it's probably crazy but garage spaces storage spaces yeah in new york same thing so um i'm sure all those leases and bigger metropolitan cities look like that yeah i would imagine that i mean how much value would a garage space be you know i'll be talking hundreds of dollars a month right that's an extra 100 a month yeah so my other thing was oh we'll cover that go ahead no we were just talking about uh negotiating um oh yeah what options that's right what questions do the what options does the landlord have when the tenant's rent amount is lower than what he wants because his mortgage payment a lot of my new landlords have a high mortgage payment rosanna they won't be able to cash flow it as well so you need to be this is where your uh your tenant screening comes in okay uh just because a family on housing um comes to you with an interest to rent your unit you still have to screen them and i'm not just talking about background checks i'm talking about screening them about their housing qualifications are they are they eligible does their voucher state that they're eligible for that three-bedroom unit that you have for rent uh is there income you can assume that a family that has a double earned income household or even a let's say it's a single mom or a single dad in the household that has good income coming in you can assume that they're probably going to meet what you want with the asking rent when you're dealing with a family that has um because they're i'm assuming you're having your families fill out applications they're going to list yeah they're going to list their income they're going to say that whether or not they get some type of welfare assistance they're going to state that they have a full-time job or they're going to state that they're on social security or disability if those families that have that type of income again um you want to make sure that the income that's reported that the family um so that's a part of the screening process now when it comes down to one second roseanne the computer went out as soon as you said it's important to make sure that they i didn't hear you okay can you hear me now okay so it's important that when i mention that screening process the screening process needs to also include you checking what their qualifications and affordability is with their housing subsidy so you need to make sure that the families that um are coming to you are families that have good earned income coming in because those families with earned income are more than likely going to meet your requested rent amount because the more income that comes into the household that actually will push them up higher in the rental amount housing authority will allow them yes that's how that works so in addition to your screening you're screening their income as well so now let's talk about when it gets to the point where they've come to you and they've said uh i know you want a thousand dollars for rent but i only qualify for eight there really isn't very many options at that point either you as a landlord say okay i'll take the 800 we'll sign a year lease because most housing authorities require you to do a 12-month lease agreement right yeah you would you uh go ahead and decide to take that lower rent amount for that for that 12 months and then after that 12 month period usually leases go automatic month to month but at that time that's when you request for a rent increase the market okay but you got to check your local laws i don't know what that will be 12 months from now as far as raising the rent what the criteria is for raising the rent um but that's the only other option or you move on to the next family that has the type of that will allow you to get the rent that you want so those really are your only two options gotcha gotcha i have lowered my rents i still i don't mind taking here's the thing when i i found out let me ask you i found out if you lower the rents and people know that you're lower that you're you're below market they take care of your place they are so thankful to be able to get into that because you're like one of the only people that i mean you're almost you're a unicorn right most landlords got you know they want max rent yep has that been your experience too that they stay yeah i i mean um most families when they know that a landlord is willing to work with them in all aspects um those are probably the the best tenants there are you know we'll take care of your place also another part of the screening process you want to make sure that the families don't aren't moving every month yes six months you know if they have a solid you know there's a whole bunch of things that go into that that screening process when you're dealing with um if you're willing to accept a housing choice voucher recipient right um including is i saw one of your one of your uh your mentees who mentioned what did he say he said if they pull up to the the driveway and their hou their car is is full of junk all the crap that we don't move forward yeah that's true that's true you're you're actually interviewing them you're you're taking a look at everything that you can uh get your eyes on if you're doing the interview process or signing dots um in their unit i know we talked about this on a previous um video that's another way i mean if they allow you to go into their current home where they're working that's a way to see but yes so that that screening process includes all of that that is going to be included in the uh landlord in the landlord's guide i'm showing i'm going to show them