What If You Only Drank Coca-Cola?

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Dud dud dud....listen....I drink only like MAYBE 4 cans a day. Look at me dude. I'm JACKED out the waZOO. Shredded abs, juicer arms, dud what even is this?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TotallyJawsome2 📅︎︎ Sep 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] coca-cola can do some pretty strange things and the ingredients inside of it might be even more bizarre just imagine what it's doing inside your body after you drink it now let's take that one step further and imagine only drinking coca-cola for the rest of your life what effects does coca-cola have on your body what would this do to your teeth and how bad would replacing water with coke be this is what if and here's what would happen if you only drank coca-cola believe it or not someone has done something like this before a woman in monaco stopped drinking water and only drank coca-cola for 16 years straight did she survive doing this to her body and what would happen if you did the same doctors recommend that people should drink anywhere from three to four liters of water a day so instead we're going to replace that with coca-cola a single can of coke has 39 grams of sugar to get your daily fluid intake you'd need to drink over eight cans of coke each day that's 312 grams of sugar it would be like eating six chocolate bars for reference it's recommended that people consume less than 40 grams of sugar every day so yeah this would be a lot of extra sugar not to mention the extra calories your coke intake alone would be nearly an extra 8 000 calories a week but that wouldn't be all the extra calories you'd consume this sugary drink could also cause you to eat more as well and with all these extra calories it would lead to some serious weight gain as you drank more coke tooth decay would also be a severe issue each sip of coke would coat your teeth tongue and gums for hours after you finished your soda unless you stuck to an incredibly strict tooth brushing schedule the sugars would slowly break down your enamel this could eventually lead to your teeth completely rotting and once you're done drinking your sodas for the day expect to be going to the washroom a lot the caffeine in coca-cola is a natural diuretic meaning that you're going to be peeing a lot more but the caffeine would be the least of your worries one of the main ingredients you'd need to worry about is the high fructose corn syrup that's because our bodies don't metabolize it and this could lead to a fatty liver symptoms of a fatty liver include fatigue and pain in the upper right abdomen as you continued to drink coca-cola you would experience even more health issues you might have frequent fainting spells and have a potassium deficiency due to all the sugar caffeine and other chemicals you'd also experience problems with your heart rate but the issues won't stop there as time goes on you'd also have a massive risk of getting type 2 diabetes and loads of vitamin deficiencies and if all these issues continued and you decided to ignore them you could develop proteinuria which could then lead to kidney problems and after years of only drinking coke you'd eventually be 600 pounds with a huge list of health issues you'd take your final sips of coca-cola and then die due to a heart attack kidney failure or other health-related issue but it doesn't have to be like that remember the woman who drank coca-cola for 16 years she had a lot of the same issues you had with fainting and weight gain but after 16 years of only drinking coke she decided to stop and her body bounced back to a relatively healthy state in a short period of time so you might be able to do this for over a decade without experiencing any severe repercussions but although drinking only coke for a week a month or even a year wouldn't kill you it doesn't mean you should do it another thing you shouldn't do jump out of an airplane without a parachute but luckily with our new show how to survive we'll show you the perfect way to make sure you get out of it alive
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,315,800
Rating: 4.8853426 out of 5
Keywords: what if, what happens if, scifi, science documentary, what if scenario, mysteries, what if body, what if you only drink coca-cola, coca-cola, drinking coca-cola everyday, Coca-cola each day, drinking cocacola everyday, what would happen, thing you didn't know, what happens, cola addict, Drink anything but Cola, documentaries, possible scenario, science videos, coke everyday
Id: xIpeS3ncJrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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