how we actually go i do that on 100 of my people rosanna i mean i don't know if it's good or bad right or wrong if they don't let me come in you're done like i'm just cutting it and it's not like i'm i'm i feel like hey i'm stopping by popping by just for a visit yeah you know but even if you don't get into the house chris you'll see it it'll trickle out to the driveway you don't need to get it out you know you're right but yeah absolutely there's a lot of different things that you can um implement as far as screening i mean even in in in the rental market outside of you know dealing with someone with any subsidized housing it's the same stuff that you would do screening a regular family as well yeah well this is cool round up my landlords we did have one question i just got to make sure i remind you that labor day weekend yes finally getting done with the landlord's guide to section 8 housing i'm honored to be able to bring you guys rosanna road in jackson and attorney jessica siegel we're going to have some training also on this step-by-step course manual we've got one question here uh who we have for long-term born to be mentioned for long-term tenants is the rent increase automatic or does the landlord have to ask for the increase that's from duke that is not automatic um you need to check what state they're in it is actually um right now i believe it's a 60 days notice if it's a family on housing you have to provide you have to address it to the family in a 60 day notice format and a cc to the housing authority and they need to make sure that the housing authority gets it in time so that the housing authority can advise the family do their rent reasonableness to determine if that amount that they're asking for is legit and then they can give notice to the family if their portion increases i usually go up rosanna like 20 25 a year i don't even know maybe 15 to 17 you know i never really push it i never have i mean do you see landlords pushing it out there oh my god there was a whole uh moratorium that came about um there's a complex out here in vallejo california where the rents were so low for decades and um it actually hit the nationwide news and what happened was the rents were so low they were renting at about maybe 800 per unit let's say they were all one bedrooms and a new development came in and purchased the entire apartment complex raised the rent 120 110 120 because market was at now um 1400 right so they it was a whole uproar with the community all the newspapers were involved social media they ended up um back backing that and are going retroactive and cancelling those requests out doing the whole 10 you can only do 10 in a 12 month given period yeah that's something that's right we got some serious cutthroat entrepreneurs out there we do we do okay so then i'm thinking about me i we get a letter every year saying are you are you going to keep the tenant are you asking for an increase and all i do is sign it put it on there and i just i fax mine and i mail it down there because i don't want no problems and then we just give a copy to the tenant the tenant usually doesn't care no they don't when it's that minimal when you're talking about twenty five thirty dollars you know out here it's everybody's trying to get it up to market everybody's trying to raise it to the maximum you know 10 they can um but no it's not automatic it's you have to follow your local laws guidelines as far as raising the rent and then making sure the housing authority has a copy of it and then they will implement that increase based on uh rent reasonableness and all that all those calculations how are you looking on time rosanna we have 29 minutes okay uh james stewart thanks for coming well my thing roxanna when i'm filling out that form every year i'm like i'm thinking about the caseworker on the other side right am i they already know who i am you know i wish all landlords were that way oh really okay i'll take that well i'm just thinking like when they see that paper come through oh they're gonna make that deck on chris has because he always trying to get you know i mean i know they're everybody's trying to like get as much money as they can and i'm like what no i mean dude dog do they do they look i mean are they like cognizant of like everybody just trying to squeeze every dollar out of everything because i just my approach is like listen if i'm a little below market then i can keep over time go up as opposed to trying to max it out at the beginning right and that's a strategy you use right so um housing authorities really don't pay attention to it especially if it's a bigger housing authority when i say paper i'm talking about housing authorities that have 2500 vouchers are bigger housing authorities have there are housing authorities that have thousands and thousands of voucher holders wow do you know how well you could actually that information is available online but we only have we're small they know me because i go down there i take them gift cards you know i'm giving them tick for like whatever whatever exactly it's the same thing in our office but when it when and you probably can meet somebody when you go down to the housing authority office you're actually meeting someone face to face some housing authorities it's like fort knox you you probably see someone behind the window and the first thing they'll tell you is you need to have an appointment you know you can't get it authority at all and then they don't even publish phone numbers or email addresses so um no usually if it's a uh a bigger housing authority if it comes through yeah we might see your name and be familiar with your name other than that we don't look at anything else we just get it done if the numbers work and everything fits into place we process it and it's on to the next gotcha gotcha all right my landlords we've got another question here make sure you sign up if you go to the there is a link in the video description that you can get on on our notification list and i'm my email list so you'll know when the landlord's got the section 8 housing is coming out i'm honored to be able to work for you guys stefan what some owners do they increase the rent through how hud and the additional portion is paid by hood i don't know that one i'm sorry i know what you're saying and he's saying that um you know sometimes um when a rent increase comes through all of that increase may fall on the housing authority oh yeah that's true not always right not always will the family's portion of rent increase all the time um the housing authority may end up getting that it just all depends on how the calculations work if the rent is already under the payment standard you know over the years payment standards will increase housing authorities will raise those payment standards based on fair market rents but if the the current rent the total rent that the landlord is getting falls under that payment standards standard amount and they do a rent increase typically that rent increase will be all on the housing authority you know that increase will come from from uh the housing authority alone and the family won't have anything at all yeah that's saying that too cool how much will it be oh thank you you're welcome ken what was the price for this video i'm not sure but it won't be i'm y'all know i'm fair i'm fair with this stuff yeah rosanna my wife is like choking me to death so i bet anything else you want to leave for this training here about prospective rents the rent portions and about possibly just as we get to as we move forward to screening our tenants um just screening mainly in all aspects of this whole thing screening your tenants and like i said earlier not just with their background you're checking to make sure that that three-bedroom unit you have is comparable to what they've been afforded by the housing authority so all of that is documented um they'll have paperwork to show you so there won't be anything that's blind to a landlord the only question the landlord might have is okay well how does this process work but a landlord if we'll be able to see with all the paperwork that the family provides it's all there they won't have any questions about um affordability and all of that they'll they'll be given that information um from the family well now that they have this what's the now that they have this course i mean everything because for me i had so many i just remembered back in 2007 i was and i'm like what in the hell do you do you know and obviously you could you could obviously figure it out on your own right yeah you can you can but it's also good to have other investors um show other investors or landlords that section 8 is especially with covid right now right a lot of a lot of tenants aren't paying rent um this has covered a lot of landlords throughout the nation with their mortgage payments because housing authorities are making adjustments to family who who are who are losing their jobs and then most of them yep so go ahead no that's all that's all i was saying it's definitely a good program to be on well i guess the reason i'm doing this rosanna i've meet so many people in my pa and my passings and just travels they are so against doing a housing choice voucher you know and i feel like the warren buffets of the world like when this fight when there's smoke run to the fire you know the the warren buffets go to the problem you know and i want to i want my people to know don't believe the hype believe this craziness this is where wealth is yep yep it is absolutely right and i'm in it i deal with i've dealt with it you know i've seen the other side of it for the last 20 years i'm just now on the other side of as an investor who is flocking towards that that side of having tenants who are unsubsidized housing so wow so you're doing it you're working it wow you're getting a rents right so we gotta you know if you interview you on that rosanna how you thought about that and how that's mentally coming together can we maybe uh share with it not now but i mean well that's why i was mentioning to you i'm i'm investing into sacrament other cities outside of where i work because it's a conflict of interest if i invest in properties well i can invest in property in the city where i work but i just can't rent to anyone on housing yeah i have to take it outside i bet that'd be an interesting story you should die you're going to document some of that stuff no doubt uh sure i'll i'll put it it's mentally documented god okay so guys this labor day uh i don't want to hold you up rosanna i'll see if any questions here i'm good for time right now if we have okay no other questions yeah that's it okay so this has been the training here uh you'll move on to the you'll watch this one here this is going to be for the screening portion the screening portion if you notice is going to be huge based on the other parts of it but this man i'm telling you the screening process you'd have to be diligent i guess i'll leave the i'll let rosanna chime in on that also yeah absolutely i i mean we talked i just talked about it a minute ago is that screening the housing authority does do we don't do we do a background check okay so we're checking for lifetime registered sex offenders those folks aren't eligible for the program at all um if you were ever convicted of the production or sell of meth in a federally funded housing unit and you're out you wouldn't be eligible for assistance now we take a look at case-by-case basis with felonies convictions and all of that because if it's violent criminal activity more than likely you won't be eligible as well this is all done um when the family is coming up from the program say they've been on the waiting list we have opening slots for them to receive about your assistance now um so we're doing a background check then um when families are also the only other time they do a soft i forget what it's called i guess it's a soft background check is a family is supporting from one jurisdiction to another so it's not a full background check like we do it at initial at their initial eligibility but we're checking but we're not checking for whether or not they were paying their rent with the last landlord you know we're not checking to see how many three-day notices they have that is up for that's up to the landlords to make sure that they're screening um so that's just some fyi stuff of the type of background because a common thing that i've heard landlords say is that um well they can't be on the program if they if they're good people or not good people that's the wrong terminology but if they've never done anything wrong right yeah you don't know if you've paid we're not the landlord you know all we do is pay a portion of their rent assist them through that background checks and all that stuff is based on the landlord and you're not going to tell us if they are clean are you rosanna no we will well one they won't be on the program but two we won't tell you we will not inform you of their background lord i move some people in good lord i just you don't see that you know i i gave you those horror stories in the course i'm not even going to get into it born to bench has a quick question what comments rosanna can you give a landlord that wants to provide housing to the handicap do you guys deal with that at all absolutely um the most common one is a person who needs handrails or let's say they need a ramp a landlord must do it but they can comp they can get the compensation from the family and the family will have to be able to put that unit back to the way it was prior to those adjustments i don't know if that's what he was saying but yes a landlord has to accommodate a person with a disability whether it is um the grab bars in the bathroom the ramps anything that will make it easily accessible for a disabled person now that's if they're already in the unit and let's say they become disabled during that time or if you're wanting to rent someone who has a disability and you're willing to make those adjustments that's all that's all up to you but you can collect that comp that uh comp that fee from the family nice that's cool well that's the only question that's all we got left in there oh you kept me you kept it easy today this is so dis ingenuous wow tyrone using the point i don't know prostituting and checking it oh okay i guess somebody's blowing up somebody on here y'all blowing up whoa they tell me yeah that's y'all gotta look at that i'm not gonna bring that on put that in the cat in the comments i guess anyway well i guess this one was for for me sometimes we have a boyfriend living in there and then once again i want to be completely transparent yeah you can be transparent that's the most common you always got to do yeah we deal with uh so every housing authority is different when it comes down to fraud you know when you're dealing with unauthorized tenants the most common scenario of unauthorized tenants is another person that isn't on the housing voucher which is let's say it's the boyfriend or girlfriend well that the boyfriend who is the the voucher holder the head of household isn't working um or receiving very minimal benefits let's say they're receiving 500 from welfare every month so therefore the rent is three dollars and that happens but then the girlfriend who is working full-time making whatever amount of money she's working is living there also and it's not an approved person so the common scenario with that is landlords are okay because you know they're getting their money they're getting their rent paid there's not very um you know there's no commotion now when it goes sour is when there's a lot of traffic coming in um their eight dollars isn't paid to the game getting paid to the landlord um so depending on the aggressiveness of a housing authority um and right now in the midst of covid housing authorities really aren't as aggressive when it comes down to uh those type of fraudulent cases because it's right now we got to get everything else done we got to make sure our landlords are being paid but if a housing authority is aggressive and i know i know a few they will drive to the property they will check to make sure whose cars are out there during your inspections because folks you'll have inspections whether it's annually or biannually they'll have regular inspections some housing authorities are looking into the closets and you know there's no mail but we've got all mail clothing mail shoes they can check for that bigger housing authority is a little more lenient but smaller housing authorities will look at all of them i've had one that it kicked off because of that she told me that the neighbor reported her yep well you'll have a little you'll have a neighbor that you have conflict with um and you know ready to pick up that phone and make an allegation or put it in writing we have that a lot people put anonymous letters in writing about uh he's been there male goes there his car is parked there overnight or her kids are always over there so those are common things throughout the nation housing authorities have issues with all right let's get out of here rosanna roland jackson section 8 housing specialist slash caseworker since 2001. you're you're like a walking dictionary i mean you know just thank you so much i inspect homes too that's right right inspector can't believe they they don't do that here you got the inspectors and then you have the case workers they don't even they used to not even be the same yeah we used to be that way we used to have a whole inspection department and then we consolidated the job duties and now i'm not just sitting behind a desk anymore i gotta put my tennis shoes on and tie my hair up and get out on the field wow interesting stuff interesting stuff okay make sure you go down to the video description on my roundup my landlords sign up for the notifications join our email list so you know when the the landlord's guide to section 8 housing is done it is going to be a step-by-step training course for you showing you how to locate screen get your property ready for inspection and place your ideal tenants i don't want you to have any any tenants i want you to have an ideal tenant one that you can keep we do three year leases here when you get the training when you get the course i don't know how it's about seven hours so far you see we do three year leases and i'd like to ask rosanna rosanna i have a special way that i do my lease i do one year lease and then and then the language and the in the lease that all of you will get to get the course it's renewable so does it can i do that out there too are you guys going to frown on that um we don't do that out here it just if if there's if there has not been a newly signed lease regardless regardless of that renewable statement on the existing lease agreement we automatically go month to month so automatic what you and your family would have it just depends you just need to check with your local housing authority if renewable stated on or that addendum onto your lease agreement is acceptable we don't some housing authorities may take it and just implement it into their program but we automatically do month to month unless we receive a newly signed lease um from both you and the family well i want i don't even when people come in we're three we're three years we don't even deal with it because people will move in for a year and move out and move in and move out really stresses your property so i don't want that for my landlords right nate i was told that once that a section 8 tenant broke something in the house and told housing authority that the home owner did not fix it oh yeah so the section 8 tenant did not have to pay rent for months is that true rosanna um okay so what he's talking about is the property was uh got abated their uh their housing assistance payment their portion from the housing authority went into abatement what that means is when we go out to do an inspection and there is damage on something that is hazardous let's say the door jamb is messed up and the reason why it's messed up is because the tenant caused it yeah well the housing authority will write the letter saying the door jamb needs to be fixed the most common reason why an abatement takes place is because the landlord and tenant cannot come to an agreement about who's going to get it fixed landlord says well the tenant made that you know caused that door jam to whatever it's broken the tenant says no but it's your job to fix it so you fix it and the landlord doesn't want to pay the money to get it fixed so the housing authority comes back out to check if the the door jamb has been fixed and it hasn't so then the housing authority says okay you've got uh 15 days to finally get this done or we're going to bait the payment and that means the payment from the housing authority is going to cease until that is corrected that does not mean the family has to stop paying their portion the family is irresponsible to pay their portion if that isn't uh fixed i'm assuming that's what he means um but what happens is landlords aren't familiar with that so they don't know they you know a tenant not saying they do this on purpose but a tenant can you know make that situation into their favor and say well no you need to get that fixed and if you don't get it fixed i'm not going to pay you well what happens is if after that 15 days the the housing authority says okay you still haven't gotten it fixed they will cancel the contract altogether and then that tenant that is still in that unit you're responsible to handle that evict them do whatever but yeah they will cancel if that if that whatever that uh item isn't fixed they can cancel the contract i think after 30 days i think they're real flexible with you i haven't yet to i've failed obviously dozens of these inspections based on something that needed to be fixed they were they'll i think they are very willing to help landlords get things fixed and they're very reasonable in my opinion absolutely our funding comes from the landlords you know our that's how we have our funding landlords and tenants um we we don't want to kick people off especially landlords um if anything we want to try to keep them so that way we can reach our funding every year we are closed out here rosanna are you guys taking on new tenants uh we are we are accepting tennis most of the most of california is there there isn't any housing authority out this way that i've heard of that uh has ceased uh taking uh any families um most housing authorities will take a family but there's this internal thing where even if they're at their max the housing authority will still take the person in but they'll be billing the other housing authority wherever they came from that's an internal thing um though you're talking about new people coming into this people that don't have a voucher and they're trying to come in right yes no our our we're closed we have thousands of people on the waiting list right now that we're trying to clean up and and go through but yeah we're at our max we're probably gonna open the waiting list again but only to get on the waiting list not to actually issue vouchers to families just yet wow yeah i wanted to just make sure i highlighted that where yes that's how that works uh when when you see advertisements on social media or wherever it is saying that the housing authority is accepting applications typically what that means is that they're going to take applications um on a week time frame like monday through friday between eight and ten and all those people that apply they're only going to get into a pool of the waiting list and that those people in that pool may not even be called for another five to ten years depending on the housing authority so we've we've had people who who signed up in 2016 we just met with them the end of last year so they were waiting long yep that's common here yeah i wanted to just once again highlight that when i said ours is closed rosanna was talking about porting now people pour around all the time but they're already in the system right so we're talking about getting in the system i'm like where else rosanna for my landlords which is why i'm doing this training so much demand for little supply right it's just so that's what i was saying earlier is um that a lot of landlords this is the way to go when it comes down to sure you have to meet certain guidelines and you have uh yearly or bi-annually and by annual inspections and you know those are small things to make sure that the bigger chunk of your mortgage is getting paid from somebody on so not only that my thing is if you're a new landlord and you know for all my new landlords if you don't want to do the inspections i would recommend i want to ask rosanna those inspections will actually help you to be a good steward of your property and the upkeep of it rosanna would you say absolutely right and and housing authorities inspection which is housing quality standards is almost the bare minimum i mean we we need to make sure that all the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide are working properly and that yours your hot water heater is strapped up appropriately and that the flu all that good stuff is bare stuff your window locking mechanisms are all functioning properly so that way you know kids aren't falling out of windows the doors are locked properly that's it you know i mean it's not crazy you wouldn't want your tenant living in a substandard unit anyway so but like it's a good uh starting point to get your house into a good rental status yeah yeah if you because for me i know i didn't know what i needed to fix when i was starting out and so they'll come out and be like look fix boo boo boo fix all this stuff and it was good for me and it's good for the tenant too right but even then they also provide you with a pre-inspection checklist that i think we worked on yep thank you yeah that thing lord you know it seems like a lot but i'm like you've got to cover it all rosanna you do you got to cover it all you do because you guys are coming in there and it's i'm presuming you don't you're not really you have so many out there you don't remember like the inspectors know me when they show up i'm telling you they treat me they check one or two windows they i'm not trying to blow them up but they know that all the windows are working already they'll check a few of them yeah there's a few units that i once i see it from the outside or i know i know that landlord very well that they're up to par they keep their word i'll go in i i will still check i'm not gonna you know i i still go in and take a look at everything um but yeah you know you're good landlords we we have good relationships with with landlords so when they when i know that they keep their places up and they always keep their words when something needs to get fixed piece of cake yeah nice okay let's get you out of here rosanna thank you so much round up my landlords make sure you go below to the video link sign up for the notifications get on our email list so you'll know when the landlord's got the section 8 housing is coming out you can't get any of the training yet but roseanne and i literally put it putting together now i'm so just honored to be able to get this input y'all have no idea how rare it is to get a specialist to even share this stuff thank you all right you're welcome okay see you later guys talk to you all right peace
Channel: kris haskins
Views: 22,244
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Id: UHaDU8_1nqI
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Length: 54min 24sec (3264 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